CMA2: Map Analysis Template

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CMA2: Map Analysis Template

1. Screenshot of CMA2 Subnational Map

Paste the screenshot to your CMA2 Map here:

2. Map Analysis Questions

In approximately 250-500 words, respond to the following set of questions:

1. Identify the portions of the country that have the highest and lowest levels of child
growth failure. Are they rural or urban areas? Has there been conflict or natural disasters
in these areas in recent years? Why might these factors contribute to child growth

The highest levels of child growth failure in Ghana occur in the Upper East and Eastern
regions. The Upper East holds the capital and other major cities in Ghana and the Eastern
region is ranked 3rd in population with over 2 million residents according to
From 1806 to 1896 Ghana was going through the Konkommba-Nanumba conflict that
was fought over a trade dispute and crippled their economy. The lowest level of child
growth failures occur in Greater Accra, a tourist location. This tourism boosts their economy
and as a result we can see the money helps reduce child growth failures.

2. In this exercise, we looked at a different scale, the subnational scale, than the first
mapping exercise. Why is it important to consider multiple scales when studying issues
like hunger? What would we lose in terms of understanding if we only considered the
global scale? Vice-versa, what would we lose if we only looked at the subnational scale?
It is important to consider multiple scales when studying issues like hunger because the
distribution of food around a country can be very disproportionate and some scales may not
bring that to light. If we only considered things like hunger on a global scale, the possible
corruption or progress of a country cannot be properly witnessed. However, if we only look at
the subnational scale of things, we miss out on the big picture when comparing countries to
each other to see what policies work with aiding these problems.

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