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Environmental Control

Systems I- Temperature and

Humidity, Arch 353
Lecture # 10
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 1

Example 4
Find the solar altitude and azimuth at 11:34 am (
Local time) in Amman city on Dec 21st. ( lat = 32
Long= 36).


From figure 4-16, ET = +2

Local solar time Lsot = local Time + 4(Lloc-Lst)+ ET
= 11:34 am + 4(36 – 30) + 2
= 11:34 am + (26 minute)
Local solar time = 12 pm

-Hour angle , H = 60*(12-12)/4 = 0.00

- from figure 4-15, declination  = -23.45

-apply the following equation:

sin  = cos 32 *cos-23.45 * cos 0 + sin 32 * sin-23.45

sin  = 0.778 + (- 0.2108)
sin  = 0.5671
 = sin-1 0.5671 = 34.55
Continue to find the solar azimuth
Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 2
Special cases for maximum minimum altitudes:

-On June 21st at 12 pm (solar time):

= 90 – latitude + 23.45 (declination)
 = 0.00

-On December 21st at 12 pm (solar time):

 = 90 – latitude - 23.45
 = 0.00
-On March 21st at 12 pm (solar time):
= 90 – latitude + 0.00
 = 0.00
-On September 21st at 12 pm (solar time):
= 90 – latitude + 0.00
 = 0.00
Example: what is the maximum solar altitude in Detroit city
during the year.(latitude = 42
Solution:  = 90 – latitude + 23.45 = 90-42+23.45=71.45 
Note: you do not need city longitude, if you use solar time in your

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 3

Because of the elliptical orbit of the earth and axis tilt,
there should be a correction factors for the solar time
with respect to local time called equation of time. the
Following curve gives the value of the equation of time:

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 4

Declination curve

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 5

Sun breakers and solar angles:
Finding the solar profile angle enables you to design
the horizontal sun breakers.


tan PA = H/X

X = H/tan PA

where PA: solar profile angle

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 6
How to find profile angle , PA

cos cos 
 x

cos sin 
1-Find the solar altitude  and azimuth 
2-Analyze the solar altitude into two components
vertical component = sin
horizontal component = cos
3-Analyze the horizontal component cos
into two components:
component x = cos sin 
componentDr.z Hussain
= cos cos 
4- find tan PA = sin / cos cos 
tan PA = tan  / cos 
PA = tan-1(tan  / cos )
Special case: if the azimuth is zero,( the sun comes exactly
from the south, then tan PA = tan  or PA = 

If the solar altitude at a certain time is 45 and azimuth is 60, find
the profile angle on a vertical north-south wall.


tan PA = tan  / cos 

tan PA = tan 45 / cos 60 = 2
PA = Arc tan 2 = 63.4

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 8

Example : based on the figure below
find the overhang length X to completely shadow
a window of height = 2 meter. (solar altitude = 81.45, azimuth = 0)

-first , find the profile angle PA
tan PA = tan  / cos 
tan PA = tan 81.45 / cos0 = 6.65
PA = Arc tan 6.65 = 81.45

-find the overhang X:

X = H/tan PA
X = 2/6.65
X= 0.3 m


Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 9

Approximation method for overhang lengths

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 10

How to find the factor K for window overhang

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 11

Type of shading devices

Dr. Hussain Alzoubi 12

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