As Mechanics: (Edexcel AS Specimen Papers P2 Q5c Edited) Awhich Is 19.6 M Above The

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Question 1
[Edexcel AS Specimen Papers P2 Q5c Edited]

A small ball is projected vertically upwards from a point Awhich is 19.6 m above the
ground. The ball strikes the ground, for the first time, 4 s later.
The motion of the ball is modelled as that of a particle moving freely under gravity.

The speed of the ball as it hits the ground for the first time is 25 m s ❑−1

In a refined model of the motion of the ball, the effect of air resistance is included and this
refined model is now used to find the speed of the ball as it hits the ground for the first time.

How would this new value of the speed of the ball as it hits the ground for the first time
compare with the value found using the initial model?

Correct answer:

"lower OR less OR smaller OR decrease OR decreases"

Their answer:

"its lower"

Question 2
[Edexcel M1 May 2012 Q5a Edited]

A particle P is projected vertically upwards from a point A with speed u m s-1. The
point A is 17.5 m above horizontal ground. The particle P moves freely under gravity
until it reaches the ground with speed 28 m s-1.

Find the value of u.

Correct answer:

21 m s−1

Their answer:

2 m s−1

Question 3
[Edexcel M1 May 2012 Q5b Edited]

A particle P is projected vertically upwards from a point A with speed u m s-1. The
point A is 17.5 m above horizontal ground. The particle P moves freely under gravity
until it reaches the ground with speed 28 m s-1.

The value of u is 21 m s−1.

At time t seconds after projection, P is 19 m above A.

Find the possible values of t.

Correct answer:


Their answer:


Question 4
[Edexcel IAL M1 Jan 2019 Q6b Edited]

A train travels for a total of 270 s along a straight horizontal track between two stations A and
B. The train starts from rest at A and moves with constant acceleration for 60 s until it reaches
a speed of V m s❑−1. The train then travels at this constant speed V m s❑−1 before it moves
with constant deceleration for 30 s, coming to rest at B.

A speed-time graph for the journey of the train between the two stations A and B is given

Given that the distance between the two stations is 4.5 km, find the value of V .

Correct answer:

20 m s❑−1

Their answer:

2 m s❑−1

Question 5
[Edexcel IAL M1 Jan 2019 Q6d Edited]

A train travels for a total of 270 s along a straight horizontal track between two stations A and
B. The train starts from rest at A and moves with constant acceleration for 60 s until it reaches
a speed of V m s❑−1. The train then travels at this constant speed V m s❑−1 before it moves
with constant deceleration for 30 s, coming to rest at B.

A speed-time graph for the journey of the train between the two stations A and B is given

The distance between the two stations is 4.5 km.

The train is travelling at speed V m s❑−1 at times T 1 seconds and T 2 seconds after leaving
station A .

Find the value of T 1 and the value of T 2.

Correct answer:

T 1=¿ 15 s and T 2=¿ 262.5 s

Their answer:

T 1=¿ 1 s and T 2=¿ 2 s

Question 6
[Edexcel M1 May 2013 Q8b]

Two particles A and B have masses 2m and 3m respectively. The particles are attached
to the ends of a light inextensible string. Particle A is held at rest on a smooth
horizontal table. The string passes over a small smooth pulley which is fixed at the
edge of the table. Particle B hangs at rest vertically below the pulley with the string
taut, as shown in Figure 2. Particle A is released from rest.

Assuming that A has not reached the pulley, find the tension in the string.

Input note: give yor answer to two significant figures.

Correct answer:

12 m N

Their answer:

5 mN

Question 7
[Edexcel M1 June 2002 Q6d]

A man travels in a lift to the top of a tall office block. The lift starts from rest on the ground
floor and moves vertically. It comes to rest again at the top floor, having moved a vertical
distance of 27 m. The lift initially accelerates with a constant acceleration of 2 m s ❑−2 until it
reaches a speed of 3 m s❑−1. It then moves with a constant speed of 3 m s❑−1 for T seconds.
Finally it decelerates with a constant deceleration for 2.5 s before coming to rest at the top

The mass of the man is 80 kg and the mass of the lift is 120 kg. The lift is pulled up by means of
a vertical cable attached to the top of the lift.

By modelling the cable as light and inextensible, find the tension in the cable when the lift is

Correct answer:

2400 N

Their answer:


Question 8
[Edexcel M1 June 2018 Q5a]

A lift of mass 250 kg is being raised by a vertical cable attached to the top of the lift. A woman
of mass 60 kg stands on the horizontal floor inside the lift, as shown in Figure 3.

The lift ascends vertically with constant acceleration 2 m s ❑−2. There is a constant downwards
resistance of magnitude 100 N on the lift. By modelling the woman as a particle, find the
magnitude of the normal reaction exerted by the floor of the lift on the woman.

Correct answer:

710 N

Their answer:


Question 9
[Edexcel AS June 2018 P2 Q8b Edited]

A particle, P, moves along the x -axis. At time t seconds, , the displacement, x metres, of P
1 2 2
from the origin O , is given by x= t ( t −2 t+1 )

P is instantaneously at rest when , t= and .

Find the total distance travelled by P in the time interval .

Input note: give your answer in exact form.

Correct answer:


Their answer:


Question 10
[OCR A2 June 2018 P3 Q11i]

The velocity v m s❑−1 of a car at time t s, during the first 20 s of its journey, is given by
v=k t+ 0.03 t 2, where k is a constant. When the acceleration of the car is 1.3 m s❑−2. For
the car continues its journey with constant acceleration 1.3 m s ❑−2 until its speed reaches 25
m s❑−1.

Find the value of k .

Correct answer:

Their answer:

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