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Project Serbian edition

Student’s Book 4
Answer key and Teaching notes for Reading section (Pages 83, 84, 86)
Unit 2 Two Beautiful Countryside Holidays
Exercise 1
• Ask students to look at the photos and describe briefly what they see. Ask What can you see in
the photos? Do you know where they are? Would you like to visit places like this?
• Tell students they are going to emails about two holidays in the countryside. Ask students what
they think the people will write about? Where they went, what they did, what they liked about
it, what the place is famous for. Ask students to read the texts and check if their predictions
were correct.
• Ask students to read the texts and answer the questions in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. Encourage students to say which parts of the text gave them the

1 The King of Serbia Aleksander Obrenović
2 William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter
3 people can go skiing, hiking, fishing and the Dino park in Zlatibor, the lake District is famous for
lakes, mountains, forest and the
4 Zlatibor-horses, cow, deer, goats, Lake district: ponies, red squirrels, eagles, ravens, trout

Exercise 2
• Ask students to look at the signs and elicit what they could mean. Ask students where they think
they would see the signs ( at tourist sites).
• Ask if they have seen these signs before and where.

1 you can swim
2 hiking trail
3 there are deer on the path
4 camping

Optional extra

Write these questions on the board:

1 Have you been to any of the places in the texts? If yes, what did you think of them? If no, would you
like to visit these places? Why / Why not?
2 Do you know any other beautiful places in Serbia?

Ask students to discuss the questions in pairs, then discuss as a class.

Unit 3 Roman Connections : Eboracum and Sirmium
Exercise 1
• Tell students they are going to read a text about two cities that were Roman cities. Ask students
to look at the pictures and describe what they can see.
• Ask students to read the blog carefully and then read the statements. Ask students to work in
pairs and decide if they are true or false. Encourage students to correct the false statements if
they can.
• Check answers as a class.

1 F
2 T
3 T
4 F
5 F
6 T

Exercise 2
• Ask students to read the sentences then ask them to read the texts again carefully and find the
• Students complete the activity in pairs.
• Check answers with the class.

1 York
2 Sremska, Mitrovica
3 York
4 Sremska, Mitrovica

Optional extra

Divide the class into two teams. Write the following numbers on a piece of paper: 43, 71, 211, 306,
38, 000, 500, 5000, 150. Ask each team to say what the numbers refer to and the first to answer
correctly gains a point.

Unit 5 Places where film becomes reality

Exercise 1
• Tell students they are going to read about places that became famous because of films that were
made there. Ask students if they have heard of Hobbiton and what film it comes from. Ask if any
students have seen the film. Ask students if they know what films were made in the other places
and if they have seen the films.
• Ask students to read the text carefully and answer the questions.
• Have students check answers in pairs before checking as a class.

1 Harry Potter Studios
2 Belgrade
3 Popeye Village
4 Hobbiton

Exercise 2
• Read through the questions and check comprehension.
• Students read the text again and answer the questions.
• Check answers as a class.

1 Harry Potter Studios
2 Belgrade
3 Belgrade
4 Hobbiton
5 Hobbiton
6 Popeye

Optional extra
Tell students to work in small groups and choose one of the places in the text to make a poster
about. In their group they draw or print pictures about the place and the films shown there. They
write brief descriptions of the place and what tourists can do there. Display the posters around the
classroom and have a class vote for the best one.

Answer key and Teaching notes for Workbook Language Bank (Pages
66 – 73)

Page 66

Exercise 1
1 let's hug it out
2 It’s raining cats and dogs / apples and pears
3 apples and pears
4 throw yourself on books /get your head down
5 Students’ answers
6 Students’ answers

Page 67

Exercise 2
1 In a zoo
2 At an art gallery
3 On holiday
4 On a mobile phone
5 At a football stadium
6 At a footwear show
7 In a disco
8 On a student's test
9 At a fashion show

Exercise 3
1 I clean the area and use a plaster.
2 I take an aspirin and rest.
3 I make an appointment to see the dentist.
4 I read a boring book.
5 I normally drink some coffee.
6 I get dressed very quickly and run to school.
7 I ask him to speak more slowly.
8 The teacher tells us to be quiet!
9 I study hard and don’t play games.
10 I complain to the manager.
11 I go back to the shop with it.
12 I buy a DVD.

Exercise 4
1 If I cut myself, I clean the area and use a plaster.
2 If I get a headache, I take an aspirin and rest.
3 If I get a toothache, I make an appointment to see the dentist.
4 If I can't sleep at night, I read a boring book.
5 If I feel sleepy during the day, I normally drink some coffee.
6 If I wake up late, I get dressed very quickly and run to school.
7 If I don't understand my English teacher, I ask him to speak more slowly.
8 If we talk in class, the teacher tells us to be quiet!

Page 68
9 If I have to prepare for an exam, I study hard and don’t play games.
10 If I receive bad service in a restaurant, I complain to the manager.
11 If I something I buy breaks, I go back to the shop with it.
12 If there is nothing on TV, I buy a DVD.

Exercise 5
Students’ own answers

Exercise 6
1 is taking
2 isn’t selling
3 is using
4 are staying
5 is living
6 am practising
7 Are you going
8 is driving
9 is taking
10 aren’t buying

Exercise 7
1 beautifully
2 well
3 fast
4 badly
5 happily
6 well

Exercise 8
1 happily
2 well
3 beautifully
4 badly
5 quickly
6 fast

Page 69

Exercise 9
1 more easily
2 harder
3 more carefully
4 sooner
5 faster
6 closer
7 earlier
8 later
9 more recently
10 better

Exercise 10
1 mine
2 theirs
3 hers
4 ours
5 his
6 yours

Page 70

Exercise 1
1 On a Manchester Canal cruise
2 Arndale Shopping Centre.
3 Manchester's United Stadium, Old Trafford.
4 Manchester Museum
5 Manchester Town Hall
6 Arndale Shopping Centre
7 Student’s own answers
8 Student’s own answers

Exercise 2
1 must
2 may
3 can't
4 may
5 must
6 may
7 can't
8 may
9 may
10 can't
Exercise 3
1 must
2 can't
3 might not
4 can't
5 might not/may not
6 might/may
7 might/may

Page 72

Exercise 4
1 Sally's mum told us to put on our seat belts.
2 The teacher told us not to take notes.
3 Sarah ordered us to leave her alone.
4 The dentist advised us to stop eating sweets.
5 The teacher told us to give her the calculator.
6 The librarian asked us to be quiet.

Exercise 5
1 You mustn’t give food to these creatures.
2 The artwork is pencil.
3 Don’t prohibit mobile phones in school.
4 You must write in pen.
5 Permit all children to wear the same clothes.
6 You may see these animals late in the day.
7 You can use yellow.

Exercise 6
1 friends'
2 grandparents'
3 men's
4 children's
5 Mrs Thomas'
6 Tim and Sam's
7 women's
8 Susan's

Exercise 7
1 Those are your parents’ passports, aren’t they?
2 Women’s clothes on sale.
3 This my friend’s fingerprint.

Page 73
4 Their friends’ mothers go to the gym.
5 Jan and Ann’s cousin.
6 This is the way to the men’s room.
7 She works in the children’s section of the public

Exercise 7
1 leaves
2 arrives
3 starts
4 begins
5 depart

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