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Computer Security (chapter 8) Test

Instructor: Ms. Dotson Name:

Results: Class:

Look at each question carefully and circle the correct answer(s). On the last page, you will have some true or false
questions. Once you are done, turn them in to me at the front desk. Good Luck!

1. What is a Computer Virus?

a. Illegal computer code that cannot alter programs or destroy data

b. Illegal computer code that can alter programs and destroy data

c. A legal code that the user implements into the computer software to alter things

2. What is a sign of a computer virus? (circle all that apply)

a. Unusual sound or music plays randomly

b. An unknown program of file suddenly is missing

c. A file becomes corrupted

d. All of the above

3. What is a computer Worm? (circle all that apply)

a. A program that uses up resources and possibly shutting down the computer’s network

b. Picture of a worm on the background of a computer

c. Program that copies itself repeatedly in a computer’s memory or on a network

4. What are the two common variations of computer viruses/malicious software programs?

a. Worms and Trojan Horses

b. Worms and bots

c. Bots and Trojan Horses

d. None of the above

5. What is a Logic bomb? (circle all that apply)

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a. Type of program that activates at a certain time

b. Program that activates when it detects certain weather conditions

c. Program that activates when it detects a certain condition

d. None of the above

6. What is a well-known time bomb? (circle all that apply)

a. Raphael Virus

b. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Virus

c. Michelangelo Virus

d. All of the above

7. What is an example of a good Safe Computing Tip? (circle all that apply)

a. Purchase and install reliable antivirus software

b. Share your passwords with everyone you know

c. Back up your files often

d. Scan all attached files before opening them

8. What is the definition of Unauthorized Access?

a. The use of a computer or network with permission

b. The use of a computer or network without permission

c. None of the above

9. What is a Time bomb? (circle all that apply)

a. Type of Logic bomb that activates on a certain date

b. Program that activates on a certain date and is not a type of Logic bomb

c. A new bomb that the government has built

d. None of the Above

10. What is an example of a system failure? (circle all that apply)

a. Electrical power problems

b. Hardware component failure

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c. Software error

d. All of the above

11. What is an example of a backup (prevent data loss)? (circle all that apply)

a. Duplicate of a file

b. A surge protector

c. Disk that can be used if original is lost

d. None of the above

12. What is the definition of an off-site location?

a. The storing of backup copies on another device

b. A website

c. The storing of backup copies at another location

13. What is not an element of an AUP (Acceptable use policy)? (circle all that apply)

a. Notice that students do not have to behave as “guests” when on the Internet

b. Notice that the use of school computers, networks, and the Internet is a privilege not a right.

c. Outline of proper use of all networks and computers

d. List of rules and consequences concerning objectionable Internet sites

14. What is the definition of Ergonomics?

a. A spell from the movie Harry Potter

b. Applied science devoted to incorporating comfort, efficiency, and safety into the design of items
in the workplace

c. Economics spelt wrong

d. None of the above

15. What is the definition of a filtering software?

a. Prevents software from ever being displayed

b. Development and maintenance of Web pages

c. Prevents a browser form displaying materials from certain Web sites

d. None of the above

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16. Cyberbullying is the posting or sending of cruel text messages or images using the Internet and other digital
devices. True or False?

a. True

b. False – It is bullying in person (such as during school)

17. Copyright means the original author or creator does not retain ownership of their work and does not have the
right to reproduce and distribute the work. True or False?

a. True

b. False – The original creator has ownership of their work and can reproduce and distribute it

18. Spam is an unsolicited e-mail message posting sent to many recipients or newsgroups at once. True or False?

a. True

b. False – It can only be sent to one person or newsgroup at a time

19. Shareware is software that is distributed free for a trial period. True or False?

a. True

b. False – Shareware is never distributed for free for a trial period. You have to pay up-front

20. A blackout is a prolonged undervoltage. True or False?

a. True

b. False – It is a complete power failure

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