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Research Project

This project is similar to the last informational writing you did. You will
be writing an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. However,
this one will be longer because you will also be researching. You will
need to cite your sources and type out your final copy.

Step 1: Picking a Topic

The first thing you need to do is choose a topic. Choose a topic that
you find interesting.

My Topic: ____________________________________________

In your opinion, why is this a good topic for you to write about?


What do you want to learn about this topic?


Step 2: Gathering Information

This is one of the most important parts of informational writing. If you

have good notes writing your paragraphs is much easier. There are
many ways you can take notes while researching. You need to find a way
that works best for you. You will be provided with several templates or
you can make your own plan for taking notes. There are a few things
you must include in your notes:

1. Your subtopics
2. Lots of details for each subtopic
3. Where you found your information (citations)

1 2

3 Your own idea:

Explain and get approved before getting started.

_________________________________ Circle which planning guide you are going to use.

_________________________________ 1 2 3
_________________________________ 2
Step 3: Introduction and Conclusion

Your essay must include an introduction and conclusion. Write out your
introduction and conclusion following the planning sheets.

Your introduction must include:

1. A hook – an interesting fact or question

2. Why – why should I read it
3. Thesis – what is your essay about (your subtopics)

Your conclusion must include:

1. A summary (what was your essay about)

2. Where can I learn more

Step 4: Works Cited
A works cited page tells where you found your information. There are specific ways
to format your works cited page. We are using APA citations for this essay. Write
all your sources below. Use this to make a works cited page at the end of your neat
copy. In your neat copy put your sources in alphabetical order.

When citing books:

Author Last Name, Initial. (Year of publication). Title of work: Subtitle. Publisher

_____________, ____. ( ). ________________:

__________. _____________________.

_____________, ____. ( ). ________________:

__________. _____________________.

When citing online sources:

Last name, Initial. (Year, Month Date). Title of page. Site name. URL

_____________, ___. ( ). __________________.

__________________. __________________________________

_____________, ___. ( ). __________________.

__________________. __________________________________

_____________, ___. ( ). __________________.

__________________. _________________________________

Step 5: Rough Copy

For your rough copy you will take all your notes and write them into
organized paragraphs. You must include your introductory and
conclusion paragraph. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence
and concluding sentence. You must first write your rough draft on one
of the sheets provided. After this you will write it onto a loose – leaf

Things to remember for rough copies.

1. Skip lines on your loose leaf – so there is room for editing

2. Write in pen – black or blue
3. Clearly label each subtitle/ heading
4. Each paragraph needs to have
i. Topic sentence
ii. Information sentences
iii. Closing sentence

Step 6: Revising and Editing
Once your rough copy is completely done, you must revise and edit your
writing. Revising makes the writing worth reading. This means you will
read carefully through your writing several times. Use the arms and
cups posters to help you make your writing the best it can possibly be.

After you have proofread and edited your own work you will do peer
editing with a classmate.

Things to remember:

1. Use a different colour pen

2. Mark it clearly
3. Read it many times over

Step 7: Neat Copy

Once your rough copy is completely edited you will type your final copy.
For your final copy you need to include the following:

1. A title page (title, name, date)

2. Each subtopic clearly labeled (including introduction and conclusion)
3. A picture for each subtopic
4. A works cited page

Once your writing is typed out you will need to proofread and edit it at
least 2 more times.

My checklist (everything needs to be handed in)

o Notes/ planning sheets

o Works cited sheets
o Introduction and conclusion sheet
o Rough copy papers
o Rough copy loose leaf that shows your revising and editing
o Your neat copy

Self Evaluation

Read the following statements and give yourself a mark out of 4.

Remember a 3 is a grade 5 level.

Choice of topic 1 2 3 4

Planning 1 2 3 4

Citations 1 2 3 4

Rough copy 1 2 3 4

Introduction 1 2 3 4

Conclusion 1 2 3 4

Conventions 1 2 3 4

Neat copy 1 2 3 4

Explain why you gave yourself those marks:


Informational Writing Rubric 1
Grade 5 4 3- Grade level 2 1 0
Content The entire essay The essay stayed The essay strayed The writing did not Did not complete
stayed completely mostly on topic. off topic numerous stick to the topic.
on topic. times.

The essays content The essays content The essays content

was completely was accurate and was somewhat The essays content
accurate and detailed. inaccurate or was inaccurate.
extremely lacked details
detailed. The research used
The research was The research used was irrelevant.
The research was used to write was somewhat
used to write relevant irrelevant.
completely relevant information The essays key
information. points were written
The essays key in a jumbled and
The essays key The essays key points were written confusing way.
points were written points were written in a monotonous
in a compelling way. in an interesting way.

Organization The essay was The essay was The essay was The essay was There was no
organized in a way mostly organized in mostly organized in mostly organized in a organizational
that was completely a way that was a way that was way that was strategies used.
logical and logical and logical. illogical.
engaging. engaging.

The essay included The essay included The essay included The essay did not
a clearly an identifiable an introduction, include an
identifiable introduction, subpoints and a identifiable
introduction, subpoints and a conclusion that introduction,
subpoints and a conclusion. were somewhat subpoints or
conclusion. jumbled. conclusion. No sources were
Each paragraph Most paragraphs Some paragraphs Most paragraphs
was structured were structured lacked structure. lacked structure.
completely completely Missing topic or Missing topic or
appropriately, using appropriately, using closing sentences. closing sentences
topic sentences and topic sentences and
closing sentences. closing sentences

The sources used The sources used The sources used The sources used
were cited were cited mostly were cited were cited
completely accurately. somewhat inaccurately.
accurately. inaccurately.
Conventions Spelling, Spelling, Spelling, Spelling, punctuation, The convention
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and and capitalization errors made it
capitalization was capitalization was capitalization was was completely impossible to
accurate mostly accurate somewhat inaccurate understand the
throughout the throughout the inaccurate throughout the neat writing.
entire project. neat copy. throughout the copy.
neat copy.

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