Every Block Chicago 24th Ward Public Opinion Poll Responses

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Every Block Chicago-24th Ward Public Opinion Poll

Detailed Responses

History: This survey was conducted between February 25, and February 28, 2011 in response to
Every Block Chicago-24th Ward participants’ concerns regarding the outcome of the February 22nd
Municipal Election. The 25 respondents included regular contributors to online conversations on
EveryBlock Chicago-24th Ward, and some members of their networks. The respondents were not
asked to provide their names.

The survey instrument was developed by Valerie F. Leonard, a 24th Ward resident. It should also be
disclosed that Valerie is a former candidate for Alderman of the 24th Ward. The 10-question survey
was developed using the Survey Monkey online software. The survey design included a
combination of “yes-no”, multiple choice and open-ended questions. The results of the survey are
not intended to be scientific, and should not be construed as an indication of the opinions of the
broader 24th Ward population. The survey respondents represent a specific group of 24th Ward
residents as opposed to a random sample of the general population of registered voters in the 24th
Ward. It should also be noted that this survey was administered online and not on paper. Only
about 25% of the registered voters in the 24th Ward are online. There is a possibility that some of
the survey responses could have been different with a larger sample size, and/or if the survey was
also conducted manually for people without computers.

The purpose of this survey is to serve as a basis upon which to begin to sort out issues of concern to
participants in EveryBlock Chicago-24th Ward online discussions. The group will participate in a
facilitated online discussion to brainstorm ideas around a shared agenda and develop an informal
action plan that will be shared with the candidate the group decides to support in the April 5th
Runoff Election. The candidate that the group decides to support will be asked to provide a written
response to group’s concerns and suggestions on the EveryBlock Chicago-24th Ward bulletin board.
The overall goal of the process is to develop an agenda that will be incorporated into the “People’s
Agenda” that the Alderman will be asked to implement. At the same time, members of the
EveryBlock Chicago-24th Ward Community have been asked to make a personal commitment to
improve the community within his/her personal circle of influence. Ideally, these small steps may
begin to create a culture of mutual accountability between the Alderman of the 24th Ward and local
residents. Outlined below is a detailed listing of each question, and the responses.

1. Do you plan to vote in the April 5, 2011 Aldermanic election?

answered question 25 ; skipped question 0 (The top response is shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Yes 76.0% 19
No 20.0% 5
Not Sure 4.0% 1

2. How would you describe the current direction of the 24th Ward?
answered question 25 ; skipped question 0 (The top response is shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

We are headed in the right direction 20.0% 5
We are headed in the wrong direction 76.0% 19

I have no opinion 4.0% 1

3. In your opinion, what are the top 3 issues facing the 24th Ward today?
answered question 25; skipped question 0 (Top 3 responses are shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Poor performing schools 48.0% 12
Rising property taxes 0.0% 0
Lack of high quality housing that is 0.0% 0
affordable for current residents
Lack of living wage jobs in the 24.0% 6
High dropout rates among high school 24.0% 6
High rates of crime and violence 68.0% 17
Poor health status for local residents 4.0% 1
Low participation in community 48.0% 12
meetings voting and other civic
Need for greater access to technology 12.0% 3
The need to train our workforce to 12.0% 3
compete for living wage jobs
Need for improved access to reliable 0.0% 0
public transportation
Lack of organized sports and 24.0% 6
recreation activities for youth
Need for strong leadership from 44.0% 11
elected officials
Need for greater access to child care 0.0% 0
Mortgage foreclosure 8.0% 2
Lack of a strong business base 28.0% 7
Lack of access to fresh nutritious foods 12.0% 3
Lack of community input into TIFs and 12.0% 3
community development
Other (please specify) 20% 5
1. poor infrastructure
2. How Elected Officials are
Disbursing Funds that each
ward are Allotted with Proof.
More Connection to what They
are doing for the Residents of
the 24th Ward
3. lack of tax revenue through
businesses and homeowners
4. Parenting skills
5. Drug sales on the streets

4. How would you rate the degree to which the current Alderman is addressing the top 3
issues facing the Ward?
answered question 25 ; skipped question 0 (The top response is shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Excellent 0.0% 0
Good 4.0% 1
Fair 16.0% 4
Poor 80.0% 20

5. What 3 things should the 24th Ward Alderman be doing within the next year?
answered question 25; skipped question 0 (The top 3 responses are shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Creating initiatives to stop youth 36.0% 9
Creating jobs 56.0% 14
Creating resident-led committees to 28.0% 7
give input on City spending and Ward
Developing a comprehensive plan for 72.0% 18
the whole Ward
Getting money to fix streets 12.0% 3
sewers and sidewalks
helping homeowners facing 28.0% 7
foreclosure keep their homes
Helping the Mayor find solutions to the 4.0% 1
City's financial problems
improving internet access for 8.0% 2
residents and businesses
Increasing opportunities for after 20.0% 5
school programs and recreation
Working with CPS to improve schools 48.0% 12
Working with health care providers to 0.0% 0
increase the health status of local
Other (please specify) 16.0% 4
1. Frequent Communication with
Residents to Rebuild this Ward
2. Bring businesses to the ward
3. Promoting parenting skills
4. getting the drug dealers off the

6. What 3 things would you like most to see accomplished in the 24th Ward within 4 years?
answered question 25 ; skipped question 0 (The top 3 responses are shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

construction of a new shopping center 24.0% 6
Development of housing that is 4.0% 1
affordable to the people who live here
Reduction in crime 52.0% 13
Creation of more resident-owned 28.0% 7
City spending under control 4.0% 1
Reduction in youth violence 20.0% 5
Improved health status of local 0.0% 0
Reduction in high school dropout rates 24.0% 6
Increase in the number of registered 24.0% 6
voters who show up to the polls to vote
Increase in the amount of federal, state 56.0% 14
and local resources coming back to the
Implementation of a comprehensive 52.0% 13
community plan
Increases in the level of local students' 24.0% 6
performance in math and reading
Creation of more jobs in the community 48.0% 12
Reduction in the number of people 8.0% 2
going to prison
Better relationships between the police 24.0% 6
and residents
Other (please specify) 0.0% 0

7. Will it take a new leader to accomplish these things?

answered question 25 ; skipped question 0 (The top response is shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Yes 84.0% 21
No 16.0% 4

8. Given the choices of Alderman Dixon and Former Alderman Chandler, who do you think
the Every Block Chicago(-24th Ward) Family should support in the upcoming runoff?
answered question 25; skipped question 0 (The top response is shaded)

Response Percent Response Count

Alderman Sharon Dixon 32.0% 8
Former Alderman Michael D. Chandler 68.0% 17

9. If your answer to Question 8 is "neither", what are you willing to do to to improve the
community within your personal sphere of influence? (Note: Question 9 is not clear, as there
was no option to answer “neither” in Question 8) (The top 3 responses are shaded)
answered question 22 ; skipped question 3

Response Percent Response Count

Join or start a neighborhood 54.5% 12
improvement association
Join or start a block club 22.7% 5
Coordinate or participate in town hall 40.9% 9
Coordinate a job fair 9.1% 2
Attend the Alderman's meetings 45.5% 10
Participate in public hearings on the 27.3% 6
City's budget or other matters of
Participate in CPS board meetings 27.3% 6
Other (please specify) 4% 1
1. Participate in greening the
community more

10. Use this space to elaborate on specific issues of concern to you, and recommended ways
to address them. Please indicate what specific actions you are willing to take to help.
answered question 25 ; skipped question 0

1. Workforce issues
2. Need to educate our ward that our current alderman dont have the qualifications to get
anything done, she is a divider and I will not vote for her.
4. I am very concerned about the lack of leadership in the 24th Ward. I'd be willing to develop
town hall meetings and workshops to get people engaged in the civic affairs of our
5. lack of response and respect from elected officials
6. Open air drug markets - target drug houses Vacant buildings, neglected vacant lots - target
owners, participate in green activites, attend CAPS meetings Influx of housing projects in
our community - express my concerns to alderman
7. The Quality of Life is horrible in this ward. The Alderman needs to show how he or she are
allocating funds. Employees.. hoping that they hire Residents who live in this ward for their
staff. Where do we begin ?
8. No business would want to locate/relocate their business in the 24th Ward with level of
drug/alcohol related crimes, i.e. theft, loitering, robbery,etc. These businesses would not be
able to attract clients and would have to spend more on security and insurance for their
property and that of the employees. The majority of the residents probably would not
qualify for these jobs due to a lack of education and work experience. So, to counter these
deficiencies, the 24th Ward must create an environment that is inviting to the business and
potential homeowner through the eradication of the above mentioned crimes. Also, an

effort must be made to improve the educational system in the schools of the 24th Ward. Our
schools and the parents of these children in our Ward are not stressing the importance of
education. They do not stress the freedom and independence that an education provides
and that without that education these children will always be low wage earners and public
assistance recipients.
9. A plan need to be implemented to deter the teenagers and young adults from disrespecting
blocks, both their own and of other people. The residents need to handle the situation, and if
they can't hopefully the police can make the teenagers and young adults understand that
someone's block is special and the residents want peace and order, no disrespect. I have
told these people not to be in front of my building, but they continue to do so. Therefore I
hope a call or two to the police will deter them.
10. Standing on corners has become a generational legacy. I am willing to participate in
programs to expand our youths vision of the world.
11. I'll do whatever it takes.
12. Community involvement among residents has drastically decreased lending to the idea that
community members are no longer concerned about our present situation. There is also
very little attention from outside our community (downtown) given to our specific needs. I
would love to see more focus given to our social issues and will be working to bring
attention to the needs of our community in various ways (both large and small).
13. I am a concern resident of the 24th ward . I want to see change by us all working together ,
not stabbing each other in the back.I am willing to do whatever it takes.
14. get out an vote
15. coordinate meetings
16. enforce the laws.
17. I am currently anticipating moving back this area where I was raised. I would hope that all
in the area would trust that this neighborhood can rise to be the best in the city. All it would
take is prayer and involvement.
18. Empowered Citizens of North Lawndale should take their issues directly to the mayor.
19. I feel more education and training needs to be implemented. Instead of constantly crying
out for more affordable housing, why can't we educate our people so they are able to obtain
a higher paying position, where there individual lifestyles would improve. Define
"affordable" housing. Are we suggesting more subsidized housing, which only perpetuates
the low-standard living mentality, We need to start with EMPOWERMENT!
20. Thanks
21. start block club
22. Greater community wide celebrations, fairs, affairs, organize large scale festivals within the
neighborhood, recreational events, etc.
23. The 24th ward is a great ward. If we don't get it together we are going to one day wake up
and find the 24th ward want belongs to us anymore. We got to slow down the gentrification.
Sharon Dixon is giving our 24th ward away. Now where is the library?
24. N/A
25. form or be on committee to improve the 24th ward


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