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FLA 2&3 IN 2S-ENG05

C h i l d r e n
a n d
A d o l e s c e
n t’s
L i t e r a t u
r e
Humpty Dumpty is one of the
Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall Mother Goose Rhymes that I chose. This
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall rhyme is very common to the children so,
All the King’s men cannot I think it will be easy for me to follow
put Humpty Dumpty these following steps to interpret this
back as he was before poem to them.

Reading the poem aloud in front of the children is the initial step that I will make in
introducing the poem to them. In addition, it can be also reading the author’s background
or information what is humpty dumpty all
about. For example: Humpty Dumpty is a sly
allusion to King Richard III, whose brutal
26-month reign ended with his death in the
Battle of Bosworth in 1485. King Richard
III’s horse was supposedly called “Wall,”
off of which he fell during battle. He was
bludgeoned so severely his men could not
save him, becoming the last king to die in
battle. The next step is to put pictures or
illustrations while discussing the poem in
front of the children. Children love to
visualize images while reading and analysing a poem.

It is also important that

children can visualize the
sequence of the story
with the use of pictures
and through paraphrasing
the poem where they can
easily relate.

In a far away Kingdom,

there was an Egg who named Humpty Dumpty that used to sat over the strong and tall
wall outside the palace. King egg enjoys sitting on the wall but suddenly….
He accidentally lost his balance! He was very
shock and trembling at quick! But its too late
because he fell on the ground and broke his
body parts

The King’s men together with the King’s

men rushed to help Humpty Dumpty.
However, they came too late because he
severely broke his body and the King’s men
cannot put him back together again or in
short Humpty Dumpty died.

Another step to help the children understand and familiarize the poem is through
presenting a music video about this Mother Goose Rhymes. It will also give them
enough ability to memorize the poem easily.

Lastly, to make the poem reading and analysing became more essential, leave a
lesson that children can get in the poem or ask some students to share their
thoughts about the poem. For example:

“ The lesson of the story is to avoid climbing over high walls or any high areas
without guardian to watch over your safety. It is also important to follow our
parent’s advice and always put it in mind no matter what happens because it is for
our own good”.
The initial step in introducing verse
The Singing Fairy
for children is to read the piece/verse twice
By: Rose Fyleman until children can have a hint what is the
story all about. It can be added by
There was a fairy once
Who lived alone introducing the author’s background and
In a mossy hole identifying the usual theme and mood of the
Under a stone. verse made by her.
Never abroad she went;
“Rose Amy Fyleman was an English writer
Only at night
and poet, noted for her works on the fairy

When the moon was clear folk, for children”

And the stars were bright
High on the stone she stood,
Lifted her head
And stayed dark fled
All the woods listen then

Not leaf stirred;

Sweeter than the song
Than the song of bird
Whence and how it came
None eve knew—
The next step, is to make students
None but the fairy
explore the content of the verse
And me-and you.
with the use of scrapbook that
contains place, or environment they
can imagine while reading or analysing
the poem. It will help them understand
the nature of the story and appreciate
every words that author has used to visualize the events in the poem. As a teacher,
it can be very easy to explain what is the story all about if the illustration
perfectly describes the events stated in the verse. This is an example of
illustrations that students should found in the scrapbook:
“ Do you believe in fairies? Well, in the verse
made by Rose Fyleman, he became creative in
saying that fairies do exist. The singing fairy
lived somewhere in a mossy hole alone only at
night. And when the moon and stars were
bright, and the weather is so fine she will
came out and stood unde the stone. The
beautiful fairy will start singing with her
sweetest and soft voice. And none ever knew
that secret, and no one sees fairy because
she choose to hide every time.”

Then, identify and determine the

difficult or unfamiliar words to the
students. It has been stated that
poems/verses also improves student’s
vocabulary and pronunciation of the
words. It is also important to explain
to them the importance of knowing
the meaning of the words in the
verses to clearly interpret the
author’s purpose.

Example: whence- means “from what place or source.”

Poet Christina Rossetti was born in 1830,
Who Has Seen the Wind?
the youngest child in an extraordinarily
gifted family. She used to represent wind
in her poem. By representing these invisible
Who has seen the wind?
elements as “the wind,”
Neither I nor you:
furthermore, Rossetti is grounding this
But when the leaves hang trembling,
poem in a natural concept. This adds a
The wind is passing through.
particular flair to the meaning by hinting to
the reader that being in this state of not
Who has seen the wind?
“see[ing]” is natural, as is being impacted
Neither you nor I:
by certain things we cannot “see.”
But when the trees bow down their heads,
The wind is passing by.

The first step that I will follow is to

read the poem to the students twice. After
that, every students will find their pairs to
observe outside the classroom and feel the
wind how it touched their skin. They will be
allowed to observe everything that moves
when the wind passes through the
plants/trees. Afterwards, as they go back
in the classroom, they are all expected that
they can already relate/understand why
wind cannot be seen in our naked eye but we can feel it when it is passing through
the hanging leaves and trees.
Lastly, the pairs will be assigned to make
their own poem about the wind or an
additional feedback of the poem being
introduced to them. This poem-making will
help them have a critical thinking while
enjoying the weather outside. Through
writing a poem, children will gradually boost
their confidence in front and are expected
to learn, and write more about the
creativity and uniqueness of the content of
the poem.

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