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Troubleshooting Guide for Software Licensing

Redisplaying the Software Security Screen

(to re-enter the software validation numbers)

The software CD case contains a label with a serial number. If this serial number is entered incorrectly, or the
Unlock Response Number is entered incorrectly, the software will not run. In order to correct the problem, you
can run VB_TEST program, to redisplay the software security screen. This utility is installed on all systems using
the software security, in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\datacolor\Security

In Windows Explorer, go to this folder, and double-click on VB_Test.exe.

On this screen, enter the application number (from the table below) in the Application input box, then, enter -1 in the
Feature box. Click on Test.

Enter the correct serial number from the label on the CD case, and the correct Unlock Response number, issued by
Software Licenses – Application Codes / Expected Computer Validation Number
Computer Valid #
Software Product Application #
(starting with A)
ChromaCalc 3.1x and 3.0.x 400 409
ChromaCalc 3.2x Standard 401 410
ChromaCalc 3.2x Standard workstation 401 410
ChromaCalc 3.2x Pearl 401 410
ChromaCalc 3.2x Pearl workstation 401 410
ColorTools 3.x 300 309
Datacolor Envision Pro 262 271
Datacolor Envision Plus 263 272
Datacolor Envision 264 273
Datacolor Guardian 500 509
Datacolor Guardian Fleet Viewer 510 519
Datacolor Match AFX 641 650
Datacolor Match AFX Workstation 642 651
Datacolor Match AFX POS 643 652
Match Pigment 1.0 thru 2.0  ** see note
Datacolor Match Pigment 411 420
Datacolor Match Pigment Plus 413 422
Datacolor Match Pigment Pro 417 426
Datacolor Match Pigment Workstation 410 419
Datacolor Match Pigment Plus Workstation 412 421
Datacolor Match Pigment Pro Workstation 416 425
Datacolor Match Pigment 2.1x Plus 423 432
Datacolor Match Pigment 2.1x Plus Workstation 422 431
Datacolor Match Pigment 2.1x 421 430
Datacolor Maestro Plus 500 509
Datacolor Maestro Pro 510 519
Datacolor Maestro (Basic) 511 520
Datacolor Match Textile 12 21
Datacolor Monitor 600 609
Datacolor Paint / Paint Lab – All levels 10 19
Datacolor Process 8 17
Datacolor Select 10 19
Datacolor Sort 601 610
Datacolor Ticket 8 17
Datacolor Tools 1.x 300 309
Datacolor Tools QCX 1.x 330 339
Datacolor Tools Workstation 1.x 360 369
Datacolor Tools 2.x Plus 313 322
Datacolor Tools 2.x (Basic) 311 320
Datacolor Tools Workstation 2.x 314 323
Datacolor Tools Select 315 324
Datacolor Track 350 359
Datacolor Tools Select 315 324
Datacolor Weigh 8 17
Center Side QC 600 609
DCIMatch and Fibramix 12 21
ImageMaster 4 262 271
ImageMatch 4 263 272
ImageSync 4 264 273
ITMProcess - All levels and SmartWeigh 8 17
matchEXPRESS and match POINT 12 21
Paintmaker- All levels 10 19
MatchCom Engine 650 659
** Note on Pigment Licenses

From Chroma-Calc 3.2 or 3.1 to Match Pigment - New license

From Match Pigment 1.0 thru 1.2

There is no software license change for upgrading to DMP V1.2.0 from earlier versions of DMP V1.x.

From Match Pigment 1.2 to 2.0x:

New License Required - An existing DMP V1.X customer will require a new software license to get the new DMP V2.0

Existing Match Pigment v1.x License - DMP V2.0 will run using an existing DMP V1.X license but the new 2.0x features
will not be activated.

Match Pigment 2.1 – needs new license. None of the previous ones will work.

Software Security software patch – available in Dec. 2008 – added to software releases in 2009

If the license suddenly expired for no reason, then I suggest that you install the newer version of our license
security software. It prevents license files from becoming corrupted for no reason.

Here is a link to our website, to download the latest version.

The web site sends an email with the data to an email address called validations.
Problem with a permanent license, which suddenly “expires”

 After logging into the software, the message “your demo period has expired” displays.
 Or, error 13, “wrong password” displays.
 The security screen shows an oddly formatted computer validation number, such as:
A300-0 (where there is only a zero, in one of the numbers).

Cause: This is most likely caused by a corrupted license file. The license file for the software is
continually updated, every time it is accessed. (with the last access date)

Solution: Many times, it is solved by uninstalling the DC security software in the Add/Remove
option of the Control Panel, removing the security folder, and installing
DCSECURITYSETUP.EXE again. The files that sometimes get corrupted, have the last name,
.LF, and are located in one of these locations:

(Windows XP and older version of DCSecurity)

\Program files\Common Files\datacolor\security

(Windows XP and newer version of DCSecurity)

\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Datacolor\ SoftwareSecurity\SoftwareSecurity_Global

(Windows 7)

(Windows 7) Extra copy of license files are here:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Datacolor\Security\Licence Files

After a new installation of DCSECURITYSETUP.EXE, it is best to make a backup copy of the .LF
files from one of the above folders, into a different folder. If the LF file gets corrupted again, the
backup copy of the application’s LF file can be copied back to the security folder, and it may solve
most problems, without a license validation.
The LF file name is specific to the software list in the above 3-column list. Refer to the column,
Application # for the file name. For example, Datacolor Tools is application 300. The LF file that
corresponds to this software is DC_300.LF.
Master Licenses

There have been problems with Master licenses being overwritten, when a new version of software security is
installed. This may cause some of the Datacolor software installed, to ask for another license validation. It may
affect mainly Imagemaster/Imagematch and Datacolor Envision products and also DCIMatch, but sometimes affect

For Imagemaster/Envision products, it will not allow you to enter an Unlock Response number.

In these cases, you may need to Unvalidate the master license.

To UNVALIDATE the master license, run VB_TEST, enter application 5456459, feature -3.

Then, run the software affected by the license problem, and it should redisplay the security screen properly. Enter
the master license number, and send the new computer validation number to or

The Unvalidation feature is available for regular and trial software licenses.

Problems validating Datacolor Match Pigment Licenses

The licensing scheme is behaving differently than it did for Chroma-Calc 3, that you need to be aware of. Match
Pigment software contains 6 levels of licenses. Pro, Plus, and 'basic', and the workstation level of those 3.

Here is the sequence of how the license behaves:

After DC Match Pigment is installed and running on the 14 day trial license, it runs as a Match Pigment Pro for 14
days. (highest level license)
If the user has not validated their license after 14 days, the trial license drops a level to a Plus license, for 14 days.
Then, it drops to a lower level license in this remaining order: basic, Workstation Pro, Workstation Plus,

If, at any time, they want to validate their license after one of the 14 day trial periods has expired, the security screen
that is defaulted for validation may not be the correct level to validate. You can check this out by verifying the
license level name that is displayed in the license validation program, and comparing the level name with the
computer validation number (the first 4 digits). If the level name does not agree with the first 4 digits (the letter A and
3 numbers), then the license has dropped a level, and you need to run DCVALIDATE.EXE program directly, to have
the ability to select the proper level license that the user has purchased.
To avoid this problem, DO NOT LOGIN, at the login screen for Datacolor Match Pigment, but
instead, select About button, then License button, BEFORE login to Match Pigment.

Validating Datacolor Match Pigment Pro

(or, run DCVALIDATE directly)

Start DCValidate.Exe (in this location): C:\Program Files\Datacolor\Spectrum\Datacolor Match Pigment

Click on the button for
the product that you
want to validate.

The Validation Window

will open.

Select the button: Datacolor Match Pigment Pro

Check the first 4 digits

of this number, to verify
the license level.
Changing the Match Pigment software level in the Database
(using a Sybase command)

Note: This will assign a software level to a Match Pigment user login, so it matches the license purchased. It
resolves problems with a user login that is locked into a license level that has no validated license for that level.

Open up Sybase Central and Connect Using the CC2000_DB ODBC connection parameters. View the Authorization
table by clicking the + next to COLOR. Next Click the + next to Color (dci). Now click the + next to Tables. Right Click
on the Authorization and Pick View Data.

Now an Interactive SQL window Opens. In the Space for SQL Statement enter the SQL statement to change the Login
User Secuirty Level.

Here is the SQL statement you need to use to change the License Level in the Database:

Update dci.Authorization Set UserSecurityLevel = 1 where userName='user'

To change to one of the Levels below, use the Number that corresponds to the Product. In the above example, 1 is used
for Datacolor Match Pigment (The Basic Version). In the Above Example, I am setting this for the UserName ‘user’.
Substitute the name ‘user’ with the user name you wish to change.

Valid UserSecurityLevel settings:

BASIC_FULL (Datacolor Match Pigment) = 1

STANDARD_WORKSTATION (Datacolor Match Pigment Plus Workstation) = 2,
STANDARD_FULL (Datacolor Match Pigment Plus) = 3
PEARL_WORKSTATION (Datacolor Match Pigment Pro Workstation) = 6,
PEARL_FULL (Datacolor Match Pigment Pro) = 7

On Match Pigment Go menu, run Admin, and edit user login for Preferred Product License.
The above Sybase command will do this automatically, if you are unable to get into Match Pigment to do it.

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