Dupuis Aluminium 1-2 2010

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at what height to fix the new anode the industry, but their inaccuracy, ators. This avoids exposing operators
stem in order to optimise the distance as far as vertical anode positioning to pot gas emissions, heat and dust,
from anode to molten aluminium (Fig. is concerned, has led the end-users and much reduces the risk of collision
6). to go back to the traditional manual between a PTM tool and a pot-floor
Simpler systems using this meth- method. Contrary to these, ECL’s sys- operator. Taking out the human factor
odology have been devised within tem takes into account the tilting of ensures a higher positioning precision
the spent anodes during the meas- of the various handling tasks, thereby
urement phase. Spent anodes often improving the efficiency of the pri-
carry large amounts of solidified mary aluminium process.
and crushed bath that make them to
tilt when carried by their stem. The Towards fully
bottom of some anodes can also be automated PTM operations
consumed in an irregular manner,
leading to an unbalance of the anode Thanks to ECL’s advances, PTM de-
assembly. Using several sensors and sign has reached a new milestone
a specifically developed algorithm, towards the fully automated PTM.
the PTM is able to precisely position Remote control and communication
the new anodes, in spite of the poten- technologies have developed links be-
tial tilting of the spent anodes during tween the building and the PTM. It is
Fig. 5: Measuring the new anode height their height measurement. Thanks to now possible to imagine that in a few
these developments, the ECL anode years time cranes using video moni-
positioning has a precision of 3 mm toring will work on their own in the
with a high level of repeatability. Ad- dangerous environment of potrooms
ditionally, the floor operator does not and will only require the global super-
have to come near suspended anodes vision of a remotely located operator.
or spent anodes emitting large quanti-
ties of noxious gases.
Safety, efficiency, repeatability Nicolas Dupas is a senior B2B and B2C
marketing and communication profes-
By combining these new tools and sional. He holds a master’s degree in en-
functions, it is now for the first time gineering and has been working in the
possible for the PTM operator to primary aluminium industry for over six
years. Nicolas is a French citizen who has
conduct the anode changing process an extensive knowledge of international
Fig. 6: Positioning the new anode without the intervention of floor oper- markets and who speaks fluently English

Mathematical modelling of aluminium reduction

cell potshells – improvements and applications
M. Dupuis, GeniSim

In his 2010 TMS conference paper pansion of the cell lining inside to eliminate the vertical deflec-
[1], the author will present three the potshell. The model versions tion of monocoque potshells. The
types of ‘ANSYS’ based thermo- presented in [1] were straightfor- second application is to test the
chimio-mechanical potshell mod- ward redevelopment of the work potshell and lining retrofit design
els, namely the ‘empty shell’, the the author presented much earlier which the author proposed in [6]
‘almost empty shell’ and the ‘half [2-5]. Since then, the author has to prolong potlife up to ten years
empty shell’ potshell models. All improved all three kinds of mod- for modern high amperage cells
three types of model take into ac- els, taking advantage of the contact using graphitised cathodes blocks.
count the thermal loading coming elements facilities available in AN-
from the thermal expansion of the SYS 12.0. Those improved model Improved ‘almost
potshell steel structure itself by versions will be presented here empty shell’ potshell model
examining the thermal gradients altogether with two applications.
present in the steel structure and The first application is to test a The ‘almost empty shell’ potshell
the internal pressure due to ex- potshell retrofit design which aims model has been improved by ©

34 ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2010

decoupling the 2D potshell mesh from pair elements. After the decoupling, displacement solution is quite dif-
the 3D side lining mesh, and by recon- it is possible to completely refine the ferent from the ‘empty shell’ model
necting the two parts using ANSYS 2D potshell mesh, something that was presented in [1], and it is now quite
CONTA174 and TARGE170 contact not possible before the decoupling. similar to the one presented in Fig.
This is important because it 1. This clearly demonstrates that the
was already demonstrated semi-empirical loading scheme that
in [7] for the ‘empty shell’ the author knew and used in [1] is
potshell model that the ini- quite different from the pressure dis-
tial thermo-electric model tribution presented in Fig. 2.
mesh [8,9] was too coarse
to carry out accurate ther- Using the improved ‘empty shell’
mo-mechanical analysis. model to test a new potshell
Hence, this possibility to design aiming at eliminating the
Fig. 1: Displacement solution of
the improved ‘almost empty shell’ refine the potshell mesh vertical potshell displacement
model using the plastic mode (m) Images: Genisim significantly improves the
model. As discussed in [7,10,11], high amper-
Fig. 1 presents the re- age cell monocoque potshells are very
sulting displacement solu- long, and their vertical displacement
tion, which is not signifi- has a negative impact on the cell op-
cantly different from the eration. For quite some years now, the
one presented in [1]. Apart author had a design idea for a potshell
Fig. 2: Corresponding pressure applied on from the opportunity to retrofit aiming at preventing that ver-
the potshell by the side lining (MPa) further refine the 2D pot- tical potshell displacement, and the
shell mesh, a second signif- improved ‘empty shell’ model is the
icant improvement is that perfect tool to test this potshell retro-
the model lets us extract fit design idea. Fig. 5 presents the ver-
from the solution the pres- tical displacement component of the
sure that the side lining is standard design solution. We can see
applying on the potshell that for that 300 kA, 14 meter long pot-
through the contact inter- shell, the floor moves up to about 30
face (Fig. 2). mm vertically. Fig. 6 presents the ver-
tical displacement component of the
Improved ‘empty retrofitted potshell: this clearly shows
shell’ potshell model that the design leaves essentially no
Fig. 3: Pressure applied on the ‘empty shell’ model vertical displacement component due
potshell structure as boundary conditions
As discussed in [1], the to thermal load.
main weakness of the
‘empty shell’ type of pot- Using the improved ‘almost emp-
shell model is that the mod- ty shell’ model to test a new pot-
eler must define internal shell design aiming at eliminating
pressure load as a bound- the vertical potshell displacement
ary condition, and that to
do so he can only rely on Considering that the ‘almost empty
semi-empirical loading shell’ model is more accurate (and
Fig. 4: Displacement solution
schemes established from hence reliable) than the ‘empty shell’
of the improved ‘empty shell’ measurement campaigns. model, the next logical step is to test
model using the plastic mode (m) Now, the improved ‘almost the retrofitted potshell design idea
empty shell’ potshell model with the improved ‘almost empty
provides a new possibility. shell’ model. Fig. 7 presents the re-
Now the modeler can ex- sults obtained, which are almost
tract the contact interface identical to the one obtained with the
pressure distribution from ‘empty shell’ model, thus confirm-
the ‘almost empty shell’ ing the validity of the idea. This also
model solution (Fig. 3) and highlights the fact that, for a large
then use this as boundary number of potshell retrofit ideas not
Fig. 5: Vertical displace-
conditions to the ‘empty affecting the global potshell structure
ment solution of the im- shell’ model. stiffness, the improved ‘empty shell’
proved ‘empty shell’ model for the standard As we can see in Fig. model is the most effective analy-
potshell design using the plastic mode (m)
4, the resulting improved sis tool because it is the fastest tool.

36 ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2010

Using the improved ‘almost floor means reducing the height of the Improved ‘half empty
empty shell’ model to test a new cradles web under the floor by 10 cm, shell’ potshell model
potshell and lining design aiming thus of course reducing the stiffness of
at increasing the cell life of high the cradles. In [6], the cathode panel Finally, the ‘half empty shell’ potshell
amperage cells lined with erosion model calculated that with 10 model has also been improved by de-
graphitised cathode blocks cm thicker cathode blocks and selec- coupling the 2D potshell mesh from
tive rodding cell life would potentially the 3D lining mesh, and by greatly
Of course, when the proposed ret- increase up to 3,500 days. The paper refining the 2D potshell mesh. Fur-
rofit is changing the global potshell [6] also speculated that reducing the thermore, the 3D side lining mesh has
structure stiffness, or when the grade stiffness of the cradles would not affect been decoupled from the 3D cathode
of cathode blocks is changed as in the potshell mechanical behaviour. panel mesh, by assuming that ©
this second retrofit design proposal, This is because potshells
it is not possible to use the ‘empty are designed to withstand
shell’ potshell model to analyse the the 4 to 5% sodium swell-
proposed design change. This is why ing of amorphous cathode
we must use the ‘almost empty shell’ blocks. Consequently they
model type directly this time. have become over-designed
In [6], the author presented a tool now that graphitised blocks
to model cathode panel erosion. This with sodium swelling index
type of model can analyse how retrofit less than 1% have replaced
design changes will affect the cathode amorphous blocks.
erosion and can so predict the retro- Unfortunately, the author Fig. 6: Vertical
displacement solution of the improved ‘empty shell’
fitted cell life expectancy (assuming had no potshell mechani- model for the retrofitted potshell design using the
that the first failure occurs where the cal behaviour analysis tools plastic mode (m)
liquid aluminium attacks the collec- available at that time to test
tor bar after corrosion has eroded all his hypothesis, but this is of
the carbon above it). That model pre- course no longer the case.
dicted a cell life of 2,000 days for the So the potshell and lining
standard design, based on the usage design proposed in [6] has
of 45 cm thick graphitised cathode been re-analysed using the
blocks with 26 cm of carbon above ‘almost empty shell’ model.
the collector bars (see Fig. 8 for a full In that model, one of the
cathode panel solution of that type of key parameters is εo, the Fig. 7: Vertical
erosion model). cathode blocks’ free sodium displacement
In that same paper, the author expansion value (see [1] for solution of the improved ‘almost empty shell’ model
for the retrofitted potshell design using the plastic
presented a retrofit design proposal more details). In [1] as here, mode (m)
using 55 cm thick graphitised cath- that value has so far been
ode blocks. It is possible to increase set to 3%, which is typical
the cathode block thickness by 10 cm for 20% semi-graphitic cath-
without reducing the height of the in- ode blocks. That parameter
sulation under the blocks or reducing must be reduced in order
the height of the cell cavity: this sim- to match the behaviour of
ply requires moving the potshell floor graphitised cathode blocks,
10 cm down. Lowering the potshell which typically expand
about 1%. So the present
analysis uses an expansion
value of 1%.
As speculated in [6], re-
sults presented in Fig. 9
confirm the proposed ret-
rofit design with 55 cm tick
graphitised cathode blocks.
The potshell will deflect less
laterally than the standard
design using 45 cm thick
20% semi-graphitic cathode Fig. 9: Lateral dis-
Fig. 8: Cathode panel erosion profile ob- blocks, even with the cradles placement solution
tained using the full cathode panel erosion of the improved ‘almost empty shell’ using the plastic
web under the potshell floor mode (m); top: standard potshell and lining design,
having 10 cm less height. bottom: retrofitted potshell and lining design

ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2010 37

only the cathode panel swells by so- When the sodium expansion is one References
dium absorption. As for the ‘almost order of magnitude greater than the
empty shell’ potshell model, contact thermal expansion, the analysis can [1] M. Dupuis, Mathematical modelling of
pair elements reconnect the three de- justifiably neglect the thermal effect. aluminum reduction cell potshell deforma-
tion, Light Metals, TMS 2010, to be pub-
coupled model parts. But when the sodium chemical expan- lished.
The ‘half empty shell’ model has sion is 1% or less, this justification no [2] M. Dupuis, G.V. Asadi, C.M. Read, A.M.
improved further by also taking into longer holds. So the ‘half empty shell’ Kobos and A. Jakubowski, Cathode shell
account the cathode panel’s thermal model presented here solves the pure stress modeling, Light Metals, TMS 1991,
expansion, which was not considered thermal expansion problem first (see
[3] M. Dupuis, G.V. Asadi, C.M. Read and
in the model version presented in [1]. results in Fig. 10). It then adds the I. Tabsh, Hall-Héroult cell, cathode model-
transient sodium diffusion ling; impact of sodium swelling on the load-
and the consequent stress ing forces, Proceedings of the 31st Confer-
ence of Metallurgists, CIM 1992, 115-130.
level and related expansion,
[4] G.V. Asadi, M. Dupuis and I. Tabsh, Shell
as presented in [1]. The final design technique considering the sodium
predicted potshell and lining swelling phenomena of carbon cathode
displacements are presented blocks, Proceedings of the 32nd Confer-
ence of Metallurgists, CIM 1993, 125-130.
in Fig. 11 for the combined
[5] C.M. Read, A.M. Kobos, M. Dupuis,
design retrofit case. Fig. 12 G.V. Asadi and K.P. Misegades, Mod-
presents only the lateral dis- elling of aluminium production proc-
placement, confirming the esses with CRAY supercomputers, Su-
Fig. 10: Temperature only percomputing Symposium ’90, 1990.
displacement solution of
results obtained with the
[6] M. Dupuis, Development of a 3D
the improved ‘half empty shell’ model using the plastic ‘almost empty shell’ potshell transient thermo-electric cathode panel
mode (m) model for the second retrofit erosion model of an aluminum reduc-
idea. Fig. 13 presents only the tion cell, Proceedings of the 39th Confer-
ence of Metallurgists, CIM 2000, 169-178.
vertical displacement con-
[7] M. Dupuis and D. Richard, Study
firming the results obtained of the thermally-induced shell defor-
with the ‘empty shell’ and mation of high amperage Hall-Héroult
cells, Proceedings of the 44th Confer-
with the ‘almost empty shell’
ence of Metallurgists, CIM 2005, 35-47.
potshell models for the first
[8] M. Dupuis, Towards the development of
retrofit idea. Notice that even a 3D full cell and external busbars thermo-
if the potshell itself does not electric model, Proceedings of the 41th Con-
ference of Metallurgists, CIM, 2002, 25-39.
deflect vertically, the cath-
Fig. 11: Final displacement [9] M. Dupuis, V. Bojarevics, J. Freibergs,
solution of the improved ode panel still does. The gain Demonstration thermo-electric and MHD
‘half empty shell’ model using the plastic mode (m) of cell stability between the mathematical models of a 500 kA Al elec-
standard design presented in trolysis cell, Proceedings of the 42nd Con-
ference on Light Metals, CIM 2003, 3-20.
[1] and the retrofitted design
[10] M. Dupuis, V. Bojarevics, D. Richard,
presented here can be ana- MHD and potshell mechanical design of a
lysed using MHD-Valdis as 740 kA cell, Aluminium, 5/2006, 442-446.
demonstrated in [11]. [11] M. Dupuis, V. Bojarevics, D. Richard,
Impact of the vertical potshell deforma-
tion on the MHD cell stability behav-
Conclusions iour of a 500 kA aluminum electrolysis
cell, Light Metals, TMS 2008, 409-412.
Redeveloped thermo-
Fig. 12: Final lateral
chimio-mechanical models
displacement solution of
the improved ‘half empty shell’ model using the plastic [2-5] presented at the 2010 Author
mode (m) TMS conference [1] have
been improved by adding up Dr. Marc Dupuis is a consultant specialised
to date ANSYS contact ele- in the applications of mathematical model-
ling for the aluminium industry since 1994,
ments technology into them. the year when he founded his own consult-
Furthermore, they have ing company GeniSim Inc. (www.genisim.
been successfully tested and com). Before that, he graduated with a Ph.D.
in chemical engineering from Laval Univer-
confirmed two innovative sity in Quebec City in 1984, and then worked
retrofit design proposals, ten years as a research engineer for Alcan.
demonstrating their capabil- His main research interests are the develop-
ment of mathematical models of the Hall-
ity as efficient design analy- Héroult cell dealing with the thermo-elec-
sis tools. Those models are tric, thermo-mechanic, electro-magnetic
Fig. 13: Final vertical
now available to the whole and hydrodynamic aspects of the problem.
displacement solution of He was also involved in the design of experi-
the improved ‘half empty shell’ model using the plastic aluminium industry through mental high amperage cells and the retrofit
mode (m) GeniSim Inc. of many existing cell technologies.

38 ALUMINIUM · 1-2/2010

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