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Unlike the other crimes, which harm the person or property of an individual, this category of crimes
constitute violations and abuses of the judicial system. With the exception of perjury and possibly bribery,
these crimes would hardly come up on the bar exam. These crimes have been included in the Barbri outline
book nonetheless, but their inclusion here is merely academic.

Crime Elements

Perjury ● Willful and corrupt taking of;

● A false oath;
● Regarding a material matter in a judicial proceeding

But, if a witness made two contradictory statements in the same

proceeding and admits before the end, that one of them is false, the
witness cannot be prosecuted. The idea is for witnesses to correct

Subornation of Perjury ● Procuring or inducing;

● Another person;
● To commit perjury

Bribery ● Corrupt payment or receipt of;

○ Making or receiving a bribe would constitute the crime
● Anything in value;
● In return for official action

Modern day statutes make this a felony

Compounding a Crime Misdemeanor:

● Entering into an agreement;
● For valuable consideration;
● To not prosecute another for a felony (or any crime) OR to
conceal the commission of a felony or whereabouts of a felon

Misprision of a Felony Misdemeanor:

● Failure, other than a principal or an accessory before the fact;
● To disclose or report;
● Knowledge of;
● A felony

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