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1. A building has five entrances. In what number of ways can one enter the building and
leave by a different entrance?

2. With the letters of the word CHOSEN, how many four-letter words can be formed that
end in a vowel?

3. If each of nine boys is to receive a book, how many different distributions can be made
with four identical algebra books and five identical geometry books?

4. How many distinct signals can be made with six flags displayed in vertical order all at
one time, if three are yellow, two are blue, and one is red?

5. How many different committees of four can be chosen in a club having thirty-two

6. In how many different orders can four French, three English, and three German books
be arranged on a shelf so that all the books in each language are together?

7. A white die and a black die are rolled. a) In what number of ways can the dice show
their points? b) How many of these show a total of seven points?

8. If the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are used without repetitions, a) how many numbers
each of five figures can be formed? b) How many end in 25?

9. a) How many different committees of five can be selected from 12 persons? b) If a

certain person is to be included? c) If a certain person is to be excluded?

10. From five black balls and six white balls, how many selections of five balls can be
made so that a) exactly two are black? b) at least two are black?

11. a) What number of different quartets can be selected from six boys and five girls? b)
How many of these quartets consist of two boys and two girls?

12. How many numbers between 20,000 and 40,000 can be made with the five digits 1, 2,
3, 4, and 5 without repeating any digit?

1. = 20 2. = 120 3. = 126

4. = 60 5. = 35960 6. 3!4!3!3! = 5184

7. a) = 36 b)

8. a) = 2520 b) = 60

9. a) = 792 b) = 330 c) = 462

10. a) 2 black: = 200 b) 3 black: = 150; 4

black: = 30;

5 black: 1 way Total = 381

11. a) = 330 b) = 150 12. = 48

1. The marketing department has asked how many product permutations are possible for
a new product. The product will hold three colored balls. In total there are 6 ball colors
available. If balls must be used in all spots, and ball colors can be used more than once
how many permutations are possible? (ans. 216)

2. A worker is packing small cereal boxes into a larger box. If the worker is picking from
a set of 10 different cereal boxes, but can only place 8 in the larger box, how many
combinations are possible? (ans. 45)

3. An assembly operation places two parts a board. There is a 3% chance that part A is
bad, and a 2% chance that part B is bad. What is the chance the board contains a bad
part? (ans. 4.94%)

4. How many ways could 5 operators be assigned to 5 workstations? (ans. 120)

5. How many ways could 8 operators be assigned to 5 workstations? (ans. 6720)

6. There are nine product, each a different color. They are to be put into 3 boxes each
holding 3 products. a) How many unique package arrangements are possible? b) How
many different combinations of packaged products are possible if the position does not
matter? (ans. a) 362,880 b) 1680)

7. An electronics company will assemble circuit boards with interchangeable

components. There are 3 places to mount the components and there are 5 types of
components. Each component type may only be used once. How many different
outcomes are possible? (ans. 60)

8. A toy is being manufactured to have prizes in 2 of 5 slots. How many prize layouts are
possible? (ans. 10)

10. There are 8 machines (A to H) waiting to be shipped. 3 of these will be tested.

a) How many combinations are possible?

b) How many of those combinations contain machine C?

c) How many combinations contain A or H, but not both?

d) If 2 trucks are loaded with 4 machines, how many distributions are possible?

e) Resolve part d) if machine A and B are in the same truck.

(ans. a) 56, b) 21, c) 30, d) 70, e) 15)

11. A carton contains 12 parts, 4 are red and 8 are green.

a) Find the probability that the first part removed is green.

b) If 3 parts are removed what is the probability that all are red?

c) Repeat b) for all green.

d) Repeat b) for one red and 2 green. (ans. a) 2/3, b) 1/55, c) 14/55, d) 28/165

1. Calculate.
2. Find the number of possible outcomes if you toss a coin and rolla dice.
3. Explain the difference between permutations and combinations.
4. How many ways can the letters of the word FORMAT bearranged?
5. How many ways can the letters of the word MATHEMATICS bearranged?
6. You select a president and vice-president from a group of 5students. Find the
number of possible outcomes.
7. You must select a committee of 3 from 12 students. How many
different committees can be formed?
8. How many 3-digit numbers are possible using the digits 0, 1, 4,5, 7 and 9?
9. Find the number of combinations of 7 objects taking 2 at a time.
10. A class has 14 boys and 16 girls. The class has to elect one boy
and one girl to be representatives on a committee. How many
different ways can they select the
11. How many arrangements of three types of flowers are there if
there are 6 types to choose from?
12. If a university student has to choose 2 science classes from 5
available science classes and 3 other classes from a total of 7 other
classes available, how many different groups of classes are there?
13. How many different ways can you have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
in a race with 10 runners?
14. How many ways can 7 people be arranged around a round
15. A license plate has 3 letters and 3 digits in that order. A witness
to a hit and run accident saw the first 2 letters and the last digit. If
the letters and digits can be repeated, how many license plates
must be checked by the police to find the culprit?

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