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ROLL NO.:10121





Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................3
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:............................................................................................................4
SCOPE OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................................4
LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................................5
FIVE APPROACHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL RECRUITMENT.........................................................5
ABC GUIDELINES FOR SUCCESSFUL RECRUITMENT................................................................6
RECRUITMENT AND EXPECTATIONS OF APPLICANTS.............................................................9
TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWS.......................................................................................11
INFOSYS AND ITS RECRUITMENT..............................................................................................14
HCL TECHNOLOGIES LTD AND ITS RECRUITMENT............................................................16
FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS.........................................................................................................17

Recruitment is the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among
whom the right people can be selected. The study deals with recruitment and the possible steps
that could be taken to make the recruiting efforts succeed by finally selecting the best suited
applicant after screening him through various recruitment processes. Also the study focuses upon
the latest recruiting approaches taken by various companies to hire the best talented individuals
across the globe. It also focuses in detail upon the recruitment process adapted by the companies
like Infosys, HCL technologies Ltd, Delloite etc.

Meaning of recruitment:
Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for
their selection and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and
obtaining applicants for the jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected. In the
recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable
candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential

As per Flippo’s definition: “Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and
stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization.”

As the productivity and success of any business depends greatly upon its employees, recruitment
and selection of new employees is a challenging job for the Human Resource Department of all
the companies. Recruitment has become a difficult job due to growing competition and
increasing employment in the world. Also other factors like literacy rate, smart and aware
employees who want to work for their overall development and not just for the sake of money
should be kept in mind. No employee prefers a stagnant job today that does not provide enough
job opportunity. Above all this age is also a limitation. The old workers and employees retire at
the age of 55 years and when compared to these old employees, there is a substantiate decrease
in the new younger employees that seeks jobs. Thus all such factors demand a good recruitment
effort in order to select the appropriate employees and reduce the attrition rate in the company.


The study is carried out keeping in mind the following objectives:

1. How to make recruitment efforts succeed in order to satisfy the requirement of both the
company and the applicant.
2. How is recruitment related to employee satisfaction and employee turnover rate.
3. What are the latest recruitment processes adapted by the different companies to attract the
best talented people in this competing world.


The scope of the study is restricted to the recruitment process of companies like Infosys, HCL
Technologies Ltd and Delloite. Thus, it may differ from company to company. The study can be
useful for making successful efforts in recruitment process and thus increasing employee
satisfaction so that the attrition can be minimised for the company. Also the study provides
information on how the social media sites can be used to recruit the best talent across the world.


The limitation for the study is:
1. The study is carried out on secondary data. Most of the information is taken by referring
to good books related to recruitment and selection process.
2. There is less primary approach in actually interacting with the graduate students who
have recently faced the placement interviews.
3. Most of the information is taken from fresh graduates and not from people with work


The study is done by reading the books on recruitment and selection process. Also latest
information on the study is collected from internet and by approaching the graduates who appear
for placement interviews. Telephoning and Face book chatting has also helped in knowing the
latest information. The study is mainly focused on secondary approach.


1. Expand your Recruitment Scope

Companies that recruit only candidates who go applying directly or apply via newspaper or
internet shall miss many excellent potential candidates. Companies should set up good
relationship with HR consulting departments/offices of the Universities as well as of other
companies. They will frequently provide you list of candidates who are suitable to the vacancy
you are recruiting.

Besides, the companies can make opportunities for their current staff to attend conferences and
professional meetings. They are good occasions to find out potential talents for the company. As
for Online candidates, one should as well check the profiles of other candidates who currently do
not wish to work for you. Job Ads on the company's website or newspaper is a common and
effective method to spread the recruitment information to many people.

2. Recruitment of Qualification

The candidates to be recruited must be the ones who "perform the work correctly, professionally
and integratedly with the group work environment of the company". It is believed that "behaviors
in the past shall be the best basis to the prediction of the future behaviors", therefore, the HR
manager should consider this principle in recruiting. The employee to be recruited must meet all
the basic requirements of the Company.

3. "Courtyard" Strategy

Recruiting new ones does not mean that you can ignore the current staff. Offering the current
employees opportunities to get promoted and development shall motivate them to do better in
work. Once the current staffs find motivated and satisfied with their contribution being
acknowledged, they will try to contribute more and more in general success. HR manager should
always offer new positions in the company; carry out interviewing potential candidates - this also
is an opportunity for one to understand better about his/her staffs.

4. Prove to be a "Big Boss"

It is very important that one proves to the candidates the prestige of his/her company. You
should consider the candidates' actual experiences of motivation, ability, reward,
acknowledgment, promotion and the flexibility between the job and life. These are the basic
matters helping you become a caring manager. As long as that, the candidates shall believe that
your company is a wonderful place to work for and to fulfill their dreams.

5. Seek help from current employees

The company gets 3 advantages when bringing its current employees in the recruitment process:
a) They may introduce excellent candidates to the positions you are recruiting.

b)They may help you evaluating the potential candidates' profiles.

c) They may participate in interviewing the candidates to select the most suitable ones.


As soon as there is going to be a job opening in the company, either because of a vacancy or the
creation of a new position, ABC Guidelines can be applied for successful recruitment. This
means by being:

 Attractive: Promote the organization as the kind of place employees will want to call their
place of work. Highlight the most generous and unique benefits of the company, have
employees promote the companies attributes among friends. Convert failure and
shortcomings to attributes.

 Believable: If what is offered by the company sounds too good to be true then repackage
the wares. Sceptical applicants shouldn’t have to cross-examine interviewers to determine
if the hard-to-believe advertised benefits are real.

 Centered: Identify and focus on three to six critical, job-specific competencies; that is,
qualities or traits that contribute to a person’s ability to effectively perform the duties and
responsibilities of a given job. Clearly communicate and adhere to them in the
recruitment efforts.

 Diligent: Effective recruiting requires a steady a steady and energetic application of effort
across the board.

 Empathetic: try to understand and take into consideration the applicant’s need and
interests in relation to organizational goals, in order to a balance nd find common
denominators between the two.

 Flexible: If one recruitment source is not yielding the kind of results the company desire
then move on to other sources even if the previous source was a heavily relied in the
past,with good results.

 Greedy: Tell yourself that the company is entitled to be staffed by the best possible
workforce, and seek out those applicants that maximally meet the company’s needs. Aim
high but be realistic.

 Hip: Stay informed and current when it comes to the latest developments in recruitment,
as well as what sources and techniques competitors are using.

 Informative: Anticipate what applicants are likely to want to know about a job and the
company and be prepared to tell them, either verbally or in form of some written
material, a CD-ROM or online.

 Judicious: Exercise sound judgement when matching applicants with jobs. Avoid
decisions ruled by emotion.

 Knowledgeable: Be thoroughly familiar with the parameters of the job, how it interfaces
with other positions, the department and the company. Also be aware of how other
organizations view this job in terms of responsibility, status and compensation.

 Linear: think in terms of a series of straight lines connecting the applicant, the job and the
company. This practice helps keep the company on track to accomplish its goals of filling
staffing openings as quickly as possible with the most suitable employee.

 More: Review the current recruitment efforts and think of improving it more to hire the
best employee.

 Notorious: Strive to become the brand-name organization everyone talks about. Keep the
goal to become a company that job applicants want to work for and other companies want
to imitate.

 Open-Minded: Whether one is recruiting IT specialists, engineers, or secretaries, view the

job from the applicant’s perspective. Ask employees in the classification that company is
trying to fill to identify key elements of the job so that you can emphasize those
significant aspects to applicants.

 Persistent: Continue exploring various recruitment sources until right employee is found.
Resist pressure to settle or compromise the company’s standard if one is unable to fill an
opening right away. Rather re-examine the sources the company has chosen and adjust as

 Quick: The moment there is going to be an opening for a job, act on it. Spread the word
among the employees, run an ad, do whatever is possible to spread the word until
opening is filled.

 Realistic: It’s one thing to seek out the best possible applicant for a job and to be
persistent about it, yet quite another to hold out for the ideal employee who may only
exist on paper or in your mind. Adhering to job specific competencies will enable you to
remain realistic.

 Sensible: Carefully determine the best recruitment source based on a number of factors,
including the nature of the job and the current market.

 Tireless: the company should not relax its recruitment efforts to avoid other companies
grab the applicant.

 Unified: Make certain everyone concerned with the recruiting effort is working toward
the same goal-that is, that they are in agreement with regard to the qualities and skills
being sought.

 Vocal: If there are agencies or other firms assisting the company with a job search, then
openly and clearly express to them the qualities and skills the company needs ion an

 Watchful: Look for signs that confirm the recruitment sources the company is using are
producing the kinds of results wanted and that the applicants coming forth possess
needed qualities.

 Xentigious: Regardless of how desperate the company is to fill an opening, never aver
step outside the boundaries of what’s legal-it’s not worth.

 Youthful: be youthful both in thinking and spirit in order to compete for the top
performers, especially the scarce but vitally important group of younger workers.
Specifically, think in terms of what is important to younger workers in relation to
working conditions, hours, perks and the likes.

 Zealous: Applicants are more likely to be interested in becoming part of the company if
the recruiters are enthusiastic and appear to genuinely enjoy working there. Accordingly,
consider briefly sharing some of the experiences with the company, offering vivid images
of what it’s like to work there.


No one should claim that money does not matter. Regardless of all the theories about motivation,
money often weighs heavily in determining whether a person takes or stays with a job. Aside
from meeting both real and perceived needs, money continues to be a key factor in how we rate
one another. That is, our worth is determined, to a large extent, by how much we make today, in
relation to what we are making, say, 5 years ago, as well as in comparison with what others in
comparable positions earned.

But there are other factors that are as motivating as money, and job applicants and employees
continuously tell employer that these are, albeit sometimes indirectly. For eg., when positions
remain open for a long time, it could be due to ineffective recruitment sources, but it could also
be because applicants are not excited by what the company is offering. Quick resignation could
be the result of employees getting better offers, or it could be because a recruiter painted an
inaccurate picture of the job. High turnover figures could be attributable to many causes,
including ineffective employer/employee relations; it could also be due to a lackluster work
environment in which employees feel undervalued.

Sometimes applicants and employees clearly verbalize exactly what it is they expect from their
employer. According to a survey conducted by, 82% of some 1200 full time
worker stated that a safe work environment was the most important element of a job. Other key
”job satisfier” included good relations with direct supervisors, career growth opportunities, and
sociability with peers.

In another survey conducted by true careers, 40% of respondents express a keen interest in
protecting their financial stability by negotiating severance agreements and outplacement
assistant before committing to a job. This sends employers a clear message that many applicants
are evaluating career options based on what would happen in the event of a layoff.

Too often employers assume that they know what’s best for employees. This frequently happens
with regard to benefits. Some employers are exceedingly generous in term of their offerings;
unfortunately, they fail to take into account individual needs and preferences. For eg., a twenty
something single worker is more likely to favor free pet insurance over prepaid child-care
services. On the other hand, older “sandwich generation” workers, responsible for children and
their aging parents, might respond favorably to elder-care provisions. Assumptions concerning
compensation can also backfire.

What this means is the employers would do well to 1) survey employees as to their expectation,
and 2) wherever possible, offer comparably valued choices in benefits and compensation

Technical applicants, for eg., are most interested in jobs where they can work on exciting new
products using state-of-the-art technologies. They want each new experience to make them more
marketable in the future, so often they can be lured by subsidized education and training
programs. Furthermore, they expect immediate rewards rather than promises of future benefits.
Since technical workers are trending towards shorter and shorter stints with any given employer
(18 month in current average), they would prefer sign-on bonuses and stock options rather than
pension plans and other benefits with longer vesting cycles. And, of course, depending on which
way the economic winds are blowing, life style can be a key discriminator. Factors such as
flextime, flex-dress, and telecommuting often tip the scales when a technical applicant has
multiple job offers.


There are many different types of interviews, each serving a different function in the hiring
process. Three of these are screening interviews:

1) Exploratory interviews establish continued interest-on the part of both the interviewer
and the applicant-and determine preliminary job suitability. Assuming these two
conditions are satisfied, the next step is to set up a job-specific interview.
2) Telephone interviews are intended to accomplish one of the two objectives: to establish
continued interest in a job applicant that results in scheduling of an appointment to meet
in person for an in-depth interview, or to determine that an applicant’s qualifications do
not sufficiently meet the job’s specifications.
3) Video interviews allow employers to observe long-distance applicants in addition to
simultaneously talking to them.

Under no circumstances should exploratory, telephone or video screening interviews substitute

for the face-to-face interview.

Other types of interviews constitute comprehensive meetings between the applicants and one or
more representatives of the hiring organization:

 HR interviews conducted by HR specialist are both board-based and job-specific. They

are board –based in that the HR interviewer cover a great deal of general territory,
including goals and interests, and job-specific because the interviewer delves into thje
applicant’s education and experiences as they relate specifically to the available job
 Departmental interviews, which are conducted by the department heads or managers,
focus on whether the person can do the job; that is, they emphasize job- specifics.

 Panel interviews generally involve three interviewers- usually an HR representative, the
department manager, and a department head. Panel interviews save time and allow
interviewer to compare impressions of applicant as they answer questions.
 Peer interviews involve the colleagues of a potential employee. Most peer interviews are
in form of panels, although some are one-on-one. An HR representative should be

Most applicants are eager to make a good impression on their interviewer. They try to answer all
questions as fully as possible, project positive body language, and ask appropriate questions.
Occasionally, however, one can find oneself face-to-face with a less than ideal applicant who
falls into one of several categories: excessively shy or nervous, overly talkative, overly
aggressive or dominant, or highly emotional or distraught.

 Stress interview: Proponents of stress interviews claim that the process allows them to
ferret out significant job-related traits by deliberately putting the applicant on guard or at
a disadvantage. Stress interviews are not recommended under any circumstance.


1. Poor attitude: Many candidates come across as arrogant and proud.
2. Appearance: Many candidates do not consider their appearance as much as they should.
First impressions are quickly made in the first three to five minutes.
3. Lack of research: It's obvious when candidates haven't learned about the job, company or
industry prior to the interview. Visit the library or use the Internet to research the company,
then talk with friends, peers and other professionals about the opportunity before each
4. Not having questions to ask. Asking questions shows the applicant’s interest in the company
and the position. Prepare a list of intelligent questions in advance.
5. Not readily knowing answers to interviewers' questions. Anticipate and rehearse
answers to tough questions about the applicant’s background, such as recent termination.
6. Relying too much on resumes. Employees hire people, not paper. Although a resume can
list qualifications and skills, it's the interview dialogue that will portray the applicant as a
committed, loyal, hard-working, dependable and a responsive team player.
7. Too much humility. Being conditioned not to brag, candidates are sometimes reluctant to
describe their accomplishments. Explaining how you reach difficult or impressive goals
helps portray you as a committed, responsive team player who could be beneficial for the
8. Not relating skills to employers' needs. A list of sterling accomplishments means little if
you can't relate them to a company's requirements. Reiterate your skills and convince the

employer that you can "do the same for them" and thus increase chance of selection.
9. Handling salary issues ineptly. Candidates often ask about salary and benefit packages
too early. If they believe an employer is interested, they may demand inappropriate amounts
and price themselves out of the jobs. Candidates who ask for too little undervalue themselves
or appear desperate.

10. Lack of career direction. Job hunters who aren't clear about their career goals often
can't spot or commit to appropriate opportunities and end up in wasting everybody’s time.
11. Job shopping. Some applicants, particularly those in certain high-tech, sales and
marketing fields, will admit they're just "shopping" for opportunities and have little intention
of changing jobs. This wastes time and leaves a bad impression with employers they may
need to contact in the future.
In this period of global competition, in order to attract the best talent across the globe, the
companies are making use of social media sites like Face book, Twitter and LinkedIn to recruit
the best people suited for the job requirement. Social media gives us the ability to build networks
with people and find niche skills we might not normally see. Social media helps ensure it can
reach all potential recruits and as a result have better choice.

Deloitte's Dutch operation is using social media to improve its recruitment process and websites
like Twitter, Face book and LinkedIn all have parts to play. Lennart Sloof, senior e-Recruiter at
Deloitte NL, says "Social media has given us a fantastic opportunity to engage with candidates
and create an on-going and open dialogue. It allows our recruitment team to listen and participate
with potential candidates, which is invaluable."

Recruitment staff created their own profiles on the social media sites to help them create
communities which will communicate with potential employees of the future. "Being part of the
Deloitte NL community means end users gain a better understanding and connection with us and
ultimately feel it is an organization that they would like to be a part of, "says Lennart.

How Deloitte NL is using social websites:

- Twitter is used to post jobs and events and alert people to new blog posts. Twitter is good for
developing contacts with graduates.

- Face book focuses on potential candidates that are currently employed. The company is making
contact with passive candidates this way by sharing knowledge, building a relationship and
keeping them informed.

- LinkedIn is used to source higher quality candidates. The recruitment team can search for
professionals by looking at their network and recommendations. It also posts vacancies on
LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a good way of building relationships with high-end consultants.

Deloitte NL will continue to use traditional recruitment methods but is already seeing social
media recruitment traffic outstripping its job board traffic. "We are seeing a definite shift in
recruitment towards internet marketing, content management and measuring career site traffic,"
says Lennart.


Infosys is a one of the leading multi-national company in the world. The head quarters of this
company are located at California in America. This was established in the year 1981 at Pune in
India by N R Narayana Murti. Initially it contained only 7 experienced software professionals
but now it contains more than 58000 employees entire world.

Recruitment ideology at Infosys:

The recruitment process of Infosys is aligned to business requirements. One of the key factors
the company looks for in a prospective employee is what it refers to as learnability — the ability
to derive generic knowledge from specific experiences and apply the learning to new situations.
Some of the other qualities they look for include analytical ability, teamwork and leadership
potential, communication and innovation skills with a practical and structured approach to
problem solving. The company also place importance on professional competence and academic

Selection process:

Typically about 75% of the company’s recruits are fresh graduates who are hired from various
campuses as well as off-campus recruitment initiatives. The selection process for fresh graduates
is a combination of resume screening, written test on analytical thinking, logical reasoning and
communication and personal interview. For experienced hires, Infosys follows a competency-
based recruitment philosophy, wherein all the steps starting with the requirement definition to the
final selection, maps onto a role and competency matrix. All processes are geared to achieve the
company’s objective of attracting and selecting the best and brightest talent, while ensuring a
best fit of the profiles.

Engineering Institutes:
Campus hiring at engineering institutes typically starts in May and continues through September.
Senior managers and officers from Infosys actively participate in this hiring, to bring on board
the next generation of bright, young and talented leaders for the company. The company
encourages current students at the campuses it visits to make optimum use of this opportunity to
interact with the Infosys recruitment teams during the hiring process to understand the company
and its people philosophy. Infosys hire engineering graduates and post-graduates from all
disciplines and MCA students from the campus by conducting campus placements.

Management Institutes: To recruit management graduates and post graduates.

Campus hiring at management institutes typically starts in December and continues through
March. The company hires management graduates from all disciplines, with or without prior
work experience in software or other fields. All applications are pre-screened based on academic
credentials. Short-listed candidates are usually invited for an interview as part of the selection

Let us discuss the 2 Stages in Infosys Recruitment Process for freshers. This is a discussion
based on some recent recruitment drives. However, there could be instances where some of these
stages, pattern etc were modified.

In general, Infosys recruitment has two stages :

I. Written test

II. Personal interview

I) Written Test :

Generally the written test includes two major sections

1) Puzzle Solving and 2) English Section

1) Puzzle Solving :

This section generally contains 10 questions and the duration is 60 minutes. Difficulty level and
distribution of marks is not constant across questions. Few questions would be very difficult, few
would be moderately difficult and others would be relatively easier than the rest. Marks
distribution would vary accordingly.

2) English Section :

This section would carry about 45 questions and the duration would be 30 minutes. English
section is on the easier side when compared to the puzzles section. Some common sections
would include sentence formations, filling the blanks right words, rearranging jumbled sentences
etc. Questions would be very simple and with a good knowledge in English, you should be solve
this in a twenty minutes time.

II) Personal Interview:

Generally Infosys conducts technical and HR interviews combined and by the same panel for
both.(In some cases they could be held separate as well.) candidate might be asked to solve a few
puzzles in real time during the interview. Other than this the candidate could be grilled on
technical questions depending on his/her stream of study. HR questions would be very simple
and generally there would be least elimination from interviews as far as Infosys is concerned.

Interaction with a final year student who appeared for Infosys

The study also found latest recruitment process of Infosys by interacting with a final year
student who had recently applied for Infosys.

1. As per the information given by the student any student with 68% and above is eligible to
apply to Infosys if he does not have any backlog in any of his subjects.
2. Next the candidate has to write the Aptitude Test that lasts for 90 min where questions
pertaining to arithmetic, logic and language related are to be answered.
3. Then comes the Technical Interview where the candidate is tested both verbally and in
4. The next round is Group Discussion. Generally candidates are tested through Just-A-
Minute Session on their communication skills, quick and logical approach.
5. Finally comes the HR interview where the candidate if identified to be fit for the job can
be given the offer letter.
6. The package may vary between 18000 -20000 p/m depending upon the potential of the
candidate. There is no bond to be signed as far as Infosys is concerned.


HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company, working with clients in the areas
that impact and redefine the core of their businesses. Since its inception into the global landscape
after its IPO in 1999, HCL focuses on 'transformational outsourcing', underlined by innovation
and value creation, and offers integrated portfolio of services including software-led IT solutions,
remote infrastructure management, engineering and R&D services and BPO. HCL leverages its

extensive global offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 29 countries to provide holistic,
multi-service delivery in key industry verticals including Financial Services, Manufacturing,
Consumer Services, Public Services and Healthcare. HCL takes pride in its philosophy of
'Employee First' which empowers our 72,267 transformers to create a real value for the

Recruitment ideology at HCL:

The recruitment process followed by HCL Technologies Ltd. adapts the following six stages:

I. Written Test-Two sections (Time-1 hr and 45 minutes)

1) Aptitude (50 questions): Data Interpretation 20 questions, puzzles, passages and conclusions,
jumbled sentences and aptitude questions.

2) Technical (25 questions): C (program on pointers), C++, RDBMS, Oracle, Computer


II. Group Discussion with 15 in each group.

III. Group Interview- 1 interviewer and 5 interviewees.

IV. Technical and HR interviews- 1 to 1 interview. Fundamental questions like features of oops,
various keys in RDBMS, C++ program.

V. HR interview with a panel of 2:5 that is 2 interviewers and 5 interviewees.

VI. Managerial Round-This may or may not be there. It includes interview with manager. It is
similar to HR interview.

1. The study provides good information on successful recruitment using ABC guidelines.
2. The current employees of the company can play significant role in providing the best
applicant for the job specified.
3. The current employees can actually take part in recruitment process to better judge the
best talent needed to work with.
4. A good recruitment also reduces employee dissatisfaction and attrition rate.
5. Companies can increase successful recruitment by maintaining good contacts with
education institutes and promoting campus placements.
6. Recently companies are using social media sites to recruit best talents across the world.

Recruitment is one of the significant processes for any business. The future of the company, its
growth, productivity and profitability, all depends upon the employees selected during
recruitment. Selection of best talented applicants increases the productivity. A good recruitment
also reduces the attrition rate of a company. Recruiters should be practical while recruiting the
applicants, any decision should not be made out of emotions while selecting an applicant. The
applicant’s competencies should match to that required for the specified job else it might lead to
under performance of employee and ultimately leading to dissatisfaction of employee. Also the
social media sites can be helpful to know and select the best suited applicant for the given job.

Reference books:
 Recruiting, Interviewing, Selecting and Orienting New Employees…………….By Diane
 Killer Interviews-The best interview strategies!....... By Frederick W. Ball and Barbara
B. Ball



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