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An Optimal Bus Dispatching Model Based on

African Buffalo Algorithm

Zhang Longfei
School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China

Abstract—Bus is an indispensable product of a city, and However, in bus dispatching, in addition to meeting basic
its operation reflects the management level of a city. In bus needs, passenger satisfaction is also an aspect worthy of
dispatching, most schemes only meet the demand of passenger attention. Specifically, in bus dispatching, if the departure
flow, without considering the interests of the bus company and
the satisfaction of passengers. In actual conditions, the two are time interval is large, the profit of the bus company will
often contradictory. How to balance the two interest has become a increase, but the waiting time of passengers will increase and
topic worth discussing. In this paper, we propose a bus scheduling their satisfaction will decrease. Therefore, when conducting
optimization model that takes the interests of the bus company bus dispatch, in addition to meeting basic needs, passenger
and the satisfaction of passengers as the dual goals. The bus satisfaction is also worth considering. In this paper, a bus
departure interval is used as the decision variable, and the
African buffalo optimization (ABO) algorithm is used to solve dispatch optimization model with the dual goals of bus com-
the problem. The results show that the bus departure interval pany profit and passenger satisfaction is proposed. Specifically,
varies with passenger flow. In practical applications, the future the bus operating time is divided into scheduling periods. In
passenger flow can be predicted based on historical data, and different scheduling periods, the passenger flow is different.
then the model mentioned in the paper can be used to solve the For example, there are more people flow in the morning peak
optimal bus dispatch plan.
Index Terms—bus dispatching, optimization model, African
and evening peak of a day, and the departure time interval
buffalo algorithm, dual goals during this time period should be shortened. Therefore, the
public transportation scheduling problem can be regarded as
an optimization problem with the departure time interval in
different scheduling periods as the decision variable.
Bus is an indispensable public product in a city, it is The African buffalo optimization algorithm (ABO) is used
mainly to provide services for citizens to travel. On the one to solve the optimization problem. The ABO algorithm is a
hand, the target of bus services is the public rather than new heuristic algorithm proposed by Julius Odili et al. [3] in
specific individuals, that is, it considers the needs of most 2015. The algorithm is inspired by observing a type of African
people, not the needs of individual people. On the other hand, wild cattle called the African buffalo, which searches for
public transportation generally does not aim at profit, but it pasture in the African forest [3]. African Buffalo Optimization
is not completely free, and its operation also requires costs. is a user-friendly, robust, effective, efficient, and easy-to-
Therefore, the operation of buses must take into account the implement algorithm. ABO solves the problem of premature
two goals of ‘alleviating urban traffic congestion as much as convergence or stagnation by determining the current position
possible’ and ‘making the public as satisfied as possible’. On relative to the best previous position of the animal and the
this basis, bus station layout, route planning, model equipment, current best position of the buffalo and regularly updating the
fare setting, departure frequency, and vehicle scheduling must position of each buffalo. Compared with traditional heuristic
be designed and adjusted according to specific attributes and algorithms such as Ant Colony Optimization [4], Artificial
goals. This is a very complex system problem, reflecting the Bee Colony [5], Genetic Algorithm [6], Particle Swarm Op-
management level of a modern city. Because of the impor- timization [7], it has been proved that the ABO algorithm is
tance, complexity and difficulty of this issue, from traditional superior to them in terms of searching precision, convergence
‘traffic engineering’ to today’s ‘smart city’, it has attracted rate, stability and the avoidance of local optimal value [8].
a lot of theoretical and applied research for a long time,
and has accumulated rich research results and a series of II. M ETHODOLOGY
design standards and specifications . Jean-Mark Rousseau [1] A. Assumption
constructed an optimized model of ”real-time release schedul-
ing”, and proposed a heuristic algorithm to solve the model. In order to clarify the issues to be discussed, we made the
Soeldner [2] proposed a strategy for the implementation of following assumptions:
scheduling control for public transportation, with the purpose 1) The bus line under consideration is determined, which
of compiling a scheduled schedule to minimize the cost of means the length, station distribution, one-way time
passenger travel. The scheduling control strategy includes consumption and operating cost are also determined. In
station parking, empty cars, express cars, and shuttle cars. addition, it is assumed that the fare is a fixed value,
that is, passenger differences and discounts are not Our goal is to make the bus profit as large as possible and
considered; passenger satisfaction as high as possible. In other words, the
2) Taking the departure interval on one side of the route value of formula 4 is as large as possible, and the value of
as the research object, ignoring the difference in total formula 2 is as small as possible. Combining the two, the
passenger flow in the same time period on both sides of objective function can be written as :
the route;
3) The time between the arrival of two vehicles, the time min − α · r + β · sat (3)
of passengers arriving at each station is approximately In the above formula, α and β represent the weight of r and
uniformly distributed, and it does not take into account sat respectively. In general, we set α = β = 0.5, cause bus
that passengers leave due to excessive waiting time; company’s profit and passenger satisfaction are seen as equally
4) Bus operating hours are from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. important. While in some certain circumstances, their value
B. Model can be changed.
Some main symbolic assumptions appearing in the model In actual conditions, if the value of r(t) is too high, the bus
are shown in table I. will be overloaded; if the value of r(t) is too low, the loss
of the bus will be too high. Therefore, the upper and lower
TABLE I: The model nomenclature bounds of r(t) need to be determined :
Notations Defination Lb ≤ N (t) · p − ≤ Up (4)
T (t)
N (t) Passenger flow changes over time
In actual bus dispatching, the dispatching cycle is generally
p ticket price discrete, so assuming that the dispatching cycle is 1 hour, the
c One-way operating cost
above formula can be rewritten as :
21 21
T (t) Departure time interval
X c X T (t)
min − α · [N (t) · p − ]+β·v· [N (t) · ]
T (t) t=6
v Average time value of passengers

Lb lower bounds c
s.t. Lb ≤ N (t) · p − ≤ Up
T (t)
Ub upper bounds (5)
α, β weight

Assuming r is the profit per unit time, time and departure A. The flow of ABO algorithm
interval are both continuous quantities, and the departure time 1) The ABO algorithm first initialize the population. In this
interval at a certain moment is h(t), the rate of change of the case, since the bus operating time is from 6 am to 9 pm,
flow of people over time is N (t). Since N (t) · p is the total the solution dimension is 16. The algorithm randomly
income, and T 1(t) is the number of buses issued in a dispatch assigns a position to each buffalo in the solution space.
period, then the profit per trip is: 2) Then, find the individual in the population with highest
c fitness and each individual’s best position.
r(t) = N (t) · p −
T (t) 3) After that, update each buffalo’s exploitation(‘maaa’)
the total profit is : using Equation 6.
21 m0k = mk + lp 1 (bg − wk ) + lp 2 (bp.k − wk ) (6)
r= [N (t) · p − ]dt (1)
6 T (t)
In the above formula, lp1 and lp2 are learning parame-
To simplify the model, assuming that the arrival time of ters which helps to bias search. bg is the best location
passengers is uniformly distributed, then the average waiting so far found in the population, bp.k is so far the best
time per passenger is T 2(t) , the total waiting time in a unit time location of the the kth buffalo. mk represents the kth
is buffalo’s present exploition location, m0k represents a
T (t)
sat(t) = N (t) · new exploition location of the kth buffalo. wk represents
2 the kth buffalo’s present exploration location.
In order to express the waiting time of passengers in the same 4) In the next step, firstly perform boundary judgment, if it
form as Equation 4. assuming that the time value of each exceeds the boundary value, replace it with the boundary
passenger is v, then for passengers, their satisfaction can be value, then if the buffalo’s new location is better(judg
expressed as by fitness, the smaller, the better), change the current
Z 21 location into the new one.
T (t)
sat = v · N (t) · dt (2) 5) Moreover, updata bg and bg.k.
6 2
Fig. 3: interval of departure

pm respectively, mainly because this is the time period when

people go to work and leave work.
B. Parameter setting
Considering the actual situation of Guangzhou Public Trans-
port, the main parameter settings in the model are shown in
table II.
TABLE II: Parameter setting

Parameter Defination Value

p ticket price 2

c One-way operating cost 200

Fig. 1: ABO flowchart v Average time value of passengers 27.47

Lb Lower bounds 400

Ub Upper bounds 800

lp1 learning parameter 0.7

lp2 learning parameter 0.5

Note: All parameters are set in international standard
units, and the price unit is yuan.

C. Results
Fig. 2: Passenger Flow from to Based on the model and ABO algorithm mentioned in the
paper, using matlab to simulate and finally get the optimal
departure time interval with 1 hour as the scheduling period,
6) Finally, the algorithm updata the location of the buffalo as shown in figure 3.
using Equation 7. As mentioned earlier, the goal of optimization is to make
(wk + mk ) the profit of the bus company as large as possible and the
wk0 = (7)
rand waiting time for passengers as little as possible.
Here, wk0 represents the ‘waaa’ call to explore to a new As shown in figure 4 and figure 5, during the peak period,
location and rand is a random number between 0 to 1. due to the rapid increase in passenger flow, bus profits and
passenger waiting time will increase and decrease accordingly,
The flowchart of the ABO algorithm is shown in figure 1.
but overall, the two are maintained in a relatively balanced
IV. A NALYSIS O F C ASES state, which is in line with expectations.
The data comes from the passenger flow statistics of a In this paper, taking into account both the interests of the bus
certain workday and time period of a bus route in Guangzhou company and the satisfaction of passengers, a bus dispatching
[9]. As can be seen from figure 2, there are mainly two model with the weighted sum of the two as the goal was
peaks in the flow of people in a day, centered at 8 am and 6 established. And the newer African buffalo algorithm was used
[7] Angeline P. Evolutionary optimization versus particle swarm optimiza-
tion: Philosophy and performance differences. Evolutionary Programming
VII. Springer, Berlin. 1998;601–610.
[8] Obaiahnahatti, B.Gireesha. (2018). A Comparative Performance Evalua-
tion of Swarm Intelligence Techniques. 14-20.

Fig. 4: profit

Fig. 5: waiting time

to solve the problem, which improved the speed and accuracy

of the solution.
However, there are still some areas that need improvement.
Scheduling time interval is a little bit big, considering further
reducing the scheduling interval, so that the objective function
value of the scheduling model is further reduced. The model
only gives the results corresponding to working days, and
further considering adding the effect of holidays to the model.
In practical applications, according to historical passenger
flow data, predict the future passenger flow using exponential
smoothing, neural network and other prediction methods, and
then use the model mentioned in the paper to solve the optimal
bus dispatch plan.

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