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11/11/2020 2018 | Special Lecture: Intellectual History in Japan - TOKYO TECH OCW

2018 Special Lecture: Intellectual History in Japan

Academic unit or major Humanities and social science courses
Instructor(s) Hatanaka Kenji
Course component(s) Lecture
Mode of instruction
Day/Period(Room No.) Tue7-8(W242) Fri7-8(W242)
Group -
Course number LAH.H307
Credits 2
Academic year 2018
Offered quarter 1Q
Syllabus updated 2018/3/20
Language used Japanese

Course description and aims
In this lecture, we construe the intellectual history in Japan with reference to a certain theme. 2017's
theme is the evil.
Through interpretation, examination and criticism of discourses on the evil in Japan, students will be
able to understand the historical diversity of the concept of the evil.
Student learning outcomes
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1) Understand the features and backgrounds of the historical ideas of evil in Japan and their
2) Obtain basic skills required in the human sciences such as reading, examination, mutual criticism
and constructing an academic statement.
Japan, ethical thought, religion
Competencies that will be developed
Specialist ✔ Intercultural ✔ Communication ✔ Critical thinking Practical and/or problem-
skills skills skills skills solving skills
Class flow
lectures with slides and video. Group discussion. 1/3
11/11/2020 2018 | Special Lecture: Intellectual History in Japan - TOKYO TECH OCW

Course schedule/Required learning

Course schedule Required learning
Class 1 Introduction: Invitation to the evil
Class 2 Overview
on the ancient and medieval thought in

Class 3 1. evil in ancient myths Kojiki, Nihonshoki

Class 4 2. "Akuto" Konjaku Monogatari-shu, Heike
Class 5 3. evil person and salvation Tannisho, 13th century.
Class 6 Overview on the thought in Tokugawa era

Class 7 2. The case of Ako (1701-1702) Chushingura or Forty-seven Ronin,

Class 8 Peer-review activity and discussion Edit own paper 1 based on the peer-
Class 9 3. The concept of the evil in Kokugaku Motoori Norinaga, Kojiki-den, 1798.
Class 10 4.19th
evil in popular culture of the first half of the
century in Japan Tsuruya Namboku, The Yotsuya
kwaidan, 1825.
Class 11 Overview of the modern thought in Japan

Class 12 1. villaines and witches Ozaki Koyo, The Gold Demon, 1892-
Class 13 2. Watsuji Tetsuro and his "community" Watuji Tetsuro, Ethics, 1937-1949.
Class 14 3. Who is Dr.Fu Manchu? Sax Rohmer, The Mystery of Dr. Fu-
Manchu, 1913. 2/3
11/11/2020 2018 | Special Lecture: Intellectual History in Japan - TOKYO TECH OCW

Course schedule Required learning

Maruyama Masao, Thought and
Class 15 4. Maruyama Masao and Hannah Arendt Behaviour in Modern Japanese Politics,
Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in
Jerusalem, 1963.
Hand out lecture materials
Reference books, course materials, etc.
Course materials are provided during class.
Assessment criteria and methods
paper 1: 40%, paper 2(final paper): 60%
Details will be explained in the first class.
Related courses
SHS.U443 : Graduate Lecture in Culture and Arts F1A
Prerequisites (i.e., required knowledge, skills, courses, etc.)
Nothing required 3/3

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