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1 Semester, School Year 2020-2021

Date of Midterm Examination: _______________________________

Part I: Student Profile: Answer the needed in formation below (Pls. filled up legibly):
Complete Name:
Student ID:
Class ID:

NSTP Component Enrolled:
COR: Pls. Check: with_____ without ______
Home Address:

Active Email Add:

Cellphone No.:

Instruction: This is a home-based Midterm Examination, please answer based on the presented
rubrics as a basis for evaluation and checking of your answer.

Part II: Midterm Examination: Objective types

Answer this in a yellow paper or bond paper A4 size either hand written or type
written print out.

Instruction: Answer briefly the following items as describe below, please see Rubrics:
Individual Performance Evaluation
3.0 Fair 2.0-1.75 Good 1.5-1.0 Very Good
Very accurate answer and with supported
Explained but not
Accuracy of the answer Not explained well citations.
Relevance of the His/her answer is not Questions are answered Very relevant answer with understanding
Answer to the question relevant to the question objectively. and well explained
He/she not dependent from the module
He/she copied his/her Only legal basis
and he/she answered very idealistic and
Uniqueness of the idea idea from the module mentioned in his/her
cited many legal basis and examples.
and classmates discussion but answered
Have a unique idea but answered
completely what are asked in the
1. What is the legal basis in the implementation of the National Service Training Program in
tertiary education in the Philippines?

1.1. What are the components of the NSTP?

1.2. Who are covered by the NSTP Law?
1.3. What happened to the graduate of ROTC and CWTS trainees after the completion of NSTP

2. What is human right? Cite the legal basis.

2.1. Explain the importance of human right to every Filipino citizen?

2.2. Discuss the four good citizenship values that inhabit to every Filipino?
2.3. Elaborate the two factors affecting value formation?

3. What a healthy life style?

3.1. What is drug education?

3.2. Advantages of having not using illegal drugs?
3.3. Explain the prohibited acts with corresponding fines of penalties of drug user,
pusher etc. of RA 9165.

4. What is RA 10121 and its salient features.

4.1. When and how will you employ first aid to a victim?
4.2. What are the two classifications of disaster and give each example.

5. What is national security?

5.1. Differentiate the internal and external threats to national security, cite some

6. Differentiate Environmental conservation and protection.

6.1. How the climate change affects to every Filipino?

6.2. What human activities that contributed to the degradation of the environment?
6.3. As NSTP students how will you contribute in order to protect the environment from
pollution and exploitation.


Please see instruction below for submission of your output.
General Instruction for compilation and Submission of outputs

1. How to prepare for submission: attached your midterm examination output after module 6
of your compiled common module ( compiled module 1-6 then next is midterm examination
output). Submit it in one compilation only following the posted format cover, etc.

2. Submit compiled outputs together with your CD ( do not forget to write your name in the
CD compartment.) and after checking you can claim it in the NSTP Office.

3. Date of Submission: the compiled outputs will be submitted from February 15- 26, 2021 only.
Where: in your university link per municipality. For Catarman area you may submit it
directly to the NSTP Office.

4. For those outside Northern Samar you may submit it via available mail carrier. (LBC, JRS, etc.)
Address it to NSTP Office, University of Eastern Philippines, Catarman N. Samar

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