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The Effect of Acoustic Vibration on Forced

Convective Heat Transfer

University o f Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio

In an effort to study the effect of acoustic vibration on forced convective heat transfer, sound
a t resonant frequencies of 198, 256, and 322 c./sec., as well as sound a t nonresonant frequencies,
was imposed on air flowing a t Reynolds numbers of 560 to 5,900 in the core of a horizontal,
double pipe, steam to air, heat exchanger. Increases in Nusselt number of up to 51% in the decrease below a certain critical fre-
nominally laminar region and up to 27% in the nominally turbulent region were obtained. The quency and an irregular increase above
improvement peaked sharply at resonance and increased with both amplitude and resonant it, with the wave form influencing the
frequency. A qualitative dual mechanism is suggested, and correlations for the experimental
critical frequency. Mueller (13) using
results are presented.
a much lower frequency range of 0.038
to 0.25 c./sec. and air flowing at N R s of
In recent years there has been a together with water at N,, of 400 to 53,000 to 77,000 found only a decrease,
growing interest in the effect of vibra- 100,000, found some improvement in which was explained in terms of the
tion or pulsation on transport phenom- the laminar region but virtually none pulsation being below a somewhat
ena. This has been evidenced by the at higher flow rates. On the other hand analogous critical level of disturbance
increasing number of papers which West and Taylor (17) found, increases and hence in the quasisteady region
have appeared on the subject, particu- in h in excess of 60% by applying 1.7 (for which situation a decrease is
larly in liquid-liquid extraction and in pulses/sec. to water flowing at N,, of usually encountered in accordance with
heat transfer. For the latter field a 30,000 to 85,000, but they indicated simple exchanger theory). Morrell (11)
variety of situations have been studied. that no appreciable improvement was derived a semiempirical relationship
A search of the widely scattered liter- obtained for other flow rates. Shirotsuka which was applied to the extreme con-
ature reveals that these have included et al. (16) using a pulsation frequency ditions in a rocket engine with large
natural convection, external forced of 1.7 to 8.3 c./sec. for water at NRe amplitude resonance burning.
convection, aerodynamic or compres- of 3,000 to 22,000 found considerable The disagreement that exists among
sional heating, boiling, and other sys- improvement and offered a dimension- published results is not surprising in
tems, as well as the simple, single less correlation. Linke and Hufschmidt view of the differences among the par-
phase, axial flow, forced convective (7, 8) reported considerable improve- ticular systems, to say nothing of the
heat exchanger. ment, particularly in the laminar region, wide range of vibrational variables in-
In this last category Martinelli et al. for pulsation applied to oil. Robinson volved. Furthermore work has been
(10) using pulsations varying from et al. ( 1 5 ) reported some increase for mostly in the subsonic frequency re-
0.22 to 4.4 c./sec. found little if any ultrasonic vibration of 400,000 c./sec. gion where the quasisteady state or
improvement in heat transfer to water applied to flowing water. proximity to it can negate or compli-
flowing at NRe ranging from 1,000 to For air Havemann et al. (2, 3 ) em- cate any positive vibrational effect. Ac-
10,000. Marchant (9) employing pul- ploying 5 to 40 pulses/sec. and an N R e cordingly the present study was under-
sations of 0.17, 0.42, and 1.0 c./sec., of 5,000 to 35,000 found an irregular taken with frequencies in the acoustic
region. A double-pipe, condensing
steam to air, exchanger was used. Since

vibration can affect both films of a two-


(2 20


400 6 6 lp00 2 4 6 8 IQOOO


Fig. 2. Control runs without vibration.

Page 102 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1961

fluid exchanger, the choice of this par- The driver was actuated through a 20-w. in Figure 2, together with the well
ticular system offers an additional sim- audio amplifier by a variable sinusoidal known Dittus-Boelter equation ( N p r=
plification in that the thermal resistance audio-signal generator. Electrical wave 0.7) for turbulent flow.
of only one film (air) is significant. A form and relative voltage amplitude were
recently reported investigation along indicated by an oscilloscope connected in Acoustic Properties
parallel with the driver. By always main-
somewhat similar lines by Jackson et al. Despite the somewhat complicating
taining a sinusoidal wave form on the attachments, such as the branch tubes
( 5 ) is discussed later. oscilloscope screen this voltage amplitude
was not permitted to exceed the undis- and mixing section which absorbed
EXPERIMENT torted response of the amplifier. Frequency some acoustical energy, and despite the
was simply determined by the setting of superposed steady state air flow, the
An over-all schematic diagram of the the signal generator which in turn had system behaved essentially as a simple
equipment is shown in Figure 1. The been calibrated against the 60 c./sec. line vibrating air column. This was demon-
heated section consisted of a horizontal frequency by means of Lissajous patterns. strated by the traveling pressure probe
25-in. length of 16-B.w.g. copper tubing A water cooling jacket just downstream
with 0.745-in. I.D. concentric with a steam from which curves, such as that of Fig-
from the driver took up the waste heat it ure 3, were developed. Except at or near
jacket of 2-in. steel pipe. Calming sections generated. Comparison of temperatures in-
of the same core I.D. were added, 65 in. resonance no appreciable sound pres-
dicated by the two upstream thermometers
in length upstream and 14 in. in length showed that this cooler functioned satis- sure could be measured. Peaks of the
downstream. They were of Pyrex glass factorily. resonance pressure wave correspond to
rather than metal in order to minimize Amplitude of vibration within the ex- quiescent regions, while troughs cor-
longitudinal wall conduction. For a pre- changer along its entire length was meas- respond to regions of maximum vibrat-
liminary series of runs the downstream ured in terms of the variation in local ing air motion, either positive or nega-
calming section was empty, but for the pressures. For this purpose a traveling 8-ft. tive in direction. Thus the pressure
long pressure probe of l/B-in. O.D. stain-

7 0.7 , , 0 PEAK TUNING



10 20 30 40 50
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340
Fig. 3. Example of variation in local pressure Fig. 5. Typical improvements in heat transfer
olong the heated length of the exchanger. Fig. 4. Typical amplitudes a t maximum sinu- a t maximum sinusoidal voltage input to the
Reynolds number equals 1,440. soidal voltage input to the driver. driver.

main series it was packed with a 4-in. less steel tubing was used. It was connected wave length is half the sound wave
length of coarse stainless steel turnings to to an inclined, open ended, water manom- length.
serve as a mixing section. The entire 104- eter. The probe lay longitudinally along The wave length and frequency of
in. length was insulated with Fiber-glass the bottom of the core with its inlet facing
pads. Air from a service line entered the upstream. Tests with a similar but more sound are reIated by Equation (2). The
system through a calibrated rotameter and slowly responding 1/16-in. O.D. probe condition for resonance in an open
a large surge tank. Tests showed that the gave substantially the same results, indi- ended air column is given by Equa-
tank effectively stabilized the air pressure cating the l/B-in. probe was of sufficiently tion ( 3 ) :
and eliminated any spurious effect of vibra- small diameter not to affect the measure- c = XF (2)
tion on the metering portion of the system. ment or system appreciably.
Temperatures were measured with mer-
cury thermometers as shown. In addition
Steady state was generally achieved
within 30 min. to 2 hr.
-L_ -
- n (3)
A 2
five 24-B.w.g. iron-constantan thermo-
couple junctions were installed downstream RESULTS Now, resonance was obtained a t or very
to give some measure of the radial varia- close to 198, 256, and 322 c./sec. Tak-
tion in outlet temperature for the prelim- Control Runs
ing the veIocity of sound as 1,200 ft./
inary series of runs, as well as to check the Control runs without vibration were sec. a t average experimental conditions,
uniformity of the mixing temperature in first carried out. After the relatively
the main series. One junction was placed and substituting in Equations (2) and
large heat losses to the surroundings ( 3 ) , one can find an effective open
at the axis, one at a position one-third the (measured with runs of zero air flow)
way from axis to wall, one two-thirds the ended vibrating length very nearly
way, and two in the wall. were subtracted, heat balances closed equal to the 112 in. of exchanger plus
Steam throttled down from a service line with an average difference of about calming sections plus driver extension,
was admitted at such a rate that a small 10%. Heat transfer coefficients were with n very close to 3, 4, and 5. Ac-
purge stream continuously flowed out the calculated by Equation (1): cordingly the three resonant frequencies
vent. Condensate was collected or sewered correspond to the third, fourth, and
through a trap. Steam pressure in the an- fifth harmonics respectively.
nulus was nearly atmospheric.
Vibration was imposed on the air stream The first and second harmonics could
at the inlet of the upstream calming section The very small condensing steam film not be obtained owing to driver cutoff
by means of an electromagnetic driver con- and wall resistances were neglected. at low frequencies. Attempts to force
nected to an 8-in. long tubular extension. Results of these control runs are shown the driver only produced a fuzzy tone

Vol. 7, No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 103





828 5

565 4 565

0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2.0

R, LB./FT.' -H, , LBJFT.~

Fig. 6. H e a t transfer with vibration a t 198 c./sec. Control Fig. 8. Heat transfer with vibration a t and near 322 c./sec. Control runs
runs without vibration are indicated for comparison. without vibration are indicated for comparison.

with little vibrational pressure rise in indicates that any conversion of sonic vibratory motion is a disturbance in and
the probe. For the third, fourth, and energy to heat within the exchanger is of itself; Second the vibration acts as
fifth harmonics at a constant voltage in- small compared with the heat trans- a turbulence trigger in the flowing air.
put to the driver the net mean-pressure ferred from steam during the regular For N,, < 2,100, H,and the mini-
amplitude decreased as resonant fre- runs. mum in H , increase with N,, as well as
quency increased. ( H , is an indirect with voltage input. Thus in the nomi-
measure of the disturbance due to vi- Runs with Vibrotion nally laminar region inci-easing N , , ap-
bration at a given frequency and N X e . ) parently increases the influence of vi-
Runs with vibration covered an N,, bration in causing disturbance. This
Figure 4 illustrates this amplitude
decrease for the case where the voltage range of 560 to 5,900 and an 5
of 0.18 accords with the second mechanism. On
input was at the maximum sinusoidal to 4.4 lb./sq. ft. Frequencies were the other hand for N,, > 2,100 increas-
level. This limiting voltage level was mostly those of resonance discussed ing N,, generally decreases some-
independent of frequency. The effect of above and their side bands of 2 6 c./ what and diminishes the crest to trough
slight detuning from resonance by *6 sec. However a few runs at nonresonant values of H,. Thus in the nominally tur-
c./sec. is also illustrated. Raising the frequencies were also carried out. These bulent region increasing the natural
resonant frequency above the fifth har- yielded no significant R,, change in turbulence appears to scatter the stand-
monic decreased zp
still further. This outlet radial temperature profile (pre-
liminary series), or change in h. This
ing wave and diminish its effect.
came about chiefly from the increase in The effect on heat transfer is illus-
loss of sonic energy from the far end was the case even at the maximum trated in Figure 5 for the same typical
of a vibrating air column that accom- sinusoidal voltage input to the driver. runs that are presented in Figure 4.The
panies an increase in resonant fre- Thus without resonance insufficient similarity in many respects with Figure
quency ( 1 2 ) . sonic energy is built up within the ex- 4 itself is evident. Resonant vibration
Some blank runs were carried out at changer to disturb the fluid appreciably increases N , , by as much as 51% for
resonance with high amplitude but with and affect the rate of heat transfer. the region below N R e of 2,100 and by
the steam shut off. For this case the vi- At resonance the vibration causes as much as 27% (not shown) above
bration caused only a small rise in air significant disturbance. This is believed N,, of 2,100. Detuning decreases im-
temperature across the exchanger. This to occur by two mechanisms. First the provement. Further comparison of the



15 15

= 10
2 9
2080 7

0.4 0.6 ae 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0


Fig. 7. Heat transfer with vibration a t and near 256 c./sec. Control runs Fig. 9. Typical cross plot illustrating the effect of resonant
without vibration are indicated for comparison. frequency on the improvement in heat transfer.

Page 104 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1961

0.60 about their respective parent curves in
Figures 7 and 8, in contrast with the
0.50 more marked drops in N,, shown for
these side bands in Figure 5. This
- demonstrates the usefulness of
H,, while it shows the relative insensi-
tivity of N,, to small changes in fre-
0.30 quency at constant H,.
No heat transfer effect due to longi-
tudinal shift, with frequency, of stand-
ing wave location could be isolated,
despite the fact the heated length was
0.10 only of the same order as the length of
the pressure wave. Apparently a still
0 smaller heated length would be re-
0 I 2 4
quired to show any such effect within
(FR, f x 16' LB.' CYCLES* the precision of this experiment.
FT.' SEC.'

Fig. 10. Correlation of results for Reynolds numbers below 1,500. Comparison w i t h L i t e r a t u r e
The work of Jackson et al. mentioned
previously is sufficiently similar to the
two regions shows that for N,, < 2,100 wise present. Only at higher H, and present investigation to warrant some
the improvement at resonance is gener- particularly in the nominally laminar direct comparison. In that study the
ally the greater and for fixed frequency region does the vibratory disturbance effect of acoustic vibration on com-
and voltage input it generally increases become relatively important. bined forced and free convection was
with N R e , particularly at low N R e . For Figure 5 shows that increasing fre- measured in a vertical, double pipe,
N,. > 2,100 the improvement is gener- quency at N,, > 2,100 increases the steam to air, exchanger. Sound, at fre-
ally the lesser and for the same param- improvement in NNU.At N R e < 2,100 quencies ranging from 125 to 2,400 c./
eters decreases with N R e .These obser- this is not the case. However if com- sec. and measured upstream intensities
vations also accord with the two mech- parison is made at the same from of up to 138.6 decibels, was impressed
anisms proposed. Figures 6 to 8 (rather than at the same on air flowing at N,, of 1,170 to 4,750
The use of as a measure of ampli- voltage input from Figure 5 ) , the im- (but with most runs in the approximate
tude reduces the effect of N R e particu- provement generally increases with fre- N,, neighborhood of 2,300). No signifi-
larly in the nominally laminar region. quency in both regions. A representa- cant effect was found at nonresonant
This is shown in Figures -
6, 7, and 8 tive cross plot is shown in Figure 9. frequencies. At resonance improve-
which represent N N r vs. H , for the en- These observations demonstrate the ments in h of up to 120% were re-
tire main series of runs. Tabular pres- utility of gnas a measure of amplitude. ported. These improvements increased
entation of data is also available ( 4 ) . They also accord with the notion of with sound intensity; above N R e of
For fixed frequency and N,,, N,, in- disturbance promotion. Increasing the 2,300 they decreased abruptly with
creases with gp. For N,, < 2,100 the number of times per second that a mo- N n o . These observations are qualita-
effect becomes very pronounced at mentary disturbance of given amplitude tively in accord with those of the pres-
higher values of H,. This is also in ac- occurs is likely to increase the over-all ent study.
cord with the notion of turbulence or effect and hence increase the improve- Jackson et al. also report that for a
ment in heat transfer. given N R e and upstream intensity
disturbance promotion. At low H , the changing the resonant frequency ap-
disturbance contributed by the vibra- Finally the few runs at the side-band
parently has little effect on the im-
tion is small compared with that other- frequencies cluster reasonably well provement in
h, or at most a slightly
inverse effect. This would appear to
contradict the findings of the present
0 256 C. P.S. investigation. However the discrepancy
A 322 C.P.S.
0 may be at least partially explained in
0.25 A SIDEBANDS ON 322 C.P.S. - terms of the very different means em-
ployed to define and measure ampli-
tude, which of course result in different
criteria for constancy of amplitude.
Jackson et al. measured amplitude as
the sound intensity at only one fixed
upstream point. On the other hand in
the present study the amplitude is taken
from the complete pressure wave within
and along the entire heated portion of
the exchanger. This is believed to be a
more representative measure.
As indicated earlier the use of acous-
tic frequencies in the present study pre-
cludes detailed comparison with earlier
heat transfer work in ,the subsonic re-
gion. However to view the present re-
sults in the light of certain investiga-
Fig. 11. Correlation of results for Reynolds numbers above 2,500. tions in acoustics itself (I, 14) is of

Vol. 7 , No. 1 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 105

interest. Such investigations have shown Similarly the term H , F / N a R . in Equa- n = positive integer, dimension-
that resonance within a tube sets up tion ( 5 ) can be generalized dimension- less
stable vortices. Next to the wall there lessly to DBg,w8pz/Vzp3 which can also N,, = Nusselt number, hD/k, di-
is a boundary layer, the thickness of be partly written in terms of the first mensionless
which decreases as frequency increases. = Nusselt number without vi-
Now, it is reasonable to believe that dimensionless group, viz. ( D 4 ~ , w p 2 / p 3 ) bration but at the same NRe
under conditions of a superimposed x (Do/V)'. However these generaliza- as that with vibration, di-
steady flow something of this pattern tions are largely speculative. The re- mensionless
remains if NRs is not too great, while at striction in the present work to a single N,, = Prandtl number, c p p / k , di-
high NRe the natural turbulence de- diameter and a very narrow range of mensionless
stroys the pattern. In any'case the re- physical properties precludes checking N R B = Reynolds number, DVp/p,
sults of the present investigation do not the effect of these variables with the dimensionless
contradict such a physical picture; data at hand. At = temperature rise upon heat-
rather they lend some support. For ex- ing, "F.
ample the increase in heat transfer im- SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS At,,, = logarithmic mean tempera-
provement with frequency accords 1. Acoustic vibration can substan- ture difference between
with a decrease in thickness of the fric- tially improve the rate of forced con- steam and air, O F .
tional layer adjacent to the wall. vective heat transfer, increases of up to V = average linear velocity, ft./
51% in NNUhaving been obtained. hr.
Correlotion 2. The improvement peaks sharply at w = air flow rate, Ib. mass/hr.
Attempts to develop a simple over- resonance and generally increases with Greek Letters
all correlation applicable to the results both amplitude and resonant frequency. CL = dynamic viscosity, lb. mass/
at all NRs proved unsuccessful. The dif- 3. The improvement peaks asym- ft. hr.
ferences between laminar and turbulent metrically at a flow rate below the 3T = 3.14159. . ., dimensionless
flow, as well as the complicated nature nominally critical NRe of 2,100 and is P = density, lb. mass/cu. ft.
of the interaction among variables in generally greater below NRe of 2,100 w = angular frequency, ~ P F ra- ,
the neighborhood of NRs of 2,100, are than above. dians/sec.
too involved. Nevertheless a pair of 4. Amplitude is better measured x = wave length of sound, ft.
correlations have been devised, which along the entire length of the exchanger
together cover the major portion of the rather than at one fixed point. LITERATURE CITED
nominally laminar and turbulent re- 5. The improvement in heat trans- 1. Andrade, E. N. da C., Roy. SOC. Proc.,
gions. fer is believed to result from a dual A134, 445 (1931).
2. Havemann, H. A., and R. N. N.
The correlations give the fractional mechanism of contributory disturbance,
improvements in NNU rather than abso- the first contribution being the vibration
Narayan, Nature, 174, 41 (Tuly
i w j .
" . 3,
lute NNM. As has been pointed out (6) itself and the second its effect as a tur- 3. - . P. Tavochandra. and G. C.
this permits some cancellation of ex- bulence trigger. Garg, J. In&' Inst. Sci., 38B, 172
perimental error and makes for some- 6. Equations ( 4 ) and (5) correlate ( 19g6).
what greater generality. They are the present results over most of the NRe 4. Hwu. C. K.. Ph.D. thesis. Univ. Cin-
shown in Figures 10 and 11. The equa- range. cinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio (August,
tions are as follows: 1959).
ACKNOWLEDGMENT 5. Jackson, T. W., W. B. Harrison, and
For NR. < 1500 The authors wish tu thank Research W. C. Boteler, Trans. Am. SOC. Mech.
Engrs., J . Heat Transfer (Series C ) ,
Corporation for the Frederick Gardner
Cottrell research grant under which a por- 81, 68 (1959).
-- 1 = 1 . 3 10"(F,F)z
~ tion of the experimental work was carried 6. Lemlich, Robert, lnd. Eng. Chem., 47,
(4) 1175 (1955).
N'Nu out. The authors also thank Robert H. Price
for his help with the electrical equipment, 7. Linke, W., Chem. Zng. Tech., 25, 417
For NRe > 2500 Mark Manoff for his assistance with some (19%).
of the calculations, and K. C. Young for 8. - , and W. Hufschmidt, ibid.,
his help in drawing some of the figures. 30, 159 ( 1958).
9. Marchant, J. H., Trans. Am. SOC.
Mech. Engrs., 65, 796 (1943).
NOTATION 10. Martinelli, R. C., L. M. K. Boelter,
The term z F B / N z R , is a measure of the A E. B. Weinberg, and S. Yakabi, ibid.,
= inner heated surface of the p. 789.
ratio of vibrational disturbance to in- core, sq. ft. 11. Morrell, Gerald, Jet Propulsion, 28,
herent turbulence. It shows the de- C = velocity of sound, ft./sec. 829 ( 1958).
crease in vibrational effect as NRs in- c, = heat capacity at constant 12. Morse, P. M., "Vibration and Sound,"
creases above 2,500. Of course care pressure, BTU/lb. mass O F . McGraw-Hill, New York (1948).
should be taken in extending either of D = inner diameter of the core, ft. 13. Mueller, W. K., Jr., Ph.D. thesis,
these correlations much beyond the ex- F = frequency, c./sec. Univ. Illinois, Urbana, Illinois ( 1956).
perimental range of this investigation. h = individual heat transfer co- 14. Rayleigh, Lord, "The Theory of
If the improvement in N,, depends efficient, BTU/hr. sq. ft. "F. Sound," Vol. 2, 2 ed., Dover, New
only on vibrational variables and flow York (1896).
= local pressure rise resulting 15. Robinson, G. C., C. M. McLure, 111,
variables, the term -H,F in Equation from vibration, Ib. force/sq. and R. Hendriks, Tr., Am. Ceram. SOC.
( 4 ) can be generalized by dimensional ft. Bull., 37, 399 (1958).
analysis to the dimensionIess group = root-mean-square (taken 16. Shirotsuka, T., N. Honda, and
D4H,,0pa/$with appropriate change in along the heated length) of Y. Shima, Kagaku-Kikai, 21, 638
the multiplying constant. The relatively H,, lb. force/sq. ft. ( 1957).
17. West, F. B., and A. T. Taylor, Chem.
large positive exponent on D as well as k = thermal conductivity, BTU/
Eng. Progr., 48, 39 (1952).
the sign of the exponents on p and p hr. ft. "F.
Manuscript received February 1 6 1960. revi-
would seem to accord qualitatively with L = effectivelength of a vibrating rion received June 27 1960. viper a&cented
the physical picture mentioned above. air column, ft. luly 1 1960. Paper 'presenied at A.Z.Ch.E.
Washinkon meeting.

Page 106 A.1.Ch.E. Journal March, 1961

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