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Information Writing Assignment # 1

For this project you will be picking a topic that you know a lot about
and then writing a good informational report on it. You will follow the
steps carefully and end up with an interesting write – up about a topic
that you enjoy.

Picking a Topic

The first thing you need to do is choose a topic. Choose a topic that
you know a lot about and find interesting.

My Topic: ____________________________________________

Why I chose this topic:



What are the sub - topics that you are going to include in your project?
Choose 3 – 5 subtopics and write notes about them. Then write a few
notes on what you are going to include in your introduction and
conclusion. In your planning you do not have to write full sentences but
can write in point form. If you prefer to do your plan in a mind map or
some other way staple that paper to this package.
Introduction: _____________________

Subtopic 1: _____________________

Subtopic 2: _____________________

Subtopic 3: _____________________

Subtopic 4: _____________________

Subtopic 5: _____________________

Conclusion: _____________________

Rough Draft

Use your notes to write your first draft. Write in complete sentences
and do your best spelling. Put a heading for your introduction,
conclusion, and each subheading. Write on loose-leaf paper – skipping
lines to leave room for revising and editing.

Revising and Editing

Read carefully through your writing. With a different color pen fix up
your work. Use the Arms and Cups poster and the editing marks poster
to help you do this properly.

Neat Copy

After you have finished your planning, rough draft, and revised and
edited your writing multiple times it is time to start on your neat copy.
For this project you must write out your neat copy into a booklet.
Once your are done your neat copy, you will draw at least one
illustration to go with each subtopic.

Informational Writing Rubric 1
Grade 5 4 3- Grade level 2 1 0
Content The entire writing The writing stayed The writing strayed The writing did not Did not complete
stayed completely on mostly on topic. off topic numerous stick to the topic.
topic. times.

The writing’s content The writing’s content The writing’s content

was completely was accurate and was somewhat The writing’s content
accurate and mostly relevant to inaccurate and was inaccurate and
relevant to the the students life/ somewhat irrelevant irrelevant to the
students life/ interest. to the students student’s life/
interests. life/interest. interest.

The writing’s key The writing’s key The writing’s key The writing’s key
points were written points were written points were written points were written
in a compelling way. in an interesting way. in a monotonous way. in a jumbled and
confusing way.

Organization The writing was The writing was The writing was The writing was There was no
organized in a way mostly organized in a mostly organized in a mostly organized in a organizational
that was completely way that was logical way that was logical. way that was strategies used.
logical and engaging. and engaging. illogical.

The writing included The writing included The writing included

a clearly identifiable an identifiable an introduction, The writing did not
introduction, introduction, subpoints and a include an
subpoints and a subpoints and a conclusion that were identifiable
conclusion. conclusion. somewhat jumbled. introduction,
subpoints or
Conventions Spelling, punctuation, Spelling, punctuation, Spelling, punctuation, Spelling, punctuation, The convention
and capitalization and capitalization and capitalization and capitalization errors made it
was accurate was accurate was somewhat was completely impossible to
throughout the throughout the neat inaccurate inaccurate understand the
entire project. copy. throughout the neat throughout the neat writing.
copy. copy.
Neatness Every part of the Most of the planning The planning and The planning and The planning and
planning and essay and essay was done in essay were somewhat essay were mostly essay were
was done in completely legible illegible. illegible completely illegible
completely legible writing
Sharing with The information was The information was The information was The information was No information was
the class shared in an shared in a clear shared in a somewhat shared in an entirely shared.
extremely clear and way. confusing way. confusing way.
concise way.



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