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3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin - Ebhor.


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Knowledge Never Sets

PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and


PHP MySQL CRUD involves connection of PHP with MySQL database and

performing Create (Insert), Read (Select), Update (Modify) and Delete

Operation on table.

PHP and MySQL connectivity is a very important topic while learning PHP
here step by step PHP and MySQL connectivity and create update delete

and read operations are discussed using mysqli and using PHP Data

Objects (PDO) are discussed.

To create database and tables PHPMyAdmin are used.

MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database management

System (RDBMS)** that uses Structure Query Language (SQL).

SQL is the most popular language to accessing, adding and managing

content in a database.  1/26
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It is popular because its fast process, reliable, ease and flexible of use.
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PHP can connect to MySQL and manipulate database. It is used on the


Create any PHP application need MySQL database to managing data.

MySQLis an important part of most of all PHP application like WordPress,

Joomla, Magento and Drupal.

MySQLis a one kind of database system for web application with huge size

of storage space (like Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia)

MySQL are stored data in tables. A table is a collection of related data, one

kind of array.

But PHP can store data and managing data except MySQL by using another

database like ODBC (Open Database Connectivity).

Note: **RDBMS is a collection of data, stored and accessed virtually.

RDBMS is used for the definition, querying, creation, update and

administration of databases.

It is a software application to interact with user, other application means

programming language (PHP, JAVA, .NET, Python etc.) and also database 2/26
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itself analyze data.  Menu

Create Database on phpMyAdmin

In the XAMPP OR WAMPP server phpMyAdmin is present for MySQL.

Open XAMPP or WAMPP control panel start Apache and MySQL. Then

enter localhost/phpmyadmin on the browser url.

Open phpMyAdmin section which is the main MySQL database.

Here database, table can create and also data stored and manage.

Click on the Database option then open a text box to create new database

with database name. 3/26
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Enter database name in the open textbox and click the Create button.

Remember one thing never used space between two words of database

name only used – (dash) or _ (underscore) and MSQL is case sensitive so

database name and table name field name are use same as it is.

If user create database with same name (previous any other existing

database name) then new database is not create.

Always set database name similar with application (like create school

management system then create database for this application with

school_management name).

When a database is created successfully then this database shown in the

left side list with alphabetical order. 4/26
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Click the database then open particular

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those database table list or if there

has no table then show below image.

In MYSQL there has no limit to create database.

PhpMyAdmin creating table

Create Table on phpMyAdmin

Create table in a particular database is very simple like create new


When any user open their database there has an option create table a blank

text box there enter table name and 2,3,4 any number in the next box

(Number of columns) and click the go button.

Table name rules is same as database name never using space between

two words of table name. 5/26
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Creating table in PHPMyAdmin

There is a student table with 5 numbers of columns. Here columns are field

name like student name, address, marks, rollnumber, phone, etc.

Entered name value in the name column like(name, address, marks,

rollnumber, phone, etc.)

Then select type of particular column in the type column.

Here type means which type of data stored in this field (likename is text
value so choose text, address is alphanumeric so choose varchar and phone

is numeric so choose int etc)

Then enter length means how many character or digit stored in this column.

(like int support 0 to 11 here only store maximum 9 digit because + and – are

by default store 2 digits so if any user store number greater than 9 then 6/26
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choose bigint which can store 20 digit maximum.

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Varchar has 255 character limits. Text has no limit; in text type no need to set
length value)

Then set primary key for this table in the index column and click in the save

In this way a simple table will be created in the database.

No limitation for create table in one database.

User can create many table in one database as their require.

MySql Table Structure

PHP MySql Connection 7/26
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Before Performing PHP MySQL CRUD we have to connect PHP with MySql
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There have some method to connect PHP application with MYSQL

database. Like MYSQL, MYSQLi and PDO etc.

Now days MYSQLi is mainly used for connecting database.

Syntax of MYSQLi:

connection.php : PHP MySql Connection Program Example

1 <?php

2 $conn = new MYSQLi("localhost","root",null,"tutorial");

3 if(mysqli_connect_error()){

4 die(mysqli_connect_error());

5 }

6 ?>


MYSQLi is a library class for MYSQL database. Using this class manage

MYSQL database in a PHP application.

There have many functions to display data, store data, delete data and

update data of database. 8/26
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In the above example first parameter

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is server host name where the
database is present by default local server host name is localhost.

Second parameter is server user name which is root in local server.

Third parameter is password value which is null in local server.

Forth parameter is database name means which particular database is

connected with this PHP application.

Here $conn return object of MYSQLi class of particular tutorial database.

mysqli_connect_error() is a pre-define function which check the connection

is established successfully or not.

If host name user name password database name are wrong then it returns

error the stop the PHP execution.

PHP MySQL Insert Data in table

First operation of PHP MySQL CRUD is Create or Insert.

Lets see How to insert Data in MySql Using PHP.

create.php PHP MySQL Insert Program example

1 <html> 9/26
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2 <body>
 Menu
3 <?php

4       include "connection.php";

5       if( isset($_POST["name"])){

6    $name    = $_POST['name'];

7   $phone   = $_POST['phone_number'];

8   $address = $_POST['address'];

9   $marks   = $_POST['marks'];


11   $sql = "INSERT INTO `student`(`name`, `phone`, `address`, `marks`) VALUES ('$name','$ph

12   $conn->query($sql);

13 echo "One record Insert";

14   }

15   ?>

16 <center>

17 <h1>Add Student Record</h1>

18 <hr>

19 <form method="post" action="">

20 <table border = 1 cellpadding = 15 width = 350 height = 175>

21 <tr>

22 <td>Name</td>

23 <td><input type = "text" name = "name" placeholder = "Enter Student Name"/></td>

24 </tr>

25 <tr>

26 <td>Phone</td>

27 <td><input type = "number" name = "phone_number" placeholder = "Enter Student Phone Numbe

28 </tr>

29 <tr>

30 <td>Address</td>

31 <td><textarea name = "address" placeholder = "Enter Student Address"></textarea></td>

32 </tr>

33 <tr> 10/26
3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin -

34 <td>Marks</td>
 Menu
35 <td><input type = "number" name = "marks" placeholder = "Enter Student Marks"/></td>

36 </tr>

37 <tr>

38 <td colspan = 2 align = "right"><input type = "submit" value = "Save" /></td>

39 </tr>

40 </table>

41 </form>

42 </center>

43 </body>

44 </html>


Add Student Recored (create.php) 11/26
3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin -

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PHPMyAdmin Showing student record


MYSQL gives insert query for store data in the database.

1 Insert into `tablename`(`column1`,`column2`,`column3`,`column4`,`column5`)values(‘value1’,‘

Insert, into and values are keywords user can write it in any case small or


Table name and column name are case sensitive so write same as define.

Execute any MYSQL query used query() function. In above example $sql
variable store insert query that’s insert query is executed and one data is
stored in the database table.

query() function is call by MYSQLi connection object so need to include

database connection file.  12/26
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Without database connection neverexecute

any MYSQL query.

PHP MySQL Select from Table

Another operation of PHP MySQL CRUD is Read or Select.

Lets see how to Select or read MySql Data in PHP.

show.php PHP MySQL Select program example

1 <html>

2 <body>

3 <?php

4       include "connection.php";

5   ?>

6 <center>

7 <h1>All Student Record</h1>

8 <hr>

9 <table border = 1 cellpadding = 15 width = 600 height = 300>

10 <tr>

11 <th>Roll Number</th>

12 <th>Name</th>

13 <th>Phone</th>

14 <th>Address</th>

15 <th>Marks</th>

16 </tr>

17 <?php

18 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `student`";

19 $res = $conn->query($sql);

20 while($rows = $res->fetch_array()){

21 echo "<tr> 13/26
3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin -

22 <td>$rows[rollnumber]</td>
 Menu
23 <td>$rows[name]</td>

24 <td>$rows[phone]</td>

25 <td>$rows[address]</td>

26 <td>$rows[marks]</td>

27 </tr>";

28 }

29 ?>

30 </table>

31 </center>

32 </body>

33 </html>


Showing all students record in show.php

MYSQL gives select query to fetch data from database.

1 select * from `tablename` 14/26
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Here * return all columns value of this table.

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If any user return only specific some column then he/she can write select
query like this way, select name , phone , marks from student .

Here only name, phone and marks value return.

In above example query() function execute select query so student table


Now display the student table’s data, use fetch_array() function which return
at a time one row of the table.

If user show the all record of the table then call the fetch_array() in a loop.

In above example use while loop for fetch all record of the student
table.fetch_array() function is return table data as a numeric array and

associative array both way.

So user can print name value like $rows[name] or $rows[1] both return same

PHP MySql delete from table

Another operation of PHP MySQL CRUD is Delete or Remove.

MYSQL gives delete query for delete data from database. 15/26
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delete from tablename . This querydeletes

all record of the table. Table will
be empty after execute the query.

If user want to delete particular one row then add where clause in the delete
query. MYSQL support where clause and also AND OR clause.

delete.php PHP MySQL Delete Program Example

1 <?php

2 include "connection.php";


4 $sql = "DELETE FROM `student` WHERE `rollnumber` = 1";

5 $conn->query($sql);

6 echo "Student record deleted";

7 ?>


Student record deleted

Showing record after deleting first record 16/26
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Now in the student table, only one record

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The first row deleted from the student table. Always use the primary key
column in the where clause. Because the primary key field is store unique
value (no duplicate data and no null value) that’s why only exact data will be

deleted from the table.

If any user use another column in where clause then maybe more than one
row will be deleted if value is same in another rows.

Like user use name column then if more than one student name are same
then more than one record will be deleted.

PHP MySQL Update from table

Another operation of PHP MySQL CRUD is Update or Edit.

MYSQL gives update query to update data in the table.

1 update `tablename` set&nbsp; `column1` = ‘value1’,`column2` = ‘value2’,`column3` = ‘value3’

With this query column1, column2 and column3 value are modified by new
value for all rows in the table.

If user want to update particular one row then use where clause condition in
the update query. 17/26
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update.php PHP MySQL Update Program

 Menu

1 <?php

2 include "connection.php";


4 $sql = "UPDATE `student` SET `address` = 'Sonarpur', `marks`= '99' WHERE `rollnumber` = 2"

5 $conn->query($sql);

6 echo "Student record updated";

7 ?>


Student record updated

In the above example address and marks value modified in the one row

where rollnumber value is 2.

PHP MySql Insert multiple rows in table

PHP MySQL Insert multiple rows program example

1 <?php

2 $conn = new MYSQLi("localhost","root",null,"test");

3 if($_POST['submit']){

4     if(count($_FILES['upload']['name']) > 0){

5         for($i=0; $i<count($_FILES['upload']['name']); $i++) {

6 @mkdir("uploaded");

7 $filePath = "uploaded/".time().'-'.$_FILES['upload']['name'][$i];

8 copy($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$i],$filePath);

9 $sql="insert into `file` (`id`,`filepath`) values ('','$filePath')"; 

10 $conn->query($sql); 18/26
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11                 }
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12               }

13         }

14 ?>


16 <form action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">

17 <input name="upload[]" type="file" multiple/><br>

18 <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">

19 </form>

File uplaod form

Uploaded files


multiple keyword used to select multiple file at a time.

PHP MySqli Last Insert Id 19/26
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PHP MySQL select last insertid program

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<?php echo $conn->insert_id;?>

Its return last auto increment column value. In the file table last inserted id
value is 4 so insert_id return 4.

Call the insert_id function with the database connection object and write the
code after insert query.

Set a column to auto increment value in tableto check A_I option in the table


Column with auto increment

Select A_I to make column auto increment

PHP PDO prepared statements 20/26
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PDO (PHP Data Objects) is the one of the database connection method to
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connect MySQL database to PHP application.

In this method insert query needs to prepare before execute.

prepareinsert.php :PHP PDO MySql Data Insert example

1 <?php

2     //Databse connection

3 $servername = "localhost";

4 $username = "root";

5 $password = "";

6     $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=tutorial", $username, $password);

8 //Insert Data in the table with prepare statement

9 $name     = "Biplab Bagchi";

10 $phone    = "8877665544";

11 $address  = "Sodhpur";

12 $marks     = "60";


14         $sql = $conn->prepare("INSERT INTO `student` (`name`, `phone`,`address`,`marks`) V

15         $sql->bindParam(1, $name);

16         $sql->bindParam(2, $phone);

17         $sql->bindParam(3, $address);

18         $sql->bindParam(4, $marks);

19         $sql->execute();

20 ?> 21/26
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Data inserted in table


Prepared statements are very useful against SQL injections.

A prepared statement is a feature used to execute the same SQL

statements repeatedly with high efficiency.

Prepare: A SQL is created query and data sent to the database. Some
values are not specified, they are called parameters.

In above example INSERT INTO student VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) those are


Database parses the data then compile and finally execute the SQL query, in
prepare method data stores in the server without execute. 22/26
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Execute: In the execute method data combine with parameters and SQL
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execute the query to store data into database.

User can execute the query as many times as they want with different

Compared to executing SQL statements directly, prepared statements

have two main advantages

1. Prepared method reduces query parsing time for preparing a SQL

2. Bind param minimize bandwidth to the server so website can be load

fast and only need to send parameter each time not the whole query.

With Prepared methods SQL query is secured from SQL Injection, because
bind param combined the values first then send to the database so no need

to be escaped correctly.

If the original values are not derived from input then SQL Injection con not


 php
 mysql, php
 How to use CKEditor in PHP Installation and Uses
 Java Program Structure and First Program  23/26
3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin -

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PHP Introduction

PHP Comments

PHP Variables

PHP Echo and print

PHP Data Types

PHP Operators

PHP if else

PHP Switch Case

PHP for loop

PHP While loop

PHP Do While loop

PHP Form Handling

PHP String

PHP String Functions

PHP Array

PHP Array Types

Functions in PHP

PHP Date and Time

PHP Email Sending

PHP File Upload Example

PHP Session

PHP Session Example

PHP Cookies

PHP File Handing 24/26
3/6/2021 PHP MySQL CRUD Tutorial with MySqli and PHPMyAdmin -

PHP Directories
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PHP Constants

PHP Class and Objects

PHP Constructor and Destructor

PHP Inheritance

PHP Final Class



PHP Polymorphism

PHP Regular Expressions

How to use CKEditor in PHP Installation and Uses

PHP Creating Image 25/26
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