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Classification Graduate School Course No. ME5145-01 Hrs:E:Credits 2/2/3 Instructor Oh Hyunseok Lecture Language English

Course Korean 기계인공지능

Title English Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineers
This course is an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) for those major in mechanical engineering. Topics

Course covered are regression, classification, and clustering. A set of AI algorithms will be discussed such as kNN,
Outline decision tree, perceptron, MLP, ANN, and CNN. Integration of AI and domain knowledge on mechanical
systems will be emphasized.

Prerequisite AND MC3202 (진동학),

Textbook: PPT slides

Textbook References: I. Goodfellow, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
References C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.
T. Mitchell, Machine Learning, McGrawHill, 1997.

- 강의방식: 혼합
method - 강의형태: Zoom
- 대체 개설 수업명(MOOC 과목만 해당):

Weekly Course Schedule

Week Description Remarks *On-line/Off-line

1st Introduction On-line

2nd Linear algebra On-line
3rd Optimization On-line
4th Regression On-line
5th Classification On-line
6th Classification On-line
7th Classification On-line
8th Mid-term exam On-line
9th Clustering Off-line
10th ANN Off-line
11th CNN Off-line
12th CNN Off-line
13th CNN Off-line
14th Modern CNNs Off-line
15th Autoencoder Off-line
16th Final exam Off-line

*If there will be experiments, mark it in the "Remarks" section.

Instructor (seal)
Lecture Language

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