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What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part- 0


There are so many “experts” on Quran and its teaching on this and other threads, that one
feels that to call oneself “Novice” is much better than to be counted amongst these

These “Experts” come in all size and shapes and with various degrees of specializations.
Some traits common to these “experts” are:

A. They must not be able to read or understand Arabic at all:

This is one of the “Essential conditions” of these experts. That they must not be familiar
with Arabic language. They have before them “authentic Translation” of Quran and
“Super experts” have three or more “Authentic Translations”. They have some
information from Anti Islamic sites as to “where” to find “Gems” in Quran.

If they are able to locate these verses, they feel content that “Yes we have discovered
hidden secret of Quran” and they re-produce translation of these verses and people
marvel at the depth of their knowledge.

B. They must consider their Opinion as Final:

This is another common trait of these experts. They think that their analysis and their
understanding is Final on Quran. Any one disagreeing with their views has to be wrong.

C. They must demonize Muslims at large:

Another trait common to these “experts” is that they must “prove” beyond all doubts that
Muslims are Barbaric, devoid of any civilization and unfit to mingle and live amongst
civilized people.

D. Some findings of these Experts: Some “gems” discovered by these experts in

Quran are:

1. Muslims must either kill or force every Non Muslim to become Muslim or live in Semi
Slave status of DIMMI.

2. Muslims must subjugate their women and treat them like cattle, they are to be beaten
forced to live in perpetual danger of being divorced at the drop of hat and should only
reproduce children.

3. Muslims should always be on the look out for more and more wives, and if they cannot
get them in this world, then they will get plenty of virgin women in the hereafter.
4. Muslims should terrorize and kill each and every Non Muslim, if they kill any Non
Muslim for whatever reason, God will be happy and grant them Paradise and virgins in
the hereafter.

5. Muslims should shun all Modern education and only engage themselves in prayers and
fasting and remain ignorant with advancement in science and technology.

There are similar generalizations which these “experts” pronounce day in and day out and
quote “authentic Quranic verses” in their support.

So I feel that instead of claiming “Expert ship” the proper title for any one to learn from
Quran is “Student”.

Any sincere Student of Quran should have following qualities:

A. He should be able to read Quran in Arabic language. Quran is in Arabic language, the
words of Quran have an inbuilt beauty as they are “Revealed words of God”. No
translation can take place its position. Because translations are human words.

B. He should try to memorize as much portion of Quran as possible. Quran is not a book
like any human book, which is divided into chapters. Quran is a book of guidance and
issues are guidance on one subject is distributed thru out the Quran. Unless one
memorizes all or most portion of Quran, his study will be incomplete. That is why God
has made Quran very easy to memorize.

C. He should learn from Quran and not try to find confirmation of his own ideas from
Quran. This is the mistake which “Experts” make. They form their own opinion and try
to “generate or find” proofs from Quran.

D. He should not be dogmatic about his findings. In case some thing is not clear to him,
he should ask the experts. Best course is to read commentaries from Muslim scholars,
that will explain the context of each verse and each chapter.

E. He should prey to God to show him and guide him to right path and to derive right
conclusions. Without Divine guidance and help, “student” is most likely to fall into the
pit where these “experts” have fallen.

With these in Mind, I have tried to find out what are the qualities of a Devout Muslim,
which Quran wants to create. Like any other subject, these qualities of devout Muslims
are distributed through out Quran, I have tried to compile them, where they are listed in a
group form.

As I told , I do not claim “expert ship” on Quran in any way, I want to be only a Student,
and a Novice Student, for that matter. But I am sure that my findings and conclusions
shall be more informative and sincere than many of these so called experts, whose only
aim is to create rift and hatred between Islam and people of other faith.
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-1

Ch. 17. V 22, 23, Worship One God:

“Take not with God another object of worship; or you (O man) will sit in disgrace and

“Your Lord has declared that you worship none but Him”


1. Worship of One God is the corner stone of Islamic belief.

2. This is the center Pillar of Islam and without it, there is no Islam and no one is a
Muslim if he worships false gods or associates any one with worship of God.

Ch. 17. V 23 , 24, 25, Be Kind to Parents

“And that you be kind to your parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your
life, do not say to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of

And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility and say “My Lord bestow on
them Your mercy even as they cherished me in childhood”

“Your Lord knows best what is in your hearts, if You do seek righteousness, Verily He is
most forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again in repentance.


1. This is a very beautiful verse of Quran, which teaches how we should respect and
honor our parents.

2. In Quran usually, kindness to parents is mentioned right after one is asked to worship
Allah, indicating that after Allah, our next duty is being kind to our parents.

3. This kindness to parents should be not for show off, but from inside your hearts.

4. How the quality of Mercy of Allah is expressed … compare it with what these
“experts” say about Allah quoting “authentic Quranic verses”?
Ch. 17. V 26, Dealings with Relatives

“ And render to kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to wayfarer:


1. After parents, we should be kind to our relatives and poor people in general.

2. “Give every one his or her due” is another fundamental principle of Islam.

Ch. 17.V 26,27, Do not be spindrift

But squander not (your wealth) in the matter of a spindrift”

“Verily spindrifts are brothers of the evil ones, and the Evil One (Satan) is to his Lord
(Himself) ungrateful


1. Allah tells us to be moderate and do not waste our wealth.

2. Wealth is gift from Allah and to be spindrift is like being ungrateful to Him.

Ch.17 V. 28, If you do not have means to give

“And even if you have to turn away from them in pursuit of the mercy from your Lord,
which you do expect, yet speak to them a word of easy kindness”


1. In case you have no means to give, apologies with kind words and do not be harsh.

2. A kind word is like an act of Charity, as said our prophet, May peace be on him.
Ch. 17. V29, 30, Be Moderate in Everything

“Make not your hand tied (like a niggard’s) to your neck, nor stretch forth to its utmost
reach, so that you become blameworthy and destitute.

Verily your Lord does provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleases and He
provides in a just measure. For He does know and regard all His servants”


1. A good Muslims stays on middle path. He is not miser and he does not gives every
thing, so he himself becomes a needy person.

2. This advice “follow middle path” is hallmark of Islam and Muslims.

3. A good Muslim never goes to extreme, either in love or in hate.

4. Distribution of wealth and means are in hands of Allah, we should try our best, but be
ready to accept what ever He gives to us.

Ch. 17. V 31, Do not kill your Children

“Kill not your Children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as
for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin”


1. Children are a gift from Allah, it is not we who provide for their sustenance.

2. Family planning as a state policy or compulsory family planning is negated here.

What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-3

Ch.17. V 32, Do not commit Adultery

“Nor come nigh to Adultery (or fornication) for it is shameful deed. And an evil, opening
the road (to other evils)


1. A Muslim stays away from illicit sexual relations.

2. Sexual morality is hall mark of True Muslims.

Ch.17. V33, Do Not Kill Innocent Person

“Nor take life- Which God has made sacred- except for Just cause. And if anyone is slain
wrongfully, We have given his heir authority (to demand revenge or forgive): but let him
not exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the law)


1. Killing of any innocent person is another great sin in Islam.

2. Life can be taken only under “due procedure of Law” so as to say.

3. Then one should not exceed bounds in taking revenge for the killing. Only the
murderer should be killed and no one else.

4. You compare this with the attitude of our “civilized nations” that openly boast that we
will kill 10, 100 or 1000 of other side for each of our men killed.

5. Islam wants to keep everything in check.

Ch17. V34, Orphan’s Property

“Come not near to the Orphan’s property except to improve it, untill he attains the age of
full strength.


1. Orphans were the weakest people in Arabian society, that is why Muslims were strictly
forbidden to harm their property.

2. Eating Orphan’s property is another great sin in Islam.

3. What is said of Orphan is equally true for other weaker sections also.
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-4

Ch17. V34, Fulfill every engagement

“And Fulfill (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the
day of Reckoning)


1. A Muslim must fulfill his vows and engagement.

2. Going back on contracts or vows and engagement is another major sin in Islam.

Ch17. V 35, Weight and Measures

“Give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is
most befitting and the most advantageous in the final determination”


1. Cheating in weight and measures is another major sin in islam.

2. A Muslim must not cheat in weight and measures.

3. That includes every type of cheating or fraud or adulteration and every shady business

Ch17. V36, Shun useless pursuits

“ And pursue not that of which you have no knowledge: for every act of hearing, or of
seeing or of (feeling in( the heart will be enquired into (on the day of reckoning)


1. A Muslim should leave all things about which he has no knowledge.

2. He should guard his eyes, his ears and his heart from unnecessary gossips and
conjectures and baseless assumptions.
C17. V 36,37, Show Humility

“Not walk on the earth with insolence: for you cannot rend the earth asunder, nor reach
the mountains in height.

Of all such things the evil is hateful in the sight of your Lord


1. A Muslims should not boast, nor show off, nor walk in the manners of those who hold
other people in contempt.

2. Muslims should walk on earth with humility and should shun every type of evil acts.

These are the some of qualities which Allah wants to see in every Muslim according to

Now how many Muslims comply with these Quranic requirements? Every Muslim
should judge himself or herself.

Prophet and his companions were the first and foremost who had all these qualities and
they were the role models for those who came after them

There is no surprise at all, if a large group of people who have these qualities and are
united in a closely knit group be successful in this word and in the hereafter.
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-5

Ch23 V.1, Who are really successful?

“The believers must (eventually) win through


1. The believers if they have qualities mentioned below, must be successful, both in this
world and in the hereafter.

Ch23 V.2, Humble in prayers

“Those who humble themselves in their prayers”


1. This is the first quality, they must have a close relationship with their Lord.

2. One sign for that is that they should be very attentive in their prayers and humble

Ch23 V.3, Avoid vain talks

“Who avoid vain talks”


1. This is another quality, they should not waste their time.

2. “LAGHU” in Arabic means any thing which has no benefit of this world or hereafter.

Ch23 V.4, Active in Charity

“Who are active in deeds of Charity”

Remarks :

1. Another translation is that who are very pure in their thoughts and actions and always
go for pure things.
Ch23 V.5-7, Sexual Morality

“Who guard their sexual organs, except with those joined to them in marriage bond or
(the captives) whom their right hand possess, for (in their case)they are free from blame.

But those whose desires exceed these limits are transgressors”


1. Sexual morality is another quality of successful believers.

2. Sex is only permitted thru marriage ties.

3. All other form of sexual relations are prohibited.

Ch23 V.8, Keep trusts and Covenants

“Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants”


1. This is another important quality, they are true to their trusts and covenants.

2. Prophet used to say “He is not a Muslim if he cannot keep his trust”

Ch23 V.9-11, Guard their prayers

“And those who strictly guard their prayers.

These will be heirs, who will inherit paradise: they will dwell therein (for ever)”


1. It started with prayers and it ended with prayers.

2. Believers with these qualities will be successful. Both in this world and in the

3. Even if they did not get wealth and power in this world, they are sure to enter paradise
in the hereafter, which is the real success.

4. needles to say that prophet and his companions fulfilled all these requirements that is
why they were immensely successful in both worlds.
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-6

Ch.25 V.63-77, Servants of (God) Most Gracious

“And the Servants of (God) Most Gracious are:


1. Verses 63 to 77 of Ch.25 of Quran list many criterion for those who are True Servants
of Allah.

2. It is worthwhile to listen to these qualities

Ch.25 V.63, Show Humility

“Those who walk on the earth with Humility..”


1. This quality was mentioned earlier also.

2. They are not boastful and do not walk filled with false pride as if they own the whole

Ch.25 V.63, Dealing with Ignorant

“And when the ignorant address them they say “Peace”


1. They just do not prolong discussion with ignorant people and those who play as

2. They do not waste their time in idle talks or discussions.

Ch.25 V.64, Spending Nights

“Those who spend the night in adoration of their Lord, prostrate and standing”


1. They do not waste whole night in sleeping and / or playing games and night clubs,
dancing and drinking.

2. They spend (most) part of their nights in prayers and supplications.

Ch.25 V.65, 66, Fearing Hell Fire

“Those who say, “Our Lord! Avert from us the Wrath of Hell, for its wrath is indeed as
affliction grievous.

Evil indeed is it an abode and as a place of rest”.


1. They are always fearful of Hell Fire and supplicate Allah to save them from it.

2. Their good deeds and good actions do not create in them any superiority complex.

Ch.25 V.67, Moderation in Spending

“Those who when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just
(balance) between those extremes.


1. They are moderate in every thing, in spending, in talking and in love and hate.

2. They do not go to extremes;

3. Moderation in Every Thing is hallmark of Islam.

What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-7

Ch.25 V.68, 69, Avoiding major sins

“Those who invoke not with God, any other god, Nor slay such life as God has made
sacred, except for just cause, and not commit fornication-

And any that does this (not only) meets punishment, (but) the penalty on the Day of
Judgment will be doubled to him and he will dwell therein in ignominy”


1. They avoid all major sins, the most important being, taking partners with Allah, killing
innocent life (without due legal process) and committing adultery and fornication.

2. Three sins are mentioned specifically and all others are implied indirectly.

Ch.25 V. 70, 71, Repentance if your feet slip:

“Unless he repents, believes and works righteous deeds, for God will change the evil of
such persons into good, and God is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful

And whoever repents and does good has truly turned to God with an (acceptable)


1. If you fall into evil deeds, there is no need to despair of Allah’s Mercy.

2. If you correct yourself and repent, Allah is Most merciful and forgiving.

3. See these beautiful verses, and compare with the findings of those “experts” who say
Allah of Islam is a cruel God , always threatening people with Hell fire and punishment!!

Ch.25 V.72, No False Witness

“Those who witness no false hood..”


1. They do not give false witness and neither are part of any fraudulent schemes to cheat
Ch.25 V.72, Avoid Futility

“And if they pass by futility, they pass it with honorable avoidance”


1. In verse 63 it was said about ignorant people, here it is said that they avoid all vain and
futile acts.

2. They do not waste their valuable times in pursuit of these useless activities.

Ch.25 V.73, Ready for good advise

“Those who when they are admonished with the Signs (verses) of their Lord, droop not
down at them, as if they were deaf or blind”


1. Their faith and good deeds, do not make them arrogant or haughty, they always listen
to good advise and admonitions from their Lord.

2. They do not act like deaf or dumb when they hear verses from Allah or sayings of His

Ch.25 V.74, Take care of their wives and Children

“And those who pray, “Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the
comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous”


1. They do not leave their wives and children in lurch. They do their duties to them and
supplicate Allah for their welfare.

2. “cool of eyes” is a very deep meaning phrase and includes best behaviour and
obedience to parents and to Allah.

Ch.25 V.75,76, Rewards for Good deeds

“Those are the ones who will be rewarded with the highest place in heaven, because of
their patient consistency:

Therein they shall be met with salutations and peace, dwelling therein- how beautiful an
abode and place of rest!”

1. Such are the beautiful rewards for True Servants of Allah, Most Gracious.

2. See how beautiful are the qualities of True Muslims and how beautiful is their relation
with their Lord.

3. Now compare these with the findings of our “so called Experts”!!
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-8

Ch. 70. V 19-35, Weakness of Human and who are exempt

“Truly man was created very impatient:- fretful when evil touches him; and niggardly
when good reaches him” (except)


1. These are common weakness of humans, that they are impatient and very soon driven
to despair or miser ness.

2. But True Muslims overcame these weaknesses by having following qualities.

Ch. 70. V 22 , Devoted to Prayers

“Not so those devoted to their prayers”


1. After faith, this is the first quality of a Good Muslim, that he is ever mindful of his
daily prayers.

2. Prayer is always mentioned as the necessary quality of a True and Good Muslim.

Ch. 70. V 24-25, Regular Charity

“And those in whose wealth is a recognised right for the (needy) who asks and him who
is prevented (for some reason from asking)


1. The charity is mentioned as a right they owe to other.

2. It is to give thanks to Allah for what He has provided for them.

3. It is the love of Allah, which drives them to do all this.

Ch. 70. V 26, Believe in Last Day

“And those who hold to the truth of the Day of Judgment”


1. Always remembering Last day is another essential quality of a True Muslim.

2. He never forgets that all his actions are being recorded and will be shown to him on the
last day.

3. This is the thing which always keeps him in check.

Ch. 70. V 27,28, Fear of God

“And those who fear the displeasure of their Lord,- for their Lord’s displeasure is the
opposite of peace and tranquility”


1. A true and Good Muslim always remains God conscious.

2. He is never too sure of having “exclusive right” to Allah’s mercy and at the same time
he never become despair of attaining it.

3. This hope and fear is the true state of mind of a Good and True Muslim.
What are qualities of a Good Muslim according to Quran , Part-9

Ch. 70. V 29-31, Sexual Morality

“And those who guard their chastity

“except with their wives and the (captives) whom their right hand possess , - for (then)
they are not to be blamed

“But those who trespass beyond this are transgressors”


1. Sexual morality is an essential quality of a Good Muslim.

2. He controls his sexual urges only thru the channel provide by Allah.

Ch. 70. V 32, Trusts and Covenants

“And those who respect their trusts and covenants”


1. Good and true Muslims do not break their trusts and covenants.

2. This includes both what they made with Allah and what they made with other humans.

3. A True Muslim must always be true to his vows, trusts and covenants.

Ch. 70. V 33, Correct Testimony

“And those who stand firm in their testimonies”


1. To give false testimony or to hide truth is a major sin in Islam.

2. If some one gives false witness in any case, he is liable to be punished and be barred
from giving any witness in future.
Ch. 70. V34 , Guarding their prayers

“And those who guard (the sacredness) of their worship”


1. The qualities started with prayers and they are closed again with prayers.

2. This shows the importance of prayers in the life a True and good Muslim.

Ch. 70. V 35, Rewards

“Such will be the honored ones in the gardens (of Bliss)


1. As Quran says “Is there any reward for good- other than good?” (60:60)…so Muslims
with these qualities shall earn the pleasure of Allah in the hereafter.

2. But Muslims with these qualities must be successful in this world also.

3. But Quran only mentions rewards of hereafter as that is the real success.

4. Needless to say that Prophet and his companions were the foremost and had all these
qualities in its highest levels. That is why they were rewarded with success in this world
and in the hereafter.
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-10

Ch2 V 165, Love of God

“But those of faith are overflowing in their Love for God…”

“Say Truly, my prayer, and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, all (are ) for
God, the Cherisher of the worlds” (Ch 6 V 162)


1. For a true Muslim, love of Allah is above every thing. Nothing can stand between him
ad his love of Allah.

2. His whole life and all his acts of good deeds even his life and death are in the cause of

Ch2. V 254, Spending in Charity

“O you who believe! Spend out of (the bounties) We have provided for you, before the
Day comes when no bargaining (will avail) nor Friendship, nor Intercession- Those who
reject faith, they are the wrongdoers.”

“O you who believe! Cancel not your charity by reminders of your generosity or by
injury..” (verse 264)


1. Muslims must spend in charity both compulsory and voluntarily for love of God and
for the Last Day.

2. There should be no other motives behind that charity.

Ch2 V 267, What to give in Charity

“O you who believe! Give of the Good things which you have (honorably) earned, and of
the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you, and do not even aim at giving
anything which is bad…”

“By no means shall you attain righteousness, unless you give (freely) of that which you
love; and whatever you give, of a truth God knows it well” (Ch3 V 92)

1. One must give good things in charity and not things which we detest and which we
“have no use of”.

2. We cannot reach true righteousness unless we spend from things which we like most.

3. Companions of prophet and other Good Muslims have set up examples which are
guides and beacons for those who follow them.

Ch4. V 19, Inheriting Women

“O you who believe! You are forbidden to inherit women against their will, nor should
you treat them with harshness, that you may take away part of their dower….”


1. The practice of pagan Arabs is condemned in Quran for Muslims to stay away from
such practices.

Ch4 V 59, Following Authority

1. “O you who believe! Obey God, and Obey the Messenger and those charged with
authority amongst you.

If you differ in anything amongst yourself, refer it to God and His Messenger, If you do
believe in God and the Last day:

This is best and most suitable for final determination”

2. “It is not befitting for a believer men or women, what a matter has been decided by
God and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision” (Ch 33 V 36)

3. “ But no, by your Lord, they can have no (real) faith, until they make you judge in all
disputes between them,

and find in their souls no resistance against your decisions, but accept them with fullest
conviction” (4:65)

1. This verse is of fundamental importance in Islamic jurisprudences.

2. One must Obey Allah and His messenger and their obedience is un conditional.

3. One must obey Authorities, but their obedience is not absolute but conditional. It is
within bounds set by Allah and His messenger.

4. Any disputes amongst Muslims must be refereed to Book of Allah and Prophet’s
sayings and his life for solving the dispute.

5. It should be willful obedience and not superficial.

6. But neither Allah not His Messenger are autocratic., their decrees are based on
Knowledge, Wisdom and Mercy and are for the benefits and well being of Muslims and
human society and civilization.
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-11

Ch. 4 V 135, Giving Witness

“O you who believe ! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even against
yourself, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against( rich or poor: for God
can protect both…

Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest they swerve, and if you distort (justice) or
decline to do justice, verily God is well acquainted with all that you do.


“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for God as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not
hatred of others, to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice, Be Just: that
is next to piety: and Fear God: for God is well acquainted with what you do” (Ch 5 V 9)

1. These two are very important and fundamental verses regarding giving true witness
and being just.

2. A muslim must give true witness, not to please any one but to please Allah and Allah

3. Even if himself, his parents, his kins and his country is involved, one must always
speak truth and do not hide evidence.

4. Same way we should give true witness, when dealing with people of other faith.

5. We should always be just and deal with equity with every one.

6. I wonder, who else but Lord of Universe can give such Universal advice. Not favoring
any race, language or nation over any one else.
Ch5 V1, Fulfill All Obligation

“O you who believe! Fulfill (all obligations…”


1. A very terse opening verse at the start of a New Chapter.

2. That Arabic Word “UQOOD” used here implies so many things that a whole chapter
can be written on it.

3. It includes, Divine Obligations that arise from our Spiritual nature….

4. .it also includes mutual obligations , express and implied that we make in our dealings
with people and nation.

5. It includes promises we make to one another, Commercial and social contracts…

6. There are many shades of meanings just coming out of a single word of Arabic used in

Ch.5 V.2, Sanctity of Symbols

“O you who believe! Do not violate the sanctity of the Symbols of God,

a. Nor of the Sacred Months,

b. Nor of the Animals brought for sacrifice,

c. Nor the garland that mark out such animals,

d. Nor the people resorting to the Sacred Home


1. Here the symbols of God are every thing connected with the pilgrimage.

2. Anything which denotes with connection with Islamic rituals are in fact “Symbols of
God” and a Muslim must respect it and must not violate it.
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-12

Ch.5 V.2, Helping Each other

“…. Help you one another in righteousness and Piety, but help not one another in sin and
rancor: fear God: for God is strict in punishment”


1. Another verse of Basic importance in Islamic Jurisprudence.

2. We should support and help each other in every case of righteousness, piety and
human welfare.

3. And we must not help each other incases where sins, breaking rules of Allah and His
Messenger are involved.

4. This also included cooperation between Muslims and Non Muslims in worldly affairs
also. It could be basis of treaties that Muslim states can make with others.

Ch.5 V. Lawful things

“O you who believe! Make not unlawful the good things which God has made lawful for
you, but commit no excesses, for God loves not those given to excesses”


“Say: Who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of God, which He has produced for His
servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He has provided) for sustenance..” (7:32)


“O prophet! Why did you forbidden that which God has made lawful to you?...” (66:1)

1. This is another verse of fundamental importance in Islamic Jurisprudence.

2. Authority to make lawful and Unlawful rests with Allah (and He has given some
authority to His Messenger also).

3. No one has authority to make Lawful, what Allah has prohibited and vice versa.

4. This also shows that Islam is against monastism and shunning good things of life.

5. But we should not be totally immersed in the pleasures of this life and forget Allah and
our duties to Him.
Ch.5 V. 98, Hunting During Hajj

“O you who believe! Kill not game while in the sacred garments or in pilgrim garb..

If any of you do so intentionally, the compensation is an offering, brought to the Kaaba,

of a domestic animal equivalent to the one he killed, as adjudged by two just men
amongst you….


1. This is a special rule, when one goes for Hajj or UMRAH to Makkah.

2. No game or killing is allowed in Sacred locations and while people wear the pilgrim

3. The Penality is also mentioned if some one kills any animal intentionally.

Ch 8 V 24, Responding to Prophet:

“O you who believe! Give your response to God and His Messenger, when He calls you
to that which will give you life; and God knows what comes between a man and his


1. Muslims must hearken to calls from Allah ad His messenger.

2. These calls are not autocratic but to help Muslims and their lives
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-13

Ch.8 V 27, Do not betray Trusts

“O you who believe! Betray not the trusts of God and His Messenger, nor misappropriate
knowingly things entrusted to you

And know you that possessions and your progeny are but a trial and it is God with whom
lies your highest reward”


1. A Muslim must not betray the Trusts of Allah and His messenger.

2. ether e should misappropriate from his trusts.

3. Wealth and children are or trial, we must not exceed our bounds in their welfare.

Ch. 8 V 45, Firmness when in Battle field

“O you who believe! When you meet a force (in battle field) be firm ad call God in
remembrance much (and often) That you may prosper”


1 A Muslim should be Firm and not run away when he in a battle field.

2. Running away from battle field is one of the major sin in Islam.

Ch.8 V 46, Do not get divided

“(O you who believe!) and obey Allah and His Messenger; and fall into no dispute, lest
you loose heart and your power depart; and be patient and persevering ; for God is those
with patiently preserve”


1. Muslims should not be divided into themselves, this will be disastrous for them.

2. Consider this Quranic advise and the situation of 50 or so “Muslim nations” all divided
amongst others, what is their “combined power” in world’s affairs?
Ch. 9 V. 23, 24, Love of God

“O you who believe! Take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love
infidelity above faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.

Say if

-your fathers,
- your sons,
- your brothers,
- your mates,
- or your kindred :
- the wealth that you have gained ,
- the commerce which you fear a decline:
- or the dwellings in which you delight-

are dearer to you than God, His Apostle or the striving in His cause;- then wait until God
brings about His decision: and God does not guides the rebellious”


1. For a Muslim, love of Allah and His Messenger, must be above his love of every thing
in this world.

2. If it is not so, then there is stern warning from Allah that they are indeed rebellious.
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-14

Ch. 9 V. 119, Be with People who speak truth

“O you who believe! Fear God and be with those who are true (in words and deeds).


1. A Muslim should speak truth and love the company of those who are truthful and trust

2. There is so much emphasis in Quran on speaking truth , that it strange , that people say
that TAQAIYYA highly recommended in Islam!

Ch. 9 V. 38, Fighting in Cause of God

“O you who believe! What is the matter with you, that when you are asked to go forth in
the cause of God, you cling heavily to the hearth?

Do you prefer the life of this world to hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life as
compared with the hereafter”


1. For Muslims the love of this life and its belongings should be second to their life of

2. If they have to make a choice, it must be hereafter every time.

Ch.24 V 27, Rules of Visiting others

“O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked
permission and saluted those in them: that is best for you, in order that you may heed
(what is seemly).

If you find no one in the house, enter not until permission is given to you: if you are
asked to go back, go back: that makes for greater purity for yourselves:

And God knows well all that you do”


1. A Muslim must take permission and say “salaam” when he visits any other house.

2. If permission is denied, then he should go back.

3. A man is his castle and he is master of his castle.

Ch. 33 V 70, 71, Speaking Truth

“O you who believe! Fear God and (always ) say a word directed to the right.

That He make your conduct whole and sound and forgive your sins: He that obeys God
and His Messenger , has already attained the highest achievement “


1. Here again is the emphasis on speaking truth.

2. A Muslim must speak truth, irrespective of situation.

3. One might feel that by concealing the truth he is helping people, but Allah will really
solve the problem, if one speaks the truth always.

4. Compare this verse of Quran with those who say that TAQAIYYA is a Fundamental
Principle of Islam!

Ch. 61 V. 2, 3, Saying and Doing

“O you who believe ! why say you that, which you do not do?

A grievously odious is it in the sight of God that you say which you do not”


1. A Muslim must not have difference in what he says and what he does.

2. What he preaches to others and what he does really.

3. Allah does not like this duplicity.

Qualities of a Good Muslim as Per Quran Part-15

In Light pf what LUQMAN, The Wise, told to his son

Ch.31 V.12, Blessings of God on LUQMAN

“We Bestowed (in the past) Wisdom on LUQMAN, “Show (your) gratitude to God”

Any who is (so) grateful does so the profit of his own soul: but if any is ungrateful, verily
God is free of all wants, worthy of all praise”


1.The sage LUQMAN belongs to the Arab tradition. Very little is known about his life.

2. He is usually associated with a long life…he is the type of perfect wisdom.

3. It is said that he belonged to a humble station in life, being a slave or a carpenter.

4. Many instructive apologues are referred to him,…..

5. The basis of Moral law is man’s own good and not any benefit to Allah, for Allah is
above all needs.

6. Even in praising Him, we do not increase His glory. When we obey His Will, we bring
our position into conformity with our own nature as made by Him.

Ch.31 V.13, Do Not Associate Partners:

“Behold! LUQMAN said to his son by the way of instruction “O My Son! Join not in
worship (others) with God: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong doing”


1. Here LUQMAN instructs his son, and these are qualities that every Good and True
Muslim should have.

2. It tells us , that parents should instruct their sons and daughters in moral teachings also
and that they should use soft language.

3. The first teaching of LUQMAN to his son is not to associate any partners with Allah,
as this is the greatest of sin and wrong doing which a man can do to his soul.
Ch.31 V.14, Being Kind to Parents

“And We enjoined on man (to be good) to his parents: in travail upon travail did his
mother bear him.

And in your years twain was your weaning: (hear this command) “Show gratitude to Me
and Your parents: tome is your goal


1. After Allah’ worship, next is being kind to parents, which is Quran’s usual style.

2. How beautifully, this verse pictures the pain which mother bears during pregnancy and
suckling of her offspring.

3. That is why, her status in love and respect is higher than father in Islam, and one must
respect one’ parents.

4. It is beauty of Quran that it does not even say, do not disrespect your parents! It goes
only so far as not to say even “Oh” to them!!

Ch.31 V.15, Limits of Parents’ rights

“But if they strive to make you join in worship with Me, things which you have no
knowledge obey them not:

Yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration and kindness) and
follow the ways of those who turn to Me (in love)

In the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (And meaning) of all
that you did”


1. The rights of parents have a limit, if it comes to false worship or disobeying any of
Allah’ commands.

2. One must not follow commands of parents (or other relatives for that matter), when it
is doing any thing wrong.

3. But even in these cases, we should show respect and be just and kind o them and fulfill
their worldly needs.

4. See how balanced are these Islamic teachings and then listen to what these “experts”
have to say on this subject!
Qualities of a Good Muslim as Per Quran Part-16

In Light pf what LUQMAN, The Wise, told to his son

Ch.31 V.16, God’ Powers

“O My Son! (Said LUQMAN) “If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were
(hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, God will bring it forth: for
God understands the finest mysteries (and ) is well acquainted (with them”


1. This is a very Powerful verse, showing Allah’ immense power in this Universe.

2.At other places in Quran it is mentioned that Nothing is hidden from Allah in heavens
or on earth or under earth.

3. Here it is mentioned Mustard-seed but at other places in Quran it is mentioned an

Atom’ weight or bigger or smaller than that!

4. Allah is all Powerful and All knowledgeable

Ch.31 V.7, Regular Prayers

“O My Son! Establish regular prayers…”


1. After belief in Allah and being kind to parents, next duty is to establish regular prayers.

2. This is in keeping with order maintained thru out in Quran.

3. Quran seldom says, “offer prayers” is usually says “establish prayers” which means the
complete system of prayers starting with constructing mosques, appointing Imams and
those who call for prayer and any thing needed fro this system to operate.
Ch.31 V.17, Right and Wrong

“Enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patient consistency
whatever betide them: for this firmness of purpose in the (conduct of affairs)


1. Next important duty of a Good Muslim is to enjoin what is right. and forbid what is

2. If this thing is missing from society, it will slide back into moral decay.

3. Then one must be firm in his conviction and should show perseverance and
consistency of approach.

4. it is not as easy thing to achieve as Quranic verse says.

Ch.31 V.18, False Pride

“And swell not your check (for pride) at men..”

1. A very apt simile!!

2 The Arabic word used in Quran refers to an illness in camels, due to which its neck is
always straight and cannot move.

3. So is the man with false pride….he does not look at other men except with contempt or
with boast.

Ch.31 V.18, “Walk with Humility

“Nor walk in insolence through the earth…

For God does not love any arrogant boaster”

1. Quran at many places prohibits Muslims to walk with arrogance and in boasting.

2. This insolence and boasting is not liked by Allah.

3. Muslims should show and practice humility….but this humility does not mean
cowardice. It is the humility of a true and just man, who keeps away and saves his
personality from ignorant people.

4. Lest some one think that Quran teaches Muslims to be cowards.

Ch.31 V.19, Moderate Approach

“And be moderate in your pace…”


1. It is mentioned in walking, but moderation in every thing is implied.

2. A Muslim must always be moderate in every thing, in spending, in talking and in love
and in hate.

3. Golden Mean Path is the Hallmark of Islam

Ch.31 V.19, Tone Down

“And Lower your voice; for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the


1. What a beautiful simile!!

2. The braying of ass is the most unkind sound which human ears encounter.

3. So is the voice of one who speaks and shouts loudly and looses his or her temper when
talking or arguing with any one.

4. A Good Muslim should keep his temper and voice when talking or arguing with others.

5. Have we seen those “experts” how they react when their bubble of arrogance in
pricked with smallest of innocent comments. Torrents of abuses and expletives come
from their mouth like bullets of a fast firing automatic Machine Gun. I need not name
such “experts” every one knows them by now.

6. Thus ended a moving and powerful section of Ch.31 speaking thru the mouth of
LUQMAN, desired qualities of a good Muslim.
Qualities of Muslims as Per Quran Part-17

Whom Allah Loves?

According to Quran Allah loves people with following Qualities:

a. Those who do good (MOHSINEEN) (2:195, 3: 134, 3:148, 5:13, 5:196)

b. Who turn to Him Constantly (TAWWABEEN)(2:222)

c. Who keep themselves pure and clean (MUTATAHHIREEN) (in body and thoughts)

d. Those who are God Conscious (MUTTAQEEN)(3:76)

e. Who are Firm and Steadfast (SABIREEN)(3:134)

f. Who put their trust in Him (MUTAWAKKILEEN) (3:159)

g. Who judge in Equity (MUQSITEEN) (5:45)

h. Who are righteous (MUTTAQEEN)(9:4, 9:7)

i. Who make themselves pure (MUTTAHHIRIN)(9:108)

j. Who are fair (and just in their dealings) (MUQSITEEN)(49:9, 60:8)

k. Who fight in His cause in the battle array, as if they were a solid cemented structure


1. These are the samples of qualities, whom Allah loves to see in Muslims. I have
mentioned original Arabic words also, as they have many deep rooted meanings and so
many shades that it is extremely difficult to translate them into a single English word.
English is still not that Powerful a language, in dealing with deep spiritual matters!

2. Is there any thing here which is negative or harmful to human civilization?

3. How can any “Fundamental Muslims” who is having all these qualities, will be
harmful to human civilization?

4. Those who do not stop making propaganda that Allah of Quran is autocratic and Cruel
God, let them look once again at these “beautiful qualities” which Allah loves to see in
5. There is no doubt that Prophet and his companions had all these positive qualities in
their fullest sense, and that is the main reason, how they became so successful in the
world in so short a time

Whom Allah Does not Love or Likes

According to Quran Allah does not loves or likes people with these qualities:

a.. Those who are Transgressors and exceed their bounds ( MO’TADEEN)(2:190, 7:55)

b. Who make Mischief (FASAD) (2:205)

c. Those Creatures who are ungrateful and wicked (KAFFARIN ATHEEM)(2:276)

d. Who reject faith (KAFIREEN)(3:32, 30:45)

e. Who do wrong (DHALIMEEN) (3:57, 3:140, 42:40)

f. Who are Arrogant, vain glorious (MUKHTAL, FAKHOOR) (4:36, 31:18, 57:23)

g. Who are given to perfidy and Crime (KHAWWAN, ATHEEM) (4:107, 22: 38)

h. Who are wasters (MUSRIFEEN) (5:141, 6:31)

i. Who are Treacherous (KHAINEEN) (8:58)

j. Who are Arrogant (MUSTAKBIREEN) (16:23)

k. Who do exult (FARIHEEN) (27:76)

l. Who do Mischief (MUFSIDEEN) (28:77)


1. These are some of the Negative Qualities which Allah does not want to seen in
Muslims. I have given the original Arabic words, because they have very deep rooted
meanings than the English words used in the Translations.

2. It is very difficult to translate these Arabic words into a Single English word, English
language is not that powerful to deal with in these spiritual matters.

3. The thing to remember is that if Muslims shun all these negative qualities, will they be
a boon or bane to human society and human civilization.
4. These verses should be eye opener to those who say that Quran is filled with hatred
towards Non Muslim and only exalts Muslims to kill and enslave all Non Muslims.

5. There is no doubt that Prophet and his companions were free from all these negative
qualities and that is the main reason, how they became so successful in the world in so
short a time.
What are Major Sins in Islam Part- 1

Ch.6 V.151, Major Sins in Islam

“Say : “Come I will rehearse what God has (really) prohibited you from…”


1. Ch6 Verses 151-155 inform us what are major sins in Islam.

2. This list is only partial and lists Big of the Biggest Sins

Ch.6 V.151, Taking Partners with God

“Join not any thing as equal with Him”


1. Associating partners with Allah is the Greatest of the Great Sins.

2. This is a sin which Allah will Not forgive, only way is for person to repent and, re-
declare his faith

Ch.6 V.151, Disobeying Parents

“Be good to your parents”


1. Disobeying parents is greatest sin after associating partners with Allah. It has been
mentioned many times in Quran.

2. Only exception when one must disobey his parents is where they ask them to worship
false gods.

3. Even in this case, they should speak kindly with them and take care of their worldly

4. No “Old age homes” in Islam and Muslim society.

Ch.6 V.151, Killing one’s Children

“And kill not your children on a leas of want:- We provide sustenance for you and for


1. Killing Children for fear of poverty is another major sin in Islam.

2. No forced Family Planning in Islam.

Ch.6 V.151, Avoid shameful deeds

“Come not (even) near to shameful deeds, whether open or secret”


1. This include all cases of sexual perversion and misconduct, Pornography, Sodomy etc.

2. Every type of vulgarity is to be shunned.

Ch.6 V.151, Killing Innocent person

“Take not life which God has made sacred, except by way of justice and law:

Thus does He command you, that you may learn wisdom”


1. Killing innocent person without due process of law, is another major sin in Islam.

2. In one verse, 5 major sins are covered.

What are Major Sins in Islam Part-2

Ch.6 V.152, Eating Orphan’s Property

“And come not near to the Orphan’s property , except to improve it, untill he attain the
age of full strength..”


1. Orphans’ were the weakest persons at that time and that is why they are mentioned

2 But it could mean to property of anyone who is weak and cannot protect it.

Ch.6 V.152, Just Weight and Measures

“And weigh with (Full) justice, no burden do we place on any soul which it can bear”


1. Cheating in weight and measures is one of the major sins in Islam.

2. It shows the dirty nature of individual and how untrustworthy he or she is.

Ch.6 V.152, Speak Truth Always

“Whenever you speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned”


1. A Muslim must always speaking the truth and must not lie.

2. Even if truth is hurting one, or his closest relatives.

3. In one saying prophet said , that a Muslim can do many sins and be a Muslim, but a
Muslim cannot lie and still be a Muslim.

4.Let those who say TAQAIYYA is an Islamic principle should look at these verses.
Ch.6 V.153, Fulfill Covenants

“And fulfill covenant of God:

Thus does He commands you, that you may remember”


1. All covenants, agreements, contracts and trusts must be fulfilled by a True Muslim.

2. Here only covenant of God is mentioned but at other place, it is used in general terms.

Ch.6 V.154, Do not leave Straight path

“Verily, this is My way, leading Straight: Follow it: follow not (other ) paths: they will
scatter you about from His (great) path:

Thus Does He command you, that you may be righteous.


1. Muslims should be thankful to Allah for showing them and guiding them to the right
and straight path.

2. They should not put themselves into trial and tribulations by looking into other ways,
otherwise they will fall away from right path and fall into error.

Ch.6 V.159, Do not be divided into sects

“As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, You (O Mohammad) have
no part in them in the least: their affair is with God: He will in the end tell them the truth
of all that they did”


1. Causing division into one Islamic nation and breaking up into sects is a Major Sin in

2. Prophet is told to stay away from such people and sects.

3. They will have to answer Allah in the hereafter for their deeds.
What are Major Sins in Islam Part-3

Ch.3 V130 & Others, Usury and dealing in Interest Totally Banned

“O you who believe! Devour not usury, doubled and multiplied: but fear God; that you
may (really) prosper, fear the Fire, which is prepared for those who reject faith”


“O you who believe! Fear God, and give up what remains of your demand for Usury, if
you are indeed believers, if you do not, take notice of war from God and His Messenger,
but if you turn back, you shall have your capital sums: deal not unjustly, and you shall
not be dealt with unjustly” (Ch2 V 278-279)


“Those who devour Usury will not stand except as stand one whom the evil one has
driven to madness by his touch. This is because they say: “trade is like Usury”

But God has permitted trade and forbidden Usury…..God will deprive Usury of all
blessing, but will increase for deeds of Charity, for He loves not creatures ungrateful and
wicked” (Ch2 V 275-276)

1. Dealing in Usury and interest is one of the Biggest of Big sins, it is totally banned in

2. Those who take and deal in it, have been cursed by Allah and His messenger.

3. Usury and interest is most harmful for human society and it concentrates all wealth in
hands of few and makes life miserable for others.

4. Regular cycles of growth and recession as witnessed in Modern Materialistic

Economies are mainly due to this interest and usury.

5. Real prosperity can only come if we abolish this abominable practice from earth.
Ch 5 V 93, Intoxicants and Gambling Banned

“O you who believe! Most certainly Intoxicants, and gambling (dedication) of stones and
(divination) by arrows are an abomination and Satan’s handiwork: Eschew such
(abominations) that you may prosper”


1. Alcohol and intoxicants are cause of much misery to human civilization. Their harms
are multifarious

2. Many diseases and crimes are mainly because of Alcohol and other intoxicants.

3. Islam bans intoxicants totally.

4. It also bans Gambling and other games of chance. So many Modern business practices
come under class of gambling and chance. All such things are banned in islam.

5. No one should take unfair advantage of any one, that is the basis of Islamic Economic

Ch 8 V 15-16, Running Away from Battle field:

“O you who believe! When you meet the unbelievers in hostile array (in a war or battle
field) never turn your backs to them

if any do turn his back to them on such a day – unless it be in a stratagem of war, or to
retreat to a troop (of his own)- he draws on himself the wrath of God, and his abode is
Hell and evil refuge (indeed)”


1. Running away and showing one’ back from a battle field is one of the Major sin in

2. Because it causes negative impact on others also.

3. A Muslim must never run away from battle field.

4. But planned retreat as a war strategy or war plan is exempted from it.

5. One of the main reason of spectacular success during initial Islamic history was
because Muslims never turned their back from battle field, and that is why they overcame
odds 5 to 1 regularly and some time even 10 to 1 or more.
What are Major Sins in Islam Part-4

Ch.49 V.11, Laughing at others

“O you who believe! Let not some men among you laugh at others: it may be that the
(latter) are better than the (former)”…

Nor let some women laugh at others: it may be that the (latter) are better than the


1. Laughing and making fun of one another is prohibited in Islam. Because it causes
friction and enmity in society.

2. Laughing at others is indication that one person considers himself superior to other and
that shows defect in his personality.

3. Men and women are mentioned separately, because this disease is prevalent in both.

Ch.49 V.11, Defamation And Sarcasm

“Nor defame, nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames:

Ill seeming is a name connoting wickedness , (to be used of one) after he has believed.

And those who do not desist (and repent) are indeed doing wrong.


1. Defaming each other, using sarcastic tines and giving each other offensive nicknames,
any activity which causes pain to heart of Muslim brother is prohibited in Islam.

2. Most of these are defects of tongue and Muslim must always guard his tongue.

3. Ponder on this Quranic advice and see, how people address each other, call ach other
by bad names and their tempers fly at slightest provocation……how away they are from
what Islam wants to see as a pious and true Muslim.
Ch.49 V.12, Suspicion & Spying

“O you who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible); for suspicion in some cases
is a sin…

And spy not on each other”


1. After defects of tongues, defects of hearts are mentioned.

2. Muslims should not be suspicious of each other and do not assume worst motives.

3. They should also not spy on each other, wanting to find their secrets.

4. Islamic society is based on mutual trust, goodwill and God gearing.

Ch.49 V.12, Backbiting

“Nor speak ill of each other behind their backs…

Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? No, You would abhor it…

Fear God: for God is oft-returning, Most Merciful.


1. Back biting and speaking ill of others behind their backs is condemned in the strongest
possible terms.

2. The simile is that of eating flesh of one’s dead brother. Which no civilized person
would ever like.

3. But when one speaks ill of his brother behind his back, it is as if he has already eaten
his flesh after he is dead.

4. There cannot be any stronger simile for back biting than this.
Ch7 V33, Shameful deeds

“Say the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are: Shame full deeds, whether open
or secret….”

When they do aught that is shameful, they say “We found our fathers doing so” ; and
“God commanded us thus”

Say “No, God never commands what is shameful: do you say of God what you know
not” (Verse 28)


1. Every type of shameful deed is prohibited in Islam, irrespective of whether it is done

openly or in secret.

2. In the same way if any so called “religious rituals” require some shameful deeds, then
it is not from Allah.

3. Attributing something to Allah, without knowledge is another major sin.

Ch7. V 33, Sins and Trespasses

“(forbidden are) Sins and trespasses..”


1. All types of willful disobedience to Allah’ s and Prophets commands are prohibited.

Ch7 V33, Associating Partners

“Forbidden are) associating of Partners to God, for which He has given no authority”


1. This is the biggest sin in Islam and it keeps on being mentioned again and again, so
that one should never take it lightly.
Ch7. V33, Speaking about God without knowledge

“((forbidden is) and saying things about God of which you have no knowledge”


1. Saying and disputing about Allah, without knowledge and from out own minds is
another major sin in Islam.

2. One should not say any thing more or less, but what Allah has said Himself in His
book or what His prophet has said in his sayings.

3. This is the safest and most prudent course. People should not dispute from their own

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