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Measles, Mumps, Rubella

• Measles is a highly contagious viral infection of an

infection of the throat, airways, lungs, and skin caused by
rubeola virus. Measles is a highly contagious illness caused by a
virus that replicates in the nose and throat of an infected child or
adult. Then, when someone with measles coughs, sneezes or
talks, infected droplets spray into the air, where other people can
inhale them.

• Mumps is an acute viral disease. Mumps is a viral infection

that primarily affects saliva-producing (salivary) glands that are
located near your ears. Mumps can cause swelling in one or both
of these glands.

• Rubella is another acute disease that usually affects

susceptible individuals of any age. Rubella is a contagious viral
infection best known by its distinctive red rash. It's also called
German measles or three-day measles. While this infection may
cause mild symptoms or even no symptoms in most people, it
can cause serious problems for unborn babies whose mothers
become infected during pregnancy.

Measles Mumps Rubella

Measles Mumps Rubella
Symptoms usually begin 8 - 12 days Early symptoms can • Low-grade fever
after exposure include: • Maculopapular rash
• Bloodshot eyes • Sore throat 14-17 days after
• Cough • Difficult exposure
• Fever swallowing • Malaise
• Light sensitivity • Fever • Usually quite mild
• Muscle pain • Tiredness
• Rash – may appear as flat, • Muscle and body
discolored areas aches
• Runny nose • Loss of appetite
• Sore throat • Chills
• Tiny white spots inside the
mouth (Koplik's spots)

Measles Mumps Rubella
• Spread by contact with • Mumps is spread by • Acquired via
droplets from the nose, coughing and sneezing or airborne droplet
mouth, or throat of an touching something emission from upper
infected person. infected with the mumps respiratory tract
Sneezing and virus • May also present in
coughing can put • It can occur anytime, from urine, feces & on
contaminated droplets a few days prior to the skin
into the air onset of swelling of the • No reservoir cases,
salivary glands to 9 days only active human
after the onset of cases
symptoms • Incubation period of
2-3 weeks
• Once the virus enters the
body, it travels to the back
of the throat, nose, and
lymph glands in the neck,
where it multiplies
Measles Mumps Rubella
• Pneumonia • Deafness • Thrombocytopenia
• Encephalitis • Meningitis – an infection of the • Purpura
• Bronchitis fluid and lining covering the brain • Encephalitis
• Otitis Media and spinal cord • Arthritis
• Myocarditis
• Arthritis
• Infertility – infection can spread
to ovaries

Treatment, Prevention, Control

Measles Mumps Rubella
There is no treatment for measles, but • MMR • Self-limited illness
the following may relieve symptoms: vaccine: • No specific treatment
• Tylenol helps or Antiviral treatment
• Bed rest prevent • Clinically missed
• Humidified air measles, Rubella in 3-4 months
mumps, and of pregnancy is
• Taking serum immune globulin 6 rubella. associated with fetal
days after being exposed to the Children 1 infections
virus can reduce the risk of year of age • MMR vaccine: helps
developing measles, or can make and older get prevent measles,
the disease less severe 2 doses. mumps, and rubella.
These are Children 1 year of age
• Vitamin A supplements: reduce usually and older get 2 doses.
the risk of death and given These are usually
complications in children between given between ages 15
• MMR vaccine: helps prevent ages 15 and and 18 months and
measles, mumps, and rubella. 18 months again between ages 4
Children 1 year of age and older and again and 6 years
get 2 doses. These are usually between
given between ages 15 and 18 ages 4 and 6
months and again between ages 4 years
and 6 years

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