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Tunneled Infusion Catheter Breakage:

Frequency and Repair Kit Outcomes

Freeman R. Hwang, MD, S. William Stavropoulos, MD, Richard D. Shlansky-Goldberg, MD,
Jeffrey I. Mondschein, MD, Aalpen A. Patel, MD, Jeffrey A. Solomon, MD, Maxim Itkin, MD,
Michael C. Soulen, MD, Jesse L. Chittams, MS, and Scott O. Trerotola, MD

PURPOSE: To determine the frequency of tunneled infusion catheter breakage and the durability of a repair kit used
to repair damage to the external catheter segment, avoiding catheter replacement.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: With use of a quality assurance database, 724 silicone tunneled infusion catheters
placed between July 2002 and September 2005 were identified. The repair kit outcomes portion of the study focused
on 10-F triple-lumen catheters (n ⴝ 433), the type placed most frequently in our practice and that with the most repairs
available for analysis. To compare durability, nonrepaired catheters and those requiring repair were compared by
using Cox proportion hazard regression.
RESULTS: Breakage occurred in 53 of 443 (12%) 10-F triple-lumen catheters, three of 64 (5%) 10-F dual-lumen catheters,
four of 159 (3%) 11-F triple-lumen catheters, four of 12 (33%) 9.6-F single-lumen catheters, and eight of 56 (14%) 9-F
double-lumen catheters. In the 10-F subset, the mean time to catheter breakage was 60 days. The mean catheter days
for the nonrepaired group (143 days) and the repaired group (145 days) were not significantly different (␹2, 0.071;
hazard ratio, 1.07; P ⴝ .79). Mean catheter dwell after repair was 79 days. The failure rate for the repair kit was 14%
(seven of 51 attempts).
CONCLUSIONS: Tunneled infusion catheter breakage is common. Given the high breakage rates observed for many
catheter designs, the development of more durable catheters should be a priority for catheter manufacturers. Until
more durable catheters are developed, the catheter repair kit studied is an easy, effective, durable, and relatively
inexpensive solution for the repair of external segment damage in tunneled infusion catheters.

J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008; 19:201–206

Abbreviation: t-PA ⫽ tissue-type plasminogen activator

TUNNELED infusion catheters have problems, including occlusion, cathe- such damage. If an appropriate length
brought great benefit and convenience ter fracture, catheter obstruction, in- of the external catheter remains, the
in the delivery of modern medical fection, and venous thrombosis (1– 6). damaged portion of the catheter can
treatments such as chemotherapy and These complications can range from be cut off, and a new hub can be at-
total parenteral nutrition. Like most nuisances that interrupt care to life- tached to enable the continued use of
medical devices, however, tunneled threatening events. the same catheter. This process is easy
infusion catheters are not without Catheter fracture is an event that is to learn and takes no longer than 15
not typically life-threatening, pro- minutes when performed by an expe-
vided it is recognized and treated. rienced individual.
From the Departments of Radiology, Division of However, catheter fracture can inter- Although catheter repair kits are in
Interventional Radiology (F.R.H., S.W.S., R.D.S.G.,
J.I.M., A.A.P. J.A.S., M.I., M.C.S., S.O.T.) and Medicine,
fere with the delivery of therapy, de- widespread use, a literature search re-
Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics pending to some extent on the degree vealed only one case report describing
(J.L.C.), University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, of damage. In addition, a fractured the process without follow-up (7) and
1 Silverstein, 3400 Spruce St, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
catheter poses a risk of hemorrhage a report of repair kit outcomes for
Received July 6, 2007; final revision received and
accepted August 21, 2007. Address correspondence and air embolus; thus, damaged cath- peritoneal catheters in a small group
to S.O.T.; E-mail: eters must be removed or repaired. of patients (n ⫽ 7) (8). The purpose of
S.O.T. has active grants from Bard Access Systems.
Damage may occur anywhere along a this study was to determine the effi-
catheter but most commonly occurs in cacy of one brand of repair kit for tun-
© SIR, 2008
the external portion. Some catheter neled infusion catheters in terms of
DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2007.08.030 manufacturers sell repair kits to fix immediate and long-term outcomes.

202 • Tunneled Infusion Catheter Breakage and Repair February 2008 JVIR

Table 1
Breakage Rates According to Catheter Design
Type of Catheter No. of Catheters Placed No. of Broken Catheters No. of Catheters Repaired No. of Repairs Performed
10-F triple lumen 433 53 (12.2) 48 (90) 51
10-F dual lumen 64 3 (4.7) 1 (33) 1
11-F triple lumen 159 4 (2.5) 1 (25) 1
9.6-F single lumen 12 4 (33) 4 (100) 5
9-F dual lumen 56 8 (14) 4 (50) 4

Note.—Numbers in parentheses are percentages.

Furthermore, we sought to determine Postoperative care included daily surance program; all patients were
the frequency of catheter damage for flush with 10 mL of normal saline and adults older than 18 years.
various types of tunneled infusion 5 mL of heparin lock daily (100 U/mL) A total of 724 tunneled infusion
catheters in use in our institution. when not in use. Nurses were in- catheters were placed in 611 patients
structed to use syringes no smaller in our department during the study
than 10 mL during flush. Damaged period. During the course of the study,
MATERIALS AND METHODS catheters were clamped with a hemo- 433 10-F triple-lumen catheters were
Institutional review board approval stat or similar device between the placed in 355 patients. There were 53
and Health Insurance Portability and damaged portion and the patient until broken catheters (12%), of which 48
Accountability Act waiver were re- repair could be performed to avoid (91%) had a total of 51 repair attempts
ceived for this retrospective study. The hemorrhage or air embolus; if the (ie, three were repaired twice) by us-
data were obtained from a prospec- damage was to only one extension of a ing an external segment repair kit
tively created quality assurance data- multilumen catheter, the clamp was (Hickman Catheter Repair Kit; Bard
base (Hi-IQ; Conexys, Woonsocket, placed on the damaged extension only Access Systems) (Table 1). The repair
RI) maintained for patients receiving and the use of the remaining lumens kits were composed of an external
tunneled central venous catheters in continued until repair was performed. catheter segment (single, dual, or tri-
our institution. All catheters undergo- In general, repairs were performed the ple lumen), povidone-iodine swabs,
ing repair during the period studied same day for completely unusable atraumatic clamp, scalpel, surgical
were included. The catheters were catheters and the same or next day for mask, sterile gown, sterile gloves, ster-
placed by either an attending interven- partially usable catheters (eg, those ile drape, syringe, and adhesive. All
tional radiologist with 1–20 years ex- with only a single extension dam- catheters repaired in this study were
perience in venous access procedures made of silicone. For all catheter re-
or an interventional radiology fellow pairs, the manufacturer’s instructions
All catheters with damage to an ex-
or resident under the supervision of were followed with slight variation.
ternal segment were included in the
an attending interventional radiolo- Repairs were done in the interven-
initial analysis. The exact location of
gist. Catheters were placed according tional radiology recovery room or at
damage was not always recorded, nor
to published technique (9,10). Strict bedside. In brief, under sterile condi-
was the suspected cause of damage tions with the operator wearing the
sterile technique was observed at all
(flushing-related, traction on the cath- cap, mask, gown, and gloves, the cath-
times. Prophylactic antibiotics were
eter, scissors during dressing repair, eter was atraumatically clamped just
not administered, per published rec-
etc) consistently available (see Discus- central to the breakage site. The cath-
ommendations (6). All catheters were
placed with use of real-time ultrasono- sion). Damage included holes in the eter was cut just central (ie, on the
graphic guidance for jugular veni- external segment, frank rupture or patient side) to the breakage site or
puncture with a 21-guage needle and tear, transection, and hub breakage. just central to the extension hub if one
coaxial introducer system (Micropunc- Damage to the tunneled or intravascu- of the extensions was broken. The ex-
ture; Cook, Bloomington, Ind) and lar segment cannot be repaired with tension apparatus was discarded. The
with fluoroscopic guidance for cathe- the kit and was technically excluded; new extension, flushed and clamps
ter placement and tip positioning. however, during the study period no applied, was fitted to the remaining
Catheters used included 9-F dual-lu- catheter was exchanged or removed portion of the catheter by using the
men and 11-F triple-lumen polyure- for such damage. Data collected in- metal cannulae (Figs 1 and 2). The sil-
thane infusion catheters (Ventra; cluded date of placement, indication icone sleeve was passed over the re-
Deltec, St Paul, Minn) and 9.6-F single- for catheterization, type of catheter, pair site and silicone adhesive applied
lumen, 10-F dual-lumen, and 10-F tri- site of catheterization, modality for lo- to the inner surface of the sleeve from
ple-lumen silicone infusion catheters calization of vein, initial complication, both ends by using the supplied can-
(Hickman; Bard Access Systems, Salt late complication, date of catheter re- nula, taking care to fully encircle the
Lake City, Utah). Catheters were se- moval, reason for removal, and num- catheter. In most cases, a 2-0 silk su-
cured with 2-0 nylon suture until cuff ber of catheter days. Patient age was ture was passed around each end of
incorporation or removal. not collected as part of the quality as- the silicone sleeve to make the repair
Volume 19 Number 2 Hwang et al • 203

Figure 1. The new extension is connected to the remaining catheter Figure 2. The cannula is fully inserted. Note that the short gap
segment by inserting the metal cannula into the appropriate lumens. between catheter segments is normal.

Figure 3. A 2-0 silk suture collar is placed to help secure the Figure 4. Silicone adhesive in inserted along the inside of
repair while the glue dries. Note that this is not part of the the sleeve by using the syringe and applicator provided in the
instructions for use in the kit. kit.

more secure, although there was slight catheter was considered indispens- survival of the catheter. Durability
variation from operator to operator in able, use was allowed. examines at which points the repairs
this step (Figs 3–5). The catheter lu- For the repair kit outcome analysis, fail. Repair failure compares the
mens were then gently flushed. In the only patients receiving 10-F triple- number of repairs that fail versus
event of occlusion, a 0.018- or 0.025- lumen silicone catheters between repairs that do not fail. Survival is
inch hydrophilic guide wire (Glide- July 2002 and September 2005 were the number of catheter days, which
Wire; Terumo Medical, Elkton, Md) included; follow-up through March was compared between the repaired
was passed through the lumen to re- 2006 was included. The repair kit and nonrepaired catheters. Repair fail-
store patency and 2 mg of tissue-type analysis was limited to these cathe- ure was defined as immediate failure
plasminogen activator (t-PA) (Genen- ters because the largest number of (ie, unable to repair the catheter) or
tech, South San Francisco, Calif) was repairs was performed in this group; failure to resume therapy because of
instilled into the affected lumen for 30 in other catheter designs, the number leaking at the repair site or rupture of
minutes, aspirated, and the lumen was of repairs was too small for meaning- the newly replaced segment. If ther-
flushed. Use of the catheter was ful analysis (Table 1). Variables ex- apy was successfully resumed and the
avoided if possible for 12 hours to al- amined included durability of the re- catheter subsequently became dam-
low the adhesive to set; however, if the paired catheter, repair failure, and aged, this was considered a new event.
204 • Tunneled Infusion Catheter Breakage and Repair February 2008 JVIR

group was 145.4. Thus, there was no

statistically significant difference in
the survival of repaired versus un-
damaged catheters (␹2, 0.071; hazard
ratio, 1.07; P value, .79). The median
catheter survival time for repaired
catheters was 147 days, whereas the
median survival days for those not re-
quiring repair was 119 (Fig 6). The
reasons for ultimate removal of suc-
cessfully repaired catheters were end
of therapy (n ⫽ 11), indwelling at the
end of study date (n ⫽ 4), patient
death (n ⫽ 9), infection (n ⫽ 12), torn
extension (n ⫽ 2), patient induced (n ⫽
2), and catheter occlusion (n ⫽ 1).

Figure 5. Completed repair with silk suture collars at both ends of the silicone sleeve. As can be seen in Table 1, breakage
of tunneled infusion catheters is not a
rare occurrence in a busy hospital.
Statistical Analysis ment with the Fisher exact test. This is Such breakage interrupts care at best,
a nonparametric test, designed to as- and can theoretically lead to life-
Follow-up data were missing from sess the statistical association between threatening complications such as air
two of the 48 repaired catheters; these two categorical variables without emboli and bleeding. Catheter repair
catheters were removed from analysis making any explicit assumptions kits are a useful tool for managing
for survival of repair statistics. If the about the sample distribution. This is catheter breakage, coupled with ag-
catheters were indwelling on March the preferred method when any of the gressive measures to avoid breakage
10, 2006, then the catheter was cen- contingency table cell sizes are less such as limiting flush syringes to 10
sored after that point. Summary statis- than five (13). mL and larger, avoiding power injec-
tics, cross-tabulations, and time-to- tion of catheters not designed for this
event analyses were generated to purpose, and care when changing
assess the effect of repaired catheter RESULTS
dressings to avoid cutting the catheter.
with those not needing repair. After The breakage rates for various cath- Although repair kits have been avail-
the initial assessment, we performed a eter types are shown in Table 2. There able for more than 2 decades, out-
time-to-event analysis. The event time was an overall significant difference comes data describing their use are
in this study was time until end of among types (P ⫽ .0001), and it was virtually nonexistent (7). Likewise, al-
therapy or death (due to reasons un- driven mostly by the fact that the though catheter breakage has been
related to the catheter). Catheter re- breakage rate for the 9.6-F single-lu- previously described, we were unable
moval for all other reasons (infection, men catheter is different than that of to find any descriptions of rates of
fell out, occluded, and other) was con- the 10-F dual-lumen and 10- and 11-F breakage or comparative data for var-
sidered censored. Specifically, we triple-lumen catheters. In addition, the ious designs despite a diligent litera-
wanted to test the hypothesis that a breakage rate of the 11-F triple-lumen ture search.
repaired Hickman catheter can be catheter is significantly different from With respect to breakage rates,
used to extend catheter survival. that of the 9.6-F single-lumen, 9-F dual- some interesting observations can be
For the data analysis, we used the lumen, and 10-F triple-lumen catheters. made. For triple-lumen catheters, the
Cox proportion hazards regression No complications (eg, bleeding, air em- 11-F device had a significantly lower
procedure in SAS (11), which accounts boli) related to catheter breakage oc- breakage rate. Conversely, the 9-F du-
for censored and noncensored data. curred. al-lumen device, from the same ven-
The proportion hazards regression The repair success rate was 86% (44 dor as the 11-F device, had more than
procedure performs regression analy- of 51 catheters). Six initial repairs and twice the breakage rate, although the
ses of survival data on the basis of the one repeat repair failed immediately difference was not statistically signifi-
Cox proportional hazards model (12). (thus, the failure rate was 14% [seven cant in the small sample. Indeed, the
The Cox semiparametric model is of 51 catheters]). All seven catheters 9-F double-lumen catheter had such a
widely used in the analysis of survival were removed after repair failed. high breakage rate (compared with
data to explain the effect of explana- The mean time to repair was 59.8 historical quality assurance data from
tory variables on survival times. days, and the average catheter dwell another institution with regard to the
We also assessed the association be- after the repair was 78.6 days. The 10-F dual-lumen catheter) that this
tween catheter type and breakage rate. mean total catheter days for the re- prompted us to change vendors and
These initial evaluations were fol- paired group was 143.4, and the mean use the 10-F dual- and triple-lumen
lowed by a formal statistical assess- total catheter days for the nonrepaired devices instead. Both catheters are
Volume 19 Number 2 Hwang et al • 205

Table 2
Comparison of Breakage Rates for Various Catheter Types
Type of Catheter 10-F Dual Lumen 11-F Triple Lumen 9.6-F Single Lumen 9-F Dual Lumen 10-F Triple Lumen
10-F dual lumen ... .4 .01 .11 .09
11-F triple lumen .4 ... .0001 .003 .0001
9.6-F single lumen .01 .0001 ... .2 .055
9-F dual lumen .11 .003 .2 ... .67
10-F triple lumen .09 .0001 .055 .67 ...

Note.—Data are P values, which were determined with the Fisher exact test.

made of silicone. The lumens of the

11-F triple-lumen catheter are 1.3, 0.9,
and 0.9 mm, and those of the 10-F
triple-lumen catheter are 1.4, 0.8, and
0.8 mm; the lumen sizes of the 9-F
dual-lumen catheter are 1.2 and 0.4
mm, and those of the 10-F dual-lumen
catheter are 1.3 and 1.3 mm. Given
these parameters, it is not surprising
that the 10-F dual-lumen catheter per-
formed with a low breakage rate, as in
our experience most breakage is re-
lated to flushing to try to overcome
catheter occlusion (related to lumen
diameter), although other causes exist
as outlined earlier. The significant dif-
ference in breakage rates between 10-
and 11-F triple-lumen catheters is
more difficult to explain on the basis
of luminal diameter alone; however,
with nearly equal lumen diameter and
slightly larger French size, the 11-F
catheter may have slightly thicker
walls and thus be more resistant at
least to flushing-related rupture. Of Figure 6. Graph shows the survival curves for repaired and nonrepaired catheters. CI ⫽
course, the best solution, already confidence interval.
adopted in a widespread fashion in
peripherally inserted central catheters
(where lumen diameter is even the results of our study show that 10-F sus nonrepaired peritoneal catheters.
smaller), may be the use of polyure- triple-lumen Hickman catheters with Their focus on infection reflects the
thane catheters, which are far stronger external segment repairs have nearly concern that repairs are done in an
for a given diameter and lumen size identical survival as catheters not re- environment considerably less con-
than silicone. Such catheters are be- quiring external segment repairs. Re- trolled with regard to sterility than
coming more readily available; we pair is successful in the vast majority that in which original insertion was
have already adopted a 10-F dual-lu- of broken catheters and is durable. done. However, neither we nor Usha
men polyurethane design and are ea- Thus, the repair kit can be confidently et al found infection to be a problem
gerly awaiting a 10-F triple-lumen used until such time as improvements after repair.
polyurethane design to address our in catheter design have eliminated the Worth noting is the apparent cost-
breakage problems. Pending the avail- breakage problem. It is interesting that effectiveness of these repair kits and
ability of such a design, our data a large-scale study about the efficacy their ease of use. As of May 2007, the
would suggest that the best outcomes of peritoneal dialysis catheter repair cost of the repair kit is $175.00; the cost
may be achieved with the 11-F triple- kits has been published (8). The pro- of a 10-F triple-lumen catheter is
lumen and 10-F dual-lumen catheters, cess of splicing and gluing the external $268.00. Of course, the cost of a new
although because of larger diameter segment described by Usha et al (8) is catheter is dwarfed by the associated
the 11-F triple-lumen catheter theoret- very similar to the process we have costs of the insertion procedure. Given
ically might increase the risk of venous described. Usha et al focused on infec- the identical outcomes of repaired and
thrombosis. tions and survival after repair but did nonrepaired catheters, it does not take
With respect to repair kit outcomes, not compare survival of repaired ver- a formal analysis to recognize that re-
206 • Tunneled Infusion Catheter Breakage and Repair February 2008 JVIR

pair kits are highly cost-effective. The too early to determine if these changes 3. Woodyard TC, Mellinger JD, Vann KG,
ability to use the kits at bedside or in a have had an effect on outcomes. Nisenbaum J. Acute superior vena
clinic setting further reduces the need There are limitations of this study. cava syndrome after central venous
to transport the patient to the inter- First, this study was retrospective. It catheter placement. Cancer 1993; 71:
would be impractical at best and pos- 2621–2623.
ventional radiology department for re- 4. Klotz HP, Schopke W, Kohler A, Pesta-
pair. The kits are easy to use and intu- sibly unethical to subject patients to a
lozzi B, Largiader F. Catheter frac-
itive; although not specifically studied randomized study of repair versus re- ture: a rare complication of totally im-
herein, in our hands catheter repairs placement. We believe the large num- plantable subclavian venous access
take less than 15 minutes including ber of observations lends strength de- devices. J Surg Oncol 1996; 62:222–225.
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Since the time of this study, we of the associated problems of a retro- Muder RR. Risk of infection due to
spective design. Another limitation central venous catheters: effect of site
have introduced several modifications of placement and catheter type. Infect
was the lack of consistent recording of
to our hospital protocols and our re- Control Hosp Epidemiol 1998; 19:842–
specific segment breakage and specific
pair technique that we believe may cause of breakage (eg, flushing-re- 845.
have improved our outcomes and are lated, traction on the catheter, scissors 6. Hall K, Farr B. Diagnosis and man-
worthy of mention. First, we discov- agement of long-term central venous
during dressing repair). Although
ered that t-PA for treating catheter catheter infections. J Vasc Interv Radiol
knowledge of these causes might help 2004; 15:327–334.
withdrawal occlusion was being deliv- prevent damage in the future, we do 7. Leider ZL, Sweeney D, Telesca K,
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syringes used to prepare the aliquots catheter failure is crucial to repair kit nous catheters. Am J Surg 1985; 150:275–
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least on occasion and perhaps more Finally, we studied only one brand of 8. Usha K, Ponferrada L, Prowant BF,
often, the 1-mL syringe was being repair kit, and these results may not be Twardowski ZJ. Repair of chronic
used to deliver the t-PA and may have applicable to other repair kits. peritoneal dialysis catheter. Perit Dial
contributed to rupture due to the high In conclusion, the tunneled infusion Int 1998; 18:419 – 423.
9. Trerotola SO, Johnson MS, Harris VJ, et
pressures that can be generated with catheter repair kit studied is an effec-
al. Outcome of tunneled hemodialy-
small syringes. We have since con- tive and durable alternative to catheter sis catheters placed via the right inter-
vinced the pharmacy to deliver t-PA in replacement. We believe that repair nal jugular vein by interventional radi-
10-mL syringes; it is still too early to should always be the first approach to ologists. Radiology 1997; 203:489 – 495.
determine if this has reduced the rup- external segment damage in these 10. Trerotola SO, Kuhn-Fulton J, Johnson
ture rate. Second, because we fre- catheters, and replacement should be MS, Shah H, Ambrosius WT, Kneebone
quently found occlusion of the cathe- reserved for the rare failure of repair PH. Tunneled infusion catheters: in-
kits. creased incidence of symptomatic ve-
ter after the repair (likely the inciting nous thrombosis after subclavian ver-
cause of the rupture in the first place), sus internal jugular venous access.
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