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Most of these are not heavily tested compared to the other topics, but the Confront. Cl. and some other parts of the trial
process will likely show up


Sep. hearing from prelim. hearing to det. prob. cause to Guilty plea must be voluntary & intelligent; judge or
prosec. Det.’s lib. at stake, must have prob. cause to lawyer must address D in open ct & on rec.; tell abt (1)
det. person before trial. O/wise, signif. constraints on ntr. of charge; (2) max. poss. pen. & any mand.
arrestee’s lib., a non-adversarial prelim. hearing is held minimum; and (3) rt. to not plead guilty-but waives rt to
to det. if prob. cause exists to detain. trial if pleas guilty. Remedy: if stands. not met; plea
● No remedy if hearing denied; w/drawn; start over w/ plea again.
● If detention was subsequently found to be not ● Pleas set aside if (1) plea was invol.; (2) lack of
jdx; (3) IAC; or (4) failure to keep plea barg.
● Guilty plea convict. can be used to convict in
other proceeds. where rel. (such as for sent.
enhance.); does not admit leg. of incrim.
evidence OR waive 4th Am. claims in subseq.
civ. suit


Most states allow for bail, unless there is a cap. off. (such Enforced against prosec. & D, not judge - who need not
as murder). Bail gen. is set no higher than nec. to ensure accept plea. Guilty plea not invol. if entered in response
that D apps. @ trial. Arb. bail denials viol. due to a threat from the prosecution to charge a more serious
process; dets. must have opp. to prove bail eligib. crime.


Usually eastern states and fed. gov’t, procedure to indict. Deft. has rt. to counsel during sentencing (may use
● Conduct in secret & D has no rt. to not. of indict. hearsay & unconfronted W repts), no rt to confront
or to confront Ws unless magn. sent. based on stat. that reqs. new fact
Grand jury may base indictment on evid. o/wise inadmiss finding (need more opp. for confront. if cons. death sent.)
at trial; evid. can’t be quashed; grand jury W has no rt. to ● If greater punish. imposed on D who is
counsel or to quash subp. on 4th Am. grounds; indict. reconvicted after succ. appeal than the one first
rev’d if racial minority excl. from grand jury imposed, judge must set reas. in rec. for severe
sentence; prevents not. that D was pen.’d for
appealing 1st sentence;


Prosec.’s failure, wilful or inadvertent, prior to eve of trial, -8th Am. protects against cruel & unusual punishment -
to disclose to D evid. would violate the Due Process punish. grossly disproport. to off’s seriousness.
Clause and can overturn a conviction, if: ● OK for crim. spec. activity rel’d to certain status
● Evid. is favorable to D; and (DUI), but status crimes viol. C&U.
○ Evidence impeaches or is exculpatory; ● Life w/o parole for minors commit’d non-
● Prejudice has resulted, homicide crime viol. C&U - homicide minor D
○ Meaning there is a reas. prob. that can’t have mand. life w/o parole.
o/come would be diff. if info was -Death penalty: only if judge or jury has reas. discret., full
disclosed (outcome determinative) info concerning defs & guidance in making decis. Must
If D wishes to plead insanity or alibi, must notify prosec. consid. mitig. evid.
Must provide list of alibi W’s; prosec. should give list of ● Death pen. NOT ok if based on invalidated prior
Ws to rebut alibi def. convict., rape & fel. murder if no intent to kill;
● C&U if D is intell. disabled; insane at exec., a
● C&U to use lethal inject. if condemned can
prove there is serious risk of inflicting
unnecess. pain or alt. proced. is feas., viable
& reduces subst. risk of severe pain


Right to a Speedy Trial
Look at tot. of circums. to determ. if D’s 6th Am. rt to speedy trial was violated: length of delay; if D asserted rt &
prejud. to D. Prosec. indef. suspend charges viols. 5th Am. rt. Rt. attaches when D has been arrested or charged.
Remedy: dismissal w/ prejudice.

Right to a Fair Trial Right to Jury Trial

-Right to a public trial; -Const. right for serious crimes (> 6 mos. of prison);
● Excess. pretrial publicity may req. change of -Must have > 6 jurors; 6 person juries must be unanim.,
venue or retrial; anything less than 8-4 verdict not OK to convict.
● Even if def. and prosec. agree to close the trial -Jurors should come from rep. cross-section of gen.
(6th and 14th Ams. guarantee rt. to a public trial), community
the press and public have a 1st Am. right to ● Cannot use peremptory challenges to excl. jurors
attend the trial itself. based on gender or race
-Right to an unbiased judge: -Jurors must be impartial
● Due process viol. if judge has act. malice against ● D can voir dire abt. race if race will come up at
D or fin. int. for trial to result in a guilty verdict; trial or for interracial capital crime;
● Serious crimes - judge should be trained in law ● Can’t excl. juror who expresses doubt about
-Due process also violated if: death pen., death sent. where such juror excl.
● Trial ran in such way that jury unlikely gave evid. must be overturned; but, juror who likes death
reas. consideration; pen. must be excl. for cause
● State forces D to stand in prison clothes or -If subst. law allows for sent. longer than stat. max. if can
visibly shackled; show addtl facts, proof of facts must be submitted to jury
● Jury exposed to influence fav. to prosec. and proved b/y reas. doubt (same for fines)

Right to Counsel Right to Confront Witness (Highly Tested)

-Viol. of 6th Am. Rt. to Counsel during trial results in -D in crim. trial has rt. to confront adv. Ws (need not be
auto. reversal of conviction; face to face)
-D can waive rt, if judge finds waiver was knowing & -Co-D’s Confession
intell. and based on emot. & psych. state, D is compet. ● Confront. cl. prohibits using a confession by one
to proceed pro se (no rt. to self rep. on appeal) Co-D against other if implicates him, except:
-Effective Assistance of Counsel ○ All portions to other Ds must be elim’d;
● Gen. presume counsel provided effect. assist.; ○ Confessing D takes stand and subjs.
● For IAC, must show: himself to cross-X; or
○ Deficient perform. by counsel; and ○ Confession of non-testifying D being
○ But for defic., result of proceed. would used to rebut D’s claim that confession
have been difft. was obtained coercively
○ For plea bargain - must show that -Prior Testimonial Statement of Unavail W:
outcome of plea process would be difft. Can’t use prior testimonial evid. unless decl. is unavail &
w/ compet. advice; D had prior opp. to cross-X decl. when statement was
○ IAC also if counsel fails to inform abt being made
deportation risk ● Testimonial - statements from prelim. hearing,
-Conflicts of Interests: grand jury hearing, other trial, or police interrog.;
● Ct. fails to refuse to appoint sep. counsel, and ● Not testimonial - statements made for an
atty advises trial ct. of result. C/I, auto. reversal; ongoing emergency: 911 call; maybe for
● No rt to jt. rep. w/ co-Ds if govt can show pot. C/I statements not made to law enforcement;
-If will plead insanity, state must provide psych for prep ● Confront cl. can be forfeited by wrongdoing -
of the def.; where W’s unavail. was due to D keeping him
-No rt. to consult with atty while testifying & be sep.’d out from testifying
from atty during short breaks

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