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Q.No 1-25 carries one mark each

1. If 2,-4 are the eigen values of a non-singular matrix A and | A |=4,then

the eigen values of adj A are
a) 1/2,-1 b) 2,-4 c) 2,-1 d) 8,-16

2. An ideal sawtooth voltage waveform of frequency 500Hz and

amplitude 3v is generated by charging a capacitor of 2µF in every
cycle. The charging requires
a) Constant voltage source of 3v for 1ms.
b) Constant voltage source of 3v for 2ms.
c) Constant current source of 3mA for 1ms.
d) Constant current source of 3mA for 2ms.

3.The random variable ‘X’ is defined by the density

u ( x )e 2
f X ( x) = 2 . The expected value of g ( x) = X 3 is

a) 36 b) 48 c) 72 d) 96
x 2 5
4. The sum of two non-integral roots of 3 x 3 =0
5 4 x

a) 5 b) -5 c) -18 d) 10

5. Four signals are shown in following figures in the time domain. Which
of them has got maximum essential bandwidth?

F (s) = ,
6. a + s 2 find final value
a) 1 b) -1<f(t)<1 c) 0 d) none

7. The transfer characteristics for the precision rectifier circuit shown below
is (assume ideal OPAMP and practical diode)

8. In the following graph, the number of trees (P) and the number of cut-sets
(Q) are

a) P=2, Q=2
b) P=2, Q=6
c) P=4, Q=6
d) P=4, Q=10

9. The two-port network is represented by ABCD parameters given by

V 1  A B  V 2 
 I 1  = C D − I 2
  

If port-2 is terminated by R2, then input impedance seen at port-1 is given by

A + BR L AR L + C
a) C + DR L b) BR L + D
DR L + A B + AR L
c) BR L + C d) D + CR L

10. The nyquist plot of G (jw) H(jw) for closed loop control system, passes
through(-1,j0) point in GH-plane. The gain margin of the system in dB is

a) ∞ b) >0 c) <0 d) =0

11. In a negative feedback amplifier using voltage series (i.e voltage

-sampling, series mixing) feedback

a) Ri decreases and Ro decreases

b) Ri decreases and Ro increases
c) Ri increases and Ro decreases
d) Ri increases and Ro increases

12. The residue of f ( z ) = at z =∞ is
z 2 −1
a) 1 b) -1 c) 2 d) -2

13. One BJT has β=50. What is the avalanche multiplication factor (M)
when base current is held constant?
a) 50 b) 1.02 c) 0.98 d) 45.7

14. An AM signal and a narrow band signal with identical carriers,

modulating signals and indices of 0.1 are added together. The resultant
signal can be closely approximated by
a) Broad band FM b) SSB with carrier
c) DSB-SC d) SSB without carrier

15. The following sequence of instructions are executed by an 8085

Micro Processor
1000 LXI SP, 27FF
1003 CALL 1006
1006 POPH
The content of SP and the HL register pair on completion of execution of
this instruction are
a) SP=27FF, HL=1003 b) SP=27FD, HL=1003
c) SP=27FF, HL=1006 d) SP=27FD, HL=1006

16.The most commonly used amplifier in sample and hold circuit is

a) A unity gain inverting amplifier
b) A unity gain non-inverting amplifier
c) An inverting amplifier with gain of 10
d) An inverting amplifier with gain of 100

17. A lossless transmission line has characteristic impedance of 50Ω. It is

terminated by a load of 100 Ω. The signal frequency is 100MHz. What is the
position of first voltage minima with respect to load

a) On the load
b) 1.5m from load
c) 0.75m from load
d) 3m from load

18. Which of the following statements is true regarding the fundamental

mode of the metallic wave guide shown?
P: coaxial q: cylindrical r: rectangular

a) Only p has no cut-off frequency

b) Only q has no cut-off frequency
c) Only r has no cut-off frequency
d) All these have cut-off frequencies

19. The preset output Qn of n edge triggered JK flipflop is logic 0. If J=1,

then Qn+1
a) Cannot be determined
b) Will be logic 0
c) Will be logic 1
d) Will race around

20. A linear system is described by full state equation

0− 1
X (t) = A (t)X+ B (t)uA, =

−1 0
The state transition matrix for the system is

 cos t sin t  − cos t sin t 

a) −sin t cos t
b)  cos t − sin t 
   
− cos t − sin t − cos t − sin t 
c) −sin t cos t  d)  cos t sin t 
   

21. If the characteristic equation of a closed loop system is s + 2s + 2 = 0 ,then


the system is
a) over damped b) critically damped
c) under damped d) undamped
22. If r =xi +y j +z k and r =| r | then the value of n for which f =r n r is

a) 2 b) -2 c) 3 d) -3

23. Consider the following statements:

s1: Carriers (electrons or holes) enjoy higher mobility in BJT than in

MOSFET (both fabricated on silicon)

s2: BJT is diffusion controlled but MOSFET is drift controlled device and
drift is usually faster than diffusion.

a) s1 ,s2 both are correct and s2 is correct reason for s1

b) s2,s1 both are correct and s2 is not correct reason for s1
c) s1 is false but s2 is correct
d) both s1 and s2 are false

24. For an n channel MOSFET and its transfer curve shown in fig, the
threshold voltage is

a) 1v and the device is in active region

b) -1v and the device is in saturation region
c) 1v and the device is in saturation
d) -1v and the device is in active region

25. The chemical reason involved in epitaxial growth in IC chips takes place
at a temperature of
a) 5000C b) 8000C c) 12000C d) 20000C
Q.No. 26-51 carries 2 marks each

26. For the circuit shown in the figure the instantaneous current i(t) is

10 3 10 3
∠90 0 ∠−90 0
a) 2 Amps b) 2 Amps
d) 5∠ − 60 Amps
0 0
c) 5∠60 Amps

27. When the gate to source voltage (Vgs) of MOSFET with threshold
voltage of 400mv , working in saturation is 900mv , the drain current is
observed to be 1mA . neglecting the channel width modulation effect and
assuming that the MOSFET is operating at saturation , the drain current for
an applied Vgs of 1400 mv is

a) 2mA b) 3mA c) 4mA d) 5mA

28.Consider the symmetric p+-n-p+ transistor connected as shown below

Ambient temperature is 350c .Assume that V>>kT/q. Find thae value of

emitter to base potential.

a) 0.6931v b) 0.0184v
c) 0.0265v d) 0.7013v

29. If the function w,x,y,z are as follows w=R+P’Q+R’S

X=PQR’S’+ P‘Q’R’S’+ PQ’R’S’
Y= RS+ (PR+ PQ’+ P‘Q’)’
Z=R+S+( PQ+ P‘Q’R’+ PQ’S’)’ then

a) x =z’, w=z b) w =z, x=y c) w =y d) w =y =z’

30. In the figure the LED

a) emits light when s1 and s2 are closed

b) emits light when s1 and s2 are open
c) emits light only when s1 or s2 are closed
d) does not emits light, irrespective of switch positions.

31. Consider the signal x(t)=sint/t. The signal is passed through a network that
provides 900 phase lag to every frequency component what is the output of the
a) cost/t b) (1- cost)/t c) cost/(t-π/2) d) (1+cost)/t

33. Match the devices in column 1 with their properties in column 2

Column-1 column-2
P) zener diode 1) negative static resistance
Q) tunnel diode 2) disagreement with Einstein’s equation
R) LED 3) voltage regulation
4) anger recombination
5) direct band to band

a) P-3, Q-2, R-5 b) P-3, Q-1, R-5

c) P-2, Q-1, R-4 d) P-2, Q-1, R-5

34. In a given figure a silicon diode is carrying a constant current of 1mA when
the temperature of the diode is 200c Vd is found to be 700 mv. If the temperature
rises to 400c, Vd becomes approximately equal to

a) 740mv
b) 660mv
c) 680mv
d) 700mv

35. A vector field is given as a =12 xy i + 6( x 2 + 2) j +18 z 2 k . .The equation of the

surface M on which | a |=60 is

a) 4 x 2 y 2 + 4 x 4 + 9 z 4 + 2 x 2 = 96

b) 2 x 2 y 2 + x 4 + 9 z 4 + 2 x 2 = 96

c) 4 x 2 y 2 + x 4 + 9 z 4 + 4 x 2 = 96

d) 2 x 2 y 2 + 4 x 4 + 9 z 4 + 2 x 2 = 96

36.The value of ∫∫
xdydz + ydzdx + zdxdy
where s is x 2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2 is

a)4/3 πa3
b) 4 πa3
c) πa3
d) 2/3 πa3
37. The amplitude of a random signal is uniformly distributed between -5v
and 5v. If the signal to quantization noise ratio required in uniformly
quantizing the signal is 43.5 dB, the step size of the quantization is

a) 0.0333v b) 0.05v c) 0.0667v d) 0.10v

38. A memory less source emits n symbols each with a probability P. The
entropy of the source as a function of n is

a) increase as log n
b) decrease as log (1/n)
c) increase as n
d) increase as n log n

39. The 8255 programmable peripheral interface is used as described below

I. An A/D converter is interfaced to a microprocessor through an 8255. The

conversion is initiated by a signal from 8255 on port-C. A signal on port-C
causes data to be strobe into port-A
II. Two computers exchange data using a pair of 8255’s. Port-A works as a
bidirectional data port supported by appropriate handshaking signals.
The appropriate modes of operation of 8255 for 1 and 2 would be

a) mode 0 for I and mode 1 for II

b) mode 1 for I and mode 0 for II
c) mode 2 for I and mode 0 for II
d) mode 2 for II and mode 1 for I

40. A λ/2 dipole is kept horizontally at a height of λ0/2 above a perfectly

conducting infinite ground plane. The radiation pattern in the plane of dipole
( E -plane) looks approximately as
41. In the TTL circuits in the figure S2-S0 are select lines and X7 to X0 are
input lines , S0 and X0 are LSB s. The output Y is

a) indeterminant b) A ⊕ B c) A ⊕B d) C ( A ⊕B ) +C ( A ⊕B )

42.The 3 stage Johnson counter as shown in figure is clocked at a constant

frequency of fc from the starting state of Q2 Q1 Q0 = 101, the frequency of
output Q2 Q1 Q0 will be

a) fc/8 b) fc/6 c) fc/3 d) fc/2

∫ (z 2
+ 4) 2
43. c where c:|z-i|=2 is

a) π /8 b) π /16 c) π /32 d) π /24

44. A message m(t) band limited to a frequency fm has a power of Pm. The
power of the output signal in the figure is

a) ( Pmcos θ)/2 b) Pm/4 c) ( Pmsin 2θ)/4 d) ( Pmcos 2θ)/4

45. A video transmission system transmits 625 picture frames per sec. Each
frame consists of a 400*400 pixel grid with64 intensity levels per pixel. The
data rate of the system is

a) 16 mega bits per sec

b) 100 mega bits per sec
c) 600 mega bits per sec
d) 16 giga bits per sec

46. A source produces binary data at the rate of 10 kbps. The binary symbols
are represented as shown in fig.

The source output is transmitted using 2 modulation schemes, namely

BPSK and QPSK. let B1 and B2 be the bandwidth requirements of the
above rectangular pulses is 10 kHz, B1 and B2 are

a) B1= 20 kHz and B2 = 20 kHz

b) B1= 20 kHz and B2 = 10 kHz
c) B1= 10 kHz and B2 = 20 kHz
d) B1= 10 kHz and B2 = 10 kHz

47. If the op-amp in fig. has input offset voltage of 5mv and an open loop
voltage gain of 10000 then v0 will be

a) 0v
b) 5mv
c) 15 v or -15 v
d)+50 v or -500 v

48. The measured Tran conductance gm of an NMOS transistor operating in

the linear region is plotted against the gate voltage vg at a constant drain
voltage vd. Which of the following fig. represents the expected dependence
of gm and vg?
49. A message signal by m(t)=y2cosω1 t –y2 sin ω1t is amplitude modulated
with a carrier of frequency, ωc, to generate S(t)=(1+m(t))cos ωct. What is the
power efficiency achieved by this modulation scheme.

a) 8.33%
b) 11.11%
c) 20%
d) 25%

50.Match list -1 and list-2

List-1 List-2

P.y(n+2)+y(n+1)+y(n)=2x(n+1)+x(n) 1.Linear, time variable,dynamic

Q. n2y2(n)+y(n)=x2(n) 2. Linear, time invariable,dynamic
R. y(n+1)+ny(n)=4nx(n) 3. non-Linear, time variable,dynamic

S. y(n+1)+y(n)= 4x2(n) 4. non-Linear, time


5. non-Linear, time variable,memoryless

a) P-3, Q-5, R-2, S-1

b) P-3, Q-2, R-5, S-4
c) P-2, Q-3, R-5, S-1
d) P-2, Q-5, R-1, S-4
51. A joint sample space for two random variables X &Y has four elements
(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4). The probabilities of these elements are 0.1, 0.35,
0.05 and 0.5 respectively. The probability of the events (X<2.5, Y<6) is

a) 0.45 b) 0.50 c) 0.55 d) 0.60



Statement for linked answer questions: 52&53

The location of the sliding bar in fig. is given by x=5t+4t3. The separation of the two
rails is 30cm . Let B=x2uzT

52. The voltmeter reading at t=0.5s is

a) -21.6v b) 21.6v c) -6.3v d) 6.3v

53. The voltmeter reading at x=0.6m is

a.) -1.68v b) 1.68v c) -0.933v d) 0.933v

An Fm modulation with frequency sensitivity constant Kf=25 Hz/v has the message
signal shown in figure

54. The plot for frequency deviation is

55. For 1<t<2 the phase deviation is

a) 500πt rad b) 250π(1+2t) rad c) 20πt rad d)0
56. Each statement has three segments .Choose the alternative where the third
segment in the statement can be logically deduced using both the preceding two, but
not just from one of them.
A. Only married couples dance together in this club; Pinto danced with Rita;
Rita is pinto’s wife
B. Perry is a nice girl; Sherry is a nice girl too; Perry is like Sherry.
C. Keto dresses formally; All who dressed formally wear ties; Keto wear ties.
D. All who possess guns are soldiers; Shyam possess a gun; Shyam is not a

a) Only B b) only C c) A and D d) A and C

57. If a cyclist increases his speed by 2km/hr, he reaches his destination 10 minutes
early. If he decreases his speed by 4 km/hr, he reaches his destination 30 minutes
late. What is his usual speed?

a) 12km/hr b) 16km/hr c) 18km/hr d) none of these

58. Among the four words, choose the word that does not belong to the
a) Succinct b) terse c) circumlocutory d) brief

59. Identify the pair of words , which has a relationship similar to

dishonesty: Distrust
a) Hand: Paper b) Money: Pickpocket
c) Carelessness: Accident d) Murder: Jail

60. Choose the best word among the given option to fill in the blank in the
While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistence
parents may ______ it

a) Exacerbate b) neutralize
c) eradicate d) ameliorate
Q.NO. 61-65 carries two marks each

61. Identify the pair of words, which has a relationship similar to

emulate: Mimic.

a) Slander: Defame b) Praise: Flatter

c) Aggravate: Promote d) Express: Imply

62. English books, numbered 1 to 25 are arranged on a library shelf from

the left to right. Each book has 100 pages inside and two cover pages-
front cover page and back cover page. A bug can eat through one inside
page in 1 minute and through a cover page in 10 minutes.
If it starts eating from the front cover page of book-1, how much time
will it take to reach the back cover page of book 25?

a) 2760 min b) 2880 min c) 3000 min d) none of these

63. Directions for question 63; The question is followed by two

statements, I and II
Choose A : If the question can be answer by using one of the statements
alone, but cannot be answered using the other statement alone.
Choose B : If the question can be answered by using either of the
statements alone.
Choose C: If the question can be answered by using both the statements
together, but cannot be answered using either of the statements alone.
Choose D: If the question cannot be answered even by using both the
statements together.

Is the product of two given consecutive natural numbers greater than 92?

I. The difference between the square of the larger number and the larger
number is equal to 90.
II. The smaller number when added by a squared even integer and the
divided by 2, gives the result 6.5.

64. Almost everyone fails _______ on the first try.

a) In passing his driver’s test
b) To have passed his driver’s test.
c) To pass his drivers test.
d) Passing his driver’s test.

65. If the first term in a series T1 is 4, second term T2 is 8 and from the third
term onwards, every nth term Tn=Tn-1/Tn-2. Find T100
a)1/4 b) 1/2 c) 2 d) 8

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