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“YEAR 1 oe | e " AGEITY 800K ~\ EN RUKUN NEGARA Bahawasanya Negara Kita Malaysia mendukung cita-cita hendak; Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat dalam kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya; Memelihara satu cara hidup demokrasi; Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adil di mana kemakmuran negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama; Menjamin satu cara yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan pelbagai corak; Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan teknologi moden; MAKA KAMI, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut: KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA KELUHURAN PERLEMBAGAAN KEDAULATAN UNDANG-UNDANG KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN (Sumber: Jabatan Penerangan, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia) 2 Lee Thum Eng { s ( 3 5 ) Editors Se “Goh Chieh Jou — ENGLISH. WEAIR SEKOLAH JENIS KEBANGSAAN ACTIVITY BOOK * > Yoong Yut Lan Hazlia Azila binti Illias Designer "Ng Peck Foong [ = Illustrator Tan Kek You PERCETAKAN RINA SDN. BHD. oe NO. SIRI BUKU: 0150 KPM2016 ISBN 978-967-14509-2-5 First Printing 2016 © Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored for future retrieval, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying or recording without the prior permission of Director-General of Education Malaysia, Ministry of Education Malaysia. Negotiation is subject to royalty or honorarium. Published for the Ministry of Education Malaysia by: Percetakan Rina Sdn. Bhd. (31964-x) Lot 45, Persiaran Mewah, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603-9172 1444/ 388/ 339 Fax: 603-9172 1421 Designed and Typeset by Percetakan Ring Sdn. Bhd. (31¢64-x) Tex! Typeface: KBSR Text Typeface Size: 18 point Printed by: Percetakan Rina Sdn. Bhd. (31964-x) Lot 45, Persiaran Mewah, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. Acknowledgements; The publication of this textbook involves the cooperation of many parties. We would like to express our appreciation ‘and thanks to all the parties involved: * Officers of the Textbook Division and the Curriculum Development Division, Ministry of Educa'ion Malaysia. * Evaluation Panel, Textbook Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia. + Panel of Readers, Textbook Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia. CONT ENTS ‘UNIT (!) UNIT (2) UNIT(S) UNIT (4) UNIT(S) UNIT) PREWRITING cocoon | 6 1 CAN HEAR... 7-12 WHAT DO YOU SAY? weuol3 = 16 NICE TO MEET YOU........... 17-22 TRY AGAIN [cnn 3 MOVE AHEAD 1... 24 USE YOUR TIME WELL......25 — 30 MY HAPPY FAMILY.............31 — 36 STORY TIME oo... cccsessnnsennn37 — 42 4 TRY AGAIN 2... aie ecto a MOVE AHEAD 2.0... 44 OUR COLOURFUL - WORLD an 45-48 ~~ ) OUR CLASSROOM... 4g — 54 ye 1 CAN COUNT. TRY AGAIN 8 .ccnsen 5d MOVE AHEAD 3 UNIT) HAPPY BIRTHDAY.......... UNTER) ARE YOU HUNGRY? UNIT) STORY TIME AGAIN.......... TRY AGAIN 4. MOVE AHEAD 4..... UNITS) 1 LOOK GOOD. essen UNIT) GETTING DRESSED... UNIS) WHERE ARE YOU GOING? = TRY AGAIN 5... MOVE AHEAD 5. UNI) ALL ABOUT MONEY........99-104 UNIT?) KEEP THE PLACE Sane CLEANSERS). 2U0. Tose 10 UNIT(S) WE LOVE MALAYSIA... TRY AGAIN 6. MOVE AHEAD 6............ Hll-114 * fo use their fingers to practise forming the above lines in the ans 2 sandbox before: ‘the pencil. os = Getp “Ss to use their fingers to practise forming the above lines in the air or in a sandbox before using the pencil. Sag. om Date: pe Get pupils fo use their fingers to practise forming the above lines in the \ ir or in « sandbox before using the pencil = Day: Date: Bisay and trace. gs Gel pupils fo repeat after the teacher the letters of the alphabel. At random, name @ letter and get pupils to repeat afler Ihe teacher. Get pupils to use their fingers to practise forming the letters in the air ~ before using the pencil to trace the letters, Pay: a Date: pi soy and trace. * Get pubilto repeat alter the teacher the letters of the alphabet. At random, name a letter and get pupils to repeat after the teacher. Get "pupils to use their fingers to practise forming the letters in the oir ®> before using the pencil to trace the letters. 2 Days ania Date: = What is it? Listen and say. Join the letters and colour. A {Tedcher’s Hotes): St ‘Say the letters of the alphabet in sequence. Get pupils 1o name the 26 tt letters in the alphabet. After pupils have joined the dots, get them to <4 talk about what the picture is = Date: Dat sma Date: 2 drumming 3 whistling “25 cymbals clashing oO ay: Date: a Read and find the animals. Ee => 2 g eS Ss 8 ec ) ) 7 [Le U Rie E "3 | ia ; { { < f & ( at ¢ { 4 ‘ 4 oy: Date: G ‘ead. Match. D R © we aaa ‘A cat meows. So oe ~ eed Ning A bird chirps. HS @ A duck quacks. @® S A frog croaks. 42s E Pp 10) Day: E Date: Day: Du Date: GY Trace and colour. Make a book. My Book of Animal Sounds Make copies of the above. Pupils trace the words and colour the pictures. Then, they cut along the dotted lines. Staple the pages ogethier to make a book. eA me Date: BE Liston and tick (/). © a i yi == 35" Choose any one of the two pictures given. Say the greeting SUGAR eg. | Good momning Bee ae os Pay: a Date: em the pictures that begin with the ‘s’ sound. “Ba € a Date: peoe and tick (V). PSccukee cance eas c & a Goodnight. «0.00.0. ‘Cm @) Good afternoon Good evening..............++ @) Good afternoon............. Good morning, «..........--. i te es a simr Date: jg: NICE| TO MEET YOU Bi Listen and number. EES, gr, Se ee eo8 io, Lam Tor your name? 2 My name is Andy. a) jeet you. Pupils listen and number the corresponding speech Be bu ee uupils oct out the exchanges. a} Daie: Pupils colour he pictures that begin with the‘ sound. Say the words according to the ‘a’ sound and then the ‘t' sound. Pupils to repeat after the teacher. kis Day: Date: = Listen. Write ‘a’ or ‘T. ® @ ap 5 as Se ® ya ce Read the ae loud, Pupils write ‘o or". page Read aloud the words according fo the ‘a’ sound and then the ‘t sound. Gh “wi. < Get punils to read aloud after the teacher. Date: Tam Alex. Nice to meet you. [I live at 10, Jalan Tapir. \ ae fa Put a tick (VW) or a cross (xX). @® Tom meets Alex. @) Alex lives at 2, Jalan Tulus. Tom lives at 10, Jalan Tulus. # Alex’s house is at the playground. es ia) Day: Date: __ Trace. Circle the full stops and capital letters. ( My name is Lily. Pay: am Date: al) ems Date: LO ) ry “ERY AGAIN @) Sr j Reod and match. Good evening. Biki lives in Taman Ara. Rqj lives at 3, Jalan Sa. Good afternoon. Pay: aim) Date: (MOVE AHEAD @) <8 ——— rors? a Write. Use full stops and capital letters. ) hello, 1am sam 2) my name is arif ® nice to meet you @ alan lives in taman jaya 6 you are mala you are my friend Pa): =a Date: ag Listen and number. Tere, . a ‘Say the cotivity. Pupils listen and number the picture. | | ride my bicycle help my mother 93 do my homework = 1” & play football Swatch television 6 go swimming i Ane Date: iy. Write ‘p’ or ‘7’. Day: Read. Tick (/) the correct answer. ont ah sec = COG iday. i er Fil P i Aida rides her bicycle on : Thursday. Day: Read. He plays football. He rides his bicycle. ey, Jim Evan - Complete the table. He reads books. He goes swimming. Date: eS goes swimming. She waters the eS She rides her bicycle. She reads books. Name Activities reads books Evo goes swimming Nina Lily ne (nk ed reason i 22 ee Bay. Siu Date: & What do they do? Write. oo @ Iride my bicycle on ® I help my mother on ® 1 7) Bayo on Ton Mihursday, I on Saturday. Date: Le ae ‘ ey &. pay e A Is this Wei Li’s family? Pick one picture to be Wei Li's fomily and say (¢.9. Picture 1) This is Wei Li's family. His father’s nome is Kang Ming. He likes to read. His mother's name is Mei Hua. She likes to water the plants. His brother's name is Wei Wen. He likes to take naps. Wei Li likes to ride his bicycle.” @S Day: Du Date: geil in the blanks with ‘m’, ‘n’ or ‘d’. Say the words. Say: sr Date: § Read. Write their names. This is my family. My father’s name is Deva. My mother’s name is Mala. ) | Thave a brother and a sister. | Mina is my sister and Dev is my brother. _ We love one another. We are a happy family. oe) Rani poy: sro Date: @ My Iikes to swim. @ my _________ likes to watch television. @ My Tikes to ride her bicycle. @ My __________ likes to cook. aa Date: Match and write. ~ My sister ‘= likes to read books. My mother likes to play football. My brother likes to go swimming. My mother My brother eae My sister Day: = sim Date: Number the pictures. Metihg Ags URES “=~ Explain the pictures and steps in the making of the above puppets. 7} Got pupils to use the finger puppets they Nave made and redd the Tak, thume in the textbook again. ell t SET fo aS class. Make statements related to the story. Pupils answer 'Yes' or 'N Sa | The hunt. ware scot bend Day: err Date: Circle in black the pictures with the ‘g’ sound. Circle in red the pictures with the ‘o’ sound. aa; ens Date: Read. Circle the answer. The Kind Birds The Clever Cats yes Se by Ravi Rao | Illustrator: Joe Zhen by Tan Li Li Illustrated by Adi Amir by Jim Diaz Illustrated by Zia Arif Bay: ero Date: Read. paterson © It is a hot day. Tam thirsty. The crow puts: Besmall stones oe Put a tick (V) or a cross (x). @ It is a hot day. 3) ® The crow wants to eat some food. ha) @®@) At first, the crow is sad. Cia @® The crow puts sand in the jar. C) © 6) The crow is clever. x ao) Te Date: y race. : ay: T Day: = Date: Draw a cover for your favourite book. > ‘Sal be Get pupils to display the covers in class and to talk about the books they have chosen. Day: Date: OO ay again Q) 2 Who are they? Read and write their names. \ Igo swimming on Monday. I play football | _ on Saturday. i Arif Kevin T ride my bicycle on Sunday. I help my mother on Friday. Li Jun Arul Day: a Date: move anno QO) 3 Author: Lee Li Ming . Illustrator: Manu Raj { @ The title of the book is (@) The writer of the book is _ =p Cc) =— — is the person who draws the pictures. The story is about a = 6 and his ria Face a ‘an object. Give instructions, e.g. Colour the cat black. ils colour the object accordingly, Boy: ro Date: ge Soy aloud. Write ‘c’ or ‘kK. GA write ‘ce’ or ‘k’. Say aloud. The __ake, the __up, the __ap, the __ite, the __ey and the ——oat are in the __ar. Read and colour. is a hot day. ina is in her garden. The sky is blue. The sun is yellow. The grass is green. The flowers are red. There are birds in the garden. The birds are black. Nina sees a little frog. The frog is green. Day: a and wrife. Colour. ® snake Ga. Date: Pay: Sia Date: Say aloud. Join and write. ® u @ ame duck we d a ck LIV ‘et pupils to nome the object. Pupils repeat the sound of each ; letter as teacher segments the word. Say: om Date: Read and group. €& Things) in the: Classroom, Date: ) =| My tuler is in the bag. My bag is under the desk. My book is under the bag. | 7 My bag is on the desk. Ebin a Date: on pen table The is the ruler the The is desk on es Day: Fo" Write a song. Where's the Where's It is on Here it is. Please tell me. Date: Aa sing the song to the class. * isn Listen and circle. ~@ two @ six | @) nine @ fifteen © eight © fifth @) third 8) seventh sixth 0 fifth ie ten three nineteen fourteen eighth five first ninth fourth sixth twenty seven thirteen four eighteen fifteen i e second rh x 4 eighth &: tenth 43: l o ninth Bay: sip Date: Circle the pictures with the ‘r sound, red. Circle the pictures with the ‘u’ sound, black. Dau: Read. The children are at a park. Three boys run a race. Three girls ride their bicycles. Four boys ride their bicycles too Five girls play on the swings. Answer the questions. @ Who is first in the race? ___ is first in the race. ® How many children have bicycles? children have bicycles. ® How many children are at the park? Date: Day: Date: ray aeain ©) 5 Read and colour. @® Colour the pencil black. ~~ | @) Colour the desk blue. SS (8) Colour number twelve red. i/ D @) Colour number twenty yellow. ® 1@) 6) Colour the second car green. PakPadha {Textbook} jun 7-9 a ; Day: Date: Gove aacad OB Read. Write. on the table. under the table. | in the bag. | on the bag. SS ers] = gees [2 |ia[s [els lela alsfel> [ele late [wlujula ln) Hifi isl lel elie] | we] ai|n | ala [o/s | | w]e ===" Pick a month and soy: 2S) Number 1: My birthday is in July,’ Pupils number the month pay Sip Date: 1G Reo and match. @ My birthday is in July. @) My birthday is in May. (8) My birthday is in April. @) My birthday is in August. i@ Poy: Ss Date: Make words. Use_h © or b ©. Write the sentence. Say the sentence aloud. = is on the i Day: (G Reo. Ebin : Hello, Mei. Mei : Hi, Ebin. How are you? Ebin : 1 am fine. Thank you. Please come fo my birthday party. Mei : Thank you for inviting me. When is your party? Ebin : On 17" September. Mei :I am sorry I cannot go to your party. I am going to J Ipoh with my father. 0 Ebin : That is all right. Have fun in on ia Complete the sentences. @ Ebin's birthday is on @) Ebin invites Mei to his ® Mei cannot go to Ebin’s party because she is going to Date: &@) Mei says, ‘1 am sorry’ to Ebin because she 6) Day: sie Date: Bru a question mark @) or a full stop ©). ~ @ When is Sam’s birthday C ) @) Today is Wednesday C ) @) What colour is your bag C) = How many boys are there at the party{ —+) @ y boy party , ©) My brother's birthday is in March Ee) NU Where is the birthday cake ‘< ) aT. f ™ @ MynameisLiHua( } WF { ) Where is the pencil C) Day: Date: To: Anil From: Arif Please come to my birthday party. Date: 27% June Time: 3 o'clock Place: 15 Jalan Limau, s Taman Mesra. Moke your own invitation. Use a computer. To: Please come to my birthday party. “Teacher's Notes = :. “ Get pupils to download pictures from the Internet to } decorate the invitation, Day: B What comes next? Circle. ae || bananas milk noodles cakes eggs bananas 9 (O\| meat \O9| ice cream 6) 7 OB P it eer Day: ry" Write ‘f or ‘ff. Say the words aloud. Day: a Date: g Read and match. MI like fish, eggs and - cakes. T do not like bananas and ice cream. yo like milk, ‘ice cream and cakes. I do not like eggs and fish. (@)1 like ice cream, - fish and bananas. I do not like eggs +4: like eggs, eggs. cakes and ice cream. I do not like fish Ss. and cakes. and milk. Date: , I give you meat. | | What am I? : Date: cakes e : |= bananas ah 4 |e y es ice cream ig Date: Food Ii like « Use your pictures to talk about what you like and what you do not like to eat. @ The rabbit thanked the bear. © The crocodile ate the lamb. Bie the sentences aloud fo the pu pls. ra Elicit from the pupils other possibilities of ‘after’ situations Si %. [isled fo the given pictures. Day: Date: Be say aloud the word for each picture. Write T or ‘Il’. Day: an Date: Read and number the sentences. Use the pictures to help you. His hand was stuck in the jar. ee) * At last, Dan could take his hand out. (ay * One day, Dan took a big handful of A sweets from a jar. ly * His mother told him to let go of some [ae sweets. NS Day: Read. One day, a white goat was crossing a river. He met a black goat. They began to fight. I want to go first. | : As they were fighting, they fell into the river and... - Fe Put a tick (/) or a (X). <3" ® Two goats were crossing a river. &@) The goats were friends. ® The black goat could not cross the river. €&@) The white goat was kind to the black goat. ® What does the story teach you? = It teaches me not to i Day: Date: k Rearrange the sentences. Complete the map. | * The monkey did not climb g down the tree. * A wolf saw a monkey on a tree. * The wolf could not eat the monkey. ** He showed the monkey some bananas. (A wolf saw a monkey o1 ona a tree. Boy: ein Date: @ Read and write. = a = : ~ father milk = cat home well re re! ee One day, Tommy saw a \ fr The cat was in a «a Tommy ran fie . He told his about the cat. His Q saved the cat. ir} Tommy gave the cat some (=) One day, Tommy saw a cat. (Teasher’sWates):- e Remind pupils to use capital letters and full stops Get the pupils to mime or act out the story. Day: Date: aunt rey again ©) 2 Find. Write. ® Rani’s birthday isin @) Ben’s birthday is in @) Ebin’s birthday is in @) Me's birthday is in * 3.1. 22.1 Pay: sim Date: : (move atican Q) i8 Gi Rea. Write. ice cream! meat | fish cakes Q2) © QD ® @/@ I like ice cream and cakes. ah do not like ___ and I like ; I do not like f 80) 2 Day: Date: | Ghir 13 1 100K coop ais SS Read. Write the words in the map. air bao | eiphead ep bol fp fish | efe knees | ep book | ep hair fe cow | fe cars | ep goat | ep shoulders Pay: = sr Date: deh Say aloud. Write ‘s’ or ‘ss’. —_~ =~ @a & eyes cake. legu=s fa Group the words. Read aloud. ( =S : “SS eyes as | bp @ Pay: = spa Doers sus? 98? Draw your foc your face. Write. My name is Ihave two ——SSSSS—s€ornd two My eyes are Lhoveq GI My nose is Ihave SSS ihr. I look good! Clothes ® blouse ® cap )) dress @ shirt ©) shoes shorts @) skirt socks ® trousers do T-shirt = Ee me Day: Digg sl) . Read and colour. The dress is red. The trousers are blue. The cap is black. The shorts are yellow. The skirt is green. The shirt is red. eat Day: = aan Date: GE Read. Lee Mei is wearing a red dress and black shoes. She has a yellow blouse, two > green skirts and blue T-shirts in her 1 bedroom. Lee Mei Ting Kai has blue trousers, black \ shoes and white caps in his bedroom. | He is wearing a yellow T-shirt and red shorts. hen, Ting Kai Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. ® Ting Kai has white caps. @) Lee Mei has a white blouse. )) Ting Kai is wearing red shorts. @ Lee Mei is wearing black shoes. 6) Lee Mei has three green skirts. ga Days ems Date: $Y Colour the clothes. She is wearing a black skirt ,a and He is wearing a black shirt, gq —-___ (Cj) Cpe Eel UR ts * 2.31) \re Ea pee @s Bo): == eI Date: 1G Revd and colour. I like red T-shirts. I like blue trousers. I like black shoes and yellow socks. Tl put them all in this box. lc 1 like a 1 like a gnd. sa I'll put them all in this box. Bm Days es Date; od °(Giir 1s WHERE aRE You == GOING? hi Look and write the words. tithe classroom toilet office staffroom library canteen _ “Textbook! ass} @s Day: arm, Date: dg Listen and number. é 2 Tum right. s WA 3 Go straight on. 4 This on your left. Ee 5 this on your right. 6 Go siraight on. Tur left. Dey: ssn Date: ® Say aloud. Write ‘w’, ‘x’ and ‘y’. © (xe) ® Pay: Sa Date: Giwnere are the children going? Write ‘True’ or ‘False’. ® Rani is going to the office. @) Ida is going to the toilet. ® Ebin is going to the classroom. Anil is going to the staffroom. ® Mei is going to the library. aa te Do Sa Date: Read. Draw and write. Go straight on. y Turn left. | _. You are at the | s ; classroom _. (2) Go straight on. Turn right. You are at the Go straight on. Turn right. You are at the (4) Go straight on. Turn left. You are at the school hall Day: sou Date: §wrere are the children going? Write. Day: aa Date: C i : - — TRY AGAIN @) % ————— a Match and write. Wash your hair. Clean your ears. Take a bath. Cut your nails. Vw =a (Ms @ WAYS TO KEEP CLEAN @ Day: a Date: (Move aneaD @) i | Co G Read. Write. James Tommy Tommy is wearing a cap, a T-shirt and shorts. He is wearing white socks and white shoes. Lim is wearing a cap, a shirt and trousers. He is wearing white shoes. James is wearing a T-shirt and trousers. He is wearing white socks and black shoes. a —_______is not wearing socks. ® ______________ boys are wearing T-shirts. ® Lim’s shoes are the same colour as 's shoes. is not wearing a cap. ‘Unit Date: ne ALL ABOUT MO! fo», Listen and number. - Who saves the most money? = 5 ates)2

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