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What does this all suggest?

We are all after the same thing — a quality life full of love, abundance and
peace. Once you strip the conflicts and differences out of all of the material, the answers are simple
common denominators because ALL races state love, family, joy and happiness are what life is all
about. Well, if we are all part of one cosmic family seeking the same purpose, the answers being the
same for all, why do we need to fight over differences on how to get to the same spot? At the bottom
of the illusion of conflict, there are no differences? We will revisit this at the end of the book as I
believe by then you will clearly understand this.

My quest for answers to questions about how the universe worked, who I was, what I was here for led
me to a lot of different information pathways. At the root of this was my need to find the answer to
the fundamental questions: Why is my life the way it is? and How can I manifest a better
quality life? Where did the answers come from? As I said above, it was bits and pieces from ancient
prophesies, old cultures, old religious information, new religious findings, spiritual information, the
New Age material, what science has discovered about cosmic workings, and a place I never expected
to find anything — inside ME.

This little booklet is my summary of what I deemed as relevant to proactively creating a better life.
This is what I mean when I use the term manifesting. It means that I manifest a desired experience —
I co-create it. I am not going to spend much space attempting to prove or justify what I am going to
tell you. I have written a lot of books on the topic and these are listed at the back of this book. These
are placed there if you want details and references. I think that as you read the laws and how to apply
them you will begin to relate them to your past and current life. You should begin to correlate the laws
with why your life is the way it is. That will be your “scientific” proof which will change your mind —
that is crucial — about how you can go forward in a better light. Once you “see the light” and
understand how these laws have been working against you, the process of changing things to have
the laws work for you should be clear. I am then going to present you with the steps to do this. Then
the rest is up to you and only you.

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