Act. 2

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If I had in my situation where my parents fell from the boat while we were out travelling and choose one

of them to save, I will choose the both of them and leave none because there will always a solution and
possible to solve this. I will save my mother because she doesn’t know how to swim and second, since
my father know how to swim, me and my mother will save him and let him grab at the edge of the boat
in or I can also join with him so that the boat will not be heavy in that way all of us three will survive. I
will care for the both of them because they also care for me since I was born and until now. Saving both
of them involve two moral dilemmas. First is the single agent dilemma since I was the one who will
decide who to save first and that is my mother. The multiple person dilemma already involved because
it is not only me but also with my mother who will make the decision to save next, and that is my father.

In applying the concept Kohlberg’s theory in the above situation in my moral making decision, it will
result as the following:

Level 1 Pre-conventional

Stage 1. Obedience orientation: I should not leave one of my parents to die because it will hunt for the
rest of my life and my relatives could blame or sue me for saving one life.

Stage 2. Self-interest orientation: If I save both of them, my loved ones or others will be proud of me
but if not, they can possibly disgrace me for leaving one of my parents.

Level 2 Conventional

Stage 3. Conformity orientation: Nobody would think that I am a bad daughter because I saved both of
my parents.

Stage 4. Law and order: If I leave one of them, it will be considered or think of a way that I plotted a
murder case even if it doesn’t what I want to do. And for that, I disobeyed the rules of the law.

Level 3. Post-conventional

Stage 5. Human rights orientation: The law wasn’t set up for these circumstances. Saving two lives in this
situation is right because it is possible, and it’s justified to do it.

Stage 6. Ethical principal orientation: in this death-life situation, others may think that it is the best
decision for saving both of them because only one bad act will not only affect me but also to my parents
and for other loved ones that will involve.

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