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ENG105 Engineering Dynamics Tutorial 03

1. A footballer kicks a ball from a height of h = 0.5m with an initial velocity of vo =

18m/s at an angle of 30˚. Determine (a) the height of the ball above ground level
when it reaches the goals if the goals are located 10m away at a height of 9m
above the ground and (b) where the ball will land. (y = 4.25m, x = 29.69m)

2. A worker uses a high pressure water hose to clean the inside of a long pipe of
diameter 1m. If the water from the nozzle has a velocity of 14m/s, determine (a)
the angle α and (b) the distance d the farthest point at the top of the pipe the
worker can wash from his position at the base of the pipe entrance. (α = 18.44˚, d
= 6m).

3. Joe the airport baggage handler stands at the base of a conveyor leading to a
Boeing 737. The conveyor travels at 1m/s with a slope of 25˚. Joe throws a bag
from a height of 0.5m above the conveyor base with a speed of 0.8m/s at an angle
of 40˚. Determine the velocity of the bag relative to the belt as it lands on the belt.
(v = 3.05m/s, 84.5˚ below horizontal).

4. Ground based radar indicates that an INCAT catamaran leaves the dock at Hobart
at a speed of 20 knots and direction of 30˚ from the dock. If ship board
instruments indicate a speed of 25 knots at 20˚ relative to the dock, what is the
speed and direction of the river? (v = 6.33 knots, 13.2˚ to the dock).

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