Week 5&6 - Local Tour Guiding As

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Santa Maria District
Division of Laguna
Santa Maria, Laguna


Name of Learner_____________________________ Date: _______________________

Grade & Section:____________________ Teacher: _______________________

Learning Task 1- Complete this test before proceeding to the rest of the lesson. Write  if the impact is good or
desirable, and X if it is not.
____1. Inflation
____2. Increase in employment opportunities
____3. Congestion
____4. Increase in tax revenue
____5. Pollution
Learning Task 2: Fill the rightmost column with the word “GOOD” or “BAD”. “GOOD”refers to the benefits of
tourism, while “BAD” refers to the cost.
1. Employment Hotels, restaurants, shops, and transport businesses need
people to deliver the services that they promise; tourism thus _______________
creates job to deliver these services.
2. Government With more businesses and more people employed, the
Revenue government earns more, it will have more money to provide _______________
social services, such as health, education, and infrastructure for
transportation, communication, etc.
3. Inflation Inflation means price increase. When tourist creates higher
demand for food or accommodation with supply remaining
constant prices tend to increase. Tourism related inflation _______________
includes seasonal and selective price increases.
4. Involuntary When hotels, resorts, airports, and other large tourism
Displacement developments are built in places where live this people are
compelled to sell their land or move to other places. Even if _______________
they are properly paid they will lose some of the bonds they
have form with neighbours or the sentimental values.
5. Investment Tourism attracts investments, as it creates business _______________
opportunities. When people decide to use their money to start a
business, they create more jobs and need more suppliers, which
create even more jobs, and so on.
6. Foreign Exchange Foreign tourists use their money to avail local product and
services. Foreign exchange is like foreign investment; it creates _______________
demand for more jobs and business opportunities.
7. Congestion / Job and business opportunities attract immigrants, people who
Overcrowding transfer to another place of residence for economic prospects. _______________
More people create more traffic and demand for social services
like housing, and health facilities.
8. Pollution Pollution refers to the increase in solid waste, waste water,
noise, visual pollution and etc. More people hasten the _______________
generations of such pollutants.
9. Cultural and People often do not see the importance of everyday things, or
Environmental thins they thought are common until outsider make them _______________
Conservation realize that these are unique. The economic return or money
that tourism gets can justify the conservation and restoration of
the heritage.
10. Commercialization Tourism arguably commercializes arts culture and religion.
Indigenous people sometimes perform rituals to entertain _______________
tourist for a fee or sell replicas of sacred items as souvenirs.

Learning Task 3: Identify the following question. Choose your answer from the group of word below. Write your answer
on the space provided before the number.

Displacement Multiplier Effect Inflation

Impact Leakage

___________________1. Situation where money is invested or used outside the local economy such as through
___________________2. Situation where people are compelled to sell their land and move to another place of residence
to give way to land developments, including tourism related projects.
___________________3. The increase in the aggregate of total income caused by the repeated spending of money within
the local economy.
___________________4. Increase in the price of goods and services.
___________________5. Changes that are brought about by the outcome of a tourism project.

Dear Teacher,
I hereby checked and reviewed my son’s/daughter’s activity sheet. With my signature below, I ensured
that he/she had accomplished the given task by the teacher and had completed answering all the activities for this
Parent’s Name and Signature

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