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Progress in Physical Geography

Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective

Nicholas J. Clifford
Progress in Physical Geography 2009; 33; 5
DOI: 10.1177/0309133309105035

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Progress in Physical Geography 33(1) (2009) pp. 5–16

Globalization: a Physical Geography
Nicholas J. Clifford*
School of Geography, Nottingham University, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK

Abstract: Although globalization is a term usually restricted to economics and the social sciences,
there are aspects of the phenomenon that are intimately linked to the practice and purpose of the
physical and environmental sciences and exemplified through Physical Geography. At a fundamental
level, Physical Geography has always sought to describe and understand the multiple subsystems
of the environment and their connections with human activity: it is global and globalizing at its
very roots. Globalization may be seen historically in the global export of western science, including
Physical Geography, that underpinned colonial resource exploitation, and which subsequently laid
the foundations for the worldwide conservation movement, and for critiques of environment-
development relations, such as Political Ecology. Globalization is evident today in the burgeoning
productivity and increasing organization of science as well as in the growing accessibility of
scientific information. It is also at work in setting contemporary scientific agendas that are focused
on larger-scale issues of environment and development and environmental change, particularly in
an emergent Earth System Science, and also in Sustainability Science. These global agendas are
not simply shared with but also co-produced by the public, politicians and commercial interests,
providing both opportunities and challenges for traditional disciplines and traditional disciplinary
practices such as Physical Geography.

Key words: conservation, Earth System Science, globalization, Physical Geography, Political
Ecology, Sustainability Science.

I Introduction and others ‘excluded’ by the phenomenon.

Globalization is a term most discussed by At the time of writing this article, globalization
human geographers, economists and social is cast in a much more negative light, being
scientists. Globalization involves ways in associated with the interconnection, and thus
which all people and societies in the world are collective vulnerability, of failing financial and
progressively connected, whether through social systems around the world.
trade, labour and migration, flows of capital Couched in these terms, Physical Geog-
and/or technology transfers. For some this raphy seems to have little to say (and little
marks progressive unification, while for others need to say much) about globalization which
the process is marked by increasing divi- does not at first seem rather artificial or
sions and extremes as some are ‘included’ contrived. Geographers have, however, in


© The Author(s), 2009. Reprints and permissions: DOI: 10.1177/0309133309105035
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6 Progress in Physical Geography 33(1)

different ways, drawn attention to the way in Geography may in this way be seen as a kind
which globalization is changed and changing of product of an intellectual globalization,
in space and time – they are ‘complexifying’ which is ongoing. The search is on for new
the concept – and it may not, therefore, be ways to tackle environmental and societal
inappropriate that some consideration is problems and issues which seem themselves
given to the globalization syndrome from to manifest greater interconnectedness
the perspective of environmental science between the human and the social and which
and Physical Geography. This article is an present at scales from the global to the local.
attempt to provide an initial context for as In the face of this new class of globalized
sociating Physical Geography with the environmental and societal problems, new
globalization debate, partly through its epistemologies are being sought in trans-
connections with the wider subject of Geog- and multidisciplinary research. These are
raphy. It is a starting point for discussion and breaking with old science models of specialism
an introduction to some of the potentially and reductionist methods and drawing on
relevant literature. It provides some examples new ideas such as postnormal science and
of how globalization has affected and is af- complexity theory. They are also reinventing
fecting Physical Geography as a constituent old subject areas in new ways, such as
part of the environmental sciences, and it Earth System Science – thus, representing
considers Earth System Science and Sus- both challenge and opportunity for Physical
tainability Science as, perhaps, the dominant Geography as an identifiable and cognate
(but very different) rival candidates for the disciplinary activity (see below).
environmental science paradigm of the early A recent view of Geography in this con-
twenty-first century. For a fuller discussion on text of emerging challenges and new ways
which this article is based, see Clifford (2008). of thinking (Smith, 2005) also holds intrigu-
ing possibilities for Physical Geography.
II Physical Geography as a Geography is cast:
fundamentally global subject
Physical Geography encompasses the char- as an enterprise of relatedness whose vitality
is secured by forging connections and crossing
acterization and explanation of geological,
intellectual horizons; … Geography forms a hub
hydrological, biological and atmospheric for these networks of relatedness … positioned
phenomena and their interactions at or near awkwardly, but productively, as an interface
the Earth’s surface. This has often been for the social, natural and biological sciences …
undertaken in relation to human occupation both an interstitial subject and an impulse to
and activity. Both from the perspective inter-disciplinarity. It fills the neglected spaces
‘in-between’ human, physical and medical
of scholarly and historical completeness
sciences with potential; it is a creative practical
and because of concern with the relations exercise; a mode of inventive intelligence,
between humans and their environment, through which the virtual becomes real as the
Physical Geography should not be separated world unfolds. (Smith, 2005: 389–90)
from considerations of Geography as a whole,
nor from debates concerning the past, pre- Some of that inventive intelligence to which
sent and future connectedness of environ- Smith alludes has been deployed in recent
ments and human activity. As Gregory (2009) decades in seminal contributions by physical
points out, there is no single paradigm of geographers in the fields of environment-
geographical inquiry: geographers have development studies and in calls for new
borrowed from across the range of natural, kinds of science and scientific engagement,
physical and social sciences and Geography’s notably Sustainability Science and Earth
interconnectedness spans subjects, language System Science. All of these can be seen as
traditions, and technologies. Historically, examples of globalization in operation and

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Nicholas J. Clifford: Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective 7

are discussed later. First, however, some of isolated facts … without the slightest
aspects of an older kind of globalization and attempt … to show how interdependent they
are (Skertchly, 1878: 2)
its implications for the development and
status of Physical Geography are outlined.
Physical Geography was, then, caught in an
III Historical antecedents and early globalization of the academy, which
precedents required specialization and focus (depth,
rather than breadth) as the hallmark of
1 The nineteenth century and an older academic credibility within the universities.
globalization in holism This kind of globalization was thus one of
One of the foundational statements of mid- coordinating and structuring the academy,
nineteenth-century Physical Geography set rather than one marked by an intellectual
the context for its scope, scale and nature as project producing new forms of connected
a globalizing science: knowledge, as most often championed
today, and which had been sought since
Physical geography … ought to be, not only the Enlightenment (see Clifford, 2009, for
the description of our Earth, but the physical further discussion).
science of the globe, or the science of the
present life of the globe in reference to their
connection and their mutual dependence. 2 The twentieth century and globalization
(Guyot, 1850: 3) through specialization
One way in which Physical Geography re-
However, as the nineteenth century pro- sponded to the dilemma of ‘breadth versus
gressed, more and more became known depth’ was to tie the physical science of the
about the Earth, its environment and its environment more closely to the human
peoples. Also, academic subjects were occupancy of the Earth and hence justify
emerging and organizing on a competitive Physical Geography as a science of the
basis within universities and wider society interconnectedness of human-environment
as a whole (see Livingstone, 1992; Unwin, relations (see especially Davis’ tests of causes
1992). Because Physical Geography was a and consequences, 1899). This worked well
global and globalizing subject which tried to while Geography was concerned with larger-
cover so much, it was difficult to preserve scale regional descriptions of the Earth,
its unique role as the integrative science although Physical Geography remained as a
and to maintain its identity as a coherent kind of descriptive backdrop to human activ-
body of knowledge. By the late nineteenth ity: regional geographies frequently started
century, what to some remained a worthy with physical descriptions of the land surface
and ambitious subject: and, generally, regions were themselves
delineated on the basis of landscape. How-
… a description of the substance, form, ever, this very attribute also functioned to
arrangement and changes of all the real things
of Nature in their relation to each other, giving
limit Physical Geography’s connectedness
prominence to comprehensive principles rather with the other physical and environmental
than isolated facts … [and having] a unique sciences, which were becoming more focused
value in mental training, being at once an and reductionist in their methodologies.
introduction to all the sciences and summing The clearest example of this can be seen
up of their results (Mill, 1913: 3, 14)
in the changing role and relations of geo-
morphology. From the later nineteenth
to others was now an embarrassment:
century, this discipline was typified by larger-
… too often degraded into a sort of scientific scale landform and landscape description,
curiosity shop, in which there is a vast collection which formed an ideal backdrop to other

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8 Progress in Physical Geography 33(1)

regional geographies. In the absence of advances were made in various forms of

dating methods, of techniques of palaeo- environmental dating, palaeo-environmental
environmental reconstruction and of detailed reconstruction and large-scale (but fine detail)
geophysical knowledge about endogenic Earth observation. All of these were well
Earth processes, what resulted were elab- represented in Physical Geography, but they
orate chronologies based essentially on developed more or less independently within
stratigraphic correlations and landform the subject. Today, the consequence is that
shape – the denudation chronologies. These none of them are well connected to rapidly
had no means of ‘independent’ scientific developing strands of geophysics that have
testing and beyond deductive reasoning remained outside Geography (Summerfield,
deployed few other scientific traits which 2005). Moreover, none of them are well
tied them into the contemporary main- placed to exploit opportunities offered by
stream science. The geomorphological com- integrative science or to respond to challenges
munity thus became inward-looking and demanded by the awareness of global-scale
disconnected from science and was largely environmental dynamics – that is, by the new
focused on a supporting or separate role period of scientific globalization (see below).
within Geography. The important lesson of this history is that
By the mid-twentieth century, this large- academic subjects change in character and
scale landform denudation chronology ap- popularity through time and that a globaliz-
proach had probably reached its limits in ing subject requires particular circumstances
the provision of new knowledge. With the to thrive. The post-Enlightenment period to
quantitative revolution in Geography and a the mid-nineteenth century was one such
move away from the regional geography para- period as ‘new’ knowledge developed across
digm, denudation chronology was effectively a very broad range and required organ-
redundant (and redundancy of old practice is, ization and classification: this was an early
of course, a consequence of globalization). period of scientific globalization. As this
Geomorphology’s response was twofold: on was accomplished, more focused study re-
the one hand, particularly far-sighted prac- quiring distinctive methodologies had greater
titioners, notably R.J. Chorley (Chorley, 1971), credibility. Judged against this set of new
realized both the potential and the necessity requirements, Physical Geography in the
to redefine and reconnect geomorphology, nineteenth century lacked both a focus
Physical Geography and Geography as a for its study and a distinct epistemology for
whole and to connect Geography into a new the disclosure of the new knowledge which
and more enduring scientific framework. it might claim to provide. Its response
In effect, this was an effort to recapture (denudation chronology) gave it uniqueness,
an older form of globalized and globalizing but isolated it from other environmental
knowledge and methodology. The vehicle and Earth sciences. This situation persisted
for this was to be General System Theory until the mid-twentieth century when a re-
(von Bertalanffy et al., 1951) but in some tooling of Physical Geography, marked by
ways this was ahead of its time and is more increasing specialization, reliance on technical
appropriate today as a response to global methodologies and smaller-scale laboratory-
environmental problems (see below on Earth like studies, brought it closer to other physical
System Science). A second response was to sciences and science methodology. This was
focus on more traditional physical science despite strong advocacy of General Sys-
and its reductionist methodologies. This tem Theory (really, an alternative way to
stressed the investigation of surface landform reconnect the many strands of Geography
processes which could be monitored at the and science, using an older, holistic view).
smaller scale. At the same time, enormous It was not until the end of the twentieth

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Nicholas J. Clifford: Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective 9

century, however, that the stage was set all in around one tenth of a second! What
for the re-emergence of the subject cast in this powerful search engine provides is now
a General System manner and recovering unremarkable, but it would hardly have
some of its much older heritage (Clifford, been imaginable a generation ago. It is clear
2009). The key players on this emergent testimony to the globalization of knowledge
stage were new classes of environmental technology – provided, of course, that in-
issues, the development of ideas in science dividuals have access to it. Access (whether
such as complexity theory, debates favour- to information, wealth or life chances) is a key
ing increasing inter- and transdisciplinary contested issue in the globalization debate.
studies and new technologies capable of Some exponents argue for the benefits of
global-scale environmental monitoring with global knowledge spread while others caution
fine-scale local detail. In a globalizing world, against its monopolizing and homogenizing
globalization has, in some respects, thus tendencies. People in places also produce
created the conditions for the re-emergence knowledge, which is not always fed into
of a more ambitious Physical Geography as a the global network. People may thus be
force in Earth Systems Science. empowered or disempowered by the growth
of science and technology and by access
IV Physical Geography and the new to it, in common with other aspects of the
globalization of science: some examples globalization syndrome.
Beyond historical experiences, there are at Underlying the technology of knowledge
least three indicators of the ways in which dissemination is, of course, scientific output –
science (and thus, Physical Geography) the reporting and publication of research.
can be said to be part of the globalization There has been an exponential growth of
syndrome today. First is the enormous academic and other journals over the course
growth in scientific output and the rapid (but of the twentieth century, characterized by
still differential) electronic ‘remote’ access to an average compound annual growth rate of
this. Second is the increasingly global agenda 3.3% (Mabe and Amin, 2001), but there are
of science. Third is the changing academic also other intriguing aspects (marked in the
foci and character of the environmental differing growth rates for refereed scientific
sciences. Each of these is examined in a little journals in particular historical periods) which
more detail in the sections which follow. tie academic and scientific output and activ-
ity to deeper definitions and ramifications of
1 The globalization of scientific output the globalization syndrome. Broadly, three
The enormous growth in scientific output periods are suggested:
and the ease of access to this is seen in the
number and range of scientific journals and 1900–1914, where there was little funding for
science from government and growth was
in the power of web-based search engines driven by the collective behaviour of disciplines
such as Google Scholar and the ISI Web themselves, with journals almost entirely in
of Knowledge. At the time of writing, for the hands of scientific societies. This is called
example, Google Scholar (http://scholar. a time of small-scale, ‘innocent’ science., 1944–1978, a period of ‘Big Science’ where
which promises to ‘Search diverse sources advances in science and technology were
from one convenient place; find papers, ab- largely supported by governments. These
stracts and citations; locate the complete were driven by concerns for international
paper through your library or on the web’, security following WW2 and through the
Cold War, and later by the ‘space race’. This
was able to provide 1.37 million references was a period of maximum growth in academic
under the key word ‘Geography’ and 588 000 output, with publication now mixed between
under the key word ‘Physical Geography’, academic societies and commercial publishers.

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10 Progress in Physical Geography 33(1)

The most recent phase, from the late 1970s, 2 The globalization of science agendas –
is associated with lower growth rates and a worldwide conservation
pervasive disappointment or questioning of an
overly ambitious science. Issues such as the oil The connection between people and the
crisis of the 1970s, potential ecological disaster environment, built and natural, is the crux of
and concerns about nuclear technologies have both geography and conservation. Geographers
seen a relative decline in government-funded study and conservationists worry about the en-
science and concomitant growth in commercial vironment over the same breadth of space and
funding. Growth in the number of journals time … Only geographers among the academics
has slowed (but journal numbers are still who interface with conservation, claim to offer
increasing) and academic library subscriptions the tools from both natural science and social
have fallen back more than ever before. This enquiry that conservationists are constantly
has been termed a period of ‘scape-goat’ calling for. (Warren, 1987: 322–23)
science. (Mabe and Amin, 2001: 157–58)
Warren’s statement reflects a common sen-
Based upon this analysis, it is impossible to timent that Geography, environment and
separate the growth of academic journals conservation are necessarily and deeply con-
(and science as a whole) from wider issues nected, both as intellectual and as practical
of funding, from the agendas of government projects. Geography and geographers can
and larger-scale business and from public lay some strong claims to have provided both
perceptions of the role and value of science. paradigmatic or seminal works in the field;
Discipline-specific behaviours are the source they are well-known chroniclers and popu-
of further debate (in Geography, there is dis- larizers of the conservation/development
cussion of how publication behaviour varies ‘message’; and they are members of inter-
between physical and human geographers; national aid and environment agencies (see
see Ferguson, 2003, for example). What Butzer, 2002, for discussion).
is clear, however, is that scientific publica- Historically, conservation and Geography
tion (and, through this, all scientific activity have been seen as inseparable from com-
underpinning it) is part of the globalization mercial exploration and exploitation of new
syndrome. During the twentieth century, territories, largely by the European powers
science has increasingly left the control of sci- (and the European companies) of tropical
entists and scientific organizations and been islands and continents. Grove (1992; 1995)
more and more reliant on commercial organ- details how western environmentalism and
izations and the changing economic and conservation were recognizable and pro-
political agendas of the time. minent from the seventeenth century and
Globalization of science is not just about developed rapidly over the succeeding
the scale of scientific output and access to it. century as new lands were first explored,
Globalization also relates to the way in which subjected to scientific evaluation, then
science is focused on particular global issues colonized and commercially exploited. The
in a context set by changing global views first waves of settlement led to unbridled
and needs. Physical Geography and environ- deforestation and were quickly followed
mental science offer several examples of by soil and water resource depletion. Early
this. In the sections below, the historical and (academic) conservation efforts were
more recent involvement of Geography with championed principally by naturalists or
the worldwide conservation movement, polymaths, accompanying voyages of dis-
with Political Ecology and, most recently, with covery financed by private capital. Their
Sustainability Science and Earth Systems academic background was normally that
Science, are presented as illustrations of the of medicine and increasingly botany and
globalization syndrome and its effects on geology. Significantly, conservation ideas
these various forms of environmental practice. rested on the concepts of linkage between

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Nicholas J. Clifford: Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective 11

elements in an environmental system and actually being appropriated and brought

Grove places the roots of environmentalism together by such captivation, and recreated
in the work of Alexander von Humboldt. In and symbolically represented to others –
ways strikingly reminiscent of the critique another very distinct kind of globalization.
of globalization today, there was early Alongside the zoo, Adams situates the
recognition that European rule and, with nature and game reserves, sanctuaries and
this, unfettered capitalism could be envir- national parks as the big idea of twentieth-
onmentally destructive – first, to local land- century conservation. Again, the mountain
scapes, lifestyles and people; second, to gorilla provides a very strong symbol of this.
continued resource availability; and sub- The first African national park was declared
sequently to the local and perhaps global to protect the animals, and the gorilla became
operation and sustainability of climate and an icon for the scientific study of threatened
the environment. species, through Dian Fossey’s (1983)
A more personal account echoes many Gorillas in the mist and the subsequent film
of Grove’s points and brings the historical biopic. While parks were primarily justified on
account to life through the compelling scientific grounds (to protect both landscape
vignette of the African mountain gorilla. and animals) there were important early
Against extinction (Adams, 2004) is a history geopolitical considerations. There were, for
of conservation and nature which is also a example, ideas to link parks transnationally
pointer to the need for and basis of a changed and thus form bridges between competing
conservation paradigm. Taking the theme colonial powers. Now the parks are truly
of conservation as essentially a twentieth- part of a global phenomenon, governed by
century ‘western’ movement inspired by international conventions and emblematic
nineteenth-century ideals, Adams charts the of a kind of international corporatism. One
changing scope and fortunes of conservation way or another, they signify conservation
and of ‘nature’ since initial encounters with moving from a minority to a majority concern,
the gorilla by German colonial administrators increasingly linked with a web of connections
operating between Rwanda and Uganda around the globe, with pressing questions of
(as now). These encounters were initially the degree of acceptable human occupation
motivated by ‘discovery and capture’ – animals and use of the park resources by local people
hitherto subject to local, indigenous en- (and by outside commercial concerns). The
counters through millennia were now shot, national parks have always wrestled with the
stuffed and exhibited. question of ‘naturalness’ and ‘community’
Subsequent encounters were for capture versus conservation: now, there is gorilla
of a different kind: the live exhibition in tourism and a need to habituate gorilla groups
zoos where animals were first exhibited as to human presence. There is also the need to
spectacles in cages and later in enclosures manage the financial gains and disturbance of
(fragments themselves of a captured nature). growing tourist numbers.
Later still, zoos became ‘nature’s saviours’, Finally, Adams asks a basic question that,
through captive breeding of rare species in with so much local and global effort in con-
ex situ conservation. Zoos became centres servation over a century and with so much
not of entertainment but of conservation, global emphasis on development, why is
education and science, and, to some extent, there still so little global conservation success
proselytizations of habitat loss and threat and so much local and regional poverty? He
of extinction. In a bizarre paradox it was suggests that:
freedom which thus came to justify captivity,
or wilderness to legitimize domestication Natural science is just one among several ways
(Anderson, 1997). Different worlds were of understanding nature … Conservationists

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12 Progress in Physical Geography 33(1)

need to recognize that concepts like ‘bio- Blaikie’s original and central example is
diversity’ shut out other ideas about nature the African rangeland landscape and the
just as effectively as rooms full of Western-
problem of overstocking and degradation:
salaried conservation scientists mapping
hotspots shut out other people. (Adams, at different times and to different degrees,
2004: 233–34) the colonial administrations viewed and
constructed nature and natives in value-
Effectively, this is a plea for a pluralist con- laden terms, leading to often coercive and
ception of nature, but also of people – what resisted environmental conservation and
Adams calls nature’s neighbours – and a management policies, most persuasively seen
focus on the characterization and restoration in soil erosion control measures. ‘Western’
of relationships between the two in the con- science, from the 1930s on, adopted a model
text of the globalization debate. Writing like of erosion based upon field experiments from
this resonates well with the economic and pol- the USA. These emphasized slope gradient
itical critiques of globalization, as people and and slope length as primary variables in erosion
place are brought into a global whole, where loss and implicated native tillage practices as
lives are affected by globalizing processes, an exacerbating factor. The solution was
but where people do not necessarily benefit to adopt terracing and to change land-use
as a consequence and become disempowered and land-holding practices – at enormous
to shape their own agendas. Within the en- political cost – with a generally paternalistic
vironment-development arena, such relations and modernizing attitude. However, in the
between local and global and between em- ensuing decades, the model of erosion was
powerment and disempowerment have also questioned, leading to an emphasis on rainfall
been championed by those with a strong intensity (not controlled by terracing) and
Physical Geography training, that is, in the to the revaluing of local knowledges as an
field of Political Ecology. alternative source of conservation technique.
In this reconceptualization of the problem,
3 The globalization of science agendas – erosion was controlled by traditional methods
Political Ecology of ground cover, less intensive tillage and
Political Ecology deals with investigations intercropping.
of resource use and abuse, land degradation This key issue of erosion thus reflected a
and marginalization and the environment deeper and wider embeddedness of science
as overexploited and undervalued. This line within policy-making and bureaucracy,
of inquiry began in the 1970s and is most stretching from colonial and postcolonial
clearly articulated in Blaikie’s (1985) Pol- administrations to world aid organizations.
itical economy of soil erosion and in Blaikie Blaikie (2001: 136) goes on to argue that
and Brookfield’s (1987) Land degradation approaches to nature reflect less about
and society. These are part of a wider set disclosure and adoption of ‘truths’ and more
of geographical contributions to the iden- about understanding political narratives. In the
tification and characterization of uneven sense that such narrative analyses necessitate
development (Smith, 1984; 1996). The key a globalization perspective, but also a critique
theme is that environmental problems and of this, then placing ‘facts’ within a social and
issues are manifestations of an ‘ideology of political context frequently uncovers new
nature’. This ideology masks social inequality dimensions to environment, conservation
arising from the inequitable distribution and and reconstruction problems and to their
exploitation of resources, while claiming a solutions or responses. It also prompts a
scientific (ie, neutral) knowledge of problems political agenda of enabling change through
arising from human impacts. improved representation and explanation

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Nicholas J. Clifford: Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective 13

(Bryant, 2001) and is something of an antidote Clifford and Richards (2005) and Richards
to other aspects of globalization. and Clifford (2008) provide introductory
critiques of ESS and draw attention to a
4 The globalization of science agendas – Earth more negative aspect of the ESS which is
System Science particularly relevant to the globalization
Earth Systems Science (ESS) is a label debate. A key consideration is that, unlike
which has been variously employed to much physical science and applied physical
create structure and coherence to an array science where outcomes are predictable,
of disciplines concerned with aspects of the environmental science is often characterized
Earth’s physical and biological systems by a lack of certainty and predictability. Add to
(Clifford and Richards, 2005; Richards and this that the ‘new’ science is highly politicized
Clifford, 2008). ESS was promulgated by and environmental, then all sorts of warning
NASA in the 1980s for structuring its Earth signals regarding power, manipulation of
observation activities, but has since broadened agendas and access to ‘solutions’ are sounded.
to encompass much of the historical territory Perhaps unwittingly, ESS may represent one
of Physical Geography and much of what more way in which power relations (between
might be termed ‘integrated geography’ – scientists, politicians and public) are recast
that is, consideration of both physical en- and reinforced in the guise of greater inclu-
vironmental and human-social phenomena sivity, but with a new technocentric method
as linked systems. ESS is now a term widely and an expert language drawing on General
used in universities, research funding bodies, System Theory, GIS and the newer fields
environmental agencies and scientific pub- collectively known as complexity science.
lishing. Its three defining characteristics Frequently, the appeal to ESS is based on
are: its emphasis on interactions between very emotive language concerning climate
component systems of the natural world; its change, global warming, sea-level rise and
emphasis on systems, which encompass and other impending ecological disasters. It is
link both natural and social subsystems; and also an example, then, of how the relations
its global scale. between scientists and the public are being
It is clear that ESS has been deliberately reworked. Science agendas are changing so as
configured not just as a ‘new’ intellectual to shape (but also as a response to) journalistic
enterprise (originally and allegedly distinct and public interest in the environment in
because of its scope, scale and technological what has been called the democratization
underpinnings) but also as a new unifying or socialization of knowledge (Gibbons
theme for the scientific community. In some et al., 1994). Science must be ‘socially robust’
writings (Schellnhuber, 1999; Pitman, 2005) (that is accepted in society and co-produced)
there is an explicit agenda for the global- as it is ‘scientifically reliable’ (Nowotny
ization of science: its purpose, practice and et al., 2001). The degree to which ESS is
products. In some guises, consideration of used in a ‘top-down’ manner and is hence
the opportunities (and, perhaps, necessities?) a kind of perpetuation of an older order,
of improving links between the various Earth remains to be seen, but the potential is clearly
and environmental sciences is both timely and there. In all of these respects, ESS provides
balanced (Paola et al., 2006). In other guises, another microcosm of the globalization
ESS represents what might be termed an syndrome. It may be contrasted with the
aggressive project. It has grand and totalizing other new and ‘big’ or global agenda – that
ambitions: ESS is now prominent, for example, of Sustainability Science – which also has a
in all US Geography programmes, in some strong presence of Physical Geography and
cases replacing the title Physical Geography. physical geographers.

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14 Progress in Physical Geography 33(1)

5 The globalization of science agendas – These questions provoke a renewed ethical

Sustainability Science engagement with the world for (Physical)
Sustainability Science has emerged recently Geography and reflect deeper thinking of the
as a formal response to ideas and issues of ways in which globalization acts on people
sustainability developed in the 1980s and and place and is itself formed and changed
1990s, which examined the connections by and in them, too. Kates et al. (2001) are
between environment, development and clear that sustainability demands a new
society at global and regional scales (Clark and form of science: one that is regionally and
Dickson, 2003). These debates emphasized a locally sensitive and which does not apply
divide between the North and South not science or science policy simply from the ‘top
simply in terms of wealth, but also in terms of down’. In this way, they implicitly distance
lifestyle and development priorities, and with themselves from what might be termed
respect to their nature-society-environment ‘globalization as McDonaldization’ and come
relations (see above in the context of Political close to the more complex conceptions of
Ecology). Sustainability Science is about scale and its meanings discussed in Marston
stating and shaping an agenda that tackles et al. (2005). Here, the overarching concept
environmental and development issues at a is that of a ‘flat ontology’ which breaks with
world and world-changing scale and it is also hierarchical views of large-scale/small-scale
the clearest example of how environmental and place/region/globe. To Marston et al.,
science and Physical Geography are neces- space and place are more like networks and
sary and fundamental parts of the globaliza- nodes for human-environment interaction,
tion syndrome. which engender a wide range of political
Some of the core questions of this new opportunities to engage with environment
science may be summarized as follows: and society. Whereas hierarchical concep-
tions of space and place (and of globalization
• How can the dynamic interactions be- within this context) tend to lead to ideas
tween nature and society be better in- of people and places as passive recipients of
corporated into emerging models and globalization, the flat ontology view admits
conceptualizations that integrate the a view of people and place as agents in its
Earth system, human development and (ie, globalization’s) change and representa-
sustainability? tion. Sustainability Science, then, is one
• How are long-term trends in environment more way in which physical and human geog-
and development, including consump- raphers, environmental and social scientists
tion and population, reshaping nature– are, through new representations of nature-
society interactions in ways relevant to society-development relations, challenging
sustainability? and complicating globalization as a concept,
• What determines the vulnerability or as well as themselves being agents of change
resilience of the nature-society system in the process of globalization!
in particular kinds of places and for par-
ticular types of ecosystems and human V Conclusion
livelihoods? Globalization, as normally applied in the
• How can today’s operational systems for economic and social sciences, refers to the
monitoring and reporting on environmental increasing connectedness or unification of
and social conditions be integrated or societies through economic, social and cul-
extended to provide more useful guidance tural transformations. This is often in as-
for efforts to navigate a transition toward sociation with new technologies for the
sustainability? transfer of capital and information. It is

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Nicholas J. Clifford: Globalization: a Physical Geography perspective 15

not a term which has commonly been ap- Acknowledgements

plied in the physical and environmental This article is a shortened and revised version
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