Week 6 Lab A

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Coding & Big Data

Week 6
Nested iteration in Python
Nested Loop

Nested While Loop

Practice I

Nested For Loop

Practice II

Practice III


Nested Loop
What is Nested Basically, a loop inside a loop.

Loop can be nested in python. When a
loop is nested inside another loop, the
inner loop runs many times inside the
outer loop. In each iteration of the outer
loop, the inner loop will be re-started.
Nested While Loop
Nested While

A while Loop inside a while loop.



Source Code
Practice I:
For student who have the last digit of student ID is odd, create a code to generate output as picture 1.

For student who have the last digit of student ID is even, create a code to generate output as picture 2.

Picture 1 Picture 2
Nested For Loop
Nested For Loop

A for Loop inside a for loop.


Source Code
Practice II:
For student who have the last digit of student ID is odd, create a code to generate output as picture 1.

For student who have the last digit of student ID is even, create a code to generate output as picture 2.

Picture 1 Picture 2
Practice III: a bit challenge
Create a code to allow user input the number of the line, and will count up started from 11. The
number will form a triangle pattern as below.
Screenshot & Upload to eCampus
Please take a screenshot of source code and terminal of practice 1, practice 2 and practice 3. Compile it
into word or pdf file. Then, submit it to e-Campus.
Python Loops - For, While, Nested Loops With Examples (softwaretestinghelp.com)

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