Script For Modal Verbs Skit

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Script for modal verbs skit

Topic: Who are you? I am you.


Jasmine- a soft and smiley girl from England who loves to learn about the happenings in the world.

Ira- the girl who rebels, she breaks rules and she is American born in England.


Ira is the alternative person of jasmine; they are both in the same country but different worlds what if
you meet someone who looks like you but acts different? So how did it happen?

Jasmine went to her grandma to pay a visit and spend time with her, after hours with spending time
with her grandma. Her grandma offered her something to eat it was chocolates Jasmine loves
chocolates, she accepted it and ate it before going back home. She kept a little to have it as a snack for
later after that she went home and she suddenly felt dizzy, her head was hurting with that she went to
her room to take some rest… this is where it starts.

“Ah my head hurts! Bloody hell! Where am i?”

“Finally you’re awake! Could you move? This is my spot.”

“First of all who are you? I know how to fight I can take you down!”

“Hey hey no fighting I just asked you to move”

“Hold on why do you look so familiar? You must be someone I know”

“You look familiar too but I can’t remember who you are”

“I know who you are! You look like me?”

“Can you please elaborate? I look like you?”

“Yeah? I mean-“

“I told you to move right? Can you just please move or I might push you”

“I’ll move Barmy girl”

“You have a different accent. You must be from another country.”

“No. I’m not from a different country”

“And could you please go away or just shut up?”

“Why? I can speak whenever I want”

“I told you to go away! Leave me alone! How many times I should tell you to leave?”

“God ok no need to get mad I can leave now”

“Now leave. I thought you can’t hear me”

Jasmine walks away when she noticed her things weren’t with her

“Oi wait! do you know where’s my stuff?”

“Why are you asking me that? You might be a thief.”

“no no no I just need your help, can you help me?”

“And why should I help you?”

“Because I don’t know? Please help me I just need to know where my stuff is, I need my mobile phone
to call someone or please you have to help me get out of this place”

“Are you crazy or something? Why would I help you? I told you to go away right.”

“You should know where to go, you’re from here right based from your accent”


“What did you say?”

Jasmine walks to a different area to see a lady with a phone

“Good morning may I borrow your mobile phone for a second ma’am?”

Me: “Alright?”

You: “I’m good and you?”

Me: “Tal do you know what’s happening could you explain?”

You: “Calm down stop rambling and who are you?”

Me: “It’s jasmine! Your friend! Please help me I can’t understand what’s happening”

You: “I’m sorry but I don’t know you and I can’t understand what you are saying right now”

Me: “What? You’re my best mate why would you say that”

You: “If you could just tell me who you are and what is happening maybe I could help you”

Me: “Why can’t you remember me?”

You: “Because I don’t know who you are!”

Me: “How many times must I tell you that I am you’re friend and I’m lost, I only know you’re contact

You: “I’m sorry but I can’t trust you that easy, you must be someone that knows me but I don’t know
who you are”

Crystal ended the call

“I shall find a way to go back to my flat”

“……..and I must find my stuff”

hours have passed and she’s back to where she left

“Holy you’re still here!”

“It’s been hours and you’re back here”

“Can you please help me for the last time please help me?”

Ira felt bad for the girl standing in front of her



“Could you stop being that excited?”

“Hey,Can you tell me where are we going?”

“In my apartment”

“You mean flat?”

“When will you stop?”

“I’m sorry”

“I forgot to ask your name”

“I’m Jasmine”



pause to walking

“Hold on, can you tell me why are we in my flat?”

“This is my apartment?”

“But this is my flat, can’t you see there’s a lift”

“How do you know that? It was the secret for old stayers here”

“Because I stay here?”

“Whatever, let’s go”

“Blimey girl” Jasmine rolled her eyes

“You should take off your shoes before going in!”

“This is my apartment I don’t care”

“Ira, can you stop being so rude”


Jasmine felt dizzy as she was near at the Ira’s bedroom

“Hey, can you pass me some water please?”



Jasmine passed out after that Ira passed out as well

“Argh! Where am I?”

“I’m in my bed?”

“What happened?”

“Where’s Ira?”

camera action lol zoooom

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