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ATLS gt Pia Airway maintenance with C-spine protection - Assessmentfor signs of airway obstruction = secretion or blood per mouth/nose = stridor = inspection for foreign bodies = facial, mandibular, or tracheal/laryngeal fractures = severe head injuries Resuscitation - rigid suction - jaw-thrust or chin-lift maneuver = oropharyngealor nasopharyngeal Circulation & hemorthage control Level of consciousness, skin color, pulse - Bleeding = external hemorrhage = internal hemorrhage: chest, abdomen, retroperitoneum, pelvis, long bones Resuscitation = direct manual pressure/suture Treat cause - 2large-caliber IV catheters, upper-extremity peripheral IV access - warmed crystalloids, bolus of 1-2 - Chest & neck examination = Auscultation, visual inspection, palpation, percussion - Injuries: tension pneumothorax, flail chest with pulmonary contusion, massive hemothorax, open pneumothorax Resuscitation - O2mask with bag 211 Limin - Treat cause Monitoring - ECG X-ray examinations & Dx studies — AP chest& pelvis airway Lof isotonic solution - ET tube - baseline hematologic studies + = philadephiacollar + inline GM immobilization techniques - UPT Blood gases and/or lactate level Breathing & ventilation Disability — Level of consciousness - Pupillary size & reaction ~_RR, ABG, pulse oximetry, BP Exposure & environmental control — Completely undressed - Keep warm EXOT a ema re i Urinary & gastric catheters — C/l urinary catheters: blood at the urethral meatus, perineal ecchymosis, high-riding or nonpalpable prostate, pelvic | we.ahity stenmqsia wu. 7.04 ae sna - FAST/DPL Consider Need for Patient Transfer ~ Diagnosis fracture plate fracture = Consult - Cll gastric catheters: cribriform 2° survey ~ AMPLE Era - Specialized Dx tests Head-to-toe evaluation =" Additional x-ray examinations of the spine and extremities =_CT scans of the head, chest, ab REE eNe = Continuous monitoring of vital signs and urinary output omen, and spine = Tetanus toxoid - Antibiotic — Relief of severe pain %| we.rhitiy sono si wu. 7.04 aM SN

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