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ENG105 Engineering Dynamics Tutorial 02

1. A roller coaster carriage starts from rest at A and moves along the rails ABCD.
The carriage has a uniform acceleration of 6m/s2 as it moves down sections AB
and CD and its velocity is constant between B and C. If the velocity of the
carriage at D is 30m/s, then determine: (a) The distance d between C and D. (b)
The total time lapsed for the carriage to reach D. (c) The initial carriage speed if
the same conditions apply, however, it now reaches C in 4.5 seconds. (d = 45m, t
= 7.64s, vA = 8.18m/s).

2. Two cars A and B are approaching each other in adjacent highway lanes. At t = 0,
A and B are 1 km apart with speeds of vA = 100km/hr and vB = 70km/hr. If A
passes the point where B was at t = 0 in 44sec and B passes the point where A was
at t = 0 in 40 seconds, determine (a) the uniform accelerations of vehicles A and B,
(b) when the vehicles pass each other and (c) the speed of B at that time.
(aA = -0.229m/s2, aB = 0.277m/s2, t = 20.9s, vB = 25.24m/s).

3. Blocks A and B are connected over a series of pulleys by an inextensible cable as

shown. Block B starts from rest and moves downwards with a constant
acceleration. Knowing that after slider block A has moved 600mm its velocity is
6m/s, determine (a) the accelerations of A and B, (b) the velocity and change in
position of B after 1 second and (c) the velocity of A after 1 second. (aA = 30m/s2,
aB = 10m/s2, vB = 10m/s, xB = 5m, vA = 30m/s).

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