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Anywhere and Everywhere

- Anywhere : Satu tempat atau lebih secara individu/kesatuan
- Everywhere : Semua tempat secara keseluruhan
I looked for my glasses everywhere but I couldn’t find them anywhere
- Anywhere : Salah satu tempat tapi lokasinya tdk penting
- Everywhere : Dimana-mana
I wanna live anywhere in Bali (suatu tempat di Bali)

Anywhere is used to for negatives

I don’t see my dog anywhere

I couldn’t find them anywhere

Anywhere is used for interrogative (pertanyaan)

Is there anywhere that I coud get coffe?

Did you see my dog anywhere

Do you know anywhere in Bali that rents bike?

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

0% 10-20% 50% 75% 100%

2. In, On atau At ? (Preparation Of Place)

1. In
- Utk ruangan yang tertutup (apapun yang tertutup/dikelilingi oleh pembatas)
In the parking lot
In the box

In the bedroom

In the living room

In the kitchen

In the bag
In the forest
- Untuk Kota
I live in Jakarta

In the village
In my home town
Surabaya is located in East Java

Jakarta is located in West Java

- Untuk mobil/taxi
In the car

In the taxi
- For Picture
I wanna be in the picture
She looks good in the picture

- Bed
It’s 6 AM and I still in bed
- Kursi yang ada tangannya
We sitting in the couch
2. On
- Permukaan
On the wall
The painting is on the wall

I’m standing on the floor

On the table
On the ceiling
- Sesuatu yang menempel pada sesuatu yang lain
I’m wearing a watch on my wrist
I’m wearing a belt on my waist

She wears a ring on her finger

- Arah/posisi sesuatu
On the North
On the South

On the Left
On the right
- Alamat
He lives on Jalan Jaksa

We were just driving on 5​th​ Avenue

- Transportasi Umum
On the bus
On the plane

On the train
On the MRT

On the Subway
On the Radio

On the television
3. At (Lokasi yang spesifik​)
At home
At the hotel
- Event
I’m at the meeting

I’m at a party

Joko is at a wedding

​ reposition of time
3. P
1. ​At (Waktu Spesifik)
I have a meeting at 2 P.M
My driving test at 7:30 in the morning

At noon (jam 12 siang tepat)

I’m gonna eat lunch at noon

At midnight (Jam 12 malam tepat)

Tomorrow i have to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning

At night
2. In
- Bulan
In January
- Tahun
My husband and I got married in 2013
- Abad
We live in the 21​st​ century
- Musim
In the winter

In the rainy season

In dry season
3. On
- Hari
On Monday
- Tanggal
Indonesia independent day is on August 17

I was born on June 09

- Hari-hari besar
On my birthday

On Christmas day
On easter
4. Should, Must or Have to (Modals Verbs)
1. Must (yang paling kuat) (level kewajiban) (harus banget)
- Mengekspresikan saran yang wajib dilakukan
You must go to the doctor, you look very pale

He must come here now, his wife is about to go to labor

- Menyatakan anturan yang formal
Passenger must present ticket and passport
Attendants must till out the forms

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