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Mihi nomen est: ____________

Aeneid ​Quiz: Book II

Passage: Book II. 35-44:

At Capys, et quōrum melior sententia​ mentī,​ 35

aut ​pelagō​ Danaum insidiās suspecta​que​ dōna

praecipitāre​ iubent, subiectīs​que​ urere flammīs,

aut terebrāre cavās uterī et temptāre latēbrās.

Scinditur incertum studia in contrāris vulgus.

Prīmus ibi ante omnīs ​magnā​ comitante catervā, 40

Lāocoon ārdēns ​summā​ decurrit ab arce,

et procul: "Ō miserī, quae tanta īnsānia, cīvēs?

Crēditis āvectōs ​hostīs​? Aut ūlla putātis

dōna carēre ​dolīs​ Danaum? Sīc nōtus Ulixēs?"

DIRECTIONS:​ Give the case of each of the following ​bolded ​words.

1. mentī ​(Line 35) case: ___________ case use: __________________

2. pelagō ​(Line 36) case: ___________ case use: __________________

3. hostīs ​(Line 43) case: ___________ case use: __________________

4. dolīs ​(Line 44) case: ___________ case use: __________________

DIRECTIONS: ​Answer the following grammar questions.

5. Explain why​ praecipitāre ​(Line 37) is an infinitive:

6. Find and copy a place where some form of ​sum, esse​ is needed:
DIRECTIONS​: Complete the coordinating conjunction chart for ​underlined​ conjunctions.

Line Connector 1st Same 2nd Same Shared Syntactic Function

36 -que

37 -que

DIRECTIONS​: Complete the adjective and noun-head pair chart for the ​underlined

Line Adjective Noun-head Shared Case

40 magnā

41 summā

Directions: ​Translate the passage below.

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