Machine HiPot

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USE OF MACHINE HIPOT TESTING IN ELECTRIC UTILITIES BK. Gupta GC. Stone J. Stein AOK Technologies Iris Power Engincering Electric Power Research Institute Toronto, Ontario ‘Toronto, Ontario Palo Alto, California Abstract: EPRI recently sponsored a survey of motor and {generator users and manufacturers about their use of DC and ‘AC overvoltage testing. Such testing is intended (0 assure ‘machine owners that the stator and rotor winding insulation i it for use. Questions focused on both commissioning tests and maintenance tests. ‘The survey explored the circumstances under ‘whieh hipot testing Is done, the preferences of AC vs. DC testing, ‘the specific test methods used, a8 well 25 the fest voltages. THIS paper presents the results ofthe survey. INTRODUCTION Over-potental tests, also colloquially known as hipot tests, are generally performed to provide some assurance that the ‘winding insulation has @ minimum level of electrical strength to successfully survive electrical stresses in normal service for ‘the expected life of the machine. At present hipot tests are performed with three types of voltages: AC at the power or line frequency, DC, and very low frequency (VLF) at 0.1 Hz, EPRI member utilities have raised questions regarding when to apply hipot tests, possible damage to a good winding by hipot tests, type of preferred test, and hipot test levels. To address these concerns, EPRI embarked on a project which included a review of the existing literature and a survey of utlties and manufacturers. The results from the survey are summarized in this paper. TYPES OF HIPOT TESTS In an AC hipot test (at the line frequency or 0.1 Hz), the voltage is increased slowly (in about one minute or less) t0 the specified hipot test level, and then maintained at that level for fone minute. ‘The detailed procedure is desctibed in ANSVIEEE standard C50.10-1990 and other standards [1-4] ‘The AC hipot testis a pass/fail test. DC hipot tests may either be @ conventional hipot test or a controlted hipot test, as described in details in IEEE Std. 95- 1977 [5]. The conventional DC hipot test or DC proof testis uite similar to the AC hipot test and its procedure is also described in (1, 5]. The voltage is increased slowly from zero ‘or some other low value to the specified hipot voltage, and ‘then maintained at that level for one to 10 minutes. This ‘conventional DC hipot testis a pass/fail test, just like the AC hipot test above. In a controlled DC overvoltage test (also called @ DC leakage ‘or absorption test), the applied voltage is changed in controlled manner. The voltage may be manually increased in (0-7803-7180-1/$10.00 © 2001 IEEE 1 series of steps or ramped up to the maximum test level. The ‘measured current vs. applied voltage is monitored as the test progresses and the voltage increases. Abnormalities or deviations in the current vs. voltage plot may indicate insulation problems. Under suitable conditions, the test provides information regarding the present condition of the stator winding insulation. ‘The test also serves as a proof test, if the insulation system withstands the preseribed hipot test voltage. There are three variations of the controlled voltage DC hipot test: uniformtime voltage step method, the graded time voltage step method and the ramped voltage method [3] For new stator windings, the accepted hipot test level is 2E+1 KY for the power frequency AC test [1], 1.63 (2E+1) kV for (0.1 He tet (4), and 1.7 @E+1) KV for DC test [5], where B is the rated ine-toline rms voltage ofthe machine. ‘SURVEY DETAILS ‘A questionnaire on various aspects of hipot testing was prepared and sent to about 60 industry experts, including utility engineers, OEMs, and service organizations. "In total 45, responses were received from 32 utilities in North America, five offshore utilities (Asia, Africa, and Europe), two utility service providers, five OEMS, and one retired utility engineer from a major Furopean utility. Several respondents were contacted by phone to clarify some of their responses. One respondent, who did not reply to all of the questions, sending only his remarks, was not included inthe statistical analysis of the survey. ‘The responses were analyzed and the details from the survey were given in an EPRI report [6]. The main findings from the survey are given below. SURVEY FINDINGS Use of hipot tests: Hipot tests are used by all respondents for acceptance of new machines or coils, rewind, and/or ‘maintenance (diagnosis) of machines in service as part of many tests, No single respondent uses hipot tests alone for diagnostic purposes. Use of AC tests: The use of AC (60 - $0 Hz) tests appears to be universal for acceptance of new machines and coils. Only 23 (of 37) utilities use AC hipot tests for maintenance ‘Purposes, All OEMs use AC tests most of the time and use the DC test rarely, or in special cases only. ‘Three utilities use AC tests exclusively 323 Use of VLFs. Use of 0.1 He hipot tests is rare, Only two North American utilities reported its use in special cases (water-cooled machines) in one case, or very seldom in the other case Use of DCs: Only three (7 %) of the total respondents do not use DC hipot tests at all, All others (41 respondents, or 93 %6) report using one or the other type of DC hipot tests. Among DC hipot tess, the use of the conventional (proof) tests, DC step (leakage) fests, and ramp tests are reported by 28 (64 °%), 24 (59%) and by six (14 %) respondents respectively. All (OEMs prefer to use AC tests exclusively; they use DC tests in special cases (rotors and green VPI coils) only. Unltes prefer to use DC hipot tests for maintenance purposes, ‘Reasons to prefer ACs: The main reasons given for preferring AC hipot tests are: stress distribution similar to that in service, and better efficacy in detecting an insulation weakness. The other reasons include: OEM recommendation, use in special cases like water-cooled machines where a dry-out can be avoided, use of the same supply for other measurements like PD and DF, insurance requirement and a quick turn-around time between tests on the shop floor. Reasons 10 prefer DCs: ‘The main reasons given for preferring DC hipot tests are: small and inexpensive DC supplies, and a waming signal before puncture of a weak ‘winding occurs. Five respondents think that DC tests are less damaging, and hence more acceptable to managers. Only two respondents believe that a DC testis better than an AC test in detecting an insulation weakness. AC hipot level: For new machines and coils 2E+1 KV appears to be quite universal. That the OEMs often apply AC vollages 5% higher than 2E+1 kV to new machines and 30% to 90% higher than 2E*1 to new coils does not appear to be known to ‘most utilities. Even the utilities, which report not using AC hipot tests for maintenance, are aware of the AC test levels used for new machines. Most respondents use 60% to 80 % of 2E+1 KV voltage for maintenance tests depending on age, condition etc, However, two respondents used voltage as low as 1,00 1.1 EV for old machines DC hipot level: The hipot test level ranges between V2 (2E+1) KV to 1,7(2E+1) KV for new machines and coils in all cazes, and 57% to 80 % of 1.7@E+1) kV for maintenance tests in most cases. However, values 1.25 E, 1.7B, 1.13E, 25qA leakage current limit are also used for maintenance tests by individual respondents. Type of DC test used: Almost 50% of the respondents use conventional DC hipot tests. The duration for maintaining the highest voltage is one minute in most cases, and five minutes, 10 minutes, 10 seconds (for green coils) in one case each, Step tests (including both uniform and graded steps) are also used by almost 50% of the respondents. The initial levels range anywhere between 10-15 kV to almost 40% of hipot levels. Graded step tests follow IEEE Standard 95 [5] Buidelines, Le, the steps are determined by the absorption ratio value. Only six (14%) of the respondents use ramp tests at 1 to 2 kV/min rate. Many respondents use more than one type of DC hipot test. Comments from hipot test experience: Dilferent respondents have quite varying comments on this issue. Some important responses are listed here in no particulat order, and in their language, as far as possible. (a) Failure, some with fire, do occur in hipot tests, even in DC hhipot tests. (b) Failures of ‘windings near the neutral end do occur in hipot tests. They do not achieve a favorable reception with managers. (c) Be careful about testing hydrogen-filled machines; the fire hazard is tobe prevented. (4) Because ofthe failure possiblity, there exists & general reluctance in managers in approving hipot tests (je). After passing a hipot test, a machine rarely ful in service. (9 Generally, experts do account machine failures to hipot testing; a machine that fils a hipot testis found to be in 4 bad condition on futher examination. (g) Some machines, which passed DC hipot tests, failed the AC hipot test. Generally, itis believed that AC tests ate more useful in detecting defects. "This makes managers less receptive to AC hipot tests (b) AC tests (but not DC tests) are used for esting water-cooled machines without excessive dy-outs, (i) NO problem with AC hipot tests.) The knee in DC tests with a Jeakage current provides an advance waming ofa failure. (&) DC ‘tests are time consuming, they provide questionable ‘tending, and they do fail windings without waring. (2) DC tests are good failure predictors for asphaltic insulation, not for epoxy mica insulation. (m) Hipot tests provide beter results if used in conjunction With other diagnostic test like IR, Pl, DF (Dissipation Factor), PD (Partial Discharge). (a) Hipot tests are conducted, along with other tests, every three to six years Suggestions for further R &D: Many divergent suggestions and questions ar listed here. (a) Enough standards exist. No further work is necessary. Engineers have to use their own judgment. (b) Guidance on test levels, procedures, and ways ‘to convince managers for hipot tests. (¢) Any advantage in not using hipot tests? (4) Do DC tests provide an advance ‘waming, indicating impending failure in the test of not? (e) Does DC ramp/step provide a warning for new insulation (epoxy mica) as for asphaltic insulation? (£) Degradation of ‘insulation by hipot tests. (g) Statistics on hipot tests use, hipot test failures, types (AC or DC), locations (slot or endwinding) ‘of hipot test failures. (hi) Is there any alternative to hipot tests, like PD, DF, ete.? Correlation of hipot test with PD, DF? (Work on effect of relative humidity/moisture on DC leakage currents. (j) development of an automated DC step test set and DC ramp test, or microprocessor controlled test set. (k) Investigation of VLF (0.1 Hz) tests, in view of their use for cable testing in Europe, and their relationship of VLE. tests to AC and DC tests. (1) Tests for estimating the 324 remaining life. (=) Method of encouraging insurance ‘company involvement — which will promote hipot tests. (n) Use of ramp tests for diagnosis of defects (delamination, tc.) im insulation. (0) Which test (AC or DC) is more destructive? ‘Which test detects laws more effectively? (p) Does IR/PI for 15 min at 1-5 kV have the same information as a ramp test? ANSWERS TO IMPORTANT QUESTIONS The objective of the project was intended to answer some important questions on the use of hipot tests. Here, the queries are addressed on a one-by-one basis, using the findings from the survey of industry experts and the existing literature. When to Apply (or not apply) Hipot Tests? [New windings: For new coils and machines, hipot tests are, and should be used universally as acceptance tests and quality assurance tests, Preferably, hipot tests should be preceded by other diagnostic tests such as insulation resistance (IR), polarization index (PI), dissipation factor (DF), and/or partial discharges (PD) inthe detection of serious flaws {7,8} Windings in service: To prevent a costly forced outage, a regular maintenance program is necessary. The machine insulation may be tested during maintenance outages, which occur at intervals of three to six years. The maintenance cycle may be longer on some large generators. Passing a hipot test (with other diagnostic tests) assures that the winding will not fail inservice during the next several years as a result of aging. Ifthe winding fails during a hipot test, it would have likely failed in-service some time later, due to 8 loss of production and more extensive machine damage, thus increasing repair costs. Consequently, hipot tests lower ‘overall maintenance costs and outage times. Hipot tests do not degrade an otherwise good winding. There is a finite risk that a marginal winding, which would have ‘operated for some time, even for years, may be punctured during the hipot test. For example, a winding with poor coils near the neutral end may operate for many years, but it may fail a hipot test. It will requite immediate repairs or replacement. This risk ean be minimized (but not eliminated) by using the DC ramp or step test and other diagnostic tests IR, PI, PD, DF), which may detect insulation problems without producing @ puncture during the test In essence, the decision to perform maintenance hipot tests ‘requires a management assessment that weighs the overall cast fof an in-service failure vs. the assurance provided by a success hipot test andr the cost of an off-line hipot test failure. Some factors to be considered include the nature of the application (critical to production, safety or environment related, o otherwise) of the machine, the redundancy built into the plant for continued operation with a failed machine, the availabilty of spare machine for quick replacement, and ‘the insurance implications. The decision whether a hipot test should be performed or not, can vary depending on machine type, even in the same plant. Does Hipot winding? Testing damage a good ‘This question is raised many times, most often by managers, who have to approve the tests. The answer is a resounding NO. Hipot tests (and maintenance hipot tests in particular) do not introduce any significant degradation in a machine with a ‘good insulation system, Machines that have failed a hipot test have always revealed poor insulation conditions upon later examination. Chances are that they would have failed in- service, especially if an overvoltage from surges or a power system fault were to occur. Hence, only machines with poor for marginal insulation systems are likely 10 fail during the hipot test. Even theoretically, the insulation in a good machine should not suffer any detectable degradation during a hipot test [9.7] All coils and bars used in moder machines have the capability to pass a voltage endurance test {10}, Typically coils for 8 13.8 kV winding should survive for 250 hours at 35 KY (or 400 hours at 30 KV) at about 100°C, If a 400-hour test at 30 KV represents 25 years of life inservice, then a one- ‘minute 29 KY over potential test at 100°C ages the insulation by nine hours (see IFFE Standard 930 for the relationship ‘between voltage and insulation life). Ifthe temperature effect is taken info account using, say, a 10-degree rule (a 10°C rise in temperature halves the life), the reduction in life caused by the hipot test at room temperature (30° C) is about 1/16 of an hour only. Should AC or DC Hipot be applied? ‘The main differences and relative merits between AC and DC hipot tests, as applied to stator windings, are discussed in ‘detail in IEEE Std. 95 (5}, and reference [11] and briefly in (7 and 9]. From these differences, and the survey results, the question on the use of AC or DC hipot tests can be answered, Keep in mind that the stress distribution in the insulation in ‘operating machines is more similar to that in AC hipot tests than in DC hipot tests ‘The controversy about the relative efficacy of DC and AC hhipot tests for detecting insulation weaknesses has continued for many years (11.33, 12.36]. AC tests appear to be more effective in detecting the defects in slot sections while DC hipot tests appear to be more effective in detecting defects in endwindings [5,7,9]. But some defects in endwindings, which ‘may fail in DC hipot tests, may never fail under operating AC stress [5] 325 For new machines and coils, AC hipot tess are, and should be preferred, as done by all OEMs and most utilities responding to the survey, Some engineers and managers have the unwarranted fear of believing that more damage will occur to a core in a failure by an AC hipot test than by a DC hipot test. However, experts using AC hipot tess report that they have never experienced core damage from a test failure (9]. Keep in mind thatthe operating electrical stress is similar to that in AC hipot test, Hence, wherever possible, for the maintenance purpose, AC hipot tests should be preferred and should be performed with ‘ther diagnostic tests (IR, Pl, DF, PD). Abnormalities in the current vs. voltage plot in controlled voltage DC hipot tests may provide a prior warning indicating an impending failure. This is not always true. There is some evidence (survey and reference 13.28] that this may be even be less true for modem epoxy mica insulation in the slot. Also, the use of the current vs. voltage plots for detecting voids and delaminations [14,15] is somewhat subjective at present. DC hipot tests are used by 41 (93 %) respondents and AC tests by 25 (59 %) respondents in the survey. This may be a partial result of the underlying historical reasons, eg. availability of the test set or past experience with the use of DC tests. Of ‘course performing @ DC hipot testis better than no test at all If problems in endwindings are indicated by the past history of ‘a machine, both AC and DC hipot tests may be conducted. For large machines, where an adequate AC supply may not be available, a DC hipot test has to be performed, For water-cooled machines, AC (line frequency or 0.1 Hz) hipot tests are preferred. DC hipot tests should not be applied without thorough drying, as specified in the survey. Only a couple of wrlities appear to have used the VLF test. What should the Hipot Test levels be? For new machines, there is no question. Everybody appears to be using 2E+1 kV ms AC, or 1.7 QE#1) kV DC, or 1.63, (QE+1) kV at 0.1 Hz. E is the rated rms phase-to-phase voltage of the stator winding. Utilities normally do not get, involved in hipot tests on new coils, except when procuring coils for repairs. The voltage levels used by OEMs for hipot tests on finished new coils are about 30% higher than those uused for new machines. Unimpregnated (green) coils are tested in a DC hipot at a reduced level For maintenance tests, most respondents, barring few exceptions, use a hipot test level around 1.2 E to 1.6 Ems AC (or equivalent DC) or 60% to 80% of the value for new ‘machines, depending on history and criticality on the machine, This appears to be an appropriate choice, For older machines with poor insulation (indicated by other tests ike PD, IR, Pl, DF, the test levels may be appearing towards the lower end of the range. However, using hipot levels below 1.2 E rms AC (or equivalent DC) ‘is more like a tickle (phrase from the response of an offshore utility) and nota hipot test. REFERENCES 1 ANSI C50.10-1990, General Requirements for Synchronous Machines. 2. TEC 60034-1 (1996), Rotating Electrical Machines ~ Part 1 Rating and Performance), 3. NEMA MG 1-193, Motors and Generators (including Revisions | through 4. 4. IEEE Std, 433-1974, Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of Large AC Rotating Machinery with High Voltage at Very Low Frequency. 5. IBEE 95-1977, Recommended Practice for Insulation Testing of AC Flectric Machinery with High Direct Voltage. 6. Guide for Rotating Electrical Machine Hipot Testing, EPRI Draft Report 1000666, December 2000. 7. RE. Draper and RH. Rehder, Overpotential Testing of Insulation in Hydro Generators, IEEE/PES Panel Session on “High Voltage Testing Of Rotating Machines”, IEEE. Publication 977P119-0,pp 10-13. 8. F-T, Emery, Electrical Testing of High Voltage Stator Coils from Westinghouse Perspective, IEEE/PES Panel Session on “High Voltage Testing Of Rotating Machines”, IEEE. Publication 977P119-0,pp 7-9. 9. J. Timperley, Power Frequency Overpotential Tests on Installed Stator Windings of Rotating Electrie Machines, IEEE/PES Panel Session on “High Voltage Testing OF Rotating Machines”, IEEE Publication 97TPI19-0, pp 14- 17. 10. IEEE Standard 1043-1996, Recommended Practice for Voltage Endurance Testing of Form Wound Bars and Coils. 11, A. Audoli and J.L. Drommi, Advantages of High Voltage DC Dielectric Tests Compared with AC Tests, Proceedings, Flectrical Blectronies Insulation Conference, October 4-7, 1993, Chicago, Ilinois, pp 661-665, 12, BK. Gupta,'Use of AC And DC Hipot Tests to Assess Condition of Stator Insulation, Proceedings, Electrical and Electronics Insulation Conference, September 18-21, 1995, Chicago, Ilinois pp 605-608. 13. B. K-Gupta and LM. Culbert, Assessment of Insulation Condition in Rotating Machine Stators, IEEE Trans Energy Conversion, vol. 7no. 3, Sept 1992, pp 500-508. 14, L, Rux and S.Grzybowski, Evaluation of Delaminated High-Voltage Rotating Machine Stator Winding Groundwall Insulation, Conference Record, 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Flectrical Insulation, Apr 2000, pp 520-523. 15, W. McDermid, and B.G, Solomon, Significance of Defects Found During High Direct-Voltage Ramp Tests, Proceedings, lectrical Insulation Conference and, Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Conference, Oct 1999, pp 631-636. 926

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