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Peach School District Grant Proposal

Clear Touch Panel Professional Development

Visionary Leadership in Instructional Technology

Georgia Southern University - FRIT 7232

Hillary Bishop, Elma Daniel, & April Davis


Peach School District in Georgia consists of nine elementary schools, three middle

schools, and three high schools. The mission of the Peach School District’s Instructional

Technology Department is to support transformative uses of technology that promote student

learning through best teaching practices. The goals set forth in this proposal are designed to

support the integration of technology into the educational process and delivery by supporting the

faculty of Peach School District through training on Clear Touch Panel (CTP) technology. The

target population of this proposal includes all district Technology Integration Specialists (TIS)

and classroom teachers. Faculty expressed a need for further professional learning in using CTP

technology. Through a series of professional learning sessions, district Technology Integration

Specialists will be trained in effective use of CTP technology and will be able to redeliver

training at each school so that all faculty in Peach School District will be fully operational in

CTP usage within the first month of school. After the CTP training, all teachers will be

incorporating CPT technology into their classroom instruction daily. Teachers will be

incorporating and using the International Society for Technology in Education Standards (ISTE)

to enhance their Georgia Performance standards-based instruction to increase student motivation

and achievement. Evaluations by administrators will provide evidence of teacher CPT

technology implementation and student engagement.

Peach School District Technology Development Grant Proposal

Demonstrated Need

Peach School District conducted a needs analysis to determine professional development

in technology that would enhance learning for staff members and facilitate the integration of
technology into classroom instruction in order to better meet ISTE learning standards for

educators and students. As indicated by ISTE standards, educators need the skills and knowledge

to teach, work, and learn in an “increasingly connected global and digital society.”

Needs assessment research was conducted through a collection process of survey data,

faculty interviews, and teacher observations. A lack of confidence and knowledge regarding the

CTP technology was revealed in the needs assessment where 98 percent of teachers surveyed

disclosed they were not trained properly for effective use of CTP technology integration into

instruction. The panels were installed in all classrooms, conference rooms, and media centers

within the Peach School District. CTP users indicated a need for professional development in the

use of the panels to better utilize the various tools of the technology. Other survey results

indicated 79 percent of faculty are only using the panels as projection screens while four percent

are using the technology at optimization to differentiate instruction, enhance student

engagement, and collect student learning data. These findings indicate a district need for further

professional learning on Clear Touch Panels.

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: By August 1, 2020, Peach School District will provide training on Clear Touch Panels to

school Technology Integration Specialists (TIS) using onsite and online training in order to

support educators by providing school-level technology leadership support skilled in Clear

Touch Panel usage. 

Objective 1: District Technology Integration Specialists will receive 8 hours of Clear

Touch Panel introductory training.

Strategy 1.1: District Technology Integration Specialists will receive 6 hours of

introductory Clear Touch Panel training on July 13, 2020 during a dedicated Professional

Learning Day to be provided at the district Professional Learning Training Center.

Strategy 1.2: District Technology Integration Specialists will receive an

additional 2 hours of grade level Clear Touch Panel collaborative training at the

Professional Learning Training Center during the Professional Development portion of

their pre-planning schedule on July 20, 2020. Focus will be on training teachers to use

CTP technology.

Objective 2: On July 27, 2020 District Technology Integration Specialists will complete

one Clear Touch Panel online training module through Clear Touch Academy.

Strategy 2.1: District Technology Integration Specialists will choose and

complete an online training module based on their school’s instructional need.

Objective 3: District Technology Integration Specialists will utilize Clear Touch Panels

when leading pre-planning Professional Learning and throughout the school year. 

Goal 2: By September 1, 2020, all Peach School District faculty will be trained on Clear Touch

Panels utilization using onsite and online training to become highly-skilled, technology-

comfortable 21st Century educators using standards-based instruction.

Objective 1:  Faculty will receive 4 hours of Clear Touch Panel training to be provided at

school during pre-planning.

Strategy 1.1: Teachers will participate in Clear Touch training led by the

Technology Integration Specialist at respective schools during pre-planning Professional

Strategy 1.2: Teachers will participate in their choice of an online training

session through Clear Touch Academy based on instructional needs and grade level.

Objective 2: Teachers will develop differentiated standards-based learning modules

utilizing Clear Touch Panel Technology.

Strategy 2.1: During a dedicated Professional Learning day on August 3, 2020,

content teachers and the Technology Integration Specialist will develop standards-based

lesson plans utilizing Clear Touch Panel technology.

Strategy 2.2: Teachers will deliver lessons between August 10 and August 14,


Strategy 2.3: On August 17, 2020, during a 2 hour professional development

session, teachers and Technology Integration Specialists will perform an analysis of

lesson delivery and troubleshoot any Clear Touch Panel technology issues. 

Plan of Operation

Clear Touch Panel Professional Learning is scheduled to take place utilizing a series of

Professional Learning sessions (Appendix B). The district TIS will be intensively trained on the

panel technology by a CTP expert before redelivering the training at respective schools. Each

school in the district is served by a dedicated Technology Integration Specialist. The CTP

training for the TIS will take place before the school year starts and training for teachers will

take place within the first month of the school year in order for CTP technology to be

implemented for the rest of the year. A Pre- and Post-Professional Development Survey

(Appendix C & D) will be administered to TIS faculty as well as classroom teachers in order to
determine training needs, the effectiveness of CTP training, and to guide further professional

learning sessions.  

CPT Professional Learning will provide learners multiple opportunities to focus on

content, participate in hands-on activities, and integrate CTP skills into daily practice.  In their

nationally sampled study of what makes professional development effective, Garet, Porter,

Desimone, Birman, & Yoon found “core features of professional development activities that

have significant, positive effects on teachers’ self-reported increases in knowledge and skills and

changes in classroom practice: (a) focus on content knowledge; (b) opportunities for active

learning; and (c) coherence with other learning activities” (2001, p. 916). Therefore, the CTP

Professional Learning will be modeled accordingly with a focus on content, active learning, and

coherence with other learning opportunities. Furthermore, “sustained and intensive professional

development is more likely to have an impact, as reported by teachers, than is shorter

professional development. Our results also indicate that professional development that focuses

on academic subject matter (content), gives teachers opportunities for “hands-on” work (active

learning), and is integrated into the daily life of the school (coherence), is more likely to produce

enhanced knowledge and skills” (Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001, p. 935).

The Peach School District TIS will be fully trained in CPT technology by the start of the

school year on August 1, 2020, in order to support the teachers at the schools they serve.

Beginning July 13, 2020, all district TIS will be initially trained in CTP technology in a full day

professional learning session at the district training center. A follow up training will focus on

grade level specific content. The TIS will also utilize online training offered by Clear Touch

Academy. In addition, all professional learning led by the school level TIS will be delivered

using CTP technology.

Within the first month of the school year, all faculty will be trained on Clear Touch Panel

utilization. Faculty will receive 4 hours of on-site training during pre-planning led by their

school TIS based on instructional need as well as grade level. Teachers will then collaborate and

plan differentiated standards-based lesson plans utilizing CTP technology. After delivery of

lessons, teachers and TIS will perform an analysis of lessons and troubleshoot any CTP

technology issues.  

Evaluation Plan

The goal of the Peach School District is to provide professional development training on

the CTP to all TIS and faculty using both onsite and online training modules. After the training,

the TIS will be able to support educators by providing school-level technology leadership

support skilled in CTP usage and consequently allow all faculty to become highly-skilled,

technology-comfortable 21st Century educators using standards-based instruction. The objective

of the training is to ensure that the teachers are incorporating the CTP technology and resources

into their instruction to heighten student motivation and achievement. 

The design of the professional development training was based on the needs assessment

survey which showed that most of the educators were not using the CTP as the district had

intended due to the lack of training (Appendix A). To ensure the training is specifically geared

toward the incorporation of the CTP Technology into instruction, a Pre-Professional

Development Survey (Appendix C)  will be given prior to the training to assess learner

knowledge, experience, skill level, perception, and attitude towards the training. According to

Donald Kirkpatrick's Four Level Evaluation Model, to achieve the goals for the professional

development, the learners must perceive that the knowledge, skills, and resources acquired from

the training will increase student motivation, engagement, and achievement. 

After the onsite and online training has been completed, all teachers in the Peach School

District will be required to incorporate the CTP technology and resources into their instruction

on a daily basis. In order to assess that the learners have achieved the professional learning goals

and have advanced their skills, knowledge, and attitude with regards to the use of the CTP

Technology, a Post-Professional Development Survey (Appendix D) will be administered within

two weeks of completion of the training. Trained teachers will demonstrate effective use of the

CTP technology in the classroom and include detailed use of such instruction in their weekly

submitted lesson plans. In addition to the post-self-assessment, administrators will conduct

performance evaluations to determine if the learners acquired the desired knowledge and skills,

and that they are in fact using the resources and training that was provided by the TIS in their

instructional practices. 

Based on the post-assessment results, ongoing training and collaboration with teachers,

administration, and the TIS will be conducted throughout the school year. This will include small

group and content specific collaboration as well as one-on-one assistance as needed to ensure

improved quality and use of skills and resources acquired in the training is being utilized. 


Total funding requested is $118,480.00.  See Appendix E for complete line item information.

A. Professional Development                                                    Total: $109,900.00

Funding is requested for the cost of a certified Clear Touch Panel trainer who will provide onsite

training for one full session, six hours on July 13, 2020 and two hours on July 20, 2020 for 15
District Technology Integration Specialists.  The cost of the training is $1000 for the certified

trainer and cost for each TIS (15) at $150 is $2250.00 for a total of $3250.00.

The Technology Integration Specialists will then train all Peach School District faculty

on Clear Touch Panels to incorporate into their everyday standards-based instruction. The cost

for each faculty member (711) at $150.00 will total $106,650.00.

B. Supplies and Materials                                                          Total: $8,580.00

During the training, all attendees will receive training materials. The cost for the

materials is $10 per attendee. The total cost for 711 faculty members is $7,110.00.

Flash drives will be provided for each elementary, middle and high school, including

Special education teachers, in order to save Clear Touch Panel lessons and any other electronic

materials. Flash drives will be provided to each grade level at the elementary schools, each grade

level content area at the middle schools, each content area at the high schools, and Special

Education teachers at each school. The cost of 72 (Elementary) flash drives at $10.00 each is

$720.00, 48 (Middle) flash drives is $480.00 and 27 (High) flash drives is $270.00.  The total

cost of 147 flash drives at $10.00 each is $1,470.00.

Other costs

Snacks will be provided during the training for all attendees by the Parent Teacher

Association (PTA). Online resources needed during training are free resources available to

anyone who has registered on the Clear Touch Academy website


Clark, D. (n.d.). Kirkpatrick's Four Level Evaluation Model. Retrieved March 29, 2020, from

Clear Touch Academy. (2020). Retrieved March 20, 2020 from

Garet, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001). What makes

professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers.

American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 915–945.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2020, March 26). ISTE national educational

technology standards.

Winfrey, E.C. (1999). Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation. In B. Hoffman (Ed.),

Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. Retrieved March 24, 2005, from
Appendix A

Technology Training Needs Survey Data

Appendix B 

Professional Learning Schedule

July 13, 2020 Agenda

Time Attendees Activity Goal/Objective

8:00 a.m. District Clear Touch Panel activating Goal 1/ Objective

Technology strategy/sample lesson 1/ Strategy 1.1



8:30 a.m.  District Introduction:  Goal 1/ Objective

Technology -Clear Touch Panel Learning Target 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration overview

Specialists -ISTE Standards overview (teacher and


9:00 a.m. District CTP Basics: Basic functions and tools of Goal 1/ Objective

Technology CTP technology  1/ Strategy 1.1



9:30 a.m.  District CTP scenario - TI Specialists break into Goal 1/ Objective

Technology groups of 4 to complete various lesson 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration planning scenarios using basic functions

Specialists and tools of CPT technology

10:30 a.m. District Groups share CTP lessons created with Goal 1/ Objective

Technology attendees (lessons also saved to shared 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration Google Drive) 


11:00 a.m. District Summary of CTP Basics / Q & A Goal 1/ Objective

Technology 1/ Strategy 1.1



11:30 a.m. Lunch Break

- 1:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m. District CTP Apps & Add-Ons overview by Goal 1/ Objective

Technology certified CPT trainer: A look at helpful apps 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration and add-ons that can be used in a CPT

Specialists classroom - Pear Deck, Flipgrid, Edpuzzle,

Scorative, etc.

1:30 p.m. - District TI Specialists break into grade level teams: Goal 1/ Objective

2:30 p.m. Technology teams will work on grade level lesson files 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration utilizing apps and add-ons to be uploaded to

Specialists shared Google Drive. CPT trainers will be

available for questions and guidance. 

2:30 p.m. - District Summarize grade level files. Recap how to Goal 1/ Objective

3:00 p.m. Technology access shared Google Drive. Complete exit 1/ Strategy 1.1

Integration survey to guide planning of 2 hour pre-

Specialists planning PL.

4 Hour Clear Touch Pre-Planning Training Agenda

Time Attendees Activity Goal/Objective

8:00 Classroom Teachers Clear Touch Panel activating Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. led by District strategy/sample lesson 1/ Strategy 1.1




8:30 Classroom Teachers Introduction:  Goal 2/ Objective

a.m.  led by District -Clear Touch Panel Learning Target 1/ Strategy 1.1

Technology overview

Integration -ISTE Standards overview (teacher

Specialists and student) 

9:00 Classroom Teachers CTP Basics: Basic functions and tools Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. led by District of CTP technology  1/ Strategy 1.1




9:30 Classroom Teachers CTP scenario - TI Specialists break Goal 2/ Objective

a.m.  led by District into groups of 4 to complete various 1/ Strategy 1.1

Technology lesson planning scenarios using basic

Integration functions and tools of CPT technology


10:30 Classroom Teachers Groups share CTP lessons created with Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. led by District attendees (lessons also saved to shared 1/ Strategy 1.1

Technology Google Drive) 



11:00 Classroom Teachers Summary of CTP Basics / Q & A Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. led by District 1/ Strategy 1.1




August 3, 2020 CTP Lesson Development Agenda

Time Attendees Activity Goal/Objective

8:00 Classroom Teachers Introduction of Learning Objectives Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. with school and plan for the day 1/ Strategy 2.3


Integration Specialists

8:30 Classroom Teachers CTP review interactive session Goal 2/ Objective

a.m.  with school sample lesson 1/ Strategy 2.3


Integration Specialists

9:30 Classroom Teachers Teachers break into vertical planning Goal 2/ Objective

a.m.  with school groups based on content speciality. 1/ Strategy 2.3

Technology Teachers and TIS determine standards

Integration Specialists to be aligned with lesson planning

11:00 Classroom Teachers Recap and review Goal 2/ Objective

a.m. with school 1/ Strategy 2.3


Integration Specialists

11:30 Lunch

a.m. -



1:00 Classroom Teachers Teachers break into grade level and Goal 2/ Objective

p.m. with school content groups to create CTP lesson 1/ Strategy 2.3

Technology plans. TIS will rotate from group to

Integration Specialists group to assist with plans. 

3:00 Classroom Teachers Groups upload lessons Drive to shared Goal 2/ Objective

p.m. with school Google Drive/Flash  and reconvene to 1/ Strategy 2.3

Technology discuss ideas and troubleshoot any

Integration Specialists foreseeable issues.  

Timeline of Professional Development

*Teacher Clear Touch Panel 4 hour training to take place during pre-planning as scheduled by

Technology Integration Specialist

Appendix C
Pre-Professional Development Survey
Appendix D
Post-Professional Development Survey
Appendix E


Budget Item Amount Sub-total

a Professional Development

Clear Touch Panel Trainer @ $1000 (1 day) $  


District Technology Integration Specialists: $  

15 (TIS) @ $150 each 2250.00

Teachers: 711 @ $150 each $106,650.0

Total Professional Development expenses $109,900.00

b Supplies and Materials

Clear Touch Panel training materials: 711 $   7,110.00

Attendees @ $10 each

32GB Flash drive @ $10.00 each:

Elementary Schools (Each grade level) x 9 $     720.00
Middle Schools (Grade level and Subject) x 3 $     480.00
High Schools (Subject) x 3 $     270.00

Total Supplies and Materials expenses $   8,580.00

Total Expenses $118,480.00

Total Request $118,480.00

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