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Our output is all about the Security Council of the United Nations///// So, first of all what is

the Security Council of the United Nations?///

This Council is composed of 15 Members/// where 5 of them are permanent member which
are China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, and the United States//// On the
other hand, the other 10 are non-permanent members which are elected for two-year terms
by the General Assembly.

The Security Council of the United Nations is responsible for the maintenance of
international peace and security. It is the only group or agency within the UN that
can make decisions which are binding on all members of the United Nations.

When talking about globalization, the Security Council of the United Nations is dedicated to
cultivating peace and security and maintaining good relations between nations. This
is in fact important to globalization because Terrorism, can be an aspect of the growing
threat associated with globalization. Also, the avoidance of hazards and civil threats may
eventually overtake economic issues as the primary driving force behind local, national, and
international politics.

In our output we looked for Issues or articles handled by the security council

A particular issue that the Security Council of the United Nations recently addressed
is the issue of climate change that could lead to the worsening of existing conflict risks.
According to the Assistant Secretary-General for Europe Central Asia and the Americas,
Miroslav Jenča, climate emergency can cause danger to peace. Climate change can drive
conflict and can worsen the already tense relationship between several rural groups,
especially between farmers and herders. While others have been forced to leave their
homes or engage in illegal activities including joining extremist groups in order to survive.
Undesirable happenings such as the unprecedented sea levels and frequent extreme
weather events depict a dangerous future of the planet and humanity. As climate change is
poised to further intensify /// and lives and livelihoods are being threatened by the increased
competition and displacement of communities,//// every individual is certainly affected by
this particular issue.

According to Jenča, Pacific to Central and Southern Africa, South Asia, and Latin
America, climate change is presumed to displace more than 140 million people within their
national borders by 2050. Impacts of climate change have already further magnified the
conflict in the Middle East and the Horn of Africa. //// In the economy, this issue can inhibit
the economic development in many conflict-affected countries /// in which the majority of the
population depends on agriculture //// this issue also is causing the increase of human
insecurity of people that are dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods making
them migrate or seek out alternative and illegal sources of income and causing an increase
in the cost of war. /// Therefore, the impacts of climate change actively destroy the capacity
of countries and states to end conflicts.
Globalization affects climate change negatively by promoting global production
and international trade. A predominant factor in the emission of GHGs is its direct
relation to world gross domestic product, not only in manufacturing but also
industrial agriculture and transportation.

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