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Professor : Prof. JHUN L. VERIL, MBA, CMITAP


INSTRUCTIONS: In a separate sheet of paper, answer the following situations and

questions in a brief but comprehensive manner.

1. Traditionally, human resource management practices were developed and

administered by the company’s human resource department. Line managers are now

playing a major role in developing and implementing HRM practices. Why do you think

Non-HR Managers are becoming more involved?

A line manager oversees other employees and operations of a business while

reporting to a higher-ranking manager. The line or direct manager plays an important

role in the operation of many businesses, supervising and managing workers on a daily

basis and acting as a liaison between employees and upper management. The works of

employee can be overseen by a line manager and thus, their jobs permits them to

monitor and evaluate an employee’s performance.

For this matter, Line Managers are now playing a major role in developing and

implementing HRM practices for the reason that as primary to the overseeing of the

operations in a daily basis leads us to exhaust them in implementing the rules. It would

be efficient and effective appertaining to the scope of a Line Manager to execute and

implement such HRM practices.

A line manager is responsible for managing employees and resources to achieve

specific functional or organizational goals. Some of these include:

Recruiting and hiring talent to fill team positions

Providing training and support to new hires

Cross-training employees to ensure job rotation and minimize assignment

coverage gaps

Providing coaching and performance feedback to all team members

Communicating and ensuring understanding of functional or departmental goals

Monitoring individual and team metrics and performance versus targets

Identifying the need for corrective actions

2. How can a job analysis of each job in the work unit help a supervisor do his or her


A job analysis is a process used to collect information about the duties,

responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job.

You need as much data as possible to put together a job description, which is the

frequent output result of the job analysis.

If you miss critical information, you could end up not paying an employee correctly,

thus fostering employee discontent or hiring someone who lacks an essential skill

needed for performing the job. The job analysis pares the responsibilities of a job down

to the core functions necessary to successfully perform the job. The job analysis is

useful in providing an overview of the fundamental requirements of any position.

Don't put off writing job descriptions. You will find them invaluable when you look

at salary and compensation when hiring and promoting, and when evaluating whether

or not a job meets the qualifications for exemption from overtime. They are an effective

communication tool to use with employees so your expectations are clear

3. Discuss the relative merits of internal and external recruitment. Give an example of a

situation in which each of these approaches might be a particularly effective?


Cheaper. Companies who hire internally save money on recruiting fees, training, the

opportunity cost of not having the position filled, advertising (on job boards), referral

bonuses (at some companies), travel and relocation costs

It’s Quicker. The entire process from reviewing a job description to advertising to

potentially paying a recruiter to interviewing several candidates to completing an actual

hire easily takes months for external hires. For an internal hire, the process can be over

and done with in a few weeks. Internal hires are already in HR databases. They usually

have the backing of managers, and their performance reviews are already accounted

for. Managers should have a good sense of the strength of the candidate within the

corporate environment. External hires, on the other hand, can be a risk because of the

many unknowns. If nothing else, it’s difficult to tell how well (or how poorly) they’ll fit

into the corporate culture.

It Works Out Better. It’s easier for employees to succeed at a new job in the same

company because they already have connections and knowledge about how work gets


It’s Good for Employee Morale. Employees are frustrated when a new role is taken by

someone from the outside. If they feel as if they can’t move up in their own company,

they are far more likely to move on. “Promoting internally encourages employees and

shows them that they have a future at the company, therefore serving as a retention


4. Is Job Enlargement particularly job rotation beneficial to the company? Why?

Job enlargement is a job design technique wherein there is an increase in the number of

tasks associated with a certain job. In other words, it means increasing the scope of

one’s duties and responsibilities. The increase in scope is quantitative in nature and not

qualitative and at the same level.

Job enlargement is a horizontal restructuring method that aims at increase in the

workforce flexibility and at the same time reducing monotony that may creep up over a

period of time. It is also known as horizontal loading in that the responsibilities increase

at the same level and not vertically.

Yes, Job Rotation is beneficial to the company on the following reasons:

1.Reduced Monotony: Howsoever interesting the job may appear in the beginning,

sooner or later people complain of boredom and monotony. Job enlargement if

planned carefully can help reduce boredom and make it more satisfying and fulfilling for

the employees.

2.Increased Work Flexibility: There is an addition to the number of tasks an individual

performs. There is thus an increased scope of carrying out tasks that are versatile and

yet very similar in certain aspects.

3. No Skills Training Required: Since the individual has already been performing the task

in the past, there is no great requirement for imparting of new skills. However people

and time management interventions may be required. The job thus gets more

motivational for the one performing it.

5. Is Job Enrichment beneficial to the employees? Why?

Job Enrichment is another strategy or practices used in HRM to their employees. The

difference between job enrichment and job enlargement is essentially of quantity and

quality. Whereas job enlargement means increasing the scope of job quantitatively by

adding up more tasks, job enrichment means improvement in the quality of job such

that employees are more satisfied and fulfilled.

It is beneficial to the employees because Job enrichment has been found to have

greater impact in terms of motivation when compared to job enlargement. Since

enrichment gives employee greater insights in managerial functioning and a better work

profile, it is looked upon as an indicator of growth and development. The same is not

true in case of job enlargement which is seen as an employer tactic to increase the


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