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Nazilla Aqina P.N.

(24) IX I

Snow White and The Seven Dwarves

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb. To the honorable juries, and to all audience. I would like to
tell you a story, and the title is SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES.

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Snow White. Her father
was a wise king. But her step mother, the Queen was very arrogant. She liked to use
magic power and had a magic mirror. She would ask to the mirror about everything.

One day the queen spoke to the mirror as usual but the answer was different this
time. “Mirror oh mirror, who is the most beautiful woman in this kingdom? Of
course me. I am the most beautiful woman in the world, as beautiful as Soimah..”

And the mirror answered “Yes my Queen, you are so beautiful, but Snow White is
the most beautiful of them all” Hearing that voice, the Queen was angry. “Oh no you
are liar, you are wrong, you are liar!”

Dear ladies and gentlemen. The next morning. The Queen asked her maid to kill
Snow White. Can you guess the ext story? Will Snow White die? No, of course NOT.
The maid loved Snow White and didn’t want to kill Snow White. He brought Snow
White to the forest and let her go. But, the Queen thought that Snow White ad die.
So tricky!

Meanwhile, Snow White was very sad. (Singing) But then, she found a small hut in
the forest. She knocked the door, bu there was no answer. She then went inside the
small hut. She wandered who could live inside the tiny house and everything was in
seven tiny sizes. As she was tired, she fell a sleep.

At night, the seven dwarves came home. They were suprised knowing Snow White.
Snow White was also surprised. She never met that the seen small dwarves. “Wo are
you? How could you find this place? You are ike a princess, You are so beautiful.”
asked the seven dwarves.

“I am Sow White. Yes I am a princess. But, my step mother keeps me away. She
wants to kill me. And I don’t know why”, Snow White told the whole story to the
dwarves and she lived with the dwarves then.

Ok, the story was not end audiences, the Queen knew that Snow White had not died
yet. She had a tricky plan. She tried her magic spell and becme and old beggar. When
the dwarves when out, she came to te hut. “Hm hm hm. (Knocking), my dear
beautiful lady, please try my apples, it is magic wishing apple. It is so delicious. One
bite, get one dream come true. One bite get one dream come true. I am an old
beggar, I will not tell a lie. Hihihi (Coughing).
After eatig the apple, the princess was unconscious. She was slept for a long time.
After a handsome prince came. And the dwarves said to the prince. “Oh, dear wise
prince. Lease help Snow White. Only you, yes only you. You can help Snow White.
Please help her!” begged the seve dwarves.

“Ok little dwarves. I will help Snow White. But how can I help her? I have no magic
power. I am only a prince” , answered the prince gently.

“Yes princes, only you. You can help Snow White. You don’t need to use magic
power. You just need to kiss her.” said one of the dwarves.

“What kiss? Ok, I will help her, don’t worry...”, said the prince.

After kissing Snow White, the spell broke. Snow White woke up. And the ending
was....of course, they were married and lived happily.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, from the story we can learn that don’t be so arrogant
and don’t use bad tricky way to reach your goal.

I think that’s all, thank you and Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.

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