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Name Kullapaporn Trisupakitti Mild Period 1002

Live Tobacco Free

Objective: Students will realize how smoking tobacco affects a person’s

everyday physical activity.

Material: handout, pencil, straw, stopwatch, step, music CD.

a. Students will find their resting heart rate and record it below.
b. Students will find their standing heart rate and record it below.
c. Students will find their walking heart rate and record it below.
d. Students will find their exercise heart rate and record it below.
e. Students will find their smoking aerobic heart rate and record it

1. Write any two factors you know about smoking?

a. it contains Nicotine, Tar, and Carbon monoxide.
b. Long- term effects such as cancer and heart disease.
2. Write down your two most favorite physical activities.
a. Walking
b. Sitting

Resting heart rate 72 (3 min.)

Sitting heart rate 72 (1 min.)
Standing heart rate 76 (1 min.)
Walking heart rate 84 (1 min.)
Exercise heart rate 168 (1 min.)
Smokers aerobic heart rate 170 (1 min.)

Graph your numbers on the chart provided. You may connect your points
on the graph when you are finished.
Beats Per Minute

3. Write two feeling words you experienced when doing the smokers
aerobics activity breathing through the straw.
a. Tired easily.
b. difficult to run or exercise in long period of time.

4. How can smoking affect your two favorite activities that you wrote
down in question number two.
- smoking will decrease the energy and oxygen when I walk for too long
and make me tired easily even just walk in few minutes.
- smoking will make me feel tired although it’s just sitting and doing
nothing because breathing is very difficult for smoking right now.
5. How smoking can affect your everyday life?

It will cause diseases like cancer, and hurt others part of body and it will
has a problem with breathe when smoking a lot. Last, I will die faster and

6. What did you notice about your heart rate when you graphed your
beats per minute for each activity? Explain your answer.
When we sit it will be normal rate beat but if we smoke the rate will rapidly
increase in all activities.

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