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COe Nea eee oe ee SOSPECT AND PROSPECT aibipi LaILATHib Hho Pp Sud ys enw Ste Fr. Xa i r,S. Thani Nayagam sens. Mar | sseafl meat OL) ait CHELVANAYAKAM MEMORIAL LECTURES Ginwvergininw gitoray GienbGumflaadr ; 1980 Thanthai Chelva Memorial Trust, Jaffna, Sri Lanka Shoe Gedour yomereneap, wir ypenirenmth + RESEARCH IN TAMIL STUDIES * Sip LicorumG BY f FATHER XAVIER S, THANI NAYAGAM, D.D, (Rome), MLA. M.Litt. {Annamalal), Ph.D. (Lond.) CHELVANAYAKAM MEMORIAL LECTURE, Isso DISTRIBUTOR: KANTHALAKAM, 213, Konkesamthurai Road, Jaffna (Phone: 256) Price: Sri Lahka Rs-35-00, India Rs, (2650, US $7.00, Published by THANTHAI CHELVA MEMORIAL TRUST, JAFFNA, SRILANKA Printed at ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC PRESS, JAFFNA FOREWORD The Chelyanayakam Memorial Lectures commemorate the life and work of the great Tamil leader of our time, the late Mr. 5. J. ¥.Chelvanayakam Q.C,, M.P., who helped to re-create the self- identily of the Tamils of Sri Lanka during the eritical three decades following the grant of independence to the country (1948) and led them to the gates of liber ty. His a ppeal to the hearts and minds of his people was the moie since he embodied in his own person a moral grandeur by his unflagging dedication to Truth und) Ahimsa, The late Father Xavier 5: che continents carrying alort the flag of the Tamil language and “th ints into its Andie Scan the Iter nb. I Pecittion of lulture and drawing many save into being, sixteen years ago, 5. Thani Nayagam who delivered the 1980 lectures last April, four months before he passed away on the Ist of September, was one who gave a fuither dimension to tha ‘Tamil liberation movement. He it was who reminded his people of their great cullural heritage and the noble ethical ideals permeat- ing it, So to speak he built in them their cultural identity and political personality. And more, this deeply read scholar strode Tamil Research linking the world’s foremost Tamil scholar s who were able to meet successively in Kuale Lumpur, Madr ind Jaffna and will pay their homage to nAByS of shortly at a session in Madurai. The lecture on Research in Tami! Studies-Retrospect and Prospect, delivered in English on the second day, April 28, has heen printed first since this brochuve arch institutions in this fizid the world over. The lecture en il Culture and its characteristics, delivered in Tamil on the fess Pa intended pattly to rath previous day follows. It was the opinion of the large assembly, including several scholars, who listened to these two lectures in pin-drop silence, that there was hardly any other, here or else- where, who could have spoken with greater authority on this (heme and perhaps Lurdly any one likely to do so for years. Well may we say that the last great utterance of this saintly and patriotic scholar, contained in these two lectures, is a beacon call to generations to come. Chaitman, K. NESIAH, Thanthat yen Chelva Memorial Trust WA mo (Perr Soy oT 5405 Asha Herys Ger HQurpPascr srogisras SH QuGh sMpssinaNer aumpsonscouusid, cicoMenusuyid esr age” Pou gra youwpgcronor. Qoro® Pwrwusig hsb UTTT EMT D HUFF SUH OTS BoriB, Qeomeuerg orusGusr sro. Cap. af. Aedargrusin AGS arrivsrral gystrar Siipher GMS GO 2 feswsler 1948-1 ¥cir® GQgriseid aperm SITUSHEOGHES DOHSS 25fuguos gMpislrs «55 DSH ourugnsG QLOF Geoirmart. BuMer Gara waar wsseher Daeudonguyd, creicormisterujh mrrciicr UTE AOWSDG SST. at SidenunGur aeimcnw, wBRidone YOu HPAEs For sarg grins 5) sob Ser 2 cpounre Danni Beyrt Qonacwy awww susNG Court crov. gSaMgrusd 2G 56r 1980-1 AsinGF Ger HQurPows sibs GUTH wT gb Haps Der. sree worgmaorre Gecigibst 1-b D5 g07H QDoGursGHor Paphsg. Qa sodpt AG FH Qusé55 HG Cogud ysOorol gos gs sip wie oMer Lup Aug usimuMOu uTgbuAucEter Noro ys D) WipS CHIG55 BA Aiarn MNmoype Qrisnt- Deis5d gp wéseher Cu veut Os SAMs sass wb, Aud soPucorremouid sy werrsgrt. Bs 6b Coorss SOpMGrTer Qart guwpQumrpP—ueiruTi_Os Qsry ewtig upssé seinmac Cormb vsicleupgr Cogid ue 9Meytstr QriuehIe rGQugQsHet. Qs org LiLIGoL_uDed SIT Gir UIQ HM UG HFOHSG Cot Baier YupAVE» sess 5MproTWsA wargr® 2oWer Cur WM Greta gonads mu TT Hucord hoy. Bidwsr5r@ sor Caronabyfgnbd, GecréruIgyd, crifeBgyib, wsrgpes uTors Hod Go _Aupmer. acHAreugin neranhuier wgyeor Wed Fe Qunycrot coss siiproriéA wargr® eer AHGUAGIG er Ar gyssaystron gi. SBliid gie0 Syma ay 5 sir MT OD quo RT OU pL serait) of_uubtid Sur Gar aor pay gahovs Ae gird 28-1 bee Ardaprumh Marys Bers Ourypay cs QareiMlsr : Qrsrmb profs Paps awe gy DEQer HAT Boy Geusiir pwell gycirsr gp itray 5 amas opahd Ke tuB Taos. (sip ustrunr Gui Badr Aoiducveysepd cox mAs doadpersr Barium plate ih aS Muh Osiws Agriggy Gh bQun arms | Beietieg Ber pQuir Pa stron Ca ue deps& mit ee ah 1 Ose, wish rr hsb Haoss weno Pueor Crp at Qssmau Amicpd, yap ares Gir BOLT pflayescor Dioual 1b Geol sabia Renee aaa eT wT Os Gates wart. ger Garrats ch jb avowrt. K Pieroden Brisson aaAeprrsr sp cals Bi Dew err oN Ray seb Agha rhe Wilorcpdaed aero cieteharra seninupin sroséGlarairGaurinra. WULiresrtb, rbd 10, 1980 ii RESEARCH IN TAMIL STUDIES— RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT | consider it a great privilege to associate myself with those ho in these days are paying their tribute to the memory of a man who ved and worked for the Tamilspeaking people of Sri Lanka. This ecture on Research in Tarmit Studies—Ret-ospeet and Prospect is ot incongruous with his memory because he advocated the Tamil Jniversity Movement and emphasised that Tamil Studies should jbtain priority in the future University for the Tamil-speaking people. Pipvovowrm sept Lauisir.sG) hpi | Tam also happy that Mr. K. Nesiah, the doyen of educationists t Sri Lanka, who in spite of bis seventy cight years is in the fore- ont of the movement for Tamil rights, is taking the Chair at this ture. As colleagues in the University of Ceylon we have had occa- ion to collaborate in movements advancing the cause of the Tamil- peaking people and we continue to do so also in our retirement. Mr. M. Sivasithamparam, M.P. is to propose the vote of thanks As a time honoured and distinguished parliamentarian, I have followed: his pronouncements on a yatiety of subjects with interest and enthusi- iim, and Lam grateful to him for associating himself with this lecture. cannot help mentioning that his deep sonorous voice has always liracted me. I am grateful to Mr. V. Yogeswaran M.P. for Jeffna and tose who helped him to provide such magnificent lighting arrange- nents, My thanks are due to Mrs. Amirthalingam for her beautiful yendering of the Tamil anthems, and to Mrs. Kathiravelpillai for pro- viding me with the means to carry on speaking without difficulty. 6. Spruit sewer Shoe Geevavr 9) orkeroey ap PART I RETROSPECT (he History of Tamil Research itwoud be wrong to imagine that Tamil Research commences with the coming to India and Sri Lanka of the Europeans or with the University of Madras. Our two thousand year old have been so flourishing and varied without cla- borate and minute reseaich. Our first book extant, the Tolkappiyanr jupposes a codification and systematization done after a minute Mudy of the language and « sludy of the grammars and literary works al’ Beschi, of Caldwell, of G. U. Pope would know what ardent scholars they were because of the attractions that the intrinsic merits of Tamil had for them. existing at the time. The poetry of the Cankam period exact minute study of human psychology and of Nature. The Cilapparikai supposes a close study of previous literary tradition and an exha) tive examination of the culture, the religion and the people of three kingdoms. The Tirvkkural has becn compiled after the me culous study of the ethics of the Cankam period. The commentatd who appear in the mediaeval period had to study and explzin wo which had been composed centuries before them and some works whil did not belong to their own rcligious traditions. A commentator Ii Adiyarkunallar explains the music, the dance, the trade, the rligig rites embodied in an epic which was the synthesis of the culture of period far removed from his own period. Any study of the aba mentioned works will show that there was a living and continu tradition of Tamil teaching and research which is even evident in editions of Swaminaths Ayer In the 19th century the epoch making book of Robert Caldwell A Comparative Grammar of the Dravidian Languages (1856) caused 2 great revolution in the world of Indology which until then had believed {hat Sanskrit was solely and exclusively sullicient evidence of Indian {thought and culture. The translations and articles of G, U. Pope who wanted as his epitaph the words, “A humble student of Tamil” shows the passionate devotion of these scholars to Tamil Research. Though the missionaries were among the pioneers of Tamil Research ‘hey were followed very soon by lay scholars from the West who wished to delve deeper into all aspects of Indology. The British Civil Servants nd the French savants who were employed in the Tamil country found is Cladwell did that Tamil could be independent of Sanskrit and rise to pure heights of its own. Among the British Civil Servants the name of Francis Whyte Ellis stands foremost not only because of the studies he made but also. because of the collections of manuscripts he made, li is said that afier his premature death his cook was able to use his collections of manuscripts for a long period to keep aflame his kitehen fires! _ The modern period of Tamil Research commences with the comig of the Europeans, specificaliy of European missionaries trom the 17 century end after, One of the earliest to recognize the remarkal qualities of Tamil litereture and even of local religious cults was Barth jomeas Ziegenbalg, the German Lutheran Missionary who lived Tranquebar in the early 18th century. His companion J. E was the first to state that in his considered opinion Tamil wi 4 to be taught at German Universitics. The Tranquebar missionari with Ziegenbalg at the head collected numerous manuscripts, compill translations and grammars in order to make Europeans familiar wil the wisdom of the Tamils. The next famous name that comes to mif is of course that of Father Joseph Constantine Beschi who in the san century became a literary phenomenon for all the world to admil Apart from his literary works in Tamil which command the admiratig of native Tamil scholars themselves, his grammars, dictionaries 28 the Latin translation of the first two parts of the Tirukkurai, are eviden of the most painstaking research into already existing works as wi as research in the field. The missionaries at this time discuss Tam especially in the in medium, and give an importance to the loquial ect which until then had not received adequate sttentio) One might not concede that translations belong to the category research, but the translations were the means by which Tamil thong came to be presented to those who did not know the language, ag often very useful studies were made of Tamil thought from the transl tions that were available. Sometimes attempts are made to minimij the value of the contributions made by missionaries by saying thi their studies were made in order to propagate Christianity and ne through a love of Tamil. But, anyone far with the academic wot A new impetus to Tami! Research was given by the foundation of the University of Madras. Scholars like Gilbert Slater, Seshe vangar, P. T. Srinivasa Aiyangar, Sivaraja Pillai, C. Y. Thamotheram- pillai, ¥, Kanagasabaipillai were able to make contributions to elucida- lion of Dravidian history and culture. Thus we come to the period of the Universities of Madras, of Annamalai, of Ceylon and finally of our own University of Jaffna. After this introduction, I propose to consider some of the heads inder which Tamil research has developed during the last two centuries, we so. T intend dealing only with the more important works. Those, interested in a complete account may refer to Tumi! Siudies Abroad. { Symposium, and to A Reference Guide to Tamil Shulies, Books, both of which contain information up to the year 1966. Fot the last decade, however, there is no comprehensive work. I am indebted for information on this recent period to the Acting Librarian Mr. R. 8. ‘Thambiah and his assistant of the University of Jaffna, both of whom spared no efforts to provide me with all information that the University Library tT 7: . . ibrary could supply. Qamapibyy sue 2 reed Translations a ind dialectology adds a new dimension to these fields so popular with foreign scholars. One must mention here the untimely death of the Leningrad scholar, S. Rudin, who was snatched away in the prime of life and who would haye contributed cnormously to Tamil Linguistics, Many of the translations made by eminent scholars paved th way for studies on the ethics, the religions and the philosophy of Tamils. The Tirukkural, the Naladiyar, hymns of the Saivaite Naya mars and Abyars, and the Saiva Siddhanta works came as a revelatio to the West. Among these scholars, the names of G. U. Pope ant V. V. 5. Aiyer who translated into English, of Karl Graul, Schomeru ; i and Arno Lehmann who translated into German, of Yusi Glazov wh Numerous dictionaries were published during the Eurepean period translated into Russian, deserve especial mention The Psalms qjand served largely the study of the language by foreigners. But some a Saiva Saint by Dr. Isaac Thambyah with its brilliant introductioggol them were outstanding works which furthered linguistic research created great interest for several years. These scholars made possiblijjind comparative Dravidian studies. The contribution from Pondi- the new attitude that emerged among Indologists towards Tamij—herry is worthy of great recognition. I. Mousset and L, Dupuis thought. published among other works a French Tamil dictionary which is a nage opus and which was used in the compilation of the Tamil Mlexicon of the Madras University. The Dictionary of Miron Winslow ws been considered so important that Prof. Janert of the University / Cologne has had it reprinted, It is in the preface to this dictionary hat Miron Winslow made the following observation: exicography and Comparative Dravidian Ancient Tamil poetry has not been translated to the extent deserves. J. V. Chelliah’s Patty patty with its introduction and note was 2 unique contribution at the time it was published. Since thei Kamil Luelebil’s Czech version of selections from Cankam poetry a A. K. Rameniyam’s. The Interior Landscape are isolated but vem «, 7 in i i : : mae ; ” “ft is not perhaps extravagant to say that in its poetic form the laudable attempts. Books and studies on Tamil literary history alsa) hruil ienmaee polished and ace than the Greek, and in both dialects cere a fair eee ee oe Silagpattkercat iG ‘Tamil vith its borrowed treasures more copious than the Latin. In its fulli- 1c par excetence has becn translated into English, French, a it $ lish and Gi than any other and Russizn and has received the attention of Unesco. Sir Ponna eee it spore pecans UBS Al eseC Tea 4 balam Arunzchelam’s works also deserve special mention. The Index to Puranaauru by V. 1. Subramaniam and the Index of words in Cankam literature published by the French Institute of Pondy have opened new avenues of research into Tamil semantics. Aimong Tamil dictionaries the most outstanding are of course the Tamil Loxicon of the Madras University, the dictionary of the Madurai Tamil ‘ankam and the popular Tranquebar Dictionary originating from Vaboizius. ‘The Saturalaraty of Father Beschi has been recently re- minted and serves # purpose of its own. Linguistics { Research into Tamil linguistics would itself need 2 separate paper The United States and Russia, I believe, stand first in this field amon foreign countries, while in India itself the Annamalai University ant the Kerala University have a long period of productive work. Professa V. I Subremenizm of the Kerala University has organised his Depart ment and founded the Association of Dravidian Linguistics and a Bi annual journal which takes pride of place in Dravidian India, engages as it is in all aspects of Tamil and Dravidian Linguistics, Research stholars are sent out to various provinces of India and abroad aud 4 large choice of Visiting Professars and Research fellows arc engages by the Association. The activities of the Department and of the As sociation are a tribute to the scholarship end organising capacity @ Frofessor V. I. Subram:niam. No account of linguistic research would be complete without the mention of Professor Kamil Zvelebil wht works in all fields of Linguistics, but whose work in historical linguistiG In the field of Comparative Dravidian, the movement originated hy the University of Kerala and earlier by the efforts of Prof. Thomas Mwrow of Oxford and Prof. Murray B. Emencau of Berkeley, California Wve led to a great number of published studies which reveal the extent ) which Dravidian speech was prevalent over several parts of India. Since’ the work of Robert Caldwell, A Comparative Granumar of ie Dravidian Languages was published in 1856, there has been a re- jlutianary change in the study of Indian philolagy. Caldwell’s studies ore further amplified by the French scholar, Jules Bloch(1880-1953) > Miriows works and-periods in his, The Snrile of Murugan (1973). The author has two Histery of Tanti Literature (1973, 1975) which Jin books meant to serve world readers who yet have not dis overed’ & magnificent portion of the heritage cof the world. it his oft, however, to George L. Hart IIL in his The Poenis af Ancient Tamil? Meir ailien and their Sanskrit Counterparts (1975), to carry the ae wen further and to show for the first time the possible ae fumil poetry on Sanskrit poetry. George L. Hart has Se Ww ie winy of us have sensed for a long time, and briefly indicated also by licrature scholars like G. U. Pape and Kamil Zyelebil: who extened his investigations to the minor Diavidian languages whi had no written literatures and even to Brahvi in Baluchistan, Bui and Emeneau published their Dravidian Etymological Dictionary 1961. Professor Emeneau has published on the language of the Kota of the Nilgris besides several other studies pertaining lo the field | Comparative Dravidian. Prof. Thomas Burrow revived the theor of the relation between Dravidian and the Ural- Altaic languages an also established like some other Sanskritists that a number of word in Sanskrit were of Dravidian origin. Dr. Karl Merges, formerly @ Columbia University has been writing for years regarding the affinitie between Dravidian and the Ural-Altaic and Turkish Languages. this connection scholars have also discussed the original home of thd Dravidians. Some have traced it to Crete and others to Asia Minor and a few connected Dravidian civilization with the pre-Dorian Civiliza tion of Greece and the Mediterranean. The works of Fr. S. Gnana prekasar deserve greater attention by the entire world of scholarship) Fr. H. S. David's publications contain much useful material for etymo' logicalresearch. “Almost 2000 years ago, there took place an extraordinary flower- y) of literature in Tamilnad the southernmost part of India.Strangely his literature which includes whet I believe 1s among: ihe finest poetry bver written has been neglected in the West and even in Indiv, where it rose.” (Preface) In Tamil itself several works have appeared which are of invalua ble \ to the scholar. The Introductions and notes in U. V. Swaminatha iyar’s editions, the writings of Pandithamani Rathinesan Chettiar, hf Arumuga Navalar, of Waiyepuripillai, are some of those which deserve \ention, A aumber of “History of Tamil Literature” have also ap- swrcd in English and Tamil by different Tamil speaking authors. Literature This field of rescarch is vast and would require « separate leclurd all to itself, perhaps several lectures. The yarious universitics whi sponsor Tamil Research have encouraged their candidates for post graduate degrees to investigate various periods and works of Ta literature. A complete list of dissertations approved for the Master’ degree or Doctorate in Universities is not available. The Universiti! of. Tamil Nadu. Kerala, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia have published some of the dissertations, but a great many remain unknown even to the world of scholars. until History, Epigraphy, Archaeology when il is con= The history of the Tamils becomes very intelligible ¥ $c ected with the civilization of the Indus Valley. The principal ning of that civilization now lie in Pakistan and we are nol aware to hut extent those remains will continue to be preserved. Because of is culture, Mortimer Wheeler published a book with the facetious lilc © Five thousand years of Pakistan”. However, the Indus Valley lire seems to have been extant all over India and Ceylon, We have I.) several scholars deal with this manifestation of Dravidian culture id civilization. In recent times, Sir Mortimer Wheelet, Fath2 Heras. sko Parpola, and 1. Mahadevan have wrilten on aspects of this great \vilization. After the Indus Valley, the antiquity of Dravidian culture rated by the excavations at Adicheynallur in the Tirunelveli of Tamil Nadu. Let me now confine myself to some of the outstanding works which heve been printed during the last decade or two and which perhaps have not reached the public because of the difficulties experienced inf obtaining them, K. Kailasapathy in his Tamil Heroic Poetry (1968) followed earlier suggestions by Scholars like G. U. Pope and studied the param Cankam poems as reflecting the Tamil heroic age like the Homeric poems. Thig was 2 new line of development which equated Tamil poetry with similar European classical poetry. The indefatigable Kamil Zyelebil to whom the world of Tamil scholars must be ever grateful, covered a wide field of Tamil literature from the ancient to the modern in his studies of ilu: \strict A great number of books have appeared on the political and social story of various periods of Tamil Nadu. It is a matter of pride for «that a Sri Lankan Tamil, ¥. Kanagasabaipillai led these attempts. i; The Tamils Eighteen Hundred Years Ago was on eye-opence even T to Western scholars, and persons like E. H. Warmington have larga drawn from it to illustrate Tamil trade. On the subject of Tamil tra Sir Mortimer Wheeler's Rome beyond the litperial frontiers contai a,lucid exposition of what an important centre the Tamil country y for international trade. I cannot praise enough the works of ‘great deal of the history of the Tamils of the mediaeval period is had epigraphy as its source. Since the time of E. Hultsch various yholars have been engaged in its study. In Sri Lanka the late Professor <. Kanapathipillai, Prof. K. Indrapala and Dr, A. Velupillai have pecialised in this field, Ceylon’s contribution to Tamil studies has ren notably outstanding. The Department of Tamil in the Sri Lanka Universities have eminent scholars whose names and works ate too Bhany to mention. 1 must refer once again to the symposium on Tamil udies Abroad which contains 2 detailed study by Prof. 8. Vithiya- jinthan and Pandit K.P. Ratnam on the contribution of Ceylonese ars to Tamil Studies. R. Nagasamy of Madras is the most ent epigraphist now working in Tamil Nadu, Sathasiva Wandarathar made yaluable contributions carlicr as 2 research worker in the Annamalai University. Nh mented source of ancient cultural history, fike Prof. Vit Tamilar Salpu (1954) K. A. Nilakanta Sastri is undoubtedly the grea of this century. Not all his works are of equal me a lasting monumentto hiswork with original materials and his capaeil to present his material in an attractive and readable style. Where f depends on secondary sources (French and Dutch writing) his writig shows diffidence and inexactitude. He had a blind spot and that wi his inordinate bias in favour of Sanskrit and Aryan influence in Sow Andian culture and literature. There is hardly. any justification statements like the following: Archacology, a handmaid of history, has been a long neglected jeld and deserves much greater attention both in South India and ‘cylon. Except for sporadic attempts no concerted effort has been nade to excavate in the Tamil districts. G. Jouveau-Dubreuil (1885- #915) of Pondicherry was a pioneer in the study of Archaeology ‘and . ‘None can miss the significance of the [act that early Tamil literatul prconos ephyicand is yee pave cane ee re uae the earliest to which we have access, is fully charged with words, cog pupil Ee Hapepeanea pera = , ie ne 5 A oO aa ceptions, and institutions of Sanskritic and Northern origin”. neh ey OB geet OBOE ADS Y ty eens incre art aoe ae jremature death 1 cannot mourn enough is Pierre Meile. His study “All these literatures (Dravidian) owed a great deal to Sanskrit, tye" Tamil literature published in the Encycloposdia des Pleiades and magic wand whose touch alone raiscd each of the Dravidian language!’ Sty on the Yavanas in the Tamil country show the insight and from the level of a patois to that of a literary idiom”. Of similar fangglt™ushmess he brought to his writings. The work of Casal and Sir is his statement that the Tirwkfarral draws heavily fi Bap ortiner Wheeler at: Aribameda stow ibe ae a ae amen ws heavily from the Kama Sw vould illustrate Tamil history and the Tamil classics. In Sri Lanka rchaeology in the Tamil districts obtains a step motherly treatment. Nilakanta Sastri has also written of South Indian cultural fluenses in the Fer £ast(se ) mainly drawn from Fre: and Dute authors, But the writer whose examination of Tamil cultural influenc in South East Asia and of ancient Tami! (rade with the Wel is Professor Jean Filliozat. He is ever finding new fad to substantiate the thesis that Indian influznces in South East Asia wel meinly Tamil. Dr. John Marr of the University of Lon don, and Mr. S. Singaravelu of the University of Malaya hay been working on Tamil contacts with the countries of South East Asig a field in which the Association of Dravidian Linguisti (Kerala) ¥ also vitally interested, Professor S. Arasaratnam of the University g These fields have always attracted local amd foreign scholars, New England is a historian whose works on Ceylon, South India, andilamil Hinduism and the Saiva Siddhanta philosophy, as well as the Tamils overseas continues to stimulate further research. Dr. S, Pathindlmysticism of aitc and Vaishnavite iymmologists and poets would nathan’s The Kingdom of Faffir (1978) is a valuable treatis for our Limes equire separate studies for the manner in which they have been wel- 8 Anthropology The French Institute of Indology in Pondicherry 2s well as some American Universities have engaged in anthropological studies among fumil-speaking groups. The names of George Olivier, Louis Dumont, lirenda Beck come to mind. Religion and Philosophy D: comed by the world. The contribution of Arumuga Navalar, WN PART If laswamypillai, Pandithamani Kanapathipillai, Bishop Kulandran andj the German Scholars like Shomerns are too well known to need repetitid PROSPECT Let us consider the future of Research in Tamil Studies in foreign Political Science intries as well as in the homelands of the Tamil-speaking people. Mostly Sri Lankan Scholars and American and British Scholdj have been interested in the Tamil problem in Tamil Nadu and SriLank The advent of independence and the end of colonial rule brought abgl @ wrong concept of majority rule among the majority communiti The politics of the D.M.K. and the Federal party, and measures discrimination against minorities, particularly with regard to the @ finition of Tamil language rights formed the subject of a number studies, the earliest of which were Selig S. Harrison, Jndia, The Ma dangerous decade (1960), and Howard W. Wriggins, Ceylon Dilemm ofa New Nation (1960). Among other studies, | should like to mentig §, Irschick, Politics and Secial Conflict in South India:' The non-Bratin movement and Tamil separatism 1916-1928 (1969) and R. N. Kear Commuenalism and language in the politics of Ceylon (1967). Prof. 4 Jeyaratnam Wilson in his articles and books has been a very objectij observer on the subject of the Tamil nation in Sri Lanka, a5 also Bd Farmer of Cambridge University. Foreign Countries | have heard from scholars from different countries that financial ints for Indological Studies and therefore for Tamil Studies as well fo not so liberal now as they used to be. There is greater interest ong those grants distributing bodies for Sinology than for Indology. lis, | suppose, is partly due to the increasing politicel influence of in. and its possible future in international affairs. During the lonial period, the countries which were connected with their colonies Wa vital interest in the study of the language, the culture, and the Mory of the colonies. Thus the great pioneers of Indian history | Ceylonese history as well as of Archaeology and similar fields were fe'gneis. The British in India, the French in Pondicherry. Cam- bdix and Viet-Nam, the Dutch in Indonesia, and the Germans built the science of Indology. Gradually they came to realise to a small lent that Sanskrit culture was being given an over emphasis, and on scholars like Max Muller and Vincent Smith lamented the neglect Dravidian history, culture and languages. The Fine Arts Studies on the subject of the Fine Arts of the Tamils are nol Many. A. K. Ananda Coomaraswamy and Swami Vipulanda haj been two Ceylonese whose contributions have been universally @ aimed, With regard to Sculpture and Architecture as well 2s Brond {should think that Percy Brown and Heinrich Zimmer still hold field, Zimmer's penetrating studies of Tamil Art in Tamil Nadu well 2s in South East Asia are able to connect distant periods and trad 2 coherent development from the Indus Valley to modern times. At the conclusion of the first part of this survey 1 confess 1 hay had to omit so many important names like Ganesh Aiyer, Myl Venkatasamy, Vanamamalai, so many authorities of Tamil Nadu even foreign scholars and ardent collaborators like Brenda Beck, Ro Asher and many others. My only excuse is that their works oblalj Tamil will continue to be studied in foreign universities to a a place in the two books ‘Tamil Studies Abroad’ and ‘A Referenggmiicd extent, especially to illustrate the Dravidian contribution to Guide to Tamil Studies’ and in the Proceedings of the Confereng@fdian and Ceylonese culture. A few scholars like Kamil Zvelebil, Seminars of the International Association of Tamil Research. on Asher, Andronoy and Klaus Janert will always adorn rari The publications of the various Universities in India, Ceylon angpivessities, but I do not expect any large body of Tamilologis is to be abroad both in Tamil and English and other lenguages form a ricqpoduced by foreign universitics unless there are yery powerful sources library of Tamil lore: 4] vamilological scholarship in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka. Today, with political independence and self-consciousness, there a tendency among countries which wete at one time subject to in- nate contacts with India to minimise or completely neglect those is of history and culture which reveal Indian influence. The foreign missionaries too whose contributions we have seen a little extent are no more in the Tamil-speaking areas and their dis- d studies enrich no more the volume of research literature now being produced, te 10 Ibi raed eb ‘ A ap leach as well as engage in research, Countries which have a political in UTE SLES 2 eel oy the Tamapaig comic capi a Jung Tn cherry and the Ecole francaise d’extreme Orient and the College jp! ei" radio programmes as well as for translation work. Russia, France continue a tradition of Tamil Research which originated ygplirt and England are examples. such eminent names as Mariadas Pillai, Eugene Bournouf, Edw Ariel, Julien Vinson (1843-1926), Jules Bloch (1880-1953) and Pig Meile (d. 1964), is carried on under the Jeadership of Professor Je Filliozat whose researches into Tamilology and Tamil influences abrg sre most inspiring to Tamils themselyes. The programme of the Prem Institute in Pondicherry is most comprehensive and covers classt Tamil literature, Tamil lexicography, history, archaoelogy, lconogray Anthropology, teligion, popular cults and philosophy. Prof. Klg Janert in Colongne is gathering around him a band. of Tamil scholj who work in different fields of Tamilology including Muslim Tai Jiterature. (I have not been able to obtain recent information about Institute of Tamil Studies in Madras or about the Scandinavian J stitute of Asian Studies.) The Universities of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka have 2 laudable bord af research publications and haye always had scholars of out- anding merit. The publicetions of the University of Madras and of he Annamalai University comprise a rich library of publications in Inglish and Tamil, The University of Kerala, as 1 have mentioned sfore, has launched out into a programme of field research and of ublications which is un-rivalled by oldet universities, One should lke to sce also the Tamil Departments of the University of Sri Lanka nbark on similar programmes of publication and field work, Tamil Research should have a two-fold end in view, one to vitalise io studies at home, another to create interest and further research broad. The Tamil Research Department of the Annamalai University ¢ Tamil Isai Research sponsored by the Rajahs of Chettinad, the mil Development Department of the Government of Madras and imilar bodies provide for the enrichment of research in the Tamil nguage. But for the creation of interest abraad we tequire research * i ‘ : tblications and teaching at least in English, if not in other European Soe ee ren | eo oe ue dl ee ngieusges. One would wish that every Department of Tamil in Tamil emphasised Tamil Research, The Conferences became also en occasi udu and Sri Lanka had scholars also very competent in English so of Tamil cultural and Siterary celebrations for the public. Howew ato fe able S num ae ee ae lecture abroad in English. ee the aim of promoting research should hold the primary place in mf! English is fast diminishing in Tamil Nadu; the situation at present organisation, and the sponsors and those who provide the funds shouge ‘lightly better in Sri Lanka. These scholars should be able to visit endeavour to obtain as wide an international participation as possibjgrcign universities and give courses in Tamilology end publish their providing travel grants to scholars who Jabour in different fields |™plcarches in international journals. Bharati himself saw the futility Tamil Studies. Both the past numbers of Tamil Culture and tpl narrating our past glories only among ourselves. Conference proceedings have provided the best evidence of the & : ormous interest the recent movement in Tamilology has created | universities and Research Institutes abroad. Unesco and other Found tions have always been forthcoming to help witht travel grants. The quarterly journal Tamil Culture now. defunct was able Create 4 great amount of interest in Tamil Research and make kno the studies of different scholars-in various counttics of the woll Fortunately, the Conference-Seminars of the International Assaciation Tamil Research came as a substitue forum for research For such an international moyement, Sri Lanka Tamil scholars © in an enviable position. Every Department of Tamil and History gfe has eminent scholars whose names are too well Known for me » mention, Above all, it is but natural that we look up to the Uni- of Jaffna with its galaxy of scholars headed by the Vice-Chancel- fr himself; scholars not only in the Tamil Department but also in tier Departments who have the capacity to lead in the internatiotnal ogramme of Tamil Studies. How much one would wish that the niversity of Jaffna sponsors a quarterly or a biannual similar to the Research at home qt should’ be obvious that unless there are influential centres Tamil Research in the Tamil-speaking countries, there can hardly note worthy Tamil Research abroad. The increasing practice nd is for foreign Universities to engage young scholars from Tamil Nat ab i jc limits of its own possibilities has helped to some extent in such a fogramme. It is therefore, left to the Tamil people themselves, jecially in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka to promote Tamil studies and imil Research as far as lies in their power. For such a programme, » the Tamil nation in Sri Lanks are better prepared than Tamil popula- ani in any other country. But for Research as well as for the con- fvation and development of Culture, we need leisure, peace of mind nd a happy existence. Unfortunately our energies have to be spent in ily battle for our rights and even our existence and identity asa partner Hition in a bilingual state. However, our national contribution to fumilology, our organisation of the Fourth Conference—Seminar of fumil Studies in spite of an adverse and hostile Government, and our [Ina Univeristy with its rich promise and burgeoning scholars, offer i} encouragement, hope and trust, Under God, may the future be Nien more glorious than the past. Thank you. ference: journal Taniit Cultire to promote Tamil studies all through the wi Such a journal would receive the support of scholars not only in Ce and India but also all round the world. One has only to peruse] past numbers of Tamil Culture to realise the vast potential that ex for international collaboration in Tamil Research. q A few desirable programmes The study of foreign languages, including English, is being negled by our university undergraduates. While in Colombo and Ka there are several Embassy organisations which have large numl of students, in Jaffna the demand is not encouraging. And ye university man should be familiar with at least English and anol foreign language. In Western centres of learning it is oustomary: a university teacher to use for his research at least two or three langui other than his own, That accomplishment should also mark our scholars whether in India or Ceylon. English, French and Ge have a great deal to offer to the Tamil scholar. The time also ca long ago for us to include Ruesian and Mandarin within the range our interest. The standard of Engish even in our universities ig minch on the decline that one dreads to imagine what the future 3 be for our contribution to ternational scholarship. wks not mentioned here are mentioned in the test of the lectures. OWN PERCY: Indian Architecture. Vol I, Bombay 1942. ILLIOZAT, J. Les relations extericures de 'Inde,Pondicherry, 1966. Proceedings of the First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies. Vol I. We do have a number of fieids of study in which development Kuala Lumpur, 1966. See Section on South necessary. Among these is Tamil History and Tamil Archaeolaj East Asia Tamil Art und the history of Tamil Trade. In Archaeology and Artag&iVARAJAPILLAL, K. N. Chronology of the Ancient Tamils, Madras, Trade most of the contributions in the past have come from Foret 1932. scholars: In our programmes of integrated Tamil Studies, Ta History and Tamil Art should be included so that the undergradul will have a complete understanding of Tamilology. RINIVASA ALYANGAR History of the Tamils from the Earliest Times to A.D. 600, Madras, 1929, HANI NAYAGAM, X. S. (Ed) Tamil Studies Abroad. A symposium IL A. T.R 1966. m 7" (Ed) A Reference Guide to Tamil Studies, Books. Kuala Lumpur, 1966. * ml (Ed) Tamil Culture and Civilization, Read- ings. Bombay, 1970. ALWAPURIPILLAL,S. Tamilar Panpaadu (Tamil) Madras, 1949, IMMER HEINRICH The Art of Indian Asia, 2 vols, New York, 1955. For detailed bibliography on all aspects of Tamil Studies, consult, We necd an Ttymological Dictionary of Tamil similar to the d planned by Swami Gnana Prakaser, wnich will give us the usag different periods with appropriate quotations to illustrate that u This could be done only with the collaboration of forcign schola but unless our own scholars are equipped for Comparative Philola the project can hardly be launched. Conclusion Not having in any country a sovereign and independent Tail State, we can hardly look to the dresent Governments of India or Lanka or any other State where Tamils live to embark on 2 program , J , att y .of promotion of Tamil studies. The Government of Madras with { Reference Guide to Tamil Studies Boaks. 14 LOLpIT LissrLia ip AHO AYUDA |Home Duoursireyst aps epi ara. Ge. af. Qedouprusmid eurr Pera Owen iO Meydar croirBesr Dabs gory smd Dei Dedergrinsth esraps Gepatowtse; — creir eer Asm uy als RerG msir. ay Cussir pla Aum Dopcwigr ayib, eres eats toma Geir MR ope ar Qyb, pmb sretreall_ch QaGurapar Tagua eyth, sree A aiieysor asin MEDS our tltiyessir MiP guasr ged, QuucGsaenaulair Pasrai ie 919. Curent het Gegyd5 Carsin@ub rainy AGUS) DFE G00 Moy 1 Peps s 21 _srin Gist. Wg erasers ds BulMenr sain Biv dh sy sbexr x gt Qua OF AGUTED scans Mew Lucy Yim ey. aycirar oul a Boom P, oewon®, or PAwed we fons cir BT me jarDGuisr eons s Augpinaeyisr Garursds soins sions bh Sar Boy Qeo der Boystar ayh ds srosmomfuysirGorar, yoir | Gordes» Gwar Geireyiin MBIA Dy Didmo ) apap aAsminme5l_ctr suryp aulareycas Caras AQioseay Gloom Mgargtor Deroy Mh As8 pair. cards moira Honyaer tio s5er60 sorts pared siypOedusor gy. ()aron pw att Big sree porta gids Bandit of 5 SN uir ear sb sp oar Nom IFN Ons) Lib Nth cons) Clerrrair Men G noir. xyeurt ast Garr 1 ) ip vem. Rov gon masir Sarre AAey Carcir Gye) ior MiviemMur D Mejdrormrdé. Giogycd spaurflus i lus “‘gt8iprt errany'* wh gre, Muot Lire @es stem ouked Tp SUG hy Pays oY greKohey pero. Daren BaatayanguPsir Bo Suwie Wisdrat out Hejaurart At geBuaih Bex Mujeng cuypnicie Nan srs ys mar. aps depilos Busca sons Oar itbsr jjissurt yeut. avi sdaenuouhed py tb:Awsdoctiacir Sar Fab Wi NC od CouctrM@iuer nib aur Ep} a5) cbr ay str. HLT) staL gy! Wit? rodanaifusay, cusilgy eit (Anthropologists) LiswUr® srayth io emuToph Gurcparadercns a af — wired GPaaBer ciwyies arama agg Peary wsnpou wager SUT Leen semis 1b STMT A BM MHShD LewTLTG stisirayih Aairsvesle SL Qearm som bdepshripsd 1b Guy ices (Mathew arnold) 1) Bron srk aphu oe gros Dearas Hogs qm —2 igs sre umarsés Gore CucmrGwuruter wis wre GOwuIAGusr. son GardvarcieMuc Ourrgysr feng tb, as, yperaro, Sedqmsr, PacuGanyb srsruaw,. i LGmuTG sro sonst Mos) ioral abarra. ayegar on yen Garcons Qa qtr sur opeim Givers 16 omwatevan. — a,Mlurr sib prelapbe abs ars Wi), Agciuirs sorisepso_u Fiuu—sapss Garsirongacir, guayp noth ogee. romi, Yoor, pGrrintur gilperig oy Garatni_ Qariiturgyh og Ro worpodmacit er ii Osirarcm. n Rowr ge Finusemh iodeape giudkhertups 4655s a Spores ars gure wile gor. pips archer 1 PavuSernrsag QwoiPa eraser specir Loser. WAyrepéas ar core PuwrGwu cusirega gana Quibpluaut sr i orsitay Revi gagyAeirmesst. Asrearaduggib FinserGyrsr a CurrA Put souryhciicrarler apis. Aone oad sort Gauri anargasr srelvtn. Gamraniuagps oF nooo Cursitg Cinepiiecre_eh gifs ugoiGus sapeil surip i remap tpursinoowst. arg UsiTLITLOS gions alardé ReyF. Bis Sromere i craw. Tete (T. S. Eliot) orgy yaar Leith ‘uals aengwanpupmw ~@pisjacir’’ srogyeh gpyrailot LiesrLirr Beeie na aeaeee Lisi TB) erst US! Qoafeninuyb, yin err, AjjaeeoaruRcir Bampa crovqia, ypMgu cents Pulgyid GisrG stow pnd oly sit (TTF ptf vols, Leiter ® stargpilh Gerad Blbgn epsinuy.cb5IT et Bye Morio wd, 5! ppOlsprirev aam_irdéai@ upper uy 5 - Astro Liston argpth Garrsicurd eM Gw Sieapader tb cps Bg ein, uiciLyssLenin, eral}, Fit six (paberonLo qpscitis Ghar peony SMS gisrarsvit. QaGer pasir BaiciGarm @e_ireraited Sap eur l@ie @prit ysirar Guirqgairngara GBS zirgrh ae Qaraalar Listrir_aot_Gus 05 AOS se 5G ren sale ul Queniugag uns upeusi"* eres pith acini 5 BN Lk tomtuirir La ot) aaah’? oreirpih sujauen sa aciraiarc. Li ung) en1_woueng se ererGayGyargne, pipdacpen Ouray oe aid pall Bus Oe osreb , Lor si) 0) Gri Fujoo_ Gurr ag sir pcb simp a r iMag (Culture) ero iGth Ber ad GS midyear 4 LinG cary @MIGAsr Geyeh. AIDE Gene sréucurr ay Glo, é Qeroar Rus (Cultura Agri) Boson oe ust g191 Be ba) DossCar giGuTe silupt Gatravanr as Loatar iyi pose Liar uiG dpe Daly hat Gore mugs Gauci Ow- 2410) GO) 7 of amano hwgwso Ler uG bie or wpe perbem astarupr Lier UuG sb gious) List| Qe Gan dias srer La ee ereirasy tb Gumrapaisi Listiren ou yp BMetGurdrscier gyro’ i LinerGs Dujsiren ret. Lsirwinilet. opciuient wired CaneirO srherog Bayi ngs Soylsir wugiowttAsea aorrenin ruts sips serent BYwRvsons gore 3s Go ssr ey, Gower GQ G)vs@osds mph, eer gsr peph sing, ruler ay bor auch opourrecir gales junbicrir, abaribiicrén of. of. gyfluygrgrusmrrranr Bl) crear i) uafGuersd atoepir, Cugrifud smawriyphcteraa, Sie sturoranb ar pacuTt, GugrAiur gr. ih. Ge sen Soirdm KouAfiw? ap. agsgres Gursir maniacs gb apbmociutD i aris GQarsiranacce, Garrrurhes git Qarssrisr Wd golet uarurilen aera @e@rrifu sae wT maleda- irs erearcpal fs Oe eepicdaer: Bac puhkacr sult if os CLp on [Dai » Lipsenl ate supsé oles, Fioumsct, oun Cpsmpssir, meron G ah, spGurapsath, yah Beoer pb Bem eas Qarwur 6 sar, sor Purveninv isin, GOB GoAH BABAK CHT» Bo Riper ai QunrepgiGuT G oar wipe (Heicir Gia dea mOwradevrr ib onset-| Qourdsriler crew cire_ent— jer 94005 Barret 5 OE = Qwsaui LiuariGergi Oreo er Ge ry. Gea Ul Dai peter HTL Ge Lit Leb ascil gyi. pr Girt. Bvseumsselg esppOuorr plasit, Gp giGorsHasall gub, Devseignd, tera ee) grils Slab, apap Ganrdsoup pees it wlgyth aremcorib, GCrogued gallunb, Apu, aay. di wad stuacisyt> gilisrs sila aun) Gareth. iim srorgp Gereigytd UsiruTr® srspib GQurgelsy Ga Ad aswreri @ aghang,. Bo@akeosilonh, pases se apse Carcryilé Gens paranrpbdenaule syonin.s oui Guar opera rer pralsaph @iaRer ps. Citizen, Civilization orsrm Garbact GodGor GuoryAuter , Civis, Civilis atio aah Garos af of ob a Carer ion, 9CeGuTea Bia DasSor Gen dacir ores Hv ri SaGar saaareghGeGu mat, pargebelunt, malas, y Gardseh Coral. saa Qudhwugad pat, saeonrd Tug gy Gugh Qavgongayn @Magub. pay Po H inchendo caer LOL Dwr GREG Antu pari Playin, Gatien porpinttust sugguenza areiss. garth erste ap eudipit edsrirt— sal roms 6) nee OTe 2 4 jaar amiagiuss QadsAumsepyrd, slleracvsieniy — st(ha ae atari Gud oellypi earl @asrps. ater om Aw gr 19 1é riser riage hornat, usGarcrusrib Quai spray. jortiont_ Qypdadles. worbmalliéu. woulterGsgienm Gary. Liutsrujth a & Fm sy. aad Geb Civilization Gerd Boot F Gairvaerss. anGuiryls Gere .sjsiray. wt a QiGuread mst dso arg Ho Moral to Bug parades anmpumss ssitG Munn; sje isert. By A misc Meise satatar snndsayth Put adork Qaire ior. av Pumadirs Tip DoudRuivsehs csirapag Gwxhmtb MUAY AGUA RA srainRManGep, sD Awe THe arose agin “ese retin Bsuayvnb'’ storm Glewsuy ‘Qvomundtatus OgamdsrGius "' srt Gewcruyonh paler Aphasoa. Disrhysiied proto crargyih Gherwveniyih Uswiirg) rel Gur@aid osuwrejg usury. spend grade par om maul, par anpamaura Dum woswecrrajh a ey wa ahalud goourd, Qurgshusd gremmwred indicisir 2p arg iuTimmatmnpbh, apswGorimdisdoruyrh ede girs LiL uGsscui Casingr. Aa Caters vietri0g ery, wiraily tH To bss egos calsrs Does. Cromt (Turney sey ueant (The Great culture traditions) Gra, a eaasr Gulu gralsmsdaruph, Usmrer@acarugeh alle Ayiosrei Qorufeire? ¢Arnald Toynbee) srsiruant (The civilizations) ergy Lp pirated Lr esr ur i ent. wy th Magog Gerso MordRusironnt. Qerary gelipi cioasr @i srafsaph arg moagib Bwourddm, versus Unig ie meals Qsaeradeb (Hindu Civilization) 41) sa praia aarp aibOuraps Qucbur gy tsiniire os HERA oss. ay sourey grate Lidncukaypmiiner evar ie (Culture and Civilization) ocr Qaersgq Lin oS. Savion: GanhiIigasrpsrt. jen Qasr om gb Beales sary Osa Corigag) uomurly aro Sl ArT wion g afl araigpb. Spt udu at CorLuIGaa da oiler wists GMACarsinns Aevavjponnd oijcs map gb yAearG garden gubAend Su sduencir Gagiurané arcmrverib. Tbs eK losreiarsienin gay Glarair a ysora ars iosrson ool “wirgith omy wrougyth Gaahit sa gh asirenud ila ‘Wired Errore seguir" of eb @acuIc_ Heirerasr. Ap sGeribue soy Am, Qaréiann. Teri, mos, gwsGaer ouryprea ctr Aevrent erayth | Coreg, i@, oot sow umIAciig Auwu8s, ged Ble 149s gy, mroerGueirged aufsnruth QarOdgd arcenpmnd Cant end oor grim, ciirg pias sreytb Ganson, wires Gud Qoiruh Guge Qoimawa sraiim Pagbm inevHev, 2 cin Qadarh auntaysinany crotsgyth euiths Qari Mud ersiresse al Bt umurcyshs ole ae Carlur@aGersrCm aa msurin. pba Mama pera aurruybsred sysmar List Os sen SG wus Zug srsinHorGepb. GlarovarcnFunt GY LMI OS songs Aeaidso aug Moirept- i ofr, Gemeueh, Qeneh s_olaegih Pv, syd fase 2091) Gor swe Verougeorgy mmm Harargy2 Mwah a @pGa: iirinrih yi eno 1wS weer ug Aung Osreagl asiauans Hwsyed cicmidaron Gury Saw Sat QevsPuiaed guid moc Gerona. eaiiph etre ® sre gyemaitey con dardeot spon bgyarer gir [ns apilig orpobd obs aor ps hoe, ayeg aionteh we ssyrerg san mys GarsivGub. ai ayfur sulih fob aps aregSgyib, soert gGorentutr Gu ont GQederdge_po arog Say gulipt cramer Gg) .9iger rs Glarcieaaale) spvsrorcsy woramtb sjmewetsvdy. 12m ars Gurhis urivierah, such, ob 50h, aeGrire we Aiowsougp, wswo Bw. gat votre a wpal juror. Dis sous Sor apfur @ gpepyb, Qed Hur i AsrQcQe sigosacnrd cierhOupmor. an_Guoryi ov Flow BosAwuiast us emer. Ghroorepsyt, wir ysouk co Osweials apworss Gatos sadgamuasir vergiais) GrobQudmer. eFAeort rite, Be Sussrair jar ipuide sis Mapdar® — Slyrellt creirerG srex gy LOdent. sumiNlu ou RotwuPany deos5upd , Lys ‘or nein, Fouocrepaladu alu Cgburasaslen us surge yout Dubai Sorcnycrem sensed gyreruyei hy Doras gi sonmisaler Cariur@aérd amen gyb sul | Ustruriion srimonh Pork Ruyart Or sir gith tyvepeer mg . Ges Obs, sip vsti Aor) Dusiryssir Pusuden ) Mg yorwGawrb. ao at ins ups As gb wep dg serch of 207 ep & Dswit. Dowsrepur gb s_dsgitadner usd apa grisea Moss O55 ic Cosi@b. rie grvacir Uda gp SHS Zimaywu Leva volar QosGut umcujstrds Garon Dsiraror. FLOSS RLS QoiGer spect sullipt sopaiw uw Liphaapdencrncorasih, ee WL gpa psteruyh oN sae on Suysirare. 8S WOILUTei OU usren_aaronb Gar_a® suoipudedr Copalms pr@aGe Gb, &ps Hone grOaBarrGwd Qshuritsy aturasCarGup s 4s Aerity GQaravyagssriash. 2séarvsSeo sob prog Lite_upb, Dorms, opdon sup, Qlsirayud wad Qeircy situ soon tbiuysrarg. suilperiiys tyatiued syminty, 21g unos ioe Top Q)wra on gaara). Sips ‘gI@al@é GrdxGacnyw GodDmar uri, sAypem Qasei@uim Carp nysooma Rhdihear pr@ee se wou gf. Qeanlo RpsMmerciuisdioph Felipwri ocd snes boréanmasiis Copter srOaiG septutoltst Code grveGar Fhe QoidMudegptr Curd Qadcumladarigs a soidrnw. corGa Bagraiu riiyw arbi auGtt (Stoic) arPacr 2Grmos Bugre srg lb orci gy SOsKeiinc oii ert ssriaGarn ysicuTGy tes aly De Yavte srorb Aer gi aca Loom iLirrei gn Lo ary. uigcBusirerg. “wir gih ose usiraun ih Gaabii'’ ar “aurgireniih jpririnrdy asagirin ts)" sro ayti sagt B/D ib cision smd non 55 St. Fucnrgib, Ysspb Qeorkatv, jptcwsency Gurstirm adaredor Danaaryrufsy tb GlarmGer syryssir, AossérCgart Gurreir Din? aiMinrmtveter scr ANS Gi mo OWUIGansarmert. Hepasir Ror soars OosAgcurt sary moog Hager RIT 10 dh Lurgyd Goons Curdonb gpsoouib wpreruri_ira Oat om, péAeyraMalur Suchpsrwewlag aon Qwiup Bus ss a guamit crowd weep lui § Gloribyyrssrt, aja Hewrafu Wee aoe wap haysireriri. Qorsarags Ae smeomart, sori yeu uirbiuier seg Wut eoemrgrntr srg gtor guiadguo sna Bvsiu ErvaGarrs sD, sudmer apeverari@ git Loser cen ator (AM gaAsr nant. Kosras He rowers Ars geracir sree wh, sures Garcironanar srorgyeh sri osironeoupih opgrh asi nar quoi ondadatr grout aOssds Sh Gpéleer pt. Gurr ifs Cagiderar Hosarvgyrira movebuagen ge Gugyib ewer, ydgh Guerra Frowsmagytd itp . . i s ‘ i 5 mera y 5 5 s , Linda, Cobuvacawe wie, Seplnprrem dongs ord iayib agGapstiui_aid Qhbiwerciurrsirsnue oN faur Stas ar. ure sGdmiater’s CuraGargy crag erepBugsns pirsir ae ort, GurpPQuuiCaudggrr, wevset, coubGQwt wmréesir % wéaGorr® QGolara aumipbg wbsviacr. Guitpstcerairmto Pe soomaole sriomdenmipluny iwirs 2_poarelsyin, | aéaras iain soip wdseMih sont ss ouphgysrersi. 19m afer pageangse agit vein, gzwslsar aurripre orrées fium asa gsireain QsFoveu GCungyib suri 5a. (g)Lben uircrono ang fant, MGs, Chere Gopejont Listrs Gatrcionaaapar aprobrin Gruso Si. Ger Gor, Corti CurarGapt MOrént wi OGu a witwaniasin sr Go méader mTaiath 2pdnarissir erebr py uh Ba waht Giuouendsgeh afb Ponedvaeged Gri Lyateraaw us eu orstrpr ny Blasi. q By. &. xburomapsrepaeiund, Misvgallcr syst 2, yéshar sn7Galie Surap QesPumntro wire Piro arpbart. satus CoAa grub Derar Gur mado ees, ys serous Me criuysirencit. & Oo pr@aiigig: aps ruud great Sibir cvsssruuri ota oy bo, Jeanna its 5itor gulp wry Cu Bard Nuicncor upd, Glavdeesrminacaruyih wir 5 airrtasir. alr torgp slau, riQ@edsour, Gumiisnuwi Gurreie pari asi, Qheaunoor (fl onem a mei ga arty ag aariasir. hii B) ep ws Gls Guory) sreray igre syd. onalary Asr3 mar. (Aaah su faysirar uss) QvaR water Sur yp guid, ips Dard, ugtifens Qsgtor QaéAuib Gatope Guorplutguyib uueTs grr giGwer. wire’ apaurs, Qrrioshlaa hordsspd cysrer so eyseghs maps, wudAe core ewbrc Wripw iyeeuracr aomronlodsautesir. —colluire_soisir, wijpsirer ylang . oo SanG@pe Lit box mortises Qube Gercsulu Cader Derek & ott Gey CL Gio sir my (Toleronce, Ecumenism ) Supt sysaepes Gla dls pdt erigs aovlercr Tor airgyt angpionpsscrfted epsven oy Tar YMG GB arate a ami) IGUAL Limgpenmmears — snanueT oor Yyomrayrn sa anpula Gardiujsir wtb PEs avast pie NusD GES BeBawris 5 Gea Curt Hirt. eudoo Guar it Qari seoctursp wats Glinsbou curr iN urremresr @Lirst, Larupsall

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