Environmental Control Systems I, Temperature and Humidity Arch 353 Lecture # 9 DR Hussain Alzoubi

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Environmental Control Systems I,

Temperature and Humidity

Arch 353
Lecture # 9
Dr Hussain Alzoubi

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 1

-Solar radiation and buildings

-The solar radiation is not more intense in

summer than in winter.
the earth is closest to the sun in January, and
for the northern hemisphere the solar
insolation I0 is about 6 % greater in January
than it is in July,

Sunlight takes 8 minutes and 11sec. In winter,

and 8 minutes and 45 sec. In summer.

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 2

You can find the value of solar declination from the
following curve

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 3

You can find the equation of time (ET corrections)
From the following graph.

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 4

Sun angles calculations

To calculate solar altitude and azimuth at a certain

local time, you should know the following

1- Latitude of the city

2-Longitude of the city
3-Solar time
4-Equation of time (from graphs)
5-Hour angle (difference between 12 pm and the time
at which you need to find the altitude )
6-Lloc: longitude of the place
7-Lstm:standard meridian for time zone ( Amman : +30)
Or LSTM: Local Standard Time Meridian

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 5

The solar altitude () and azimuth()could be found
by applying the following equations:

 : solar altitude
L : latitude, degrees
 : declination
H: hour angle
 : solar azimuth 

 : altitude
 : azimuth

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 6

Steps to calculate solar altitude:

1-make sure the latitude, longitude, Lst of the site are available
2-Find the equation of time for the given date(from figure 4-16 below)
3-calculate the local solar time as follows:
Solar time = Standard Time + 4(Lloc-Lstm)+ ET
(east of Greenwich Lloc is positive +, and west is Lloc negative -)
4-find the hour angle as follows:
H= 60 *(solar time – 12 pm)/4
5-find the declination value (from figure 4-15 below)
6-if you have daylight saving, then
Standard time = Daylight saving time – 1
7-Apply the following equation:

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 7

Ann arbor city is located at 83 W in the Eastern
standard time zone (meridian at 75 W).
1)Find the local solar time Lsot at 3pm (local time) on August 15th.
(daylight saving is applied).
2) Find the hour angle
Local standard time Lt = daylight saving time-1
Lt = 3 pm – 1 = 2 pm
From figure 4-16, ET = -5
Local solar time Lsot = local Time + 4(Lloc-Lst)+ ET
= 2pm + 4(-83 – (-75))+ (-5)
= 2 pm + (-37 minute)
= 1:23 pm
Hour angle, H = 60*(13 23/60 –12)/4
H= 15 *( 1 23/60)
H = 15* (83/60) = 85/4 = 20.75

15  = 1 hour from GMT, 30 = GMT+2…….Etc

Amman city is located at 36 E in (meridian at 30  E , GMT+2).
Find the local solar time Lsot at 12:38 pm (local time) on June 21st
(daylight saving is applied).


Local standard time Lt = daylight saving time-1

Lt = 12:38 pm – 1 = 11:38 am
From figure 4-16, ET = -1.7
Local solar time Lsot = local Time + 4(Lloc-Lst)+ ET
= 11:38 am + 4(36 – 30) + (-1.7)
= 11:38 am + (22 minute)
Local solar time= 12 pm
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 8
Example 3
Find the solar altitude and azimuth at 12:38 pm (
Local time) in Amman city on June 21st. ( lat = 32
Long= 36). (daylight saving is applied).


Local standard time Lt = daylight saving time-1

Lt = 12:38 pm – 1 = 11:38 am
From figure 4-16, ET = -1.7
Local solar time Lsot = local Time + 4(Lloc-Lst)+ ET
= 11:38 am + 4(36 – 30) + (-1.7)
= 11:38 am + (22 minute)
Local solar time = 12 pm

-Hour angle , H = 60*(12-12)/4 = 0.00

- from figure 4-15, declination  = 23.45

-apply the following equation:

sin  = cos 32 *cos23.45 * cos 0 + sin 32 * sin23.45

sin  = 0.778 + 0.2108
sin  = 0.98888
 = sin-1 0.98888 = 81.45
Continue to find the solar azimuth
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 9
sin  = cos 23.45 * sin 0.00/cos 81.45
sin  = 0.00  = 0.00

The azimuth at 12 pm ( solar time) is


Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 10

Example 4
Find the solar altitude and azimuth at 11:34 am (
Local time) in Amman city on Dec 21st. ( lat = 32
Long= 36).


From figure 4-16, ET = +2

Local solar time Lsot = local Time + 4(Lloc-Lst)+ ET
= 11:34 am + 4(36 – 30) + 2
= 11:34 am + (26 minute)
Local solar time = 12 pm

-Hour angle , H = 60*(12-12)/4 = 0.00

- from figure 4-15, declination  = -23.45

-apply the following equation:

sin  = cos 32 *cos-23.45 * cos 0 + sin 32 * sin-23.45

sin  = 0.778 + (- 0.2108)
sin  = 0.5671
 = sin-1 0.5671 = 34.55
Continue to find the solar azimuth
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 11
sin  = cos -23.45 * sin 0.00/cos 34.55
sin  = 0.00  = 0.00
The azimuth at 12 pm ( solar time) is
Special cases for maximum minimum altitudes:
For any date during the year, the solar altitude at 12 pm
(Solar time) is given by the following equation:
= 90 – L+ 
L: latitude of the city
 : solar declination
For example:
-On June 21st at 12 pm (solar time):
= 90 – latitude + 23.45 (declination)
 = 0.00

-On December 21st at 12 pm (solar time):

 = 90 – latitude - 23.45
 = 0.00
-On March 21st at 12 pm (solar time):
= 90 – latitude + 0.00
 = 0.00
-On September 21st at 12 pm (solar time):
= 90 – latitude + 0.00
 = 0.00
Example: what is the maximum solar altitude in Detroit city
during the year.(latitude = 42 Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 12
Solution:  = 90 – latitude + 23.45 = 90-42+23.45=71.45 
Note: you do not need city longitude, if you use solar time in your
Because of the elliptical orbit of the earth and axis tilt,
there should be a correction factors for the solar time
with respect to local time called equation of time. the
Following curve gives the value of the equation of time:

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 13

Declination curve

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 14

find the length of the shadow X for the tower below in Amman city
(Latitude=32 N, Longitude=36 E, GMT +2) on February 21st
at 12 pm (solar time)


Tower height = 100 m

Shadow x

From the graph,the declination on February 21st is -11
Because the time is 12 pm solar time, then,
 = 90 – L + 
 = 90 – 32 +(– 11) = 47
tan  = 100/ X
X = 100/ tan 
X = 100/ 1.072
X= 93.25 meter

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 15

Does the tower cast shadow on building B in Amman city
(Latitude=32 N, Longitude=36 E, GMT +2) on December 21st
at 12 pm (solar time)


Tower height = 150 m

 Building B

1)From the graph, the declination on December 21st is -23.45
2)Because the time is 12 pm solar time, then,
 = 90 – L + 
 = 90 – 32 – 23.45 = 34.55
3) Because the time is 12 pm solar time, then,
The direction of the shadow is exactly towards the north
Because the building is located on the south-north axis exactly to the north of
the tower, then the shadow will hit the building if it is longer than the distance
between the tower and the building.
4) Finding the length of the shadow
Assume the length of the shadow is X
tan  = 150/ X
X = 150/ tan 
X = 150/ 0.688
X= 218 meter
Because the shadow is longer than the distance between the building and the tower,
The tower will cast shadow on the building at 12 pm (solar time) on December 21st in
Amman city.

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 16

Angle of incidence:
The solar angle of incidence is the angle between the sunlight and
the normal of any surface. This angle is important to find the a mount
of light or energy projected on surfaces. The symbol is , which is the angle
between the blue arrow (surface normal ) and solar altitude in the figure below.


k =sin
cos cos 

 x

 h =cos i

cos sin 

To find this angle follow these steps:

1-Find the solar altitude  and azimuth 
2-Analyze the solar altitude into two components
vertical component, k = sin
horizontal component, h = cos
3-Analyze the horizontal component h
into two components:
component i =  h sin  =cos sin 
component j =  h cos  = cos cos 
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 17
Accordingly, the vector  will be represented by:
 = i + j + k or  = (cos sin )i + (cos cos )j +(sin)k
Now we have two vectors, the solar vector and surface normal
Vector as follows:
N =Nj
= (cos sin )i + (cos cos )j +(sin)k
to find the angle  between the two vectors, we conduct a dot product
as follows:
.N= .N Cos() = [(cos sin )i + (cos cos )j +(sin)k ] . [ 0i +Nj+0k]
Assuming  and N are one unit vectors
The scalar product (dot product) will be as follows:
Cos() = cos cos 

Find the angle of incidence between the normal of a south window
And the sunlight if the solar altitude ,  = 60 and the solar azimuth is 45.
Cos() = cos cos 
= 0.5 x 0.71 = 0.355
 = cos (0.355) = 69.2°

If the surface is tilted with angle from the south

Then the solar angle of incidence becomes:
Cos() = cos cos cos + cos sin sin
If  is zero we get the original equation y 
Cos() = cos cos

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 18
If a window is tilted 30° degree from south
What is the solar angle of incidence ()
If the solar altitude is 45° and the solar azimuth is 60°?

Cos() = cos cos cos + cos sin sin
Cos() = cos45 cos60 cos30 + cos45 sin60 sin30
Cos() = 0.71x 0.5 x 0.87 + 0.71x 0.87x 0.5 = 0.62
= cos-1(0.62) = 51.9°
Example 2:
If the direct normal sunlight at altitude 62° is 8000 fc, find
the illuminance level (E) at a vertical south window if the
solar azimuth is 60°.
E0 = 8000 fc as given above
Cos() = cos cos 
Cos() = cos62 cos 60
Cos() = 0.47x0.50
Cos() = 0.235
= cos-1(0.25) = 76.4° (unnecessary step)
E = E0cos
E = 8000x0.235 = 1880 fc

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 19

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