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Mechanics Research Communications 91 (2018) 27–32

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Heat transfer increase for a laminar pipe flow of a magnetic fluid

subjected to constant heat flux: An initial theoretical approach
R.G. Gontijo
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Departmento de Energia, Rua Mendeleyev, 200, Unicamp, Campinas 13083-970,
São Paulo, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work presents a theoretical law to predict the mean Nusselt number for a laminar pipe flow of a
Received 26 January 2018 magnetic fluid subjected to an uniform magnetic field. The intensity of the field, the magnetic suscep-
Revised 14 May 2018
tibility of the fluid and the orientation angle formed between the magnet and the direction of the flow
Accepted 16 May 2018
appear explicitly in the final expression obtained in this work. The theory developed here considers the
Available online 17 May 2018
superparamagnetism hypothesis, so it can not be applied for magneto-rheological suspensions of large
Keywords: (micrometric) particles. However, it could be used for the vast majority of commercial ferrofluids in con-
Magnetic fluid ceptual designs of more efficient heat exchangers, specially in microfluidic applications. The limitations
Pipe flow of our theory are also discussed. We provide a curve with combinations of operational parameters for
Heat transfer increase which the Nusselt number of the flow may be intentionally controlled in order to increase or decrease
Microfluidic devices the convective heat transfer rates inside the pipe. The breakthroughs and limitations of our theory are
also discussed in details as well as some suggestions for future works.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction More recently, researchers have explored the coupled problem

of heat transfer of magnetic fluids under the presence of a mag-
A magnetic fluid can be defined as a stable colloidal liquid-solid netic field. In a recent work, Amirat and Hamdahce [15] have
suspension, composed of magnetic nanoparticles immersed in a proven, from a purely mathematical perspective, the existence
Newtonian carrier liquid [1,2]. The particles are usually made of of weak solutions in three-dimensional domains of some special
magnetite, heptane, long chain hydrocarbons with a griding agent cases of the coupled hydrodydynamic-thermal-magnetic problem.
or precipitated iron ions [3]. Due to their small sizes (average di- In a more recent paper, Zhang et al. [16] developed a numerical
ameters about 10 nm) the particles are subjected to Browinian mo- study to avail how optical parameters of the fluid and the con-
tion [4,5]. Also, since they are highly magnetizable, this magnetic tainer walls affect the fluid flow and heat transfer of a magnetic
liquid may present an intense response under the influence of an fluid inside a square cavity. In the context of a promising tech-
applied magnetic field. The intensity of the liquid magnetization nique used to treat small tumours, Yue et al. [17] performed three
depends on the volume fraction of the suspended particles, on the dimensional numerical simulations to study the effect of magnetic
liquid’s viscosity and temperature, on the saturation magnetization hyperthermia in vessel bifurcations. They found out that the struc-
of the suspended particles and on the intensity of the applied field ture, size and position of a bifurcating vessel greatly affect the ef-
[6]. fectiveness of the technique in the treatment of small tumours. Fi-
Since they were first synthesized in the 1960s, ferrofluids have nally, we mention two recent studies where researchers [18,19] de-
been used in a wide range of industrial, biological and pharma- veloped experimental techniques to show that it could be possible
ceutical applications. Some interesting examples are: drug target- to enhance the heat transfer rates in pipe-flows using magnetic
ing [7], stabilization of fluidized beds [8,9], fluid pumping [10], fluids under the presence of an external magnetic field.
magnetic fluid displacement in capillaries [11,12], heat transfer en- From what has been mentioned in this brief introduction, it is
hancement in cavities subjected to convective processes [13] and possible to conclude that the idea of modifying the heat transfer
tumor treatment using magnetic hyperthermia [14]. rates in specific geometries due to the application of an external
magnetic field seems to be promising. However, we still lack a
theoretical law that could be used to predict the intensity of this
enhancement. In this work we develop a theoretical law to com-
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pute the Nusselt number for a laminar fully developed pipe flow
0093-6413/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
28 R.G. Gontijo / Mechanics Research Communications 91 (2018) 27–32

Where p represents the Eulerian pressure field, I is the identity

second-rank tensor, η if the fluid’s dynamic viscosity, μ0 = 4π ×
10−7 H/m is the magnetic permeability of the free space, H is the
modulus of the applied magnetic vector field H and B represents
the magnetic induction at any point of the fluid, given by B =
μ0 (H + M ), where M denotes the magnetization field. It is impor-
tant to mention that an ultimate constitutive equation for magnetic
stresses within a magnetic fluid is still an open question. Here we
use the proposition of Rosensweig [1]. However, for a superparam-
agnetic fluid (which will be the case of this manuscript proposal)
the existing models for σ M converge to a consolidated constitu-
tive relation in which σ M = −μ0 [(H 2 /2 )I + (1 + χ )HH ], where χ
is the magnetic suceptibility of the fluid.
Assuming that the particles respond instantly to the action of
the field, we may use the superparamagnetism hypthesis that leads
Fig. 1. Sketch of the problem. to M = χ H . Also, considering a fully developed flow in cylindrical
coordinates, we may write the equations of motion and energy af-
ter some algebraic manipulation as
of a superparamagnetic fluid under the presence of an uniform  
magnetic field. We also show that for typical commercial ferroflu- ∂p η ∂ ∂vz
0=− + r
ids this theory is restricted to microfluidic applications, where the ∂z r ∂r ∂r
hypothesis used during the deduction of our final expression are  2   2   2 
μ0 χ ∂ Hr ∂ Hθ ∂ Hz
more likely to be satisfied. + + + (7)
2 ∂z ∂z ∂z
2. Formulation of the problem and
∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂ 2T
Consider a permanent hydrodynamic fully developed flow of a ρ C p vz =k r +
magnetic fluid that enters a cylindrical tube with diameter 2r0 . The ∂z r ∂r ∂r ∂ z2
fluid has density ρ and magnetic suceptibility χ . The walls of the
∂vz ∂vz
tube are subjected to a constant heat flux qs . A large magnet ap- + η + μ0 (1 + χ )Hz Hr . (8)
∂r ∂r
plies a constant magnetic field H0 with and angle θ with respect
to the flow direction. The flow is assumed to be hydrodynami- Considering a constant applied field H0 , we have Hr = −H0 sin θ
cally and thermally developed. A sketch of the problem is shown and Hz = −H0 cos θ . Also, assuming that the length of the duct is
much larger than its diameter, we have ∂∂ z2T  ∂∂ r2T , Eqs. (7) and
2 2
in Fig. 1. The behavior of the Eulerian velocity v and temperature
T fields are ruled by the equations of mass conservation, balance (8) are simplified to
of linear momentum and energy for an incompressible fluid, given  
respectively by: p d vz η d
0=− + r (9)
r dr dr
∇ · v = 0, (1)
ρv · ∇ v = ∇ · σ + ρ g (2) ∂T k ∂ ∂T
ρ C p vz = r
∂z r ∂r ∂r
d vz d vz
ρCp v · ∇ T = k∇ 2 T + σ : ∇ v, (3) + η + μ0 (1 + χ )H0 sin θ cos θ .
dr dr
where ∇ is the gradient operator, σ is a second rank tensor that
expresses the state of stresses in the fluid (depends on the physi- Here we have considered the pressure drop to be constant along
cal constitution of the medium), g is the acceleration of gravity, Cp the axial direction, so p denotes the pressure drop in a length
denotes the specific heat at constant pressure of the fluid and k is along the axial direction. Physically, if the magnetic field is as-
the thermal condutivity of the magnetic fluid. Eqs. (1)–(3) assume sumed to be uniform through the domain of the duct and the
a steady-state flow regime. We have also assumed a constitutive superparamagnetic hypothesis is valid, the equation of motion is
relation for the heat flux through any infinitesimal control volume uncoupled with magnetic effects. Consequently the pressure drop
within the fluid according to Fourier’s law. For the modeling of the term can be treated in a straighfoward way as we do in the clas-
stresses within the fluid we consider that sical deduction of Hagen–Poiseuille’s law (∂ p/∂ z =  p/ ). In this
case Eq. (9) reduces to the classical Poiseuille flow regime for a
σ = σN + σM, (4) Newtonian fluid, with solution:
  r 2 
where σN represents the Newtonian parcel contribution to the r02  p
vz ( r ) = 1− . (11)
state of stresses within any point of the fluid at any moment and 4η r0
σ M denotes the magnetic contribution due to the interaction of the
applied field with the magnetic particles. These two contributions Now, using the constat heat flux boundary condition on the wall,
are given respectively by we have ∂∂Tz = dT m
, where Tm is the mean temperature at any cross
  section of the tube. Also, assuming that internal energy production
σ N = −pI + η ∇ v + (∇ v )T (5) due

dv to
action of viscous

stresses are a second order effect, so

η z

μ0 (1 + χ )H 2
, we may simplify Eq. (10) to
dr 0
μ H2 1 ∂ ∂T vz dTm dvz μ0
σM = − 0 I + BH . (6) r = − (1 + χ )H02 sin θ cos θ , (12)
2 r ∂r ∂r α dz dr k
R.G. Gontijo / Mechanics Research Communications 91 (2018) 27–32 29

where α = k/ρC p is the thermal diffusivity of the fluid. Replacing 18 θ = π/2

Eq. (11) in (12) and writing vz in terms of the mean velocity vm , θ = 3π/4
θ = π/4
we have
    r 2  16
1 ∂ ∂T 2 dTm
r = vm 1−
r ∂r ∂r α dz r0
14 θ= π θ θ=0
4 μ0 r
+ (1 + χ )H02 sin θ cos θ . (13)
kr02 12
θ = 7π/4
Integrating Eq. (13) twice with respect to r and using the boundary

θ = 5π/4
conditions T to be finite in the center of the tube and Ts in the wall 10 +
(keeping in mind that if qs is constant at the wall, then Ts = Ts (z )), θ = 3π/2
we have 8
2vm r02 dTm r2 r4 3
T (r, z ) = Ts (z ) + − −
α dz 4r02 16r04 16 6

4 v m μ0 ( 1 + χ ) H02 
+ r 3 − r03 sin θ cos θ . (14) 4
Eq. (14) can be used to determine the mean temperature Tm , de-
fined for a circular tube as 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Tm =
vz (r )T (r, z )rdr, (15)
vm r02 0
Fig. 2. NuD as a function of the magnetic parameter λm for several values of θ . The
replacing Eq. (14) in (15), we obtain legend of the symbols used in the plot are shown in the trigonometric circle in the
 11 v dT top left of the figure.
m m
Tm (z ) = Ts (z ) − r02
48 α dz
108μ0 vm (1 + χ )H02
−r0 sin θ cos θ . (16) in the values of the Nusselt number. This condition occurs for
θ = [0, π /2, π , 3π /2]. It is important to mention that our theory,
Through a simple energy balance it is possible to show that up to now, does not consider any effects regarding a non-uniform
dTm q P magnetic field. It has been pointed out that a magnetic field gra-
= s , with P = π D and m˙ = ρvm π r02 , (17) dient in a Poiseuille flow modifies the velocity distribution inside
dz m˙ C p
the pipe [20]. We may speculate that a magnetic field gradient
where P denotes the perimeter of the tube cross section and m˙ could increase or decrease the mean values of the Nusselt number,
represents the mass flow rate through the tube. Using Eq. (17) and even when the field is perpendicular or parallel to the direction
Newton’s cooling law in Eq. (16) we have of the flow. However, for sufficiently strong magnetic fields acting
qs 11qs D 108μ0 vm (1 + χ )H02 on small tubes (when the hypothesis of uniform field may apply)
= + r0 sin θ cos θ . (18) our theory indicates that the average values of the convective heat
h 48αρC p 315k
transfer coefficients are not altered for these angles.
Multiplying Eq. (18) by k/qs D it is straighfoward to show that the It is also noticeable that depending on the orientation between
mean Nusselt number (NuD = hD k
) is given by: the magnet and the flow direction we may increase or decrease
 11 −1 the mean value of the Nusselt number. For θ = π /4 and θ = 5π /4
NuD = + λm f (θ ) . (19) we observe a decrease on the mean Nusselt number values, while
48 315 for θ = 3π /4 and θ = 7π /4 a meaningful increase is observed.
Where λm and f(θ ) are given by This behavior suggests an operational condition for which the heat
transfer rates inside the pipe may be controlled.
μ0 vm (1 + χ )H02
λm = and f (θ ) = sin θ cos θ . (20) In order to provide a more realistic information regading the
2qs practical use of this heat transfer control technique we present
Note that in the limit λm → 0 we have NuD = 4.36, which is the Table 1. For this table we have considered typical values of r0 =
classical solution for fully developed laminar pipe flow subjected 2.5 mm, χ = 1, qs = 10 0 0 W/m2 and vm = 0.01 m/s. The table was
to a constant heat flux boundary condition. Eq. (19) states that it built for two fixed angles θ 1 and θ 2 that may produce an increase
is possible to control the Nusselt number inside the tube through and a decrease in the mean Nusselt number respectively. We have
the application of an external magnetic field. It also provides use- selected θ1 = 3π /4 and θ2 = π /4.
ful information regarding the orientation of the field in order to The mean velocity considered for the calculations shown in
achieve a desired increase/decrease effect on the convection heat Table 1 is compatible with a volume flow rate Q ≈ 0.05 ml/s. This
transfer coefficient inside the tube. value of Q is consistent with the context of microfluidic applica-
tions (flows in capillary tubes for example). This would be a po-
3. Results and discussions tential application of our theory. Thus, in order to check the va-
lidity of these numerical values with our assumptions, we esti-
Our first result concerns the behavior of the mean Nusselt num- mated ReD ≈ 0.25. This estimation was done based on typical val-
ber NuD with respect to the magnetic parameter λm for several ues of density and dynamic viscosities of commercial ferrofluids
combinations of the orientation angle θ . This plot is shown in (ρ ≈ 850 kg/m3 and η ≈ 80 × 10− 3 Pa s). The estimated value of
Fig. 2. ReD is much smaller than 2300, so we may consider the hypoth-
It is possible to observe that when the magnet is perpendic- esis of laminar duct flow. Moreover, for a laminar duct flow with
ular or parallel to the flow direction, there is no modification ReD ≈ 0.25, the average hydrodydynamic entrance length according
30 R.G. Gontijo / Mechanics Research Communications 91 (2018) 27–32

Table 1 is always aligned with the appplied vector field H . This assump-
Variation of λm and NuD as a function of the applied field H considering two ori-
tion is expressed by the classical constitutive law: M = χ H , where
entation angles θ 1 and θ 2 . This table was built considering r0 = 2.5 mm, qs =
10 0 0 W/m2 , vm = 0.01 m/s and χ = 1. χ is the fluid’s magnetic susceptibility. The superparamagnetism
assumption is equivalent to assume that all the magnetic parti-
μ0 H0 (T) θ1 = 3π /4 θ2 = π /4 cles dipole respond instanteneously to the magnetic torques in-
λm NuD λm NuD
duced by the applied field. Indeed, we may highlight two impor-
0 0.0 0 0 4.36 0.00 4.36 tat time scales for the magnetization dynamics here: a Néel time
0.01 0.001 4.37 0.00 4.36
scale τ N and a Brownian rotational time scale τ B . These charac-
0.02 0.003 4.37 0.00 4.35
0.03 0.007 4.39 0.01 4.34 teristic time scales are related to the time that the particle dipole
0.04 0.013 4.41 0.01 4.32 takes to respond to the action of a magnetic field (τ N ) and the
0.05 0.020 4.43 0.02 4.30 time the particle itself takes to turn around in response to Brown-
0.06 0.029 4.46 0.03 4.27
ian torques (τ B ). These scales are both related to the size of the
0.07 0.039 4.49 0.04 4.24
0.08 0.051 4.53 0.05 4.20 particles. While τ B ∼ exp (a3 ), being a the radius of the particle,
0.09 0.064 4.58 0.06 4.16 we have τ B ∼ a3 , so even in the nano realm smaller particles tend
0.10 0.080 4.64 0.08 4.12 to present an internal spin dynamics uncoupled with the body of
0.11 0.096 4.70 0.10 4.07 the particle itself. The magnetic relaxation time scale τ M is simply
0.12 0.114 4.77 0.11 4.02
the smaller of τ N or τ B when both scales are very different. The
0.13 0.134 4.85 0.13 3.97
0.14 0.156 4.93 0.16 3.91 superparamagnetic hypothesis adopted here, may be expressed in
0.15 0.179 5.03 0.18 3.85 terms of time scale relations as: τ N  τ B and τ N → 0. The super-
0.16 0.204 5.14 0.20 3.79 paramagnetic hypothesis presents the following consequences: 1 –
0.17 0.230 5.26 0.23 3.73
the fluid’s stress tensor is symmetric; 2 – magnetic torques in any
0.18 0.258 5.39 0.26 3.66
0.19 0.287 5.54 0.29 3.60
continuum fluid volume are absent; 3 – the vorticity of the flow
0.20 0.318 5.71 0.32 3.53 does not alter the supension magnetization field; 4 – magnetic ori-
gin surface forces on the momentum equation within the fluid are
only present for non-uniform applied fields; 5 – the supension vor-
to Langhaar [22] would be LH ≈ 0.03 mm and the thermal entrance ticity may be altered only when a magnetic field gradient is con-
length considering Pr ≈ 300 according to Kays et al. [23] would sidered. From this short discussion it is evident that the observed
be LT ≈ 9 mm. These values indicate the possibility of using the effects on the behavior of the Nusselt number as a function of the
present theory in microfluidic applications without a major loss applied field arise exclusively from the term σ : ∇ v in the energy
of generality, specially in capillary tubes where the magnetic field equation. We may interpret these effects as an absortion or pro-
produced by a large magnet would be approximately uniform in duction of internal energy within the fluid due to magnetic effects.
the region of the capillary. These arguments and preliminary cal-
culations suggest that the physical reality of the problem is more
likely to fit into the restrictive assumptions made during the de- 3.2. λm × θ neutral line
duction process of the present theory for microfluidic applications.
The input variable for controlling the convective heat trans- Eq. (19) indicates that there is a combination of parameters λm
fer coefficient inside the tube is the applied field μ0 H0 , which in and θ that may lead to an increase or decrease in the mean Nusselt
Table 1 is presented in [T]. Note that we would need a high mag- number value for a fully developed laminar pipe flow. The neces-
netic field in order to produce a substantial increase in the mean sary condition for an increase in the Nusselt number is expressed
Nusselt number for these conditions. For a field of approximately by the following inequality
0.2T = 20 0 0G we could achieve an increase of 31% considering av- 11
erage values of thermophysical properties of typical magnetic flu- − < 0.34λm sin θ cos θ < 0 (21)
ids. This result seems promising, but it is important to highlight
that this theoretical prediction is highly conceptual. In terms of Eq. (21) states that for positive values of the trigonometric function
a real experiment we could hardly attend all the hypothesis con- sin (θ )cos (θ ) the necessary condition for an increase in the Nusselt
sidered in this theoretical analysis. A main concern would be the number is that λm < 0. This condition would be satisfied only for
generation of an uniform, controllable magnetic field. However, in negative values of χ (which applies only for diamagnetic materials,
a recent numerical study, performed by Mousavi et al. [21], con- not the case of real ferrofluids). In the second and fourth quad-
sidering a sinusoidal double pipe heat exchanger, the authors have rant of the trigonometric circle (π /2 < θ < π and 3π /2 < θ < 2π )
claimed to observe an increse of 40% in the Nusselt number for any positive value of λ will lead to an increase in the Nusselt num-
the totally developed region, using magnetic fluids and an applied ber. However, the values of λm must be bounded by the restriction
field. This increase was observed from the surface Kelvin forces
that appear in the equations of motion when a magnetic field gra- 11
dient is considered. In this paper [21] the authors did not con- − < 0.34λm sin θ cos θ , (22)
sider the effect of the term σ : ∇ v in the energy equation, which
is the source of the effects explored by our theory. However, this so we don’t have physically inconsistent negative values of NuD .
work provides a support towards the possibility of heat transfer This restriction leads to λm < −0.67/(sin θ cos θ ) for the second
enhancement using magnetic fluids under the presence of an ex- and fourth quadrants. In Fig. 3 we plot the crictical condition in
ternal field. which this inequality is satisfied. Any value of λm above the curve
will lead to a physically inconsistent value on the prediction of the
3.1. A brief discussion regarding stress asymmetry effects mean Nusselt number for that orientation angle θ . The values bel-
low the curve and above the dashed line (gray area) will lead to an
At this point is important to provide a short discussion regard- increase in the mean Nusselt number according to our theory. This
ing the non-symmetric effects on the stresses within the fluid. curve may be used to calculate the intensity of the applied field
In our formulation we have considered the superparamagnetism for a typical orientation of the magnet that will lead to a desired
hypothesis. This hypothesis states that the fluid magnetization M increase in the convective heat transfer coefficient inside the pipe.
R.G. Gontijo / Mechanics Research Communications 91 (2018) 27–32 31

fects, includes operational parameters such as: the magnetic sus-

ceptibility of the fluid χ , the orientation angle between the mag-
net and the flow θ , the intensity of the applied field H0 , the heat
flux on the wall qS and the radius of the pipe r0 . We showed that
it is possible to increase or decrease the mean value of the Nus-
selt number through the application of an external magnetic field.
The optimal conditions for heat transfer increase were discussed
in details. We also presented relevant discussions regarding the
breakthroughs and limitations of this theory. Suggestions for fu-
ture works, based on the identified limitations of the theory, were
also provided.


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of this work by

FAPESP-Brazil under the grant number 2017/05643-8.

Supplementary material

Supplementary material associated with this article can be

found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2018.05.
Fig. 3. λm × θ neutral line for which magnetic effects lead to NuD ≥ 4.36. The opti-
mum point, for which the lowest value of λm is required to produce an increase in
the heat transfer convective coefficiente is θ = 3π /4.

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