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E-Officeworx Policy

This continuous improvement policy applies to all E-Officeworx management team including
the departmental managers. The procedures and actions generated from this continuous
improvement policy will be implemented in the broader business of E-Officeworks, business
management, and operations management processes.

E-Officeworx has defined quality as a fundamental part of its policy and strategy and has
adopted management systems based on quality as reference models for the management of
the organization. Continuous improvement principles Continuous improvement is at the key
management strategy of E-Officeworx and covers all the operational aspect of the company.
The continuous improvement activities facilitate organizational excellence for the
improvement of value delivery to all the customers.

Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement” can be described as the ongoing, step-by-step development and
enhancement of all aspects of operations and practices in the delivery of services at E-
Officeworx. The focus is on progressively improving quality and consistency at all levels, in
line with feedback from its customers and other stakeholders.

Commitment to Quality
E-Officeworx is committed to developing and coordinating quality standards and continuous
improvement initiatives across the business.
The objectives of the quality focus include:
 Continual review and improvement of E-Officeworx policies, services, processes and
 Continual review and improvement of customers complaints.
 Consistency of delivery of services to customers.
 Maintaining close contact with employees from all department, customers and other
relevant stakeholders through monitoring and improving satisfaction levels.
 Contributions to the improvement of all quality standards.
 Meeting necessary to meet the industry related standards.

The Scope of continuous improvement principles.

E-Officeworx promotes the application of continuous improvement systems to all its
practices. Evidence of this may be found in the ongoing development of the following types
of documentation:
 Workflow charts and templates
 Employees training and knowledge management strategies
 Employees communication strategies
 Assessment reporting systems

E-Officeworx Policy

 Policies and Procedures

 Process Flows
 Contracts and Agreements
 Reporting Structures

Continuous Improvement model

E-Officeworx key values include a strong commitment to quality, customer service,
sustainability and a satisfied workforce. However, company recently facing the problems of
high employees’ turnover and unsatisfied customers. Staff also face various issues such as
lack of proper training and supporting documentation about the products as well as there are
no formal systems or processes in place for continuous improvement to ensure that the
company meets its overall vision and values.
Plan-Do-Check-Act model:
 E-Officeworks face a lot of challenges and problems, yet company wants to expand
its business. These objectives cannot be meet until E-Officeworx change its
procedures and business model and correct the problem from core.
 To meet all these issue Plan- Do-Check-Act model is suitable for E-Officeworx,
because it includes everyone on organization in process and make aware of them
continuously about the progress and outcomes of the process.
 This model ultimately increases the morale of all employees and the become more
efficient and committed to organizational goal.

Continuous improvement implementation

E-Officeworx employs several processes and strategies to monitor and improve performance
of its operations. These may include, but not be limited to:
 Client satisfaction surveys
 Internal Audits
 Continuous Improvement Working Committees
 Management Reviews
 Management Reporting
 Performance Management Reviews
 Reports Reviews

E-Officeworx Policy

Continuous improvements for staff, customers and suppliers

Collecting and acting upon customer feedback is a must for any business looking to provide
users with the products they need. Customer feedback guides and informs your decision
making and influences your product roadmap. It’s also essential for measuring customer
satisfaction among your current customers.
Ways to collect customer feedback:

 Customer feedback surveys

 Email and customer contact forms
 Usability Tests
 Exploratory customer interviews
 Social media:
 On-site activity (via analytics)
 Comment boxes

Safety and Security:

Safe and secure environment is that where all follow all the procedures and perform the
correct measurements to complete the tasks. Necessary training can be provided to staff and
suppliers when they are on site.
 Wearing gloves
 Safety glasses
 Safety shoes
 Using step ladder for higher shelves
 Using wet floors sigh when required
 No obstacle in front of emergency exits
 Fire extinguishers are up to date

Sustainable environment:
E-officeworx staff need to follow the guidelines and work under the sustainable
environment to make it eco-friendly for everyone. Such as, minimal wastage,
proper usage of resources, a lot of paper and boxes are being used in the process
of delivery and this can be cut down, instead of paper receipts E-officeworx can
always ask customer of provide E-mail so invoices can be sent directly to them.
Usage of unnecessary electricity can be reduced as well. This will not only
reduce the expenses but also will have positive effect of company reputation.

E-Officeworx Policy

Responsibilities for Implementation of Continuous Improvement

Primary responsibility for the effective implementation of Continuous Improvement
processes and strategies lies with general manager of E-Officeworx, the operation manager,
and all staff of company. Where appropriate these groups may include other staff/resources
to improve the quality levels within E-Officeworx.

Continuous Improvement Procedure

This procedure is designed to ensure that the needs, and feedback, of customers, staff,
partners, industry contacts and regulatory bodies are recognised and encompassed in regular
review and improvement of our service standards and the delivery of products across service

Continuous improvement tools

 Cause-effect diagram
 Continuous improvement software
 Revers

External Standards and Applicable law

These Terms of Use are to be construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of NSW,
Australia. Any dispute arising is exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of
Victoria, Australia (including the Federal Court of Australia, NSW Registry). It also places
importance on the relevant professional and practice bodies that assist in the ongoing quality
and improvement of E-Officeworks business.

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