Taller 1 Sep, Desarollo

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1. In September

2. At 12 o'clock

3. At Christmas

4. He's swimming in the river.

5. The plant is on the table.

6. When I called Lucy, she was on the bus.

7. The cat is sitting on the chair.

8. I read the story in the newspaper.

9. Please put those apples in the bowl.

10. Haga una sola oración que lleve sujeto, verbo y complemento en cualquier tiempo con
cualquier preposición IN, ON o AT, en ella.

I will meet my meow meow at the weekend


1. I prefer to eat Tostacos to Maizitoz

Prefiero comer toscatos a Maizitoz

2. Diego gave a chocolate to Laura

Diego da chocolate a Laura

3. We will go to Zordon’s house

Iremos a la casa de Zordon

4. I is working for my family

Estoy trabajando para mi familia

5. Diego is good for Laura

Diego es bueno para Laura

6. he study English for learn

Él estudia inglés para aprender

7. I teach to JuanCa for three hours

Yo enseño a JuanCa for three hours

8. I sing for you

Yo canto para ti

9. A cell phone is used for call

Un celular se usa para llamar

10. Can you find the keys for me?

Puedes encontrar las llaves por mi

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