Spanish Michael Legend From The Philippines: First Scene: Spanish Tried To Get St. Michael To Ozamis

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Spanish Michael Legend From The Philippines

First Scene: Spanish Tried to get St. Michael to Ozamis

Crew Member(Miggo)
Person 1(Kurt)
Person 2(Bagz)
Mayor (Yvann)

Narrator(Miggy): In the Spanish Times, St. Michael has mistakenly arrived in Iligan
City. When it was supposed to be the Virgin Mary. The Spanish attempted to convey
him in a different location in Ozamis.
Sound Effects: Calmness of The Sea
Crew Member(Miggo): Are we going to proceed Captain?
Captain(Miggy): Ahhhh Yes the calmness of the sea is very soothing to the ears be
prepared we’re ready to set off the sea.
Narrator(Miggy): As They slowly departed the ship they were mesmerized by beauty
of the calm sea. Not realizing that there was a storm coming a head
Person 1(Kurt): Have they departed already?
Person 2(Bagz):Yes sir about 10 minutes ago
Person 1(Kurt):Oh man this is bad
Person 2(Bagz): Why sir, is there a problem?
Person 1(Kurt):There is a storm coming you need to contact the captain now!
Person 2(Bagz):Right away sir!
Sound Effects: Thunder
Captain(Miggy): What is happening the ocean was calm recently is there a storm
coming a head?
Crew Member(Miggo): Should we continue sir?
Captain(Miggy): Of course its our duty to deliver Saint Michael to Ozamis no matter
what happens
Crew Member(Miggo): But Captain the navigator delivered a message to head back
to Iligan because of this Storm
Captain(Miggy): Then we have no choice but to get back to land, why didn’t they inform
us earlier. This is a disaster
Sound Effects: Rough storm sounds
Captain(Miggy): Retreat men head for the port of Iligan
Narrator(Miggy): They have attempted multiple times to transfer St. Michael to
Ozamis but the same thing would always happen an interference always occur. Thus
they have decided St. Michael to stay in Iligan City.
Sound Effects: People gathering and murmuring
Person 1(Kurt): Why are we gathered here?
Person 2(Bagz): I don’t know, I heard a rumor that they were gonna declare a new
Patron Saint in Iligan City
Mayor(Yvann): Listen people of Iligan City, we have attempted to relocate the statue
of Saint Michael to Ozamis City multiple times but every attempt we make there is
always a hindrance in relocating it so we the authorities have decided that St.
Michael will stay in here as the Patron Saint of Iligan City because we believe that He
is destined to be the protector of this City.
Person 1(Kurt): That’s some great news we have a new Patron Saint
Person 2(Bagz): Yes you are right we should celebrate for his coming
Mayor(Yvann): So rejoice for our new Patron Saint of Iligan City and get ready for we
are gathering a feast for the arrival of Saint Michael. Viva Senior San Miguel
Sound Effects: people rejoicing Viva! Senior San Miguel!
Second Scene: Moros Invasion
Moro Raid Moro Leader/Person 1- Miggo (Miggo)
Moro Member 1/Person 2 - Yvann (Yvann)
Moro Member 2 - Kurt
Moro Member 3 - Ryan(Bagz)
Scene 2 Iligan City Narrator/Mayor - Miggy(Miggy)
Moro Leader/Person 1 - (Miggo)
Moro Member 1/ Person 2 - Yvann(Yvann)
Person 3- Kurt(Kurt)
Moro Member 2.1 - Ryan(Bagz)

Narrator(Miggy): The Moros were invading places in Mindanao, killing people and
abducting children.
Sound Effects: People Screaming, Children Crying
Person1(Miggo): Please don’t kill me!!! Please don’t hurt my family!!!
Moros2(Kurt): (Laughing) We will kill you and we will kill your family! We will kill you
Sound Effects: Gunshots, Swords Clashing and Slashing
Person 1(Miggo): (Intense Screaming) I am going to die!! (death)
Narrator(Miggy): As the People of Iligan City heard of the Moros who raided and
invade places, they were frightened that they may attack Iligan City. They prayed to
St. Michael for the protection of Iligan City.
Sound Effects: St Michael Prayer
Person1(Miggo): Oh, our powerful patron saint of Iligan City St. Michael, please guide
us in this time when the Moros are to attack Iligan City, please protect us with all
your strength and might….
Person2(Yvann): St. Michael please protect my family and my love ones from the
Moros, please help us…..
Person3(Kurt): St. Michael I pray to you guide us with your power….
Narrator(Miggy): St. Michael heard the people’s prayers and created a miracle. He
covered Iligan City with water because of this the Moros were unable to locate and
invade Iligan City.
Sound Effects: Intense War Plan effect type
Moros Leader(Miggo): Our next place to invade will be Iligan City, we have lots of
people to kill. It is crazy that the people of Iligan City are praying to their Patron Saint
who is, Saint Michael, who is just mere statue.
Sound Effects: Moro People Laughing
Moros Leader(Miggo): Sleep well as of now because we are going to need all of our
strength for tomorrow
Moros2.1(Bagz): (Laughs) Well, that is no problem!
Sound effects: Waterfalls and Water splashing Background
Moros Leader(Miggo): It has been a while that we are still roaming around! Where is
the location towards Iligan City!?
Moros2.1(Bagz): It is supposed to be here, but all we can see is water, water
Moros Leader(Miggo): Are you making a fool out of me!?
Sound Effects: Sword Slash Sound Effect (Killing a fellow Moro)
Moros2.1(Bagz) : It is not here; it is not here on the map!
Moros Leader(Miggo): (Shocked/ Shaky voice) I sense that this is the power of their
Patron Saint, St. Michael, retreat now I sense great danger. We shall not invade Iligan
as I can sense their city is under their protection of their Saint.
Narrator(Miggy): As the people heard that the Moros were unable to locate Iligan
City. They triumph for the savior who heard their prayers were St. Michael.
Mayor(Miggy): We are now safe; the Moros are not able to locate our city!!
Person1(Miggo): Is this real that this is the power of St. Michael?
Mayor(Miggy): Through our efforts of praying to St. Michael, he has heard our
prayers and answered it through the form of a miracle for us. Rejoice to our All-
knowing Patron Saint St. Michael of Iligan City!!
Sound Effects: Viva! Senior San Miguel!
Third Scene: World War II Japanese Bomb attack
Narrator: (Bagz)
General/Radio: :(Miggy)
Soldier/Japanese bomber pilot: (Miggo)
Person 1: (Kurt)
Person 2/Japanese Air General:(Yvann)

Narrator(Bagz): It is World War II; Japanese launched a surprise attack in the

Philippines and was landing ground troops in both north and south of Manila. When
the people new about this they spread the news all over the Philippines to be
prepared for World War II.
[Sound effects war]
General(Miggy): Inform the men and the citizens of the surprise attack, ready
defenses. The people in office have declared Manila to be an open city.
Soldier(Miggo): Is this really happening, war?
General(Miggy): Clearly! What has happened to your mind, this is not a drill! Ready
for the next war, inform all units and high command back in the USA.
Soldier(Miggo): Automatic sir!
Narrator(Bagz): When the People of Iligan City Heard about the news. They were
frightened for world war II and were praying for the guidance of St. Michael
[Sound effects radio news].
Radio(Miggy): Attention all citizens and units, we are no undergoing a crisis of a war,
this is not a drill! I repeat this is not a drill. Civilians prepare to hide while the military
fights. We have declared Manila an open city! Let us not get defeated, for the best!
Person1(Kurt): Oh noes!? War? Why is this?
Person 2(Yvann): I do not know, let us pray for this disaster. What even is this going
Person1(Kurt): Let us pray to God that he may send St Michael to save us.
[Bell sounds]
Narrator(Bagz) : When the Japanese were attacking the Philippines, they were
attempting to attack Iligan City but because of the Power of The Patron Saint they
were unable to find Iligan City
Sound Effects: airplane and gunshots.
Japanese bomber pilot(Miggo): Where do we attack sir!
Japanese Air General(Yvann): Look for Iligan City, you know the place? It’s a good
place that we need to siege.
Japanese bomber pilot(Miggo): Sir, yes sir!
[Insert plane noises].
Japanese Air General(Yvann): What can you see?
Japanese bomber pilot(Miggo): I cannot see sir, it that place real? All I see are water
and dark clouds.
Japanese Air General(Yvann): I thought you were well versed in the region, return to
Japanese bomber pilot(Miggo): Right away sir!
Fourth Scene: Fiesta
Person 1: (Kurt)
Event Announcer:(Miggo)

Narrator(Miggy): St Michael has brought miracles into this city. The Iliganons were
honored to have St Michael as the protector of this city and they praised the All
powerful Patron Saint St. Michael. They have made a day for St. Michael or so called
a feast that is held every 29 of September.
Person1(Kurt): What day is it today why is it so crowded?
Person2(Bagz) : You don’t know its the day of our Patron Saint St. Michael. He is the
protector of Iligan City, he has created miracles multiple time such as saving Iligan
City from the invasion of Moros and saving Iligan City from the World war II Japanese
bombing. He has heard our prayers and answered them because of this we worship
him and praise him
Person1(Kurt): Oh really Wow! Now I know the all powerful St. Michael of Iligan City
Person2(Bagz) : Get ready the Mayor is delivering a speech
Mayor(Yvann): We gather here today in celebration of our Patron Saint St. Michael
the Archangel. We continue to thank him for the protection that he has provided for
us Iliganons from the past until today. We thank everyone who has come here today
to join us in this annual celebration. May you all continue to enjoy the spectacular
activities and events organized for this year. Thank you and mabuhay si Señor San
Sound Effects: Street bands playing, Cheers and Shouts from the Crowd
Crowd: Mabuhay!
Crowd: Viva Sr. San Miguel!!!!
Crowd: Viva!!!!
Sound Effects: Street bands playing, Cheers and Shouts from the Crowd

Event Announcer(Miggo): Thank you for that message, Mayor. And now, for the most
awaited event, the Dance Showdown!
Sound Effects: dance showdown

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