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Nombres: Suarez Rojas Skarlett Pableth

Orjuela Tique Lady Paola

Instruction: Read the following sentences. Identify whether they are in active voice or passive
voice. Then, if they are in passive voice convert them to active voice or if they are in active voice
convert them to the passive voice.

1. Luis has been attacked and robbed by a burglar in the street. PASSIVE VOICE
A burglar has attacked and robbed to Luis in the street  ACTIVE VOICE

2. Have you eaten any potatoes?  ACTIVE VOICE

Has potatoes been eaten by you?  PASSIVE VOICE

3. Have they noticed us?  ACTIVE VOICE

Have we been noticed by them?  PASSIVE VOICE

4. The service has not been included in the bill. 

The service has not been included in the bill

5. Has this road been used by old people very often? 

Have old people used this road very often?

6. All flights have been canceled because of bad weather.  PASSIVE VOICE
Somebody has canceled all flights because of bad weather  ACTIVE VOICE

7. I have just opened the book.  ACTIVE VOICE

The book has been opened just  PASSIVE VOICE

8. Have you sent the documents to the general director?

Have the documents been sent to the general director?

9. We have not received the information sent by our father.

The information has not been sent to us by our father

10. A new shopping center has been built next to our house.

Engineers have built a new shopping center next to our home

11. Has our conversation been recorded by the teacher?  PASSIVE VOICE
Has the teacher recorded our conversation?  ACTIVE VOICE
12. Arturo Escobar has been given with many awards by Argentinian literary committees. 
Argentinian literary committees have given many awards to Arturo Escobar  ACTIVE

13. The cemetery has been damaged by several storms during the last decade.  PASSIVE
several storms have damaged the cementery during the last decade.  ACTIVE VOICE

14. The date of the meeting has been changed by the board members.  PASSIVE VOICE
The board members have changed the date of the meeting  ACTIVE VOICE

15. Jake has not been accused of stealing the money by your parents  PASSIVE VOICE
The parents´s Jake haven´t accused of stealing the money him  ACTIVE VOICE

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